THE U. OF M. DAILY. |E WE ARE THE PEOPLE." - ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY,d Formerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. New Wareroomis, - - - - - - - - - Corner of Mai and Liberty Streets. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. --AT- PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find o-rs aE 's M-s:tc SToR=, 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. Owing to the Expiration of Patents, We are selling Nickel Plated Centre Draft Lamps at -greatly Reduced Prices. $1x50 wiii go as far this year as $2 50 would last year. "RED STAR' OIL SAFEST AND BEST in Market, Delivered in our own Cans to Customers in any part of the City at 10 cents per gallon. OIL CANS of all sizesand at Lowest Price. Shoe Brushes, Blacking and Toilet Articles at One-Third inless than usual Prices. DCAP + & + QOmPAnY. The latest in the market, manufactured by Rufus Waterhouse, New York, Cleveland Brown & Co., Boston, and Cut- ter & Crossette, Chicago, at D Sign of the RED STaE. GO TO - - ___---For HIGHEST CLASS TAILORING. New Goods, new Fall Goods, new Winter Goods, Frill Dress Suitings, Silk Yestings, Overcoatings, London Suitings. Trouserings a specialty. Largest aiidniost complete stock hanthe city, athe lowest prices. Please call and exane. NO. 2 EAST WASHINGTON ST., near Main. 44 SOUTH RAIN STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICH. s I I i / L L . J sELL . 16 AND ALL e ts cGIEn&' cpplIES, Ice Cream, Soda Water, and FRESH LUNCHES, ETO, we keep the very best line of In the City. Leave Orders for all ATHLETIC + GOODS. YOU CAN GET What you tmt, eold the Price will be -ight, at BROWN'S DRUG STORE, Chemical' Physical Apparatus' M C. P. and Rare Chemicals, Microscopical Supplies, EBERBACH & SON. ' ..o HAVE EARNED AN SENVIABLE 4 R EPTATION 0 OUTR TRADE SOLICITED A.D. SEYLE1{& SON Opp.Court House. J. B. MIDDLECOFF, Type-Writing. Short-Hand ant Mimeographing, Thesea, Cor- reapaiitelc-. Lecuren, als Proofs fur 3 S South P ahica lon of a thkinds. Univ. Ave. O GIDEI1}17I + I1 OEEiL STUDENTS' RADQUARTERS. "Boy," if yon are Looking fur any 9f~ss friendi, take a chair In tiene Oeidentsi 94I uffee for ten minutes. Yn wil ersj se them. Fiveo'clock dinner, Sundays. Special rates. THE CAMPUS. F. R. Stark, law '9i, is at Pierce- ville, Pa. The Hobart Guild gives a social next Friday evening. O. L. Everts, law '9i, is practic- ing law at Fresno, Cal. P. C. Gilbert, law '9i, is practic- ing at Traverse City, Mich. Frank Decke severely sprained his shoulder last Saturday, in the game at Ypsilanti. Qnite a number of the students have gone horne to vote, especially those living in Ohio. The Amherst alumni of Chicago have made up a generous subscrip- tion for their college eleven. NV. A. Applegate, law '9i, has been admitted to the Pennsylvania bar, and located at McKeesport, Pa. J. S. Barcus, '94 lit., president of the Northern Oratorical League, spent Saturday and Sunday in the city. Harvard seniors have decided on caps and gowns for class day. Con- siderable trouble has been experi- enced at Yale on the same question. President Dwight, of Yale, does not wish women in the class rooms; but sighs for an annex, which he cannot have for lack of money.- Ex. Mr. Kenson, who captured the 220 yard dash so handily, hails from Lawrence University, Wis., where he enjoys quite a local reputation as a sprinter. Athletics have been neglected at West Point for years, but now Wil- liams, last year's Yale half-back, is coaching the foot-ball team, which plays regularly. The department relay race fell through Saturday, as the medical team refused to run the only other BILLIARD PARLORS contestants that appeared, viz: the Elegantly refitted during the past summer, high school team. Nice lunch counter in connection. Harvard's GleeBanjo and Mando- BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, lin Clubs will give concerts during STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR. the Christmas vacation at Washing- ---THE ARGUSS-- ton, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Mil- waukee and Chicago. fINE JOE f1"rT IN@, J. W. Durfee, lit '92, who is lo- AT LOw PRICES. cated in the U. S. Pension Office, FIRST NATIONAL BANK at Detroit, spent Sunday in the OF ANN ARBOR. city. He expects to return the sec- Capital,$100,0000. Surplus and Profits, $30,000. Transects s general banking business, fur- ond semester and graduate with '92. eigeeachane sold, letters of credit prcured for travelers abroad. The alumni of the University of C. H. RICHMOND, Pres. P. BACH, V. Pres. Nebraska have contributed a hand S. w. CLARKSON,c ashier. some banner to be presented to the champion class foot-ball team. GE-R.A.]TG~E-RS This is a good way to create an in- terest and work up new material. Mr. Blair, '93 medic, won the UUIIUUL1'UI NlIUNGU pie-eating contest at the hallowe'en N ,Now open for reception of pupils. social, given by the young people's society of the Congregational church Friday evening. His time was seven New -Styles in seconds. The next best time was LINEN COLLARS. made by a young lady, she accom- plishing the feat in ten seconds. The University of Chicago has New Effects ,in bought the stock of Calvary & Co., ) NECKWEAR. the well-known Berlin dealers in old ',.j books, forming a library of 280,ooo 1 volumes and 12o,ooo dissertations in New Ideas in all languages. Among these are WHITE SHIRTS 130,000 volumes of Greek and Ro- man Archaeology and classics, and 15,ooo volumes of journals. Mr. Wright, the much talked of phenomenal sprinter of the medical TAILORS AND FURNISHERS. department, who was expected to show his heels to the field in the moo yard dash, disappointed his friends Handgome and admirers. He afterwards ap- OVERCOATINGS. peared in the dressing room and offered to wager any amount of money with "Mike" Murphy that $ty]igh he could outrun the winner of Sat- UITINGS. urday's race.