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October 30, 1891 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1891-10-30

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Michigan, 2,801; Harvard, 2,613. tober 29, the registration since Oc- The Engineering Department. (OF YOUR -
. tober 1 s9 r3 oeta h
The following appeared in the 3 is 95 or 39 ore than the rof. Cooley, of te engineerin T A GE
corresponding period last year. If O
Harvard Crimson of Oct. 27: the same department, has received a postal waB
°°A ompaison .f tehensamsingproportion is maintained,
'A comparison of the interesting it .vi nrae codo froio Florence, Italy, containing the Mie oYu-
. (and it will increase, according to fo lrne tly otiigteMaied to You --
Harvard statistics which appeared in following:-- -:- Through Your
. indications) there wilt he 369 stll-floig
the Crimson a few days ago with dnEARt Si-I hear you are the le- NEW
dtsormrregistered this 9year n D n51- eryuaetepo E
those of the large colleges of the motor of a new water-motor, or wheel.P
as compared to 217 last year, after Would you kindly let me have a circu-\
n l t October 13. This will make a total lar relating to it. With anticipated
to Harvard men. It is satisfactory Upon
attendance for the year of 2,432 and thanks, Yours truly, PRICE APPLICATION.
to know that all the colleges are. , 8 ..
roianveyitaantotiik369, or 2,801 students. ft should It. Sure NEE.,-
growing, and very pleasant to think e noted that the system of regis- The notor in question is the one
that HFarvard is growing fastest of tratioi wici prevails at the U. of siich ias constricted in the engin-
all. For instance, the University of t. differs from that at Harvard. At cering laboratory last year, and LIST
Michigan outstripped us last year in Ianufacturers of Finest Piain
Harvard there is little if any change which was the subject of a thesis by and 2e7elied Society Badges.
numbers, having 2,426 students to in the number of students after the Clarence E. DePui, B. S., M. E., DETROIT, - - MICH.
our 2,252. T'his year Harvard has is fteyawiea ihgn'1, who is fnow instructor in ma-
2,63 students, the University of first of the year, while at Michigan ho in t ia
We have gained students are registeringin large num- chine sop practice in the Chicago
Michigan 2,495. W aegie aulTann col
. bers until the second semester be- Manual Training School
361; they have gained 75. An in~- We can see from this that the en-
crease of 50 in their dental school in gins, Feruary. Wern dearomethis that heaen
leaves a very small gain in the un- The tahe, as it should appear, girndthouh it is laboring under a
der-gaduate department. Michigan's and not as it appears in the Harvard ' i ne
tremendousalaed schoolmsho.sMaight sCrimsor, is as follows, to October serious disadvantage. Owing to the
tremendous law school shows a slight fact that it is connected with the 1 91
increase, while the two medical 29: 1890-91.01891-92. Gain. literary department, it receives no
schools, taken together, come out Literary ..-----1170 1202 au
Lair.-ollkntg51e4the special mention as do the profes- When you wanttho Latest Metropolitan Styles
even. Following are the figures for Law- -- --- i 42 sional schools. is not too much is Sloes at 5 to $1 a pair less than Ann Arbor
ichigan in 1890-92, with the gain Pharacy---.-- to say that were the engineering de- rices,send for Catalogue to
of this year: i iomeopathiiici.i..--...ai e -.. - 7 7 partment to stand separately and Y F &
1590-91. 191-h. Gain. -- -- - . * J
Conege-------------1170 1187 17 Loss. :420 2527 157 issue a separate announcement, that
Medical School---------- 3a;5 31 t +4 Additions, after Oct. 29,in it would have oo students as large DE'TROIT, MC.
lair SehoeL-----.----0081 e 1 rcecrticn is last year.. 2704n tdns ag,_____________________
S5 > SclofPharmacy-i-.--- 91. 83 s Total- - --8 if not a larger number than is in at- 7 j
Homeopathic Med'i School 71 1 4 tendance at any other institution of Chap. Speler& .
rental School....---- 132 182 50 The loss in the medical depart- . .
- i---o i ec-a its kind in the country, It may not University Outfitters,
Loss. .10o2495 ,met is occasioned hy the lengthen- be generally known that at present 20. SouTiT STATE S'T., ANN ARBOR.
Harvard's gain, it will be remem- ing of the course to four years. This fully one-quarter of the students en
bered, is largely in the graduate de- total does not include those study- rolled in the literary department are Neckwear,
partments. Apparently the gradu- ing in absentia for an advanced de-
ates of the western colleges, except gree, although they were included Theeshmanessassralneonus
8 The freshman class alone num-
those who were to be dentists, are in last year's calendar. Harvard, bers over a hundred, who are enter- ) Underwear,
coming east to complete their edu- it is understood, includes in its total ed on the president's hook as fol- GENTS' FURNISHINGS of nest
cation. ''its summer school students. From los: .3 r c.i, 28mchancaaf- ENS UNIQGo4uaiity.,
Itte w a .e t ilb. se lows: 38 civil, 28 mechanical, 26
It seems from the above that Sec- the two tables it will he seen electrical and 2 mining engineers, "4EOO Jj0 - 1LLG DS f9
retary Wade's assertion has been that Michigan exceeds harvard by and an unclassified.
verified viz., that if the attendance 188, and that Harvard has gained _ . English Mackintoshes,
at the University of Michigan should 361, while Michigan will gain at che Oratorical Association. Athletic and
be published before the registration ery least, 381. . . . Gymnasium Goods,
The Oratorical Association had 'a
was complete, an erroneous impress- OF EVERY DESCRIPTION.
Ninety-Three at Ypsi. very active meeting last evening.
ion would be conveyed as to the ac-.. .
ion wouhd h conveyed a to the ac-The constitution of the Association ~Y IEAI ~ L
tual number in attendance. The Ninety-three's team will line up as.i soato cf ith AYE TIME AND MONE
was amended so as to conform with
tabulated statement in the Harvard as folows,against the Normal eleven, that of the Northern Oratorical
Crimson, which is taken from the at Ypsilanti, at 9:30 o'clock Satur- L eyaeutngd your
League, i. e., the grading system
DAILY, is inaccurate, or rater in- day morning. was sustituted for the percentage
complete. In our report of the at- Hart, centre; Decke, right guard; syste in marking the orations.
tendance, in the issue of October 13, Miller, left guard; Griffin, right Co .mittees were appointed to see
the total attendance then registered tackle; Cleverdon, left;tackle; South- of us while we are here
to the standing of new niembers. -
was 2,432. The number which reg- worth, left end; Whitehead, right
isteed fte Ocoberr 1 0 astAlready about seventy-five have
istered after October 13, 1890, last end; Harmon, quarter-back; Smelt- joined. Both the attendance and CALLAGHAN & CO.
college year, was 217. The indica- zer, left half; Parker, right half; enthusiasm shown prove that the
tions were, at the beginning of this Nicholson, full back. Substitutes, U. of M. is interested in oratory.
year, that the number which would Heath, Thomas, Dygert, Curtis. Thit is as it should be. We made a PUBLISHERS,
register after October 13 would ex- __ ,_, _good beginning last year by taking
.iofirst prize in the League contest, and 114 Monroe St., Chicago.
ceed that of last year, i. e., would The new hospital is now expected there is no reason why the same
exceed 217. Up to this date, Oc- to be ready for occupancy Nov. io- thing cannot be done again. 50 S. State St., Ann Arbor.

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