THE U. OF M. DAILY f. f . 1 r . Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during the College year, by THE U, OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription price S2.5t per year, invariably in advance Single copies 3 cents. On sale at Sheernan s and Post Office news stand at 12 o'clock, noon. Subscriptions may be left at the office of the DALY, Opera House block, at Sheehan's, at Stofflet's, or with any of the editors. Communications should reach the office by o'clock P. n. if they are to appear the next day. Address all matter intended for publica- tion to the Managing Editor. All business communications should be sent to the Busi- ness Manager. THE U. of M. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Xich. EDITORS. RALH SToNE, '92, Managing Editor. S. W. CURTISs, '92, Assist. Managing Editor. G. L. CHAPMAN, ', Assist. Managing Editor. J. C. TRAvis, '2, Business Manager. F. E. JANEsTTE, '93, Assist.Business Manacer. C. W. RCKETx,'4, Assist. Business Man'gr. H. D. JEwELL. P. G. w.H.DELLENAc,'92 F. D. GRsrE,'i2. F. E.RuGais,'92. W. P. PREes'5. .. I. ANsa.,. 'Ci (. . Dygot.'9. c1'. WLLt, L'94. IT has been rumored that Messrs. Grosh and Pearson have left the rugby team. This is not so. Bothi have signified |their willingness to play until the end of the season, and are regular attendants at the train- ing table. So FAR, Ann Arbor has been sin- gularly free from disturbances of any kind among the students. Gen- erally, the 31st of October is charac- terized by wild pranks of all kinds and more or less lawlessness, but this year Hallowe'en was unusually quiet. At other colleges, however, this state of affairs is not so happy. At Yale the trouble is in the class of '94. The faculty has taken a very effective means for curbing these turbulent spirits. The blow struck at their athletic interest is a harsh one and crushes out all desire for further lawlessness. Our classes have been warned against creating any disturb- ance on the campus, especially in the form of night, class rushes. The faculty undoubtedly have in mind some similar means for restraining this rough custom. It would be well to exercise a little care. AV clip the following from the Indiana Student: The presidentof Ann Arbor recently made an address in which he said that the gambling and drinking among stu- dents must be stopped. The affair no doubt was exaggerated by the newspa- pers to the great detriment of the Uni versity, but the fact that the president regarded the matter so seriously that he felt called upon to openly denounce the evil custom is a severe comment upon our sister college. Once more we are obliged to ob- ject to the University of Michigan being labeled astit istin the above clipping. This time the aggrava- tion comes from a western college, which ought to know better. The careless manner in which many of our exchanges persist in calling us Ann Arbor University, is very ex- asperating. In the present case the error is inexcusable. In regard to the subject of the comment we would say, that the newspapers have twisted President Angell's remark so much that it is hardly recognizable. We emphati- cally deny that immorality is on the increase, but rather the opposite is true. The conduct of the students this year will bear out this state- ment. L. H. Sabin, '95 lit., has been confined to his room during the last week with rheumatism. The audience that greeted Miss lottie Williams last evening was not a very large one, but yet one that was easily brought to a very enthu- siastic state by the charming young actress, playing a street gamin, mes- senger boy, Italian convict and Irish lass, respectively. She appeared her best in ''A Messenger boy,'' portraying in its best, natural life in helping those who were suffering, always at the right time and in the right place. Her change to a con- vict and imitation of the same was without reproach. She will appear here again this season, and no one should miss seeing her. BUSINESS LOCALS. tNotices inserted in this column at the rate of 10 cents per line. special rates tee longer time, nd extra ines furnished by applying at the DLYhiefc.l LosT-A scarf pin, consisting of a cluster of three garnets. Finder please return to DAILY office. FouND-A silver bon-bon box with the initials 'M. S. Z." engraved upon the cover. Owner can have same by applying at 85 E. Washington street. WANTED.