THE U. OF M. DAILY xx THE TWO -SME AGENTS FOR ~ YOUMANS" AND KNOX HATS. Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Furnishings. Call andl see us. -The 4. T. Jacobs Co., The 4. T. Jacobs Co., The J. T. Jacobs Co., 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. L L4. I 1TZ. N. B-We stilt have a nice assortment of Light Weight Overcoats the closed oest at Greatly Reduced Prices. ArbIIor StomIIILadfry, C 0 A L GEORGE L. MOORE, M cessojr to.)4.+ 4+ WOR CALE FO an DLIVRED FR HRD NDSOF COL. A Felt tine et alt Coltege Text Boohs, including Law aono MdiBliooks,. by the elects CAsLL.UN Cheapest ptace for Note Books assnd Fosntin Pense in the city. Freshemen crowd in. Come along SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. J _ ZA= Totdtfriends. I ew have my entire stoch atnmy store on NO. 6 S. M AIN ST. Office. - 23 South Fourth Av. e NO. 11 WEoT WASHINGTON STREET.1O I.2OO1~ WAHR'S DI Evxery Student wll saive mnsey by bi stecal discount osi LAW BiOOKS Unsiversity. 5,CCIOflanI~sk Books a LE gIehmond Stratght Qcit.I No. 1 CIGARETTES. Cigarette Snmokers whio arssrwillinsg tosDayna little snore than tier price chargedfor heeccdieec traesesC(igaretce, willfilndl Te-sTnisoRANDsaperior to a sll eother. f The Richasond Staight Cat No.1 Cigarettes are made teem the bright- est, mot delicately Slavored end higist cet Gold Leaf crown in Virginia. Thin in the Old and Originnl Brand af Straight Cat Cigaretten, and wan broaght oat byeus in the year 180. tBewnre ar imitations, and obseeve tihat the frn name an below is an every packeage. The ALLEN & OSETEE nranch Of the American Tobacca Co., Manufacturers. - - Richmond. Virginia. Capital.,E$e0,e00. Nralse andslProfito,$17,000. Does a genersal Banhing bsusinens. Pays in- ternst on Saving Deposits. Ban safety Deposit Bioes for Rent. 5. KEMPF, Fees. F. I-i. BELSEit, Cashier. Banh oven Satardav evening. Ann Arbor Savings Bank Loss Arbor Mich. Capetal Stoch, $50,, Suriplas, $100,0100. Organized ander else Gesneal Banhsng Laws of this satse. lRecives Deisosits, bays and sells exchasnge on the principael citiesofo the United States. raftes casheed aeon proeer identification. Officers : CoIsTicnsIMiCa, Pres., bW. 0. HAnnssmw, Vice Pes., CHScn. N. HISCiOCK, Caosher. Yeiss Proteably halve some Brsenrss t i- clr (f JEWELRY OR A WATCH OUT OF REPAIR, WM. ARNOLD, 86 MAIN STREET, Insctsc Place to go. AANDALg FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! 301 Ealt Huon. Street, SHORTHAND COAKT A ST WILL PAT YOU. Shorthand Schoni, New Building, 10 Sooth State Street.. MNh(RTADI DAfWN TOWN jIBUSIITLSS ]DhEOIOLY. U UI~ UURIL, U UII E1U TV 1 o ,Vm'rIiaurANDISwo- IS INK guying Univsereity Icxt-Books anld all supplie sitHeaidetuarterss We allow !order.csoraiscaes c,sseslcdinsg, sic, :S, MEDICAL BOOKS, DNTAL BOOKS, nsihortevery Book usebd iltee 'sl romplyttededto._os I lpoeFb 1N. MelSt., 0c opIot li1tce. lowest pries. MISS JUDITH GRAVES, Ilitolesct Graea'I'tecelel Apply at Wilocys SDING BOOK SlOBE IN THlE CITY. _ IIEF - EXCEI.SIOR - I.AUNII1RV The Choral Union. fuJ t 1c eis aiigroiHas ol licthe proees accier~cy, sesedtis pe. foun inthe adls watin rO tcI aedcto turn out frscslasswork oilseortse- no-sUivcrsity Hflal. tice. tCilceecrciclseccorkevturnet sme clay. Pricsrea sn lcab ecscleead ecrk cenreseec d. Nec- In response to many recquests the Secsure tickets early ansi avoid the OeeHsrcet ti~ e it.leleilc. list of canvassers foer the Choral inevitable rulsh durinog the last week 0. M. MARTIN, DEALERIN, Unionl series, in lice toiversity, is of the canvass. Cloth Caskets, Metallic given below. Thle attention oef stu- AV. C. QUAtes, '92, ANtD (OMMON COFFI'NS. dents is also directed to the fact General Manager. J. A. POLHEMUS, that thee Choral Union hsas always --- n+- --T1 v " IE~ - ALSO '110S HACK AND BAGGAGE LINE. more than redeemed its pledges to The Chicago Team. Noerthe:Main Street the public and hopes to surpass this RINSEY & SEABOLT, season all that is has done in tise The following is the personnel of ( Iiahern and dealern in For thsat reason the baritone the University team which Michigan Groceriesad8EWs, Provision sFlou rand Feed, past.____anONwohnenlt olitfor the fourth concert has not plays Nov. t4: Lockwood, Colum-St yet been selected, as it is hoped that bia, end; Carpenter,Harvard, tackle; . A L L r--- E R the sale of tickets will warrant the MleMciagad ocmb Repairing anopecialty. 46 ~~i MAIN rS2xww. engaemet o eiherWm.LudigYale, centre; Lamb, Yale, guard; --I engag teetfeitheriin.lbuige, Lafferty, Lehigh, tackle; Reniing- J. P. STIM3OIT 6 SONS, oMr.\a1-inihwofrteton, Harvard, end; H-arding, gar- State Street Grocers. last tivo years has been the great te-back; Stiurges, Boston Techeiol- SthlfbckodafodrYliehlf t S lcsillee STirll uictd attraction of London musical circles.oyhl-akCrwodVaelel-__________________ So remember theat Andreas D~ippel is back; Anmes, Prinocetoni, fisl back. _A NEOW LINEOcc not the onliy vorld-renosvreel artist - that wveleolle to) hear in Ann Arbeor Ni'rict-AliSoiphiomitres shlci ( rj tilS sasn.lseare orders for classcanies at MNoore' host referreid to: book shire at onice. C.1iE CoIcc. litray ieprliiet Iaseesre Now-rc.All tiesiciers oif tihe CLieayde.aC.timenor,-'Lawre.n.eJunior hLasvFoot-ball Teamci sill a o ยง ColeandIV. . Tcllor, 92;11.Nicmet idaily on thie camuls for prac- Gosddard andclG. iP. lygert, '9-; Ies. tire. Bly order of thle captain. Etc&~ IB. Ward, J. Loch and ItI. L. Chick- NOCE..- -All candlidates for '95 ering, '94; V. Hlutchings and :. IH. foot-ball eleven are reqtuested to Jannett, '9J* appear daily on thle campus for< Ar law-It. ID. Jewvell and H. B3 practice. CeIt. Shoemlaker. Nlcctc.-'93 Lit eleven will now'c CALKINs' PHARMACY. Medical-A. S. Warthini, M. D., practice dlaily on the campus. and W. G. *Wright. G. 13. DYGERcT, Capt. D~ental-W. A. Price and 0. F. NOTICE-All those who have notl Ingalls. paid their Gym. subscriptions will Pharmacy-P. G. Hower. greatly oblige the committee by cc-' A ho of he ldieswho avemilling amount of subscription to A lit o thelades wo 've '. H. HINCIIMAN, Tfreasurer, kindly consented to assist will bet 67 E. Washington-st. 71 Fort St., Went. - Detroit, Mich.