THE U. OF M. DAILY THE TWO SAS AGENTS FOE ~ YOUMANS" AND KNOX HATS. Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Furnishings. Call and see uss. *The J. T. Jacobs Co., The J. T. Jacobs Co., The J. T. Jacobs Co., 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. N. B.-We still hsave a nice assortment of Light Weight Overcoats to be closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices. ADDl Arbor Ntaum Lafy, CO~ A.L. GEORGE L. MOORE, ( s+t+ WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL., Folt tine ot stt Coslege Test Boos, including Low soad Medttiookus, by bhe etoebs. RAESTOSTCALL, oN Cheapestplace for 1Not Books andi Fosotsin Pens in the city. Freshmen crowd in. Cotn alsng SPECIAL RAE OSUDENTS. 1 old friends. I nowt have my entire stoek at my store on NO. 6 S. 155 1N.T.T Office,- 23 South Fourth Ave.l No.1.1 WEST WAiSIIINGTON STREET. GOI.. 2LOCE. WTuAHR'S BOOKSTORE, 0OWN TO N. Every Stsudent will save money hy butying University Text-Books and all su ppliest itHeadquarters. We allow specittl disesunt ott LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS. DENTAL. BOOKS, iii shirt, every Blook tosed in theI Unives1t 5 ,0tt 0(10 Blank Books at lowest prices. LEADING BOOK STOBE IN TIIE CITY. lRi hmond Sfraight QuIt. C orurunicatlons. No. 5 " CIGA ETTES.Editoes U. OPn-M.ODAILY. CIGAR TTES. In your accounrt of the Field Day Cigarette Smokees who se areilling to pay alihelm races, pu~blishled in your~ last issue, '-5 mote than the trite ce harged toe the ordinarsry1 1 olsay "Burgess watt ushedclose- aAheBRNDspeio l y by Hunteruinte ftttal heat, and tt The Richmond Straight the result twas very much iti doubt Cot No.1 Cigarettes are made trom the hight- eat, mot deleately Slavored and highest eost until what looked very muds like an Gold Lest grown in Virginia. This is the Old and Original IBrand of Straight Cat Cigarettes, intenttional 0fou1 by Wright, put and wan brought ot hy us in the year 5185. Bewrentf imitations, and observe thalthe Hunter out of the race." And also firm seame as below is an every paehage. The ALLEN& GINTERt Brnch that "Hunter's protest ovas not al- Oe the Amerean Tobaecn Co. Manufactturers,. -. Richmond Virginia. lowed, although Mr. Murphy scored Wright severely for the foul." Ink___________ad ___04dc; In reply I'would like to say thtat Capital. $50,000. Natlso indt Profits, $7,00. Mr. Wright ran in that race with a Does a general Sashing business, ways ins- terest on Saving Deposits. Hsi safety spratned ankle, which has since been it. KEMPF,Pwets. BoF. H. BELSERI, Caohiee. examined by D~r. Nancrede, whose Bash suee Satsrday evening. only wondler is that it lid not paiti Ann Arbo a Savings Bank him to such an txtent as to miake it Ann Arhor Mith. Cadet Stoek, 10,000. Suepluis, $ilo00s. impossible for hint to attemtil to run0 Oeganioed sider the GeneraltBankling Laws ot this state. Receives Deeosits, buy~s and at all. Mr. Hunter dots not tori tells exchantge on the ptincipat eities ot the United States. Draftscashed ueos peopee never s:lid claim that Wright fouled identifieation. Offieeot CHISTIN sMACn,Pwets., him, as Wrigbt can oni the, other sitle W0. B. HARRIAN. Vite Pres. ConS. ,. HSCOCK,dashsiee. of Burgess and stopped cuiming at You tProbimbly have some Brokcent Arti- 50 yards. cit of - Mr. Mutirphy didi not sty a word JEWELRY OR A WATCH OUT about Wtrigbt fouling anyone. So OF REPAIR, if as 'was said "the runners looked WM. ARNOLD, 36 MAIN STRtEET, for tricks of sonme kind" they-oert Isathe Plate toago. disappointed. L ~ To pay for his foolishness in going D into the races Saturday. Wright will ___________________ go on crutches for the next three or FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, four weeks. AN OnSERVE. MILLINERY AND ART GOODS! 35 Eatr tontet, Amen, Donnelly and Lilly will HORT AND AKE A play on the Manhattan Athletic foot- Sn uu u ±, CU E ball team during the remainder of IT WILL PAY YOU. Shorthand Scheol, Sew the season-. Buding, 20 South State Street.1 NO'TC.-Thle.'thlietiic lBoardlotill mteet Wednesdlay evenitng at 6:30, ini Alpha No hall. It is diesired totfilli thsree vacancies ini the boardl-onoe froni the law department, one front thte lit, anti out fromi the Itomeop. Oter business of inmportance will conte before the Bloard. C. A. IlotwEo:, Pres. NOTC.There will be an I. 0. 0. F. social at the hail of the Washlt tenaw Lodge of I. 0. 0. F., No. 9, on Wednesday evening, Nov. 4, t89T. All students belonging to the order are cordially invited to at- tend. Complimsents of CoOIITTEE., NiOTICE-All Sophomores should leave orders for class canes at M oore's" book store at once. CANE COMs. NOTICtE.-All omembers oif the, Junior Latw Foot-ball Team will meet daily on the ctaipus for prtc- lice. Bly order of tht ctptaino. NOtTICE.-Alctndidhates for '93 foot-ball elevcin are reoqueslend to appear dlaily on te ctmpous for practice. Cori. Noiuit.-'93 1Li1 eleven oilltnowv practice oltoly onthlstcampus. G. 11. BvouRT, Capt.r IBUSINESS PIRECIORY. G-IIzj ~SwINFWS Ltvstiv, IIAttKLEODlBAcGGAGtE LIoN. Orders fortratinspates, tordoitisg,te., is,, isis attendtedito. r0 Teleph~onet tIS. _1 N. Novit St.,toppo 5'Post Offic. MISS JUDITH GRAVES, Nuic S itore. ;T-lE .- EXCEI,4IOlt - IAULiJRV Bualothoit~ietnpovedt tmoaohiery, and is ire. ptared to turneoutoirt clstok on otno-w P'rices roeobol o nd twork e.guaranteed.ENo- 20lEast Hurost. . t;(A I" i fthii, I'2ineot_ - -0. jSMARTIN, DEALER, IN, Cloth Caskets, Metallic AND COMMt~ON COFFlINS. J. A. POLHEMUS, ALSO 'BUS HACKO AND BAGGAGE SINS, EWorth IsMainStreet. RINSEY & SEAROLT, Bahers and dealers in Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and Feed, 6 and 8 E. 'Washington St. J. HALLER, Repairisesa epeeiltey. d4i6,SOonTHMNST. JS. ID. STIMSONT & SONS, State Street Grocers. Studesnts ptatroltilge espieciatlly solicited. 24 S. sT'rts t+; S'1R u'. -A NEWY LINE 11F SropT.%S, R aZOPP, Etc. I NOTIC-All those wvho have not _. AT paid their Gynt. subscriptions will} greatly oblige the committee by re- milling amount of subscription to CALKINS' PHARMACY. 'T. H. IIINURSIAN, Treasurer, 67 E. Washington-st. NOTICE: '92 INDEPENDENT CAU- CUS-The Independents of the class of '92, lit., will hold a caucus for " the nomination of clans officers next Saturday morning, Nov. 7, at so 1 o'clock, in Room A. 71 FortSt.,West, - Detroit. Mich.