THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. OUR SWITGH HAZL is just as good soap sold for 25 cents ac * -except that it is Perfumed. 2.5 centE b Iox of 3 cakes, and * only 3pla.ctgti heLre. ~ ALKINS'-:-PHARi WOTZI MAKES TO OOIDE WOMEN andI Easy Fitting Shoes its Latest Styles. Boot Place -- ,,epa~ring 0THIS COUPON IS GOOD FOR VNE4m CREtSCENT Comibinatian Tandeme t s., lot rnotateresonable rates. AP!pCycle. EmporimOn0ccdiscrEEact of Amcri- con House. as s On presentation at our Store to apply on any piece of Sheet PTO ZEHL S'LIE cake Music in our stock. 10 cent Music excepted. PATIdget thehESrve tn OfieandSttaebesle,2rviest a :ANN ARBO0F MUSIC CDO-4 adfc Ave. . lsala3 oeTelephone 106. the % 21 AND 23 EAS'F12 WASHINGON STREET. I Branch Office at Palmers' Pharmacy itl 15 oaecip I HE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK of 10O ts. a 5sdpl to Capital Stock, $50,000. Sucplos, $150,000. anycaddrsss. Pie,,stcosec S OO00 psood, $ I. ur Rsuce,$,1000 p o r .terrt~ Opo...d, t-da40 et.. Organieduderthceeecal BankinghLaw PVs.cidtisocsel i of this Staite. tReceives deposits, hays anal 0 SfleGV w159 Yor , to sio tells echangseeoc the pincipal cities of the ACY, 1"o.ii as Cnitedi States. Drafts cashed upoa proper Only dentificstion. Safety deposit hoses etec. 0 y Id * TirOFFIceRS: Christian Msck tiecs.; W. 0. ,aeemeama~OsHaiman, Vice-Pees.: Chas E. niscock, Ciashier: M.J..Fritz AssistantiCsshier. e t~s -c~e c a~~ro~rm'cras ,.-w mtro~a flo FIRST NATIONAL BANK ofAn ro tCapitai, $100,00.Scrpiu n s o ficts, 00 LIEN' T A IL O R IN G F~~oreigexchoi-e bought andsoldFurnish lteofacrts. s a he ale alteReflitiitett iti clothes-niaking rmutip the cost of pro- a.wVLRKo.Cie Pees. titietitn- - --Clothes cano hs gotten inywhere tot less price- --It you.Itoessatisfied too Waive thte elegrance F. 7 LENtie State Sireet Tailoe. halest Styles. Bti Gooads toside Prices. We do td=oftimake swhich preerves it's elegsyaisetho rdtts tctttilog cvcry tlin in our line. Cleansiio. lpre-sisg aod repaving at lowest prices conisistent with A -- -YotuttIngltt da well live the lsver priced- - ,- coed seinek. oos called ferad delis-ered. a If tot- -(Ytirt r -tie) are cheaipesit. We e cl to plcasc. 20 S. St.ato Street. Give as a call. OD SP ED'S. Lowney's Chocolates. SOTHc cHSTEE. Hot Lunches. is 43 S. Main St. - Upstairs. THE "NIOST E IXCELLE-NT ' Chocolates aod Bon Bons -AT-- angs'terfer's Darly place in ciiy islocce yoa caOt thsem. Also J. C. Etilols lDetroit Fine Ciofetionery oaid Itociester (Candy 'sorks. DELICIOus" Chocolates and Bon Bonss. COR. FOURTH AND WHINGTON STS,, AND NO. 26 SOUTH STATE ST. .Anrton 'Teufel, Trisks, Valises, Bress Suit Cases AND TELES('OPES. T riocncs atid Valis3es lttirico Neatly atid Ciscaply. No 575S. itainset Y our't'ailor ! Halve you seen those nobby -suits i ur, is tuorning. ocut. M.ILWARD 40 State St. TIENTSCHLEE1, ANN ARBOR. MICH. FOOTBALL SUPPLIES Everythiog far the stayer - Jackets, Shoes,--Stocklugs, Jerseys. Shin tiuords, ,ettSpadiog's official totercollegiate ot Balt, offcialiy tadopted by tise Inter- cnolleglate Association. Complete Coota- >togwe Fall aod Wioter Sparts free.,"'The 'ttiaoe the Guarantee." ;A. G. SPAILDING & BROS., .,sKew York. Chicago, Fhitadelphia. U, Otc M. CALENDAR. - ii. tic()i '1tis 0. l'oIiiifs . " T TT E'.45 S. State St. Friday2, (Oil 2, 1. 