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October 29, 1891 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1891-10-29

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Published Daily (Sndya exepted) dr4,9
te College 1 ear, by
Sabscription price 12.511 per year, invariably
in dvaaca'Siage copica 3 et. Ott ale at
Seean a ad Post Office newt tand at 12
o'clock, noon. Sbcriptint may be left at
the office of the Dau, Opera Hoase block, at
Sheehans, at Stoffet, or with any of the
Commaicationt shol reachte tticc by
7 o'clock P.m. if they are to appear te net
day. Addeest all matter intedd for pbica-
tion to.the Satming--Editor. All -btines
commnicationo hold be entto the Bsi'
nes Manager.
Ann Arbr Xic.
RALPH STONEs, '1f, Magig Editor.
S. W. CavISS, '92, Asit. Managig Editor.
G. L. CaAestAN, '2, Asit. Maagig Editor.
J. C. TaAvaoS, 'h2, Bosineot Maager.
F. E. JANETac. '3, Atit.Busies Manaer.
C. W. RaCKcx s, ', Asis. BuinsltMSag.
H. D. JltwctLa, P. G W.H.Dct,,,csaco'f
F. D. BacN. '2. F. E. itt'Olt, 'O.
W. P. PARKER,'l3. J. f. AasEaL,'.
G. B. Dyger. '0. I C. F. WLLa 'li.
' w ~ A1AP IBHfOH~CN. B. Youxi, of the Philadelphia
Press, whio is an atthiority 0n eastern
rollege sportintg matters, says tat
"Interiockittg of armas i the wedge
is forbitddei.' We are glad tat
otur stantdu01)00thils (qtuestiot is
athlrtmtd by a onpetent autority.
We rall te attention f rttr fretds,
te Abion players, to tis interpre-
ation of te rtle wich they disre-
SATURDAY will be o-eds' day.
Trhe foot-all .manaement, under
whose direction te races and foot-
ball will be given, have made spec-
ial arrangements for their accommo-
dation, and would be pleaed to ee
them out in full force. It 10 a de-
plorable fact that the ladies of our
U~niversity do no not show enotgh
interest in athltics. At Albion,
Olivet, and in fact in nearly all the
colleges, just the opposite is true.
Iluriug the recent foot-bal game at
Olivet, all the co-eds were enthus-
astic spectators. 'iheir presetce
aids materially ill encotraging the
boys, atd the result is btter work.
The ladies should rementber this
and honor us witht their presence
next Saturday aternoon.
Professor Harrington Dfndd.
The Western News York editor who
attacks Professor Harringon's
scheme for giving weather signals by
steam whistles, starts from wrong
premises. He assumes, what is not
true, that the Weather Burea, which
furnishes telegraphic information for
this purpose gratis, expects locomo-
tive whistles mainly to be used. In-
stead the stationary engines in nmilla
and factories are what Prof. Har-

ripgton has chgfly jges yeW; and
uswe are to tcenpoge$ only in
smtall communietes, and where,
owing to inability to see tie flag
signals (if there e any), maiy per-
sons would get .no "indications" at'
all without some such device as tlis.
This idea is an excellent one, and is
being received with favor in nnme-
rots parts of the country. Certainly,
the amO of tie WIeather Burau to
afford idaily forecasts to tose tn-
forunates who cannot get a taly
newspaper is highly contmendale.
-New Vork Trihune.
The folowsing resolutions were
utaniniously adopted at a meeting
of the gratuate lasss and oter
members of the '91 lawv class:
WIEIaiAS, It lhls pletsed God, is the
disp~ensaltiontloft 1111all-wise Providence,
to call ilo his ihiger rewa'lrl0111'formier
cass-ltate, SWiliatii13. Iamsay, ad
syaahidcu sicrfredhneartest aa ~t'tive sttldet, anld one
possessnlg 1m1any mlanly [qutalitiet atd
ioble traits of cartter; therefore e
Iilfllh: i.That it ilt jtst 111111fit-
tinig thait osetle post-gradullate lair class
andlthIler ieinbers of tie LwlasCis of
'91, ill netig lassembliled, pty tils
tributte to theilllotry ofor departed
Resolvr(, 'That, swhlile we hum~sbly sb-
mit to the Divinel' will, we morthl le
loss of oe whose life wat a worthy ex-
mple, an11d w111s tiieiiory we will long
echerish. Aid e it furter
lfrolrcd, 'lTiat a copy of these reso-
lutions be set to the near relatives of
the deceased, aind to the college papers
and~ the ne'aspper of Ani Aror and
Detroit. T. J. ('AVANAUGH.
E. R. So-c-TN,
P'. J. COtotAVE,
T. W. HtuonE,
Jt~oticet tnserted in thit colm at the rate
of t0 ceto per line. Special rates for longer
time, and extra lie farnished by applyg at
the Oaor.v office.1
WANTED-By af ompetent lady a
poitions s marollill a Fraterity
house. Referelles given. Addres U.
of M. DAILY.
Roos-very desirable site ill le's
hoise No. 5 More. Frnace heat
and( use of bathtl. Price reasoiable.
DANcN.-Mrs. Alnne Wtrd Foster
will oenfl aiclass ill danig, tlso ill
Delstrte in Novemiber. Also sill have
eveninig assemblys tafter lass.
Don'ft forgit we keep sweaters, best
qutality, $.50 to 84.2. Mik & Sehmid.
Rtoom~s 4 Liberty street. Hot ad
cold waer. Ba~t, closet, furnace, et.
"Mihigan" andi "Anlm Arbor" sou-
venir spoons a~t Watts', 10 S. Main
Hot aid cold baths 10 cets, at Post
O11icc;Barber Shop.
Full lilte ness style collars, 4 ply, 15e
or 2 for 25. Mack & Shmid.
Anlis'he of Nekwear just received
anid 110etter styles will be found in
towln. You will say they are one-half
the price you pay for them elsewhere.
Mack & Shnid.
iadicas of the U. of M. -will .find it
greatty to their advantage to all on uls
When ill need of Cloak, Dresa Gooda
or Facy Dry Good. Mack &Shmid

JH A & Q. t~es.
hasve receivedi for tne opening of college 20,000 Books, new and second
hand of all kinds,(Greek, Latiin, French, Germans, Law aisd Mbedical Bookt,.
wshich they will sell at Glre~tly deducced Prices.
Mathematical Inatruments anid Laboratory aupplies. See our Note Books
for 1891-2.
toI the LEADtIfNG SCHOOL ofctltltlESh
Four departments-Comsmercial, No lest-book
ercimanuscript work-&glsh Shorthand and
Penmanship. Elgant building ag I ge at-
i" = -tendanee, efficient instructores orkho
to-ogh, living penses extremely low, 252fto
$2 tO pcr week; studenata assisted to posititos
For catalogue, address P. R. CLEARtY, President.
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.


Time Table goia inlts efect Septembec 13, 1891.
Arrival of lrai at Ai Abor.

tINE-17 TlioLoader INoh. f. Through Mail and Espress... 7411 a. in.
I I No. 4. Anea Arbor 0 Totedo Aceots. II 5() a. to.
in1 Faslilonls 12No.t. Clire P'ssenger ........50 p. an.
TT d1T Morclhant Tail- No 1. Clare a hn Todo Accouti. 1130 ait.3
O 2'YIfI 0 l 1g. 1 1110No. 5. Aan Arbor& Toledo Accott.. 7S20a..
Trainso 4ad 5srsbbtwe'en Ans Arbor and
line of Piece Toled ly1,~0.10c
God t seec All TrainssDily exc'pt Stunday.
f rotit.('all forl' Gea. Pots. Atgent. Lohhel Agenit.
a line fittinig; r
19 S. MAIN ST.., N. '1
ANN ARBOR, MIst. S. a1in Street.
-- ondayEvening, November2.
Newspapers. Sagazines. PeriodicalsbFie---
Confectiosa.Cigaro and 'Tobacco.
(queen, in the Psssertsl O ramiatic
- Creatlio, eafitled
PHO 0GR P9I ,No. t2 W. IIURON ST. Xew York T~gly y Iy'
IA Fr'sh, Crisp Picture cf tire isnfNces York
November 2nd. I C sa. udecrithe Moseemeas of
CisMr. tiisrles Mielvillc.

'Ness York by Day," swhlichi Miss
Lottie Wiliiaiiis incheir coipnjsiy ire-
seiit thliosweekt at the People's thleater,
is one of thlose melodramas teat leave
iiothiiig to tie desired in the thorough-
iess of the triumph of inneocence and
poverty over crime aiid unlscrulplhous
wealth. From tile first there nleedl he
no mistake as to whsere the sympathies
of the audience otighit to he. And it is
to the credit of the comaniy as demon-
strateti by last night's performncie,
that tihere is no mistake as to where it
is. There was something refreshiing
in the heartiness witha which thse vil-
laina were hisated and the innoceints
and their friends applauded. It is a
play worth goin g to see if for nothing
elae than to get into the atmosphere of
unconventionality and thorough sym-
ppthy which characterizes the audi-
encesa it attraeta.-I7ew York World.

Full1 of Esciting Seneic, Dramatic Sissations
asndMgiicett Scecncry. Artistically
P'ictaresqiue,stid Intcrpreted bya
14011'tI/uaoid (Ci'ef'ully Selecdtcd
Amoag thcStartliag Effects is thisGrecat Pro-
duction. arc
New York City by tMfidnight.
The Battery inn 1868.
kamriem 5Bridge inii p iizgmns1
The aPollee Patrol.
The Bnuing CanamiBoae.
Thie El , trle Gmi..
The Whale Portrayiag to atere Life in the
'Oreat City-
Reserved Set Thicato naw oat Sale, at the-
Posiaffice News Stand.

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