THE U. OF M. DAILY THE T'WO SAME. AGENTS FOR- NEW GDODS, NEW GOODS, NEW GOODSO it YOUMANS" AND KNOX HATS. The J. T. Jacobs Co., The J. T. JTacobs Co., Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Fsrnishisgs. The Ji. T. Jacobs Co., Call anid see us. I 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. F N. B-We still have a nice assortment of Light Weight Overcoats to be closed out at Greatly Reducers Prices. L_ BLLI'"PZ. MilAlo t~11Lllir. Ca(IDLf /L. GEORGE L. MOORE, & +a+ WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL, A Full tine cc all College Text Boose, including Law an fl Piialt Bolfi, by tke stacks CA~LL, aN Cheapest place freNote Books eadFoustain PanssIn the city. Frseshmnen crswd is. Co(aeslong SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. olsdsifriends. S nowe have my entice steck at my store on NO. 6 S. MAIN 8ST. Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. No. 11 WEST WASIIlIN( co'sSTREEa. CEO. ST.. lXO WiAHR'S BOOKSTORE, DOWN TOWN. f IL I J' ItLIVERIY, IAC ANDII IAtGtA(JItSNE. Every Stsudent will stave mioney by buying University Text-Books sod all supplies lit lHeadquiartera. We allo5w !Ordersforstrmica, parties, wedaddinga, etc., special disouniit an LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS, 1)1 NI \L BOOKS, in asiort, every Baok useii in tile 'releplscessal (~iN. 'ssie St.. app. Peat Offbe.. taiveraily. 5,110 Blank Books at losvest prices MISS JUDITH GRAVES, 4c=4_iIANIr- LEADING BOOK STORE IN THlE CITY. Hghs '(rdsaihlAplyce Wilsey_ ,7 T ' T!BHE - IXCF'Ei0-I.5 .NAI?2\l)tV R~P 'h 111ond Straight Qtit. Racs Neck Saturdav. (Nirlsr. tAllIremlira softheli sallte m resacicery, cedlis pre. No..1 - junliar Lav I-'out -bll1 1 11ea willtalec. Cer lercial vacls red out(sltamle sday. CIGARET ES. 'Ille folowing;are th entris up (meet dalesenchecclmussaorpsatile 1111re1sonble cka i {t ttguarateCell. Na- ace cwilling- tolta alittle aDEtALERt IN moce than the price 100 yards astlh-George Wrigit, NIIrilr?.-lr. Foss, liae newlyCaktM alc charged tfle the loedinlIcClothCakt, eali ~a trardCligacettes, mill eins Julien 'lacClyrlainds, V. B3. Ayres, apapoinated instrucltor ill Germanwill AND CO(1MON COFFIS. . -' n l isBANcthers.Nsueirt I. E. Bulrgess, W'. lunter, J. R. not bc ablc to begina his work hlere J. A. POLHEMUS, The RichmndStcaight before Thrsay ot this _ cut Nu SCigarettes ace iadefrom thehcright- Arneil, C. S. Ababott, Chacrliliac- Tilrdy perhaps J , eat, mosat delicately fa tirced and highest cst week. Thae variouls sections itn Ger- ALSO 'SOS SHACKS AND B5AGGAGE LtNE, Goatd Leaf grown in V'icginia. Thisnisthe Old Pbaerras, T. B. Cooley, Wmi. lyster mnwii eet aebe omdNchMi tet and.OcigilIlBrad of Straight Cat Cigarettesmnwihwr ohv en omdNrhMi tet and wasbroughtout by u nnthe year 1875. and ICI. B. Krognianti. well therefore continue to recite as RINSEY & SEABOLT, Beware afit lations, and observe that the firm name ascbelcaic an evecy package. 22o yards dash-George Wrighat, hithserto until furthser notice is given. Bakers and dealers in The ALLEN & GINTER Branch ClI htat. G roceries, Provisions,Flour and Feed, OP the American Tobacca Ca., Geo. Renson, T. E. Burgess, Chas. CANNTOSJ and8 E.SWashtington St. SnatAren tcmaa.igna Macl herran, V. BI. Ayres, C. S. NOTICF.