VOL. II.-No. 3. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1891. PRICE, THREE CENTS. THOSE PRINTED LECTURES. been convicted, upon prosecution by Foot-Ball. r(OF YOUR - -- What the Dean of the Law Depart- college faculties. These cases are: There were eighteen men on theC Y ment Said About Them. 12 App. Cases, H. of L. 326; 3 Law OUR Quart. Rev. 36o, 477; and 43 Am. campus yesterday afternoon, train- Professor Knowlton, Dean of ing under Captain Van Inwagen. Law Department, delivered tbe open- Rep. 492. The practice should be Te material is not as heavy as last maed to You -Y ing address to the senior laws, ye discontinued () because it is not s. year's eleven, btst the men bave NEW terday morning. He was tendered conducive to good scholarship. Theyaongu tbe nenes. W C HAP_ ER ta e ntbusig.t ovation upnder practice of taking notes of the lec- plenty of grit and there are some of H ' TE an enthusiastic ovation upon his. experience among the new ones._ lures, comprehending the idea andexrnc__ entranceinto the lecture room. After The following is the list of those Upon making a few introductory and amos- transferring it to paper, trains a who have handed in their names for PRICE APPLICATION. faculty which the lawyer will find ing remarks, he entered upon the competition for the 'Varsity eleven: - subject of type -written lecure, adQ sujc ftp-written lectures, and awy sflt i hncnut Duffy, de Pont, full back; Grosh dwelt upon that theme for a consid- ing a case in court. The third rea- Jewett and Williams, half back; f K son for the faculty's action was that LIST erable length of time. He said that Holden, Wright and Curtis, quarter- Manufacturers of Finest Plain the custom of taking stenographic it was ruinous to the department, and Jeweled Soiety Badges. th csomoftkigstnorphcand encouraged studied absences,. ak atadGifn ete DETROIT, - - MiCH. notes of lectures, and printing thema.g.b . Thomas and Harness, guards; Pow- for the benefit of students, originat- There were two things in its favo' ers, Henninger and Dunlap, tackles; it was convenient in one sense of thees ed ten or twelve years ago. At that word and it was lucrative to someDygert, Saer and Southworth, ends. time the lectures were not type- students. The Dean said that al- Captain Van Inwagen wishes all the written, but printed with metal type. new men to come out every after- Several years after, when the custom noon at 4:30 o'clock. had become almost universal in the students who did not use printed department, the faculty ordered it lectures. He also said that he had Hiram A. sober. stopped. It was not long before it received a number of applications * E M E from outside parties who wished to Of the new men on the faculty, facultyiagainhdecreed agaswhttse have the exclusive right of taking one of the best known is Hiram A. When youwanltheLatest Metropolitan styles faculty again decreed against itsb in shoes at te to sl a pair less than Ann Arbor continuance in 1889, the students stenographic notes of lectures and Sober, instructor in Latin and prices, send catoge to seontinthemetotstudents.eIstudests Greek. He was born in this county, drew up a petition of protest which sellg them to students. In closingh he admonished those present above Ypsilantitownsip, 28 years ago, . H. FYFE & . ' all things not to "ride" through and has lived here nearly all his life. H.fo w na t Professor Knowlton was not in sym- college on ''ponies," as students did After three years study in the Ann DETROIT, MICH. pathy with the faculty, but his opin- in the literary department. Arbor High School he graduated in ions have since undergone a change. The changes that have been made '8s, and entered the University the Chap, 6pe]Jex & , During last year Professor Knowl- Tthethniv ' ton watched the effect of printed in the department since last year, same year with the class of '85. University Outfitters, lectures upon the students so a to which we have not already chroni- After a year's absence spent in 201SoUTt STATE ST., ANN ARBOR. finally make up his mind what cled in the DAILY are: Professor teaching, he graduated with the class should beikone. He camedto the Connelly will lecture to the Seniors of '86 with the degree of A. B. Neckwear, conclusion that although it was on Constitutional Law, and to the Since then he has been principal Dress Shirts, Gloves, lucrative it was an exceedingly dan- juniors on Agency and Partnership. two years of the Michigan City High gerous practice. Dean Knowlton will lecture to the School and later of the Coldwater Underwear, The University of Michigan is seniors during the second semester High School. Last year was spent GENTS' FURNISHINGS, otaint not the only educational institution on Carriers and Criminal Law. The in graduate work here, with Greek wo he prned ectresae sld.tThe text-book work of the seniors will as a major and Latin and Sanskrit "EOO01-13fI[i GOODS," . be in charge of Prof. Abbott. The minors. Mr. Sober has already won cpnatie Lsed Schopel the cool text books will be Chalmers' Bills a reputation for scholarly attain- Englisis Mackintoshes, cinnati atieLaw edStchool, elthe Law School ftx ok ilAeCamr'Blstheuainfrshoalltan enlihMcitseadtoeHadsCimnlPed etan isfi obcoeoeAhei dn and Notes, Heard's Criminal Plead- meuts, and bids fair to become one Atisle.c.s. of the University of Pennsylvania, and Bliss on Code Pleading. of the most popular instructors here. . . .Gynnasium Goods, the Boston Law School, Glasgow tu . ,_____,__ OF EYERY DRSCIPTtON. University and EdinburghUniversity Indermaur will not be given this year. Andover defeated Roxbury 20 but has been prohibited at all of One year men will be excused from to 6. SAYE TIME ND MONEY these schools. It does not prevail Blackstone buttheymust take Anson. s Cotrell, lit '93, is teaching in the literary or medical depart- David Trainer, '93, guard on last at Grand Haven, Mich. ments here. year's 'Varsity eleven, has been ap- The class in the History of British . Professor Knowlton proceeded to pointed an official referee in the Ethics will meet this afternoon at show how the practice of printing Pennsylvania State college league. three o'clock in Room 2S. lectures from stenographic notes was He will play on the team of the The first clinic for the senior and of us while we are here. contrary to law. It was (i) a viola- Athletic Club of Schuylkill Navy, junior medics was held yesterday tion of private right-the right of with a number of old college men. afternoon in the operating room of CALLAGH AN & CO. the lecturer to his own property. It He retains his interest in Michigan, the old hospital. not a publication when the professor and in a letter enclosing subscrip- All the business places of the city PUBLISHERS, delivers lectures to a body of stu- tion to the DAILY he volunteered his will be closed this afternoon to en- dents. Notes can be taken by indi- assistance to Michigan's foot-ball able proprietors and employes to r14 Monroe St., Chicago. viduals, but not distributed. The team in any capacity, i. e., to ar- visit the Washtenaw County Fair. Dean cited eases where students had range dates, etc. Especial attractions are offered. 50 S. State St., Ann Arbor.