THE{ U. OF. M. DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College t ear, by THE U, OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION THE "Yellow and Blue," the new weekly which is "edited by the fra- ternities,'' in its initial issue, puts some slueries relating to foot-hall, the anssvers to which its editors can find if they refer to the recent issues of the I)Aliy. The editorial is as follows: " Altough it is not our de- sire to fintd fault with the foot-hall msanagement, we woould like to ask one or two pertinentrtuestions in re- gard to the present situation. Why has nio training table been provided? Is an earnest effort being made so secure a coacts who is thoroughly acquainted with the eastern tactics?'' If the writer of these queries had taken the troule to enquire at hseadt- quarters, that is, issterviewed the foot-bsall umanagement, lhe would hsave leariseit that froni ten days to tsvo weeks before the first nusm- ber of thse Yellosv and Btlue 1had gone to press, arrangeenits werc being perfected for a training table. It would h Iave beets an useless expense to bave sent thirty or forty candi- slates foe the 'Varsity eeitn to a traininsg tattle early iinthse seasois, before ais approximate selection of the eleveis had beessnsade. Yale and Harvard, according to New York newspapers, did not send thseir 'Varsity elevens aisd substitutes to the training table until last week, and it is hardly to be expected that Michigan would hase been nearer a selection of its eleven than Harvard and Yale. In answeer to the second inquiry of the Yellowv and Blue, wve refer its editors to tise issue of thse DILY of Saturday, October 17, wvhere in our report of the mseeting of else atbletic directors, is tbis statement: ''The msost important action taken by thse atbletic directors last evening was thet app~ointnment of1sf3r. Frank Crasv- ford as coachs fur thse foot-ball team. lie wsill be assisted by M. C. Astur- pby, trainer of the D. A. C. Mil. Crasvford is a graduate of Yale, and hsas playest foot-ball there for several years. Hie is very famsiliar withstihe game, and is very highlty recoin- msended by Rhsodes, captain of last heen in the execution of his instruc- tions. The men are slow to com- prehend plays, and need consider- able training before they will he familiar with them. We hope thsat the Yellowv and Blue has received a satisfactory answer to their inquiries. We have endeav- ored to miake it clear to it that ax far as the athletic directors are con- cerned, every effort has been nsade to advance our foot-ball interests. An exchsange says that Wellesley girls have beets measured, and the average waist megassure of the iszoo students svas found lo be 24.2 inches. BUSINESS LOCLAS. SYANYICm-.lie aicompetent lady ii position is mnstrrntin i a Frsaternity house. Referetices givets. Address U. of Ml. DAILY. Bosoissvery idesirsible susite in new houssse Net.; Monsroe. Esirnace beset stnd use of bsaths. Price reasoinable. D)Asss'sN(-.-Mrs. Aisute SWird Foster trill opets a elsiss in sdaseitig, also us Djelsirte its Nosemober. Alsot will have evetnitng assemsblys after elass. Donsit ftorget swe keel swsesiters, best qusality, $3.50 to $4. '5. Maek & Schsmid. Rtoomiss. 48 Libterty street. ttot anti cold waster. IBat, lsoset, furissse, etc. " liclsigsn sitsnt "Ann Arbor' soui- velsiesioons st Wstts', 10 S. Mlsius street. Htin sod istlsiis t0)censts, sit Post Office Barber Shsop. Full lhue tsewsstyle colsars, -4 ply, tic or 2 foer2.5. Msack & Scimid. Attest-Ilise of Neckswear just received asssd io better styles still he fstsstinit towis. You still say they sare otne-hsalf thse price you pay for theti elsewh-iere. Mack & Schsiiid. Ladies of the L?. of M. will finid it greatly to thseir advatitage to call onns when its need of Closiks, Dress Goods or Fancy Dey Goods. Msack & Schimid. "Evanigeliune," withs its beautiful marches, pretty sceties, sotigs, and dattces, atid pretty girls, is coming and will be seen at te Grand Opera House this eveninsg. 'The Lone Fisherman will he seen as itn olden times. atid many of te old favorites are retained. Miss Htilda Thomas, as Gabriel, atnd Miss Patti Stonse, as "Evattgeline," tare said to be the most bteautiful and ac- cumplishied young ladies titat the lead- ing roles ini Dice's "Evaungeline" hsave ever beetsetstrutsted to. Critics ots the leaditng josutnals of the eaist declare the productioss of Rice's beaiutiful "Evangelitne,' this seasoti to be the best thsis ever-populaur extravagantza hiss hadushiniyears. Miss Patti Stonie still be Exsiigethise,Miss Itildia Thoms, Gabiriel. November 2nd. 'New Yorkc by Day," swhicts Miss Lottie Williamisand flier comupany- pre- setit this steelk at thseiPeople's theater, is onse of thssse mtelodramas thaut teavse nsothisg to be ihesired in the thotiughs- nss of tise triiusph of issnocetice ansh poverty os-er crime atndstttscrutpulous sweatsh. Froit the first tihere tieed be so msistake as to sthere the synmpathiies iftthue asudietice ought to be. Atnd it is eLi 2ZHI Y & Q o., &tate @f., have received toe toe opening of college 20,000 Books, ness and secondl hand of all kinds, Greek, Latins, French, German, Law sand Medical Books, wthieh they will sell at Greatly Reduced Prices. Mathematical Instruments and Laboratory supplies. See our Note Books fot 1891-2. Is the LEADING5 SCHOOL otf BUSINEtSS. :Four departments-Commerctal, Ns seat-bosh oremanuscriptworh-&nglutb. Shorthand and - - P emanship. Elegant building, large at- _ - ~~tendaeeffetistruttots, tr thothe ough, iitexpenses extremely low, 5225to $2055 per -,,eeh. students asststed to positiots. Sot estatogue, address P.R. CLEARY, Prestdent. x Toledo, Ann Arbor and North - - --- Mhtrna Ra;iway JAS. M. STAFFORD, J. Al. STAFFORDs iTuna Table going itot effect Septrumber it, 18t1. Artivalftra1ins at itAs iArbor. B NH Thse Loaderj No. 2. ThtrousghMail andt xpress... ,toss. m is. . AttttA rho &'ToledosAcsm ..11t50 a.I. in Fashiois iNot. 1b. Clarec P'ssenger........5 05 p. m M Merchsant Tail- Not1.s(n]erittid Toledo Assets. 1It.In. g. F hrug Mile.......tt9201p. to. oring Fif No.5. An Aror &Toledo Aesstte. ',2(0 a. Tris4an u etwveens Ann .Atboratnd line if Piece Toledosoely. Goods tts selectAlTrisDiyecpSud. W. H. OENNETY, H. S. OGREENWOD, fr'ost. Catl ol Gen. Pass. Agenti. tLoctl Agessi. a fiuo tittitng4 suit. 19 S. MAts ST., No. i1 ANNs ARBOR,.' Mon. S. MinsStreet. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS !GRAND PER TU F. 0. NI So - DIMonday Evening, November 2 bO-New spapers aztnes, Periodicals, Fisc-- Conecion, igas ndMISSco ( LOTTIH WILLIAMSMIS'iBeuflPrtaChacrSobte Quent, is the Ptsveetsui1ODramatic Creatioe,,enitled : ilA 'New Y ovk I y by 1 )' PH0T0G" "r HENO. 11 W. HIURON ST. I A Preesb, Crisp t'icturee oftife itt New York ---- - - ---------- - - Cty, under use Mangusement itt - - _ - - - -- - --_ Mr. dCharles Melville. GRAND OPERA HOUSE REIISTIzC IN THE E XTREME. year's Yale eleven.'' Crassford has tos tilecresdst oethte comnsty as dlemon- strastedt by last nigiit's pterformlance, heen of great assistance to thse eesen thiat there is tie mistake as to where it .since he hsas taken charge of ltst is. There wtas sonmething refreshing ini thie ieartiniess swithi which the vii- coaching. He has prepared a code laitis sere hi)ssed stud the innsocetnts of signals, and has initiated the men and their friends sapplauded. It is a plsaysworthi goitig to see if for nothing into a number of tricks, and taught else than to get into the atmosphere of them methods of play that are new unconventionality and thorough synm- to estrn eam. Te fulthaspathuy wvhichscharacterizes the audi- to weternteam. Thefaul has ces it atracts.-New York Worid. Wednesday Eve., Otober 28 W5ith ill its Pamous Festutres. 50 -:-C- i 1tzs1- -- ART=STS : m Ric's Beautiful Extiravagsaz, And C. H. Smith's Cever Comic Players, MISS HttLDA THOMAS, - Gabreii. MISS PATTI STONE, - Evangeline. MiSS SADIE STEPHENS, - Felictianao. MR. JAS. S. MAPFITT, - Lstue Fisher-msin. MR. GEO. A. SHILLER, - Le Blase. MR. EDWIN S. TARR, - - Benuedict. MR. IRVIN T. BUSS, - Catharine. Splendid Company, Foil Chorus, Army of Amazons, Brilliant Costumes, Charming Mu- sic, Magnificent Scenes. sod Mgnifienot Stenerer, Artistiesully Pictusresque, asdSItserpreted by a Jtiuu'ei'fuutd sand Gicf s01y Selected Comspany. Amongthue Startling Effects Itt this Crest Pro- duetion Ott New York City by Midnight. Thie Battery in x868. M~arleni ]Bridge ini a Bizzard Tihe PoicesPatroi. 'ise Burning Canal Boat. 'rise Electric Caii.. The Whole Portraying to Nature tife in the Great City. Reserved Seat Tichets sow on Sale at the Postillee News Stated.