THE U. OF M.DAILY. goagain so gist all but the inish- in" '~~ touches can bie doteh before win- 4>p p ter sets in. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during T he ColU e (e)ear, by Effeminate College Boys. THE U. Of M. INDEPMNENT ASOCIATION Froes the New York Home Journal. An unhappy father who has two Subscription price 52.50 per year, invariably sons at the University of Michigan fi advance Single copies cents. On sale at sheenan a and Post Office news stand at 12 reports to the world that nearly all o'clock, noon. Subscriptions may be left at the male students of that institution the office of the DAILv, Opera House block, at Sheehan's, at Stoffiet's, or with any of the beautify themselves with the aid of editors. curling irons. Perhaps in theanguisli Communications should reach the office by 7 o'clock r. M. if they are to appear the next of his soul at discovering that one of day. Address all matter intended for publica- his sons uses this implement he may tion to the Managing Editor. All business communications should be sent to the Busi- have exaggerated the number of its ness Manager. devotees. The charge of effeminacy THE U. of M. DAILY, will lie the collegian Ann Arbor, Mich. w scarcel against -- of to-day, who is devoted to athlet- EDITORS. ics. Yet the dandies of old were RALPH STONE, '92, Managing Editor. o accomplished swordsmen, and the S. W. CURTISS, 192, Assist. Managing Editor. G. L. CHAPMAs, '2, Assiat. Managing Editor. great Louis led trains of beribboned J. C. TRAVIS, '02, nosiness Manager. younog exquisites to war, where they w. P. PARKER, '93, Aseist.IBusiness Manager. C. w. iICKETTS,'94, Assist. Business Man'gr. were wont to fight desperately in the H. D. JEwELL.P.G. W.H.DELLENBACK,'92 very teeth of death. Curling-irons, F. D. GREEN, '92. F. E. RLGGLES, '92. F. E. JANETTE, '93. J. H. A NEILL,'50. however, as a part of the curriculum G. B. Dygert, '93. I C. F. wELLER, '94. of American colleges must be ac- THE ARGU. ncl nisaM iHOU.. i- cepted reluctantly, if at all. IT 1is to be hoped that the classes intending to enter teams in the class Two freshmen, who were seeing their the sights around the campus Tues- foothal legss xvii eect cap day aftertnoun, were locked in the tain and managers as soon as possi-d museum and obliged to make their ble. The directors of the Athletic Association will soon meet, and it is exit through a window-. expected that they will vote an ap- Chief Justice Champlin, of the expectedMichigan Supreme Court, who is to propriation for a championship ban- ner. We discussed at length, last lecture to the laws, has been ap- year, the advantage of a class foot pointed by Governor Winans a men- ber of the commission to confer with ball league. Class patriotism will brothcmisonocnfrwh representives of other states to devise bring out new material more readily thananyothe inluene, nd, s ameans of securing greater uniformity than any other in fluence, and, as a olasratntomrig add- consequence the chances of a strong o rel d-. vo rce. e II~Afx(CoQ., 0g±&te 8f., I have reeceived for tne opening of college 20,000 Books, new and second hand of all kinds, Greek, Latin, French, German, Law and Medical Books, Which they will sell at Greatly Reduced Prices. Mathematical Instruments and Laboratory supplies. See our Note Books. for 1891-2. Is the LEADING SCHOOL of BUSINESS. Four departments-Commercial, No text-book £ ormanuscriptwork-&nglish.Shorthand and a-' Penmanship. Elegant building, large at- __ tendance ,efficient instructors work thor oaghulivingexpenseseatremely1wop.nts 92.5 per weet students assisted to Po catalogue, address P. R. CLEARY, President. ~ ~X~JM H IAN Ggui' " hiagara Falls Roate." JAS. M. STAFFORD, TIME TABLE (REVISED) JUNE, 28, 189l. J. M. STAFFORD CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. eLader'EASTWARD. The Leader sth, sTATIoNs Mail Day ShreN Y Ni't Atl. Kal in Fashions 1in Exp Lim Exp Ex. Exp Act. A. M A. M. P.M . P. M. P.M. P.M. A. M Merchant Tail- chicago, Lv. 7 05 9 00 122, 310 9" 5:!0101 455 L Sarson........ 255 425 1 30 8 47 4 40 6151 8 50 o r i n g. F ll e Chelsea........ 3,9...... 5 30 7 V 9 42 exter......... 414 ..... .. . . 545 725955 .i e .Pi c DelhiMills... 4301... .. ..... .... 731 line of Piece ANN ARB0.. 421 525 622 945 605 7t4510 s c odToslctYpsilanti.... 553 910 ... .:9 56 6 23 510 u 57309 SGoods to select P -aye.Jne 1... 0M 5 S1I DetroitAr O 15645 7201045 73)91201125 from. Call for A. M. A.M A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Bualo......... 81r 400 725 3 15 60 . .. a fine fitting WESTWARD. suit. Chi. N'th STATIONs. Detr Chi. Lim Eve. Shre Pas. Mail 19 S. MAIN ST.s. No, 19oExp flip Exp Exp. Lim Ex. Acc. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. P.-M. A.M. Buffaio,........ 120 630 945 34 912M005 ANN ARBOR. ' MICH. S. Main Street. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P,M. P,. Detroit, Lv... 8 20 7 15 120 7 45 9 25 9 15 4 45 WayneJunc 900 .. . 825 .. . 954 519 Ypsilanti...,. 9 221i 512 05 947 ..... 1015 5 40 " ANN A$84.. 9 35 8 39 2 19 910 is119 10130 552 Delhi Mills.. 945..... ..... 915. Dexter...... 9 55.. . .... 921.. 07 Chelsm on.....ens ... 9...., 6, Chicago, Ar. 755 3 55 9 00 650 4 50 8 05 11 15 tDaily. *Sunday excepted. O. w. RUGGLES, H. w. HAYES, G. P. & T. A. Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor P OTUN RAP R Toledo, Ann Arbor and North NO. 12 W. HURON ST. Michigan Railway. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS Time Table going int efect september13,1891. -AT-_ Arrival of trains at Ann Arbor. F. 0.NETS STAND GOING NRTH. P. . 4E3 SAIIDNo. 2. Through Malil and Express... r40 a. m. S ' nArbor & ToledoAceom. .115 a. --On--. N.6 Clare Passenger......505 p. m. Newspapers, Magazines, Periodicals, FineN. Confections, Cigars and Tobacco. GOING SOUTH. No 1. Clare and Toledo Accom......11 30 a. m. No.3. Through Mail ................. 920 G RAND OPERA HOUSE No.5. Ann Arbor & Toledo Accom.. 720 a. m. Trains 4 and 5 run between Ann Arbor and Toe do only. 'Varsity eleven are materially im- proved. The class league last year helped along the cause of foot-ball very much, just as the class base-ball league served to maintain the inter- est of the students in base ball. It is unfortunate that the Athletic Association is not in a position, owing to the lack of an official head, to look after the construction of the new track and athletic field. It looks as though no more work would be accomplished this winter unless someone takes enough interest to push things. If the grounds re- main as the workmen have left them, almost all the work done thus far will have been done in vain. The track is being over-run with weeds, and the foot-ball and base ball fields will soon be covered with a growth of corn and grass. The regents surely do not intend to let the work lapse because the appropriation has been exhausted, or nearly so. We feel confident that they intend to finish the grounds even though an- other appropriation is needed. If they do, it would seem to be a wise move to start the grading force at BUSINESS LOCALS. LNotices inserted in this column at the rate of 10 rents per line. Special rates for longer time, and extra lines furnshed by applying at the DAILY office.1 One large suite of rooms, nicely fur- nished, steam heated, at 26 Maynard street, one block west of law building. Students' clocks-every one war- ranted. Watts' Jewelry Store, 10 S. Main-st. At (he Opera House News Depot fyou cani get Chicago, Detroit, New York, Cincinnati and other papers. Subscribe now. F. STOFFLET. A look through our line wi convinee you that we are the house to purchase your Clothing, Furnishing Goods and Hats of. Call and see them. The' Two Sams. Ask last year's students where they trade. All will say, at the Two Sams. We have the novelties for you. The rVTn Ca 1wo yams. Centraistandard Time. Hot and cold baths 10 cents, at Post ----- All Trains Daily except Sunday. Office Barber Shop. w. H. BENNETT, R. .GREENWOOD, Mr. Marshall Pease, who has been . SATURDAY, OCT. 3rd. Gen. Pass. Agent. Local Agent. conducting a large and decidedly suc- cessful class in voice culture since O T5 iDO W NING April 1st, will continue his work B .I through the coming year. A natural A and correct method of producing and WILL APPEAR IN THE placing the voice. Studio with the Allmendinger Piano Co., 51 Main St,, where all particulars may be obtained. GLA- Voices tried free of charge. Roosn-2 suites with furnace heat and oseof bath room=tNo. 5 Monroe. , $1.00; 75, and 50 CtC News Depot, 12 N. Main. All the leading papers. Prompt delivery. Sale of seats opens at the Postoffice News F. STOFFLET. stand, Thursday at 9m.