-By a competent lady a position as matron in a Fraterity house. Referetsces given. Address U. of M. DAILY. Anewline of Neckwear just received and no better styles will be found in town. You will say they are one-half the price you pay for them elsewhere. Mack & Schmid. Rooms--very desirable suite in new house No. 5 Monroe. Furnace heat and use of bath. Price reasonable. Don't forget we keep sweaters, best quality, $83.0to $4.25. Mack & Schmid. Rooms. 48 Liberty street. Hot and cold water. Bath, closet, furnace, etc. "Michigan" and "Ann Arbor" sou- veir spoons at Watts', 10 S. Main street. Hot and cold batlis 10 cents, at Post Office Barber Shop. Full line new styre collars, 4 ply, 15c or 2 for 25. Mack & Schmid. DANCSNG.-Mrs. Annie Ward Foster will open a class in dancing, also in Delsarte in November. Alt swill have evening assemblys after class. Ladies of the U. of M. will find it greatly to their advantage to call on us when in need of Cloaks, Dress Goods or Fancy Dry Goods. Mack & Schmid. e ^I H+ IAN & Q, fade pt., have received for tue opening of college 20,000 Books, new and second hand of all kinds, Greek, Latin, French, German, Law aid Medical Books, which they will sell at Greatly Reduced Prices. Mathematical Instruments and Laboratory supplies. See our Note Books for 1891-2. ct IstheLEAD1NG SCHOOL ofBUSINESS. -Four departments-Commercial, No text-book -- or manuscript work-&nglish. Shorthand and Penmanship. Elegant building, large at- -tendance, efficient instructors, work thor- -- ough, living expenses extremely low, $2.25 to P'2 50 per wecek; ttdents assisted to psitios. For calogue, address P. R. CLEARY, President. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. 1AS. M. STAFFORD,ITime Table going into effect September 13, 1691. I Arrival of trains at A nn Arbor. J.- I. STAFFORD GOING NORTH. FINE The Loader No. 2. Through Mail and Express... 7 40 i. m, . o.. 4 . Ann Ar oedo Aecom.1 0n.m in Fashions 111No. 6.lre Passenger. '05 p GOING SOUTH. MTMerciant Tail- No 1. Clare and Toledo Accom......i 30 a. m. No.3. Through Mail.,... ...0 21 p.m. o r 1 n g. F i n e No.5.cAi Arbor & Toledo Accom.. 7 20 a. m. Tree'd and 5 run between Ann Arbor and lin e of P ie ce T C ted toaly. 1Ceetra tesiSandard Tieme. All Trains Daily escept Sunday. Goods to select w. H. BENNETT, R. S. GREENwOOD, frois. Call for Gen. Pass. Agent. Local Agent. a ine fing MIGHIGAN GENThtAI - suit. "The .iagara Falls Route." 19 S. MAIN:ST., No. 19 TIME TABLE (REVISED) JUNE, 28, 181. ANN ARBOR MitH. S. Main Street. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. EASTWARD. STATIONS Maill Day eShiN YNi'tiAtl Kai LEAVE YOUR ORDERS -AT- F. 0. NEWS STAND' Newspapers, Magazines, Periodicals, Fine Confections, Cigars and Tobacco. NO. 12 W. HURON ST. G? LAN OL IOTTSE Thursday Eve., November 12 Exp Lim Exp Ex. Exp Acc. --A.M AM. v.M. P.M. P. M. P. M. AM Chicago, Lv.) 705 9005122' 10 9125 10104 55 Jaeksmn.......'ass425 30 8 47 44015 850 Cihelsa.......31'9S.. .11 0 7lii9 42 De-e--.. --4-14... . 5 72 595 Delhi Mil... 4301.....-... ...... AN ARBOR.. 4 242162.6 ti2 sat56 OS 745101 Ypailati....591! 5140 ... 9 56 62,3 80, 102 Wayne nc 527........ 041 t310 50 Detroit, Ar 615 i 45 7 2010 45 7 301 92011125 A. M, A.M. A. M.11'. M. P. M. .A. Buffalo.......... 81( 40 7 25, 3 15 6 3_. WESTWARD. Chi. N'th STATIsN. Detr Chi. Lim Eve. Oiere Pae. Mail Exp hap ExpLExp. Lim Ex. Ace. Buflo,........ 1200 630 945340 12MN 00 A.nM. A. . . . si .. PaM. P'a. Detroit,cLv... 52 171 1 140 9125 9154 45 WayneJunc 9000...... 8251 .. . 954 519 Ypsinanti..... 9 22 t 10 2 05 8 47 ...10 15 540 ANNARORt.. 9135 8 39 2 199518 lot153.195 Delhi Miles..9 4 ..... ..... 915.. . . Dexter..... 955... . ..... 923..... ..... 017 Chelsea..... 15150.'s 9s.j9 .., . 6. e8 Jnck-sn..... i1 0 091 a, 102 i is 514565 P.M. Y.M. 11.M. A.M. A, .... hicago. Ar. 755 355 t9lls0650 490 s 5111s ODaily. *Sunday excepted. 0. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HA YES, NELLIE MIIE( NRY G. P. & T. A. Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor U ' The Queen of Soubrettes, will be here with her POPULAR COMPANY --ON- THURSDAY EVE., NOV. 12. The evening she was here last year she was delayed in Jackson and did not arrive here un- til ten o'clock p. m., and then gave her enter- tainmentasovrneanthermost enthusiastic au- diences ever in Ann Arbor. rt 1KA_