-All canldidates for '95 J. H ALL__E R i~~ t~I~ai~'~ bbttan H B iromann. foot-ball eleven are revquestedl to Caia.$000 SrlsCdPoit,$7l!+1 440 yards dash-Ir. B. Coolev. appear daily on thec campus for Recairing a spcalty. 41Sv~i OAI ST . Gecen agnclBklghaiesPyti- .Kenson, W. L ySter, W. S. practice. Coil.I_ terect on stSaving Dol ep or oita.Rn. Hasnsafety T homp1son I Wl. Neff ant IfI. 3t The Midnight Alart. iJ D., STIMVSOIT & 3 OTS, It. KEMPF, Pces. F. H. ItELSERt, Cashier. Kroemn Is lti Sl'rll l~li-il(ilSttte,, p-trlteeitlycesolct~ Stank seen Satarrdny ecening. mnThstnigrom;nti t.ut .carniedic antItlit relay tent ilavefastely Istat tigli. itt liii Aestilitity iii .A nuArbor w.Savings sank 1'til. ''nh- ipotettstresatiovaii irt 55SAE TE. Ann Arbar Mich. CapitalStock, &50,000, entered for next Satarday afternoon --Ti- sMtdtighit Alstrtm,"'a plthiwwl-N Starplas, $100.000. -tnd the nmemibers of tile tivoteams li toiufatlsl titre o Crsl,5bit-ic vsi A NtEWllLINE (lIa? 0rganizedl uader the tGenecal tBanking Laws hsusaialtaliseditsi-lifior tse i tt tsreis oe this crate. ReceilvecsDeposits, bau-s and hvebeets in traininlg for sonmetimal.. 5 1rlisig silltesstioni. Te lt isc sells eachangeon the princiettl citiec if the aavc LCnited States. Dratcastledluponsrrpopecr dSndroa110tpoifue asisll iiflibrit ,5los;tidakavilla11in( identificatioc. O01icecrs:i-adlSans-ilstrhasistyphoidi ievct asndutti strops, Cnt D.aoaaaRsMAl.etiePe res., las b eein Sererely ill1cdiriingcthe pat 'ii sresasarsitspprIciablelak of ils iCA.E ICCK ahe.we.hewl emse nth44 iuassen ' ftns)ninnoer Yost Probableylisve somne Brtoken Arti- aaslie is a strong runniler atndihas kits, ir.,has i eisslatlstits Ihis 51115azor;3S(tutlleia, thsfne-ns cle of captulred tihis es-entat -ntuiriber of ilcc lis1il i t , k s.Ii tia l s osit asy,Isis pit-oit . 'Tie555511 Iinttt JEWVELRY OR A SWATCH OUT times in gaiis at tile taniversity anti epssiod sih the enditof thefutcact tel OF REPAIR, itn Detroit. sells-ilcii theimidnigh lst stittis Ia irsiel.t WM. ARNOLD, 30 MAIN STtREET, --- "* ". I1t -is Ittess-eteloesi tu (irei ttst tthPlcts NItcc.-'93 Lit eleven still now e-ilielisi- adIsis i-rc rs- sstku A practice tdaily on the canmpus. il}li iy Iiet tgli,.ti l D A T C . 1or-, a t heIsiussptaraphernastlia of t teifire - -- aidthirGym. subscriptions will I-sal tu lei sppreeilttell. Esetry at AK padahersvObe-artlifully atitt ltitiIntk'y 5( -- FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, greatly oblige te committee by re- asitconfineltceeryryteecnt:eS.Mis MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! mitting amount of subscription to KtieiPetarcont, -Ito perntaes St'e ast Hurson SireetI'. FH. HINCi-MAN, Treasurer, tiving Stustue Clock, is r'thecnte 67 E. Washington-nh earouintd wiicha te mnaager'of ie plity lilac gathaered a company ofl (Ir SH R H N TAKE A ofNOTICE-There will be a meeting hang merit. The liidnight Alecm Q+© Tn D CURSE. rat thi opul rbooallre theicodst ST WILL PAT YOU. Shorthand Sehcol, New tePnnyvylaCu, aauc t pthisepoeuliachuallefe ou Pcri Biliding,t20 $nnth State Street. morning atto o'clock in room A. I olfccth el.-Buffalo Courtier. - 71 Foirt St., West. - Detroit. Mich.