THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ~ NN''ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY,"' Formerly Alimeridinger Piano and Organ Company. Necw Wo'r oos, - Corner eo JMaii cad Li t 5 ti eels ; ., _ , .. Iztwill "Open the Ball" by placiog a fine stock of tGiitar, a li jo', etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH 'YOU. Find i7"=s Y' M s a SrQ 25 South Fourth Atvene, City. The lateht in itenmarket, matiufactured by Rdfus Waterhouse, New York, Cleveland Brown &4- Co., Boston, and Cut- ter & Crossette, Chicago, at f JSign itt the REDI) STA R. O ieiutettlt ExirtonuitofPtents, We are seiitng Nicl'iitlc5 CootntreratiTas t t "~RED STAR" OIL SAFEST AND BEST ittn Maret, :Dtelivdin u OIL CANS tofttlltizes andt oiwest Price. Shoe Bruohes,, liatcti-- and oiet Articeititone-Tidlt ess thonuual tPrices.. (N (goo -For HIGHEST CLASS TAILORING. tilt, nietwtall (toils. tiew Winter GoodisFull IDress Sititings, ) 1Lt ,+ (I..)A iLA..IAY. Ltrgest amltinotst cotumplete Aotck ito the city, at the lowest lirices. Pletase call 44 SOUTH MAIN STREET, - - - - - ANN ARBOR. HICH. NO. ' EAST WASHINGTON ST., toear Maiti. Ti OTTHE CAMPUS. tion to student. Tuition there bas Chemical , Physical Apparatus I G , S. Taylor, '92 lit, spent tebe eathehenubr fht--- dents bas been limited by the bigbh C t V P. an SELL.. last week in Ohio.. an reurmnsframsin aeC ,McocpclCaaM esr (1lt ste The Engineering Society meets eBELAlI& _________________ guest of Isabella Mckae. __rf. ________________SON. AND ALL M~~l~r. Savage,'9 medic, is at the enFriday,s Oct. 30, at 8 p. ini Pro f.Th 94 L eri eialti er rees om 'orm-h THE ARGUS,.' Detoitmedcalthi yer. civil engineers' trip; The trips, t. i INZ JO F9IN JN tcd t'gcpla. A. J. Walters, law 'go, has located D.Cretr;Cm ieH a,- TLi at Manchester, Ihis counlty. 'A O RCS Ice Cream, Soda Water, and Mr. Waples takes D~r. Huber's win; Triangulation, A. C. I~ewerenz; R. R. work, .C ihr FIRST NATIONAL BANK FRES TTplae a quz mste in natmy.' F C.Fiser.oF ANN ARBOR. 'LSI LITOIESETC.,tlceasqut o tr"n naom. Students itt the Englisti i\aster- Capital, $tt0,00t00. Surplus and Profits,$30,000. p.i.ersca 't s n t e cu'ras-acts a geneal husking itusitness, tor itt ~uit ii, cty ic~tiii~ olicetifJ. uV. iteicli atorny, tc~~couse lliiiiteinterestedl to egcool,,ange sold, letters of eredit procured 'at epth eybs lteo fiae o J.Aknoithelhootreyrs.'rf.Trueblood will tiravelers ubroaud. Pan, ll.knw tatMrs Pof.1 ueboo wil CH MONDItt, i'res. P. BACH, V. Fees. -Miss Ptrter, of ltartford, Conn., read Silas MAarner at the High School S. w'. CLARKSON. Cashies-. ~ ~ tO hs ben vuitiug he broberI hal 0n Friday evening of this wveek. ~ ----05 , ot lore,' i.Site xwiii be assisted by Miss Lucy GR N R ______________________1wA meeting of the Reiptblican club >o Cole and Mrs. 1V . Edwvards, ATHLETIC +GOODS, wilb edintelwqiromwowlgiesvaluiclu- ___ANGT__hiveig t7.0 ____ t. SCH O O .. Dedrick, law 'g, has been Mr. W. T. Livingston, of the firmni hWlt YU '07(0dtit00 St .Tiec vi ll be appointetd Assistant t'rosecuting At- fR.H yfe&C. eri, sul Nt PPiLttwpioso uis rightl, it ney at Jeffersonville, Ind. he in Ann Arbor, at the Cook House, . BROWN'S DRUG STORE. Thte Geological Society meets with a full line of the celebrated New -Styles in Thursday, Oct. 29, at 7:30 P. no. A "Fyfe Foot-Form" sporting, dancing LNNCLAS O 3JE1TJ :*iOiLfulh attendance is desired. and street shoes, for the inspectionLIESC LA . 0 1 1 I Mr. Andreas Dippel, the world- of students, Monday, Tuesday, STUDOENTS' READQUAROTERS. famous tenor, will slag the part of Wednesday and Thursday, O~ct.a26, ' New Iffect5 in2 "Boys," if you are looking for any of your Fas in the DamnainoFas278ad2.fedtkeichrinteOietlHtl, 'NEK AR otieou e iue. o ilsrl e hemo. Fiveo'clockh dinner, Sundays. Special May 19. MNrs. Eliza R. Sunderland wvilh rates. A quz cubt asbe'' oraniedspeak at teUniltarian church nx H ~ASbysomeon h } ei os t:udymrigo AWa u f lNwAE.EERE NEVAL slmtedcin umsbeten gaoienti osiim nthe evenigo REPTA~T Is liutimetevi snbt e n ciAgnsiim;i ho vnn t I W1TE SHIRTS. jnORUeFOn 18 vuus.aiduet every Saturday evening. " Glance at the Rehugions of toe c Ons~UR TDE Tere wilh be a meeting of the World." Mr. Sunderland goes to ASOIIED Pennslvania Club in Room A, Sat- Bloomington, Ind., to preach in the r7AG El & A.ASY' OLudy c,31, at o'chock. There annuah course of sermons before the W A N R COs OpCotose . iso a president to elect, and other Indiana State University. TAILORS AND FURNISHERS. J. B. MIDDLECOFF, inmportant business to transact. One of our most welcome visitors Type-Writing. A change has been made in the is the U. of H. DAILY, which camve .Short-Hoaid and AMineotrsplilng, Tieie4s, Ctr- studies ofTrntSeis so that into existence lastyer It corn- anSm reupotiuee,Lectiures, olso -Pr'iniyfenorsfyar 3'9 South Psulietiunoif all kn&d. ly. Ave. instead of 4 hours optional workprsvyfaoblwihtedlesOEI AT GS DILLI.RD H E N 3 ad In hours of required work, they of Yale, Harvard and Cornell. The+ will have in future no hours option- establishment of the DAILY was an Elegantly refited during the pat summer. l n Nice lunch counter in connections. an only 5 required. important move in potting Ann Ar- $tylish BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, Lehigh Universitywill commence, bor in line with the larger Universi- SUITINGS. STATIESTREET, ANN ARBOR. after January, 1882, to charge tui- ties of the country-The Adelbert. I ' I . d ' s V" I e (