THE U. OF M. DAILY TIHIElTWO SAM& E UO8 AGENTS FORw 66 YOUMANS" AND KNOX HATS. - The 4. T. Jacobs Co., I The J. T. Jacobs Co., Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Furnishings. The 4. T. Jacobs CO., Call anti see us. 27 ANI) 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. L_ B3LiTZ. N. B.-We still have a nice assortment of Light Weight Overcoats to he closed out at Grneatly Retduced Prices. Al ro tlfiLglllry, CE~.. . GEORGE L. MOORE, Successo to ,1 + WORKXCALLED FO(}andDELJTEFRED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL, AFttiadillaeTa ubiiiiii uadtl-lOtt a (5a1.1, oxtCheaet plae or1',iBoks CldiFountainA111luiu theaitsy. Fi--iiu cwdit- n .-t Comei SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. ! v_ =Z-=aodie nds. Isnwite na y entirestark, atl taysalien aNo. 6 S. M iIN ST. Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. Nit. 1IIvlS"Wi ut ~ilt=7lON S'iI L.N =iC. . M uOOS - Ev-ery Studienttsill sasesmneiy hy bt specilltlidcomiit on i,.1AW BOOKS I iversity . :;,(;101Iltnk Books att IJ: gioQhrnond Straight QCtl1 CIGARETTES. C igauritte Smoakersawho 1 ane wilig tuo nit alittle - mocre thounte prica nihagedlfta thenattlaarn - - tradenCigartteas il11find ""Sr> Ho BRAss supeuior tot Y j = all athers. TheIRichotond Sirsight ci t No.1I Cigarettes arn maidn tram the bright- est, most deleately flavored anid higthest cost Gold Lenf grown in Virinial. Thits is thn Olt and Original 13ruid or Straight Cut Cigarettea, and wsanbroughtot bhrutin ilthe rear tutu. Beware or irritations. atnd obserre that te firm name as below is an eerey puchage. The ALLEN h OINTER Branch Of the American Totbacco Go.. Maufacturers. - - Richmond. Virginia. Caial$50,000al.stu-plt ust d.Piatits, $1:,00y). Does ai general Banhing busiess. Pisys it- terest on Sasvitng Deposits. Bas snfety Deposit Baxes tar Rent. It. KEMPF, Prent. F. H. SELSEE, Cnshier. lank usenSaOtutrday eveing. Ann Arbor Savings Bank Ails Arbor MinS. Caidtal Stock, i$50,000,, Sur~plus, $100.000. Orgoanidtider te Oenieral Rushing Laws at this state. Reeives Desits, bitys tand tells exchiange sinthe principal tlies if the Ulsted States. Draftsahedinlupot nsroer densifeation. Offics CHRISIANtaMACin, Pres., it. 0. HARRI i-Ns. vine Prens. Yot Pirobably liiie somien'Brokeni Artti- cle of JEWELRY OR A WATCH OUT OF REPAIR, WM. ARNOLD. 16 MAIN STRIEET. Is the Place to git. .)ANDALg FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! 3at HuronStreti, SHORTHAND TAKE A IT WILL PAY TOt. Shorthand School, New Building, 2it South Stste Street. E-UISIITESSIDIIICOORY. lIVIt il, HtAC ti ii5BAGGAG IiNi,.. tyiiig UtniestyeityI exti-Iluks andl all auplliira L Iteadquaralters. We alowP1(1st ii-fr ains -a a, aies. ltlddinta-. i., 7),P.DICA LIBOOKS.,IDENTAL IBOOKS, iiinsit, every Puos; rise I itt tile Ta thoix~cetiN~i nun iti .)1) Io t MISS JUDITH GRAVES, l-e4(r es' aliht. dilly at 1"suar \D1NG BOOK ',TOEI BIN TIlE CITY. (tatic CiStore. To Speak in Chicago. iLovelaind, egerul vce-apresuident alils to turn listitintatI i e mi'r ilsht i Ssatcretary,' W. If. Beaus- reasitri rtit titiiitiil}ii iri In iki i ti ittiitN- MIr. Williani C. Quiarliea has tactenCII ()iis tetu iitllEiItis nt hi iiii . Ai 1".sits liiili r, tar. ahossein Itieorattir lfor tl I- iversils- I 1I O.iiMt.MARTIN, --an initantion to atteiid a joint metj i>t .I IN of 2licligati, to deliver an aildress ing of thse Ypsilanti cliih sext Sattir- Cloth Cses Metallic before a iiass mleetillg to be hel in FA sketsO CFFNS aday. Y. IH. Nichlits antI I. II. t --lt~ti lPsiS (Ciicago on the 22011 of February. Walker were electedl speakers to rep- IJ. A. POLHEMUS, Temetn ist hecnutdresent the Iniversity Club at I'psi- - \ ~- tinder thse auspices nof the "'Union ani ALSO '13US HACK AND tBAGGlAGE tINE, League Club," of Chicago, which it " RINSEY &SEABOLT, composed of many of the weaithiess Inter-Collegiate Tennin Anssociation Baleensuaid dealers in Meeting. Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and Feed, sod nmost infiiential business men of 6 ndnis E. wuebicnstnnSt. that city. This club for several Aft a meieting linel is New H-aven - - -______ years past has beent instrutmental intie ficsorte past year wereA5...L..ER codciganas - iiainioiusly re-elected. 'Ihey are: I 7 =T= Washucingon' sseneetinig upFoni ovy Hrar;Ilirinieasei tlts 46 SOTHiIN Wahntnsbirtlhday, whsicti has President, 1.H oeHrad bee adresed y pomientmenvice-president, l:. P. AMctullen, of j, . LI. IM0OiT SOIT froit different parts of the couiitry, Columbia; secretary aind treasurer, Stale Street Grtocers. the lsingo iicucasea siri ~ IHowlande, of 'iala. IThe iate of Stiiill ttd puiitinta-esplillty sutiriteit. of~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~h taioin, ie-intosilsanext tournament .was fixed for :4____ S._____________________________ ofntiotismlandtfeour onto hethe second Tuesday o u onr.'hsusa of October, andh ttitthe groundles of the Nesrl aven tawin year the nmeetinsg, swhicha is to ti C(lubi will lie used. Steventsteas - i saldin iithe Aunitioriuni, is to lie electedto tl iiernilersliip, andthetti addiressedt by young uent, retpresen- meeting voteditoI reinsstate tuenusyl- -..5511 tatises of ouricleauding colleges andit ania oii paymnlt of etues. tiniversities. _- .0- Mr.hQuatrletsipeaks as the repre- atlllti .Ielisrainbosiitenaneil itR LL sentative of tile