THE UNIVERSITY OF MICfl [HUN DAILY. 0 U OR$25.00 Suit for $15.00 HAE ITB i mi SOAP Style, Quality and Fit Guaranteed. - I js a lodsap as is D A& S N s old ;__r2 censts a cake Hatters, Fine Furnishers and Tailors. Sole Agents, Royal Tailo: ----c:.etI1at it is not y Xoninan's Bats, Rulop Hats and Waterhouse Neckwvear. p rtIe..25 cents a : No. 9 South Main Street, - - - Ann .Arbor, Mid CRESCENT (CombeeatioesTandem for rent s easeonable.rates. Cyck ST.lAE6:BLdER, CceEmporiumi One Seer East of Ameren- caonIRouse. PATRONIZE HOLMIES' LIVER' s and get the hest service. Office and Stable, 32 Forest Ave. Telephone 106. Branch Office at Palnters' Pharmacy rG box ct': cakes, and the el ----- --. __ ----- --------- ------ manly phk-e, to get it is: 10 THE BfA fHOUSE JEWELER, as' nfnsb f 3tb irh s-class Fountaie en. . me,, f>_ ;ariga specialty. x-1I-slM A CALL. PHOT CTAPHS -- lrtes to Senioss at 6 E. 1Huron Street. minks, Oss5lress Suit Cases Trunks avl i 7 X emired Neatly and tetNo -l S.test. haeyi seers thotse nol lby SisMII aid as taming out. ~L &, D-40 State St. roc s, :=Provisions and :i llns (If 5aniitarium owsedfteesale hy Stlimszri & Co., =tl.i'TATLE ST. a-st Remixed5 argesitdEleant Liue of New Pipes! tat u I(, l stireeS at alliteurs. Agets rie l s' at itteetias atidO taterCo' ~.. O1.LZY & CO0. ?-. ra iseSt.. Saer eBlock. "UURIEAiI! Arbesrttt ltstits a fSee Ristawers andtLuhaCeotttes, '.The Portland Cefe 16 S. Vain S- 7er et.AyttingtIn teao at- iht - ,a iltBordin ttity, 5tie per week,. Sit-tel-er sis t25,-. GleeN(lAY mmaN way. 1P. S.->lIe's fttscet-Aspe- ialty si ,n any Isietti-t. 12:10toe :',1ls. em R11 TSeCHLEIS, ANN IAR'BOR MICH. POOTBLSUTPPLIES. 45.erytisy 7 Ciorte 51eyer - Jackets, S#hces, ae i s , isrsees, Sis Guards, e a..xli "ocaole '1 esraiteiate Ap6tRal jf ] aoted by tito toter- 4culheW aeA ;&iiso. Comepiste Cats- llo u asendi aWiter Spores free. "The Raaw e si -nu-et." JA ,G. SPALING & BROS., Xm ~w ale.#bkgo, Philadelphia. V 'ureat soted suite and single- xno~o for sore at 5. Walnut street. 25, r 4, a. a~vri 4l ®a o 4Gaoo G4C @9s4 6r e iiitoter s . seit st,. areit esay attrest. Pries:lt i or~~ ~vzoynPi nitped, 40 etRn. Fc~~rt(lPOBi d CatalegueFree kSeetewtores. 0 ly I C .M F or $3.50 a S ui -t Weare ofieri ig a very superiora article in eon's Combination Underwear glade by one of the beet mills itn the counlry-. We invite itaspectlii. WAGNERo © Q0 O .-, MEN'S FURNISHINGS, 21 SOUTH MAIN STREET. U. OF' M5. CALENDAR. (A . Birkter. A. Duitis, I. A. Iltaittitiu Fritday,(lit,. 2ll. l1s1 Ihanlls-,T . .iltds ielectlln. 'j 11 t t k otGtssr a linde Cllstelsr Sattrcay o4t. 24. Dillroit.--Si cli- ittl te hteopattttic iepatettitis ' galt is. UL-tiilth. (Gautet talledlat 2mt ifsssntltlte.-l otre ttsslo itdlenls thln-s-ted ityhtt-e le-s.Mr. Ntes tsh. it(1t1r:0. "Itdthe to-tal-l atltt-ttdtttt- is UNIVERSITY NOTES. past tluw yc tw The cla,., of '!N mom yetcr(Iny aiter- nooti ill the chal7 ? It. In Trendway Nvo electe(l c7ia ir>>i u of the social committee. Ito will n1yoMt a young lacy- iizeuOwr of his counnittee mul THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Captttel Ste-k,950l00.Sterplus, $t50,000. tResossces, Stt,1055 Organized undes theOeeral Banking La~ of this Stats. IReceives depesits, buys seTF sell excantege ene spsineipal eities of the tUeited States. Drsafts cashed apes proper tdentificatien. Safety deposit boxes to rent. OFCrosceo Chistitans Meek Prsa .; S. D j arrimtos,'ie--Pres; Chas E. Hiscoct, 1Casier M.tJC FritzAse~stattCashier. FIRST NATIONALBAKraiers Capital, $100,000. Surplustansd Preft,$40ttOO Trasacets a general bankingbusiess. Foreignexcsantege bought sod sold. iFurnish lettes of credit. E1. K INNE, Pres. HARRISGN SOUItE, Vise Pres. S. W. CLARKSON. Caskles. - iF. a. o, fite State etreseTaiior. Latest Styles. ife-t GeosIeside Priees. We da evesy thintg ino u ie. Cieaneing,.pessinlg antdiseptingtelsoest prices cotnsistenttwith good work. toeds Siledfesritid delitvesed. We seto pltease.?0S. Stile Street. Giee Lowney'S Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S. 485. State St. Buy all you can afford for present tend futulre use at our Lowest Prices! We shalhe here for a few days only..... .. .. .. Callaglhan & Co., LAW PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO. At Secf sods's, 50 South State st. - --CHAFING DISHES, 4~ TABLE KETTLES, A Itandsoume lute anid Cheap. WM. ARNOLD, LEADING JEWELER. FREDERICK J. SCHLEED E UNIVERSITY BOOK BINDERY. Binds oostfrost25t cetsupwarse. Selsoistd GoldiesttttttlPens fort$IA),ead .albs of inentPaIperslot50tetIs. 50 S. STATE ST. MUSIC STUDIO. PIANO AND COMPOSITION. FZ. 1H. KEMPP PromeStettarttonseratoy eray 22 S. DIVISION ST. i IN THE EQUIPMENT OF A STUDENT'S ROOM, Itsis genesrally conceded list a strittoed in- struttitstalottitstenasoluteneessitty. To scute the gireatest estjoymest fromee uese vet the bett yeturtttttsy si afortd, x tort dgenet pesnoteesssthe"Btey Stae"s instrumens the isat is the wsorld.- As excellent instenitt is the -BAY STATE $10.00 - We hsave is stock cheaper bantjos pthtan this, but for a substantial, ieee-ic- able instrument, at a los ptise, ts Iother lestroseest manufactured cao 1compare with it, Senul for illsitraeted catlogue, JOHN C. HAYNES & CO., 433-463 Waihington. streeti Boston. isg hs ti-tin 1,hl- rtal t olll te t i l aIsii, t . ttiiti ssc 111il (. i T .t \Iut i-ut 5at'll51 iiuc fte slh llr'lo - . (is-I i lt-i.fooithi lit iltS.flt 1)111 (-a111 ai(1 \. -" tt- ic ' tt- el-it sl ti ltiA 111 .S t 0 tillit- fissitiisi tel iiitito at it I i' lltitt flt li i ii ls -lu I..t I if wo tl at i-is stil e till r lit1--(s.tllei-s-011. hi i iis ii a l titti . 11°1 O t1('i° , tiE1(l lti-lu-?iia' a 1:1-" t e1 i-s at ig, will deliertahi,- lti rat-sI leull if ; PtiDlts Thietai110lest lrends e an- t+ritis -t heri-te taisi-iesthe t r ica- lite t liii if 1 attiites Cs 11ri-itt theS hi iso~fse a tio ut len t i-eluig;l ies ?Dtils i-l. S CV C~kility att. Call et'Iry ltttlieisill. ii A i g i tb I ', -tistle ere-Ilt Otoin ,60- 1h Thanhaeserfctcomusionan dsne S smoer sellt iltIi: I tII ThheoleniN ew oc hest e sThe Yae, Tinlaeew Roal, Th1( clle efe- tmro ftron S tent, TesiPrinstudnTeEpesSuet l nls etraickllatedeswithllofatest ipr ovemetWest ellweatwead- vls aet ise andodguarateenqualtyr otgodsans are nerundeld sthion Street h rnesSuet TeEpesSuetl