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November 03, 1891 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1891-11-03

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Ijc U. of A. Wai p.
Death of Ex-Judge Marston. that no account of the score was The U. of M. r OF YOUR -:- -
kept. Carpenter, Malley and Ae
Ez-Judge Isaac Marston died Sun- dkdpth enerk.MTheyUndAmes Over 2,700 students-the largestOR SOCIETY BADGE
day morning at his home in Westd the f wo, he iverset number in any American university WILL BE
team, of Chicago, which is composed t
Bay City. Mr. Marstn was fifty- o-are soaking up erudition at Ann
vof some of the best players selectedy Mailed to You Your
two years old at the time of his from eastern college teams, prom- Arbor. Some will go forth against -:Through Your
death. He was born at Armagh, ises to do good work. Ames is the public, to become long-haired NEW
Ireland, June 2, 1839, and came to lecturers; others to conspire against H APTE
this country in 1855. He entered the peace and dignity of the com- -A -
work in '89 at Berkley Oval, wherensnetsadoaruehetel-Un
the law department in 1859, and . monwealth, and to arouse the sleep- Upon -:- .:
ie virtually won the game from Yale PRICE
successfully worked his way through idg devils of litigation as spiders of -RIE --- APILIcATiON.
and gave Princeton the champion-
college by the help of judge Cooley. . the law; others are studying theI--
. .ship for that year. I'he team cx- -
He graduated in 1862 and immedi- birth and death of worlds in the
pects to slaughter Cornell onj(1
ately began the practice of law at pensgto aghe Uor 00 realms of cosmos and scheming to IST, ,
ayCt.AtrasadsrglheThanksgiving day. The UT. of M~. - t LIST
Bay City. After a hard struggle he catch comets by sprinkling salt on Manufacturers of Finest Plain
picked up a lucrative practice, and w orkif exertato their tails; others still, there areadeR oity BudgMs.
.sn e a r systematic work, if they expect to ' DETROIT, - - MICH.
very soon entered a partnersh win from either club ts year. disputing as to whether splints or a
with 1. H. Hatch, ex-member of plaster cast should be used in case
Congress. From this time on judge of a broken neck, and striving with
Meeting o the Repubican Cub.
Marston was successful both as a --microscopes to distinguish blood
lawyer and politician. Upon the Over a hundred and fifty students corpuscles from homeopathic pills,
election of Judge Christiancy to the were present last night at the meet- and varicose veins from healthy veins
U. S. Senate, in 1876, he succeeded ing of the republican club. The in a cork leg. The cause of science
that jurist on the Supreme Bench of meeting was addressed by speakers was never so prosperous at the uni- E
the state. He afterwards entered chosen from among the students, versity, as this year, and it shall go
into a partnership with Col. John some of whom were surprisingly hard hut that more thsings will be wvhesysuwanithe~sestssetrpoitansties
Atkinson, of Detroit. Personally eloquent and at times succeeded in discovered in heaven, earth and in Shoes at50e to$l a lair less than Asn Arbor
Mr. Marston was one of the most arousing the enthusiasm of the audi- Erebus than was ever dreamed of in prices, seni for rCatalogue to
lovable of men. His life was char- ence to a high pitch. W. C. Tich- the Newtonian philosophy, or the R. H. FYFIEI & @
acterized by the utmost purity and nor, president of the club, first evolution of Darwin, which seeksR*1 *
integrity. The alumni of the Uni- introduced Mr. R. A. Hall from inductively rather than by the elec- DETROIT, MICIL
versity lose an honored member in West Virginia, who gave an interest- tric light of knowledge, to establish
him. uing talk upon the condition of poli- man's relations to the tailless ape,by Chap. ,peler &j
Base Bal at Northwestern. tics in that state. Next came Mr. the hirsute covering of his shins.- University Outfitters,
Burke, of Pennsylvania. He was Adrian Press. 20 SOUTHSTATE-ST., ANN ARBOR.
The list of students from other at one time private secretary to
colleges who are now receiving in- Matt Quay. He succeeded in hold- Foot-Bali at Ypsi. Neckwear,
struction from the eminent lec- ing the attention of the audience for The foot-ball team of the class of Dress Shirts, Gloves,
turers and specialists in the law the prospects of a republican victory ,93 met with a most flattering vic-
school is too long for publication. fifteenminutes. Mr. Jewell discussed tory at Ypsilanti last Saturday. The Underwear,
Among others it has brought us a in this state. Mr. C. H. Towle, '92 team work was exceptionally fine,* GENTS' FURNISHINGS, o Best *
numberof athletes. Fred Poole,who lit, very ably pointed out the reasons the plays moving off with cloc
th l mvngof lo- mQ 1EO fB1LGO D ,
for the past four years has held the why Nebraska must go overwhelm- regularity. The game
cannon ball delivery of Stagg, the ingly republican this fall. Mr. Bur-a-ila n
noted Yale pitcher; Rich, the fam- net, who has taken a prominent o . . . English Mackintoshes,
plays. 'taking it all in all, '93 has .
outs first baseman of the champion part in New York politics, predicted ' Athletic and . . .
University of Michigan ball team; a sure victory for Fassett. Mr. .rs.team.'.sebscorewas4eto oOF tGymnasiumGoods
Patterson, the old Syracuse pitcher; MacKensey, the Ohio gentleman, o__FERYDESCRIPTION.
Moulding, Nisbet, Sauter and Mc- spoke very confidently of a substan-
Grath, who are too well known to tial republican victory for McKinley s
need further mention are all in the in to-day's election. The Republi- A result of Saturday's game at
law school. Warner, DePauw's left can club is a healthy organization Battle Creek is that so many players By Buying your
fielder of last year, is in the medi-- and promises to be a strong factor on both the Olivet and Albion elev-
cal school. A movement isalready in politics, during the campaign of ens vere injured, that neither Albion
on foot to raise $,ooo to send tse '9. nor Olivet will be able to put a team
team east to play with , Yale and on the field on the seventh. Tele- of us while we are here.
Harvard.-Northwestern World. The faculty of Yale have decided grams from Olivet and Albion con-
__niversity____ that the class of '94, as a class shall firm the report. CALLAGHAN & CO.
University Club. not take part in any athletic sports r e .CAH &
-- during their college course. This The students of Beloit all laid
At a recent game with the Y. M. action was taken because of a dis- PUBLISHERS,
C hold of a rope attached to a plow
C. A. at Chicago, the University turbance created on the campus, in and cut the first furrow for a build- Monroe St, Chicago.
Club did about as they pleased. which two tutors were roughly ha ing, the cot of which will beA
The touchdowns were so frequent dled.--Ex. $ooo oS tt tAnAbr

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