~J.of 1tf. '1Xaut.
Published Daly (Sundays eceped) driug
the College year, by
Subscription price X2.0 per year, invariably
is adrance Single opien I cets. On sale at
Snernan sa nu Pot Office news stand at 12.'
o'clock, noon. Subscriptions may be left at
he office of the DAiLYr, Opera House blok, at
Sheehan's, at Stofflet's, or wih any of the
Cssmsuniations suli reach te ofe by
7ocloch P. . if they are to appear the net
day. Address all materinended for publica-
tion to the Managing Editor. All business
communications should be sent to the Busi-
ness Manager.
Ann Arbr, Xic.
RALPHroSii, '92, Mangig Edior.
S. W. CRuoss, '92, Assist. Malnaging Edior.
G. L. CHArAto, '02. Assist. Maaing Editor.
J. C. TRAVIS, '3, llsinrsManagr.
F. E. JANETTE, '9, Asisit.Busiies Mange.
C. IW. llccos, '1. Asist. Bsonos Ma'gr.
H. D. JEWELL,. P. G. W.H.Ot.ioNsrAC,'92
. D. GESco, '2. F. (. trLEi,,'.
W.P. PARKER, '3. J. R. Aoss~i~o,'3.
G. B. Isgrif'. 10 f. . WtiLER,.'.
Owing to a typographical error
we were made 1o spell Htarvard wills
a 012a211i. Ve are very sorry for
the mistake, 'nd siicrely beg the
Crimson's forgiveness.
TulH lawv studens of tie seior
class have dolne a very commneidable
thing in namnlg their new club the
"Cooley Club Court." It is a
praiseworhy nanner in which to
soow their esteens of -Michigan's
groat jurist, and the University's
famous teachr of the law. Justice
Cooley has done a great deal for
the state of Michigan, but his in-
fluence has undoubtedly been more
far-reaching ao a teacher and au-
thor than as a judge. The "Cooley
Club Cort" deserves to be the most
prosperous one in the law school.
We think that the Michigan Club
Cort will do well to consolidate
with the Cooley Clb Court.
pRESIDENT ANsEL, in a talk wit11
a representative of the DAILY, said
in substance, tie following in rela-
ion to " rushin"': ight rushes
are forbidden by the faculty. Foot-
ball rushes us the day time betseen
opposing classes are not forbidden,
though they are not ecouraged, as
rushinsg is considereti a very rough
sport, dangerous to all parties con-
cerned, in that a bone or a blood-
vessel nay be broken, or a lung in-
jured, which may be the cause of
life-long trouble. Many parents are
worried concerning their children's
welfare, knowing theni to be in a
place where such things occur, and
since the " rush" was mutually
dropped by the classes last year, the
President said he hoped that the
good sense of the classes this ,year,
would deter them from bringing it
into practice again.
President Angellas remarks will
no doubt appear very sensible to all
sober-minded stuldents. The sopho-
more class hsas decided on tug-of-
war, asid we hope that the other
classes wiii abandon the rush for
soume other ansusement that is at-
tended wills less danger to life and
limb. The foot-ball rush is brutal
sport, which it ill-becomes college
students to indulge in. Not only
are parents worried when a rush is
announced to take place, but the re-
port is heralded throulghsoutithe
country as a specimen of the work
done at the U. of M., especially is
1t made the most of if any one hap-
pens in get hurt. The reputation
of thse Uisiversity shsould be sacred
to all its studlents, and all things
tending to disparage it should be
done navaysith1.
Baso nail Managor Eleoted.
814 jiA I474 &8- o., 8fafe ost.,
have received for tue opening of college 20,000 Books, new and second
hiasid of all kinds, Greek, Latin, French, German, Law anud Medieal Books,
which they will nell at Greatly Rteduaced Prices.
Mathematieal Instruments and Lasbotatory su~pplies. See out Note Books
for 1891-2.
- - - -Four departmrnts-CommercialiNo sent-book
ormansscrsptstork-&nglioh. Shorthand and
penmanship. Elegant building, larage at-
- tendactffcientOisstuctors, stooltbhr-
-- ough, living rxpenses extremely loss $225 to
P2 50 per neck; students assisted is positions.
For catalogue, address P. R. CLEARY, President.
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.
sA.MSAFID TimeaTable going Ino effecteptenmber 13, I691.
1,1E Arrivil of trains at Anno Arbor.
J. M. STAFull -
F1 l" E
At tile meeting of thse athletic (( /
directors last eveninsg, Ralph Stolse Tj l 9
svas elected Lase Fall Mlalsager for
this year. 'rhe foot-bail manager
mlade a report of expenses incurred -1
to date Ibis year. He svas instrulcted
to close tihetiate of Novemsber 21
withs Corncil, provided satisfactory .,
arrangeuments can be m~ade as to tile
finances. If not, that date will be 19 5. MAIN ST.,
given to R ochester University. 'rie
probabilities are that tsvo ganies willAN ARBOR,. MICH.
be played with Cornell this year,
one at Detroit and thse other at '~
Chicago on the 28th.
Illosicro inserted in this column as the ruse LEAVE YOl
of 10 cents per line. Speciai rates for longer'-
time, and extra linfo furnished by applying at (5 1TlT
the DAILY office.1?. U (VI 7",('i
OPI n.& HIousat, LAST NIGHT-TileF
immsense audience thiatlfilled this bean- Newspapers, Alagazin
tiful temple of amusemuent was hlighlly Confections, Cia
pleased with Miss Lottie Williams and
her truly ecellenit fompany in the
elatboralte production sif this beautiful i
dramna eiititled: "New York Day by
Daly." 11he sceisery is all niew, tile
thalt of the tburniing boat at Halrlem P T G
brisdge ini a siiosv stormi, thse reallistic
Footpaid's IDen~tiio BatteryNew York, NO. 12 W.
ill 18018,7siiidtile reasr of a rowv of olt
dwvelliiigs ill the Fou~rthl ward. Miss Rloos-very desi
Wiillis, it yosng latdy only 17 yeasrs 11011e No. 5 MonrI
old. jumllped inito pulblic favisr at onee ansi isc of bathl.
as "hlags." 11r cr tin~g, singinlg aid Donl't forget we
dainlg look the autdtienee by storms. Iquallity, $3.lit $4.2i
'The laulghlale Moses Vopps, as tile y
D~utci sauisalge venider, anssd "Deninis," Rloomls, 48 Liberl
the Ne oYsrk: polilceins, were a host cold water. B ath,
bin thlem~selves. Thbe rest of tile coin- " Michigan" and
puny are excellen~t, anid too much can- venir spooiis at V
not ibe said ill praise of tile entire enl- street.
tertainmenit. "Non' York Day by Hot aild cold batl
Day" will always be welcomeld by osir Oftice Barber Shlop.
citizees.-Richm~iond Journall. Full line nieu' sty]
WANTED-By a competent lady a or 2 for 25. Mack
positionl as matron ini a Fraterniity DANCING.-Mrs..
house. References given. Address U. wilt open a class
of M. DAILY. Delsaite in Noveml
A new line of Neckwear just received evening assemblys
and no better styles u-ill be founddin Ladies of thle U
town. You u-ill say they are one-hlalf greatly to their adv
the price you pay for them elsewhere. when in need of C
Mack & Sehmid. or Fancy Dry Good,
The Leador
ill Fashions ill
Merchlant Tail-
orinlg. Fide
hine of Pioco
Goods to select
froml. ('all for
No. 2. Through 1Ma11 and PEspress... 740 a.ii.
No.14. Ann Arbor &tToledo Accom..l211 0i. m.
No. 6. ClairePssoeoger'...... 55p. m
No L. Clai'e sodToledo .Xccoio..11 :3(0a. im.
No.3. 'hi'oughi Mail.........420 p.mi.
No. 5. Anni Arbior & Toledo Aecio.. ;720 a. is
Tcin' ond I5coonlsetweein AiioArboranod
Cera01Stiindard 5'imie.
All Trains fDailyrxcetipSun11d10.
Gen. Possy Agent. Local Ageiit.
a fino fitting
suit. .
No. i19 KA
S. Main Stroot.r -
nrs, Periodicals, Finie
'ars and Tobacco.
Hirable sile ill110
roe. Furssace helat
'rice 0reaisonable.
koep sw'eaters, best
25. Mack & Seclmid.
rty street. lHst asid
closet, funaee, etc.
I"AllnsArbor" soul-
Watts', 10 S. Mail
ohs 10 cents, at Post
(l collars, 4 ply, 15 e
& Schmid.
Annie WVard Footer
ina dancing, also in
fber. Also w'ill have
after class.
Tof M. will flsnd it
vantage to call on us
Clooks, Dress Goods
s. Mack & Schmid.
Monday Evening, November 2
Tha Beau~tiful Protean Character Souibrette
P100cc, in the Posierful lDramuatic
Creation, entitled:
">Xew York D'ay by a)y'"
A Fresh, Crisp Picture0 of tie ini Ntw York
Cuty, under she Mangoement of
Mr. Chaorles Melville.
Foll of Exciting Scenes, Dramotiie5tuations5
anid Magnificent 5eiery, Artistically
Pictaresquel, and Interpreted bSpa
IPoii'eifuan Iid Cbrefiully .Selected
.(bbi pan by.
Among the Startling Effects inotis Great Pro-
Newe York City by Moidnight.
The Battery in x868.
Harlem Bridge ini a Blizzard
The Pollee Patrol.
The Bureninug Canal ]Boat.
The Electric Gall.
The Whole Portraying to Nature Life in the
Great City.
Meserved Seat Tickets now on Sale at the
Postoffics News Stand.