THE U. OF M. DAILY THE TWO SAMS. AGENTS FOE- -*6 YOUMANS" AND KNOX HATS. C~v Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Furnishings. Call and see us. -The J. T. Jacobs Co., The J. T. Jacobs Co., The J. T. Jacobs Co., 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. N. B-We still have a nice assortment of ILight Weight Overcoats to be closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices. Ann Arlio? Btain1Lglllily, CO0A L. GEORGE L. MOORE, (Mor tobe. WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A Full Linee ofsit College Text Sooks, including Law andl Medical IBoos, by the ctares ('ALL oN Chespese place tor lVote Boohksad Fountain Pelso in the city. Freshmen crowdtin. Come slsng SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. M_ Sold fri.ends.Isnow hsvemy entireestockhat mystore on No. GCS. M AINSTr. Off ice. - 23 South Fourth Ave "No. 1t WEST WASuINGTON STREET. GEO. IZ. M00 E WAH'SBOOKSTORE, DOWN TOWN.1 Every Student will save money by buying University Text-Books and all supplies aIt Headquarters. We allow. special discosut01n LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS. DENTAL BOOKS, in Abort, every Book (toed in the University. 5,C00 Bilank Books at lowest prices. LEADING BOOK STOBE IN THlE CITY. BUSINESS DTRLOTOL.Y. G-ILL SNrOW 's LIVERIY, IHACK AND) BAGtGAGiE :I.12 Orers for 5rains, parties, rdddieco, etc., S propti lyltened .Is Telephone68. 21 N.5Min.St..opp. 5os1 Office. S MISS JUDITH GRAVES, -IA NIST Htighest Grades Taught. Apply at Wilsey's Music Store. TI HE - X1CE5,SSOR - IAUN1 DRV I-is olthe improved '.imachiner y, and(1itopre. pared toturn outiirstt clsocworkon chore as- Prieesnreasoonable andsork aaarantrrd. No- i O Fast1 Hu(rlo l. A..If'. fliii Oft). ir pt 1RiQhmont{ Straight Qcit. I Unity Club. No. 1 - CIGARETTES. hthe Unity Clubi lakes pleasutre in Cigarette Smokers who anntouncing to the citizents and stu- r' are witing to Day a little more than the price dents of Anin Arbor wvhat it believes charged or the ordloaraoh h fns or r ' trado Cigrettes.,ilfind t etefns ore of lectures, Tho BRAD upeio t all others. papers, mutsical evenings, readings, Ile5b The Richmond Straightdrmtcad rteetin ns Cut No. IlCigarettes are made from the bright- drmtcad atetranet, eat, most delicately flavored and highest cost Gold Leaf grown in Virginia. Thin is the Old ever offered hy the Club, or from and Original Brand of Straight Cat Cigarettesny, te oreinti iy n and wa broghtout by us in the year 18t5. ay ole orei hsct.Ai Beware nr imitatios, and observe that the ispie famsinhv firm name an below tu ne every paehage. low as isprieofamsonhv The ALLEN & GINTER Branch Of the American TnbacconCo., been in the past, it proposes to take Manueacturers, - - Richmond, Virginia. a decided step in advance this sea- kgtjj-' ; NgalhjllvV jjk son, and sell season tickets admitting to all this splendid programme (> 9 Capita, $50,000. Surplus atad Protsi, $17,tM. Does a general Banhing business. Pays in- evenings, including mfrs. ILivermore's terest on Saving Depouits. Has saeety lecture and the musical concerts) for Deposit Boxes ear Rent. . KEMPF, Pres. F. N. BELSER, Cashier. one dollar. The course includes Banh oven Saturday evenng. the folloswing: Ann Arbor Savings Bank Mrs. Mary A. Livermore, lecture Ann Arbsr Mich. Capital Stoch, $50,000, surplus, $100.110. on "Columbius and the TDiscovery of Organized under the General Banhing Laws at this state. Receives Deposits, buys and America"; Coli Sylvestr arued, noenls ehange un the principal cities oC theesr United States. Orafts cashed upon proper of Detroit," Reminiscences of Wash- identification. Offlceras: CHRISTA MACa, Pres., ington in the days ofClyWesr W. D. HARRIMAN, Vice Pres.,ClyWesr CHAS. E. RISOCKeI, Cashier. and Calhouna"; Rev. Chas. Fluhrer, You Probably have some lBroken Arti- of Grand Rapids, "A Bay on tse doe of Rhine," spletndidly illustrated, 57 JEWELRY OR A WATCH OUT lantern views; and papers or lectures There are 1 90o college piapers in the United States.-Ex. The faculty of Northsw-estern ii versity has put a slot) to the catie DE. ARTIN, rusts. 't'his probably settles it for Cloth Caskets, M~etallic twvo or three years to conie. Cur-_ ANtI COMMON COFFINS. __ nell also prohibits class rushing snd t .LA. POLHEMUS, cane rushing this year. , 1I 8 ,~ ALSO 'BUS BTACK AND IBAGGAGE LINE. - - i - -20oct1h Main Street. NOTICE-There will be a meeting RINSEY & SEABOLT, of the Republican Club this Monday Bahersand dealern in evening at 7:30, in the law lecture Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and Feed, room. Reports of campaigns in the - tn E aheu t different states will be received. All J. H AL L E R, republicans turn out. T=T:m W. C. TiCHENOE, Pres. Rtepairinganspecialty. 4 3STH MN aST. NOTICE-There will be an I . t) I ~ s Q 0 t). F. social at the ball of the Wash-J PCTIOIT & SOS tenaw Lodge of I. 0. 0. F., No. 9, State Street Grocers. on Wednesday evening, Nov. 4, Students patriintage espeeially solieited. iS9I. All students belonging to 24a S. STATE STREET. the order are cordially invited to at- tendl. Complinments of ---A NEW lINit OF NTC.AlSophomorecs should leave orders for class canes at Moores bo tr toc. CN OM OIE-l ebr fte Junior L'asv Foot-ball 'Team will R azorp, meet daily on the campus for prac- tice. Bly order of the captain. i Eftc NOTIEa-All candidates for '951 foot-ball eleven are requested tot appear daily on the campus for _A,1-, practice. Coat. NOTICE.-'9~3ILit eleven will now ! CALKINIT$ PHARMACY. practice daily on the campus. G. B. DYGERT, Capt. NOTIUE.-All those who have not paid their Gym. subscriptions will greatly oblige the comsmittee by re- mitting amount of subscription to T. H. HINcssisSmsaTreasurer, S6.7 E. Wasbsntosrst. 7 F.~*$S,. West. - Detroit. Mtoh. OF REPAIR, WM. ARNOLD. 36MAnN STREET, Is the Pace ta go. 4ANDAL FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! 30Eatuon Sareet, SHORTHAND 3USE. IT WILL PAT YOU. Shorthand Sehool, New Buiding, 20 South State Street. from Rev. Camuden M. Cobern, Dr. Victor C. Vaughan, Prof. I-. C. Adams, Prof. John Dewey, Prof. E. L. Walter, Prof. P. R. dePont, Dr. Chas. S. Mack, Dr. S. A. Jones,, Dr. James N. Martin, Dr. Paul C. Freer, Mr. Max Winkler, Mr. W. J. Hussey, Mr. Moritz Levi, Judge W. D. Harriman, Mrs. L. H. Stone, and others. For full information, dates, etc., see Club programme.