THE U.' OF M. DAILY. SWE ARE THE PEOPLE. - te ' ANN ARBOTR ORGAN COMPANY Tr. ~~~Formerly Alimendinger Piano and Organ Company. , 7r_ New lWoreroomoa, - U orlscr q l nd 001Libel irk . rcefa. 1 will 'lp n the Ball"'by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Bianjos, etc. C C ff -A'''--- The latest in the nmarket, manufactured by Ru/aLs SWaterhonse, PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. New York, Cleveland Brown &C Co., Bdostont, and Cot- ter & Crossette, Chicago, at Finld WaLSEv-' S/LZTxSiw aomR , 25 south lFosdk Avenue, City. Lam Signt of the R/ED STA1?. Owoint o the I xies tion of Patents, see areling Nickel Plated CentteDaftiLaomps at-7 _7 =S grcatly litdlicedtPrices. $150 twill go a ath ciisyear as $2 50 wouldt lest year.- - "RED STAR"S OIL SAFEST AND BEST itt Mttrket, Deliverred itn ourC ____For HIGHEST CLASS TAILORING. OIL CANSatftall sizestiand atiLowestPrice. Shoe Brushes, Blacid Toret ArticlesiatOtie-rhirti lissthatiisualoiPrticer., N (Goils, Iness -Fall Goods,news Winter(Gootle.ill].Diets Stiltings, ~~ + 0 + Silk Vestitigs. Overeotiigs, Lotidoti Suititngs. Trotuserings ai speciaty. Ii ~~~IL N Largest atni miost coitmplete stociniithei city, at the losvest pirices. Pilease call D E nand examine. 44 SOUTH MAIN STREET,- ANN ARBOR, MIR NO. 2 EAST WASHINGTON ST'., stear Maiti. 1{ 1! JL LY L G0.1 AND ALt, 6tfanta' Qcupp 1a, 1Ice Cream, Soda Water, and 1'LE7H LITIOIES, ETO. We ktepthe verytbettine of in the City. Lease Orders cor all ATHLETIC + GOODS. YOU CAN GET W~hatlyou moid, oath Ii- ice (will hbe iiyhtI, a1 BROWN'S DRUGC STORE. OCVIE1DllT7{L -'+"1OThLU STUDENTS' lHEADQiUtAITERoS. -Beo," if coo are looking foe any of your friends, takoe ta eairi the iOeeidenstalHot otfiee ftrten(cinesi a. Yea witt norety see cttm. Fiv e oeclockt dinener, Sundays. Sipeciat rates..t Si J. B IhiIDDECOIABL IS~~~~~~Op SoCoalttoao ldd.univ.oAe. BILLIAKD £ARLORS Elegantly refitted daring the pant sanmer, Nine lunch taunter in connection. BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR. THE CAMPUS. J. C. McNally, law '90, has lo- cated at Salt Lake City, Utah. D)r. Hendershot, '86, sot Britton, visited the hospitals Thursday. U.. S. G. Mitchell, law '90, is practicinog law in Saint Paris, Ohio. Stats for 20,000 ssill he provided at Springfield for the Hars-ard-bale gatme. Foot-ball has been prohibitetd at tloe Utniversity of Heidelberg, Ger- tonly. Messrs. NV. Thtonmpson attd P. J. 1v1 . H ally-, 'go las' are visiting ito tile city. C. 13. Pavhicek htas opened an of- lice in room 26;*81 S. Clark street, Chicago. The missionary band will have charge of thoe chapel exercises to- tmorrosv norning. Mr. W. B. O'Neil, '90 law, form- erly assistant business manager of thoe DAILY, is in town. A. M. Muir, law '90, is the junior member of the firm of Rohert Muir &t Son, attorneys and real estate agetits, Hanillton, N. D. M. C. Murphy, tratner of thie D. A. C., wsaouDt assisting in thte coachoing of thec eleven on 'huroday atod yesterday afternoons. Foot-ball season tickets at Harvard coot $3.00. Foot-ball and base-ball season tickets at Michoigan cost just one-half, i. C-, $3.00 for the whole year. On Sunday evening, Rev. J. M~. Gelston, of the Presbyterian church, will discourse on "The Argument for Future and Everlasting Pnish- ment." There is a movement on foot to organize a Biological Society. The matter was enthusiastically discussed last evening among several instruc- tors and students, and as a result Chemical Physical Apparatus we hope a flourishing society will be - organized. C.P an There will be a mteeting of the Roro Ctjeecals, Microscopical Sapplies, Reputblican Club in the law quiz E+BELIBACH & SON. room next Msonday evening. Rous- ing speeches will be made and every --gTHE ARGUS,9-- republican should be present. FiINZ JO1 FPRIR0IN@, Rev. l.)r. Coburn, of the First AT LOW5 PRICES. At. E. clourch, will give lois secondFIS NA O ALB K bible study on 'Floe Wit and HumtorFIS NA O AL B K OF ANN ARORI. of the Bible,'' next Sabibath even- Caspital, $1i0,0t00. Sorplas and Profits, 510,0o. itog. This lecture seill be tdevotedl to ,eign ciaeodetersof nCedlitiepror-d plays on words, altagSrauls, acrostics foir trovelert abroad.liood C. H ICt5HMtOND, Ores. P. iBACH, V. Pret. and pus S. W. CLARKSoO, Caohier. Alpha No Program. Musie-Pianoo Solo-----Frank ID. P'atterson Address by an old lneeloer of flit Alpha Na-- - -Rtto. J . .elstono1Il1tf Bianjo Solo--------FrankD. Pattesn SOHOOL FOR DANCwIN An Irish Lrtter ----------A. IH. Rolmes DalsoSso-------------- Mr. Patteroon Adeiphi Program. Saturday, 4 p. in., in Roonm 26. Music, violin aed pian . ..--------- ------------------ Miones Hendriekson and Rose Informal folk ---------Mre. Majors Reading-----------------MiosGonble Mosic, violia and piao------------- - - ----------------Missen Headrickson and Rose Debate, "Resolved, that the cabinet systemn of government is better for Egianid than thle presidential system io for Ike United States." A. H-. Covert, affirmat- tive; sv. H. Dellenacak, negative, Genecral debate. Adnoission free. Communications. Editors U. ofirM. DAILY. There ought to be a class fornmed, or at least something done, to teach_ the Freshmen how to give the U. of M. yell. It was given at the Rugby game last Saturday as if there was all night to go through with it. It was worse for the players than no yell at all. Let us yell it with some vitm this afternoon. DORReANCE, JRe. Nosy open for reception of Pupils. SNew -Stylep in LINEN COLLAIRS. 2New Effects in NECKWEAR. .New Ideas inl WAGN1R & CO. TAILORS AND FURNISHERS. Handsome + OVEIICOATINGS. tyih SUITINGS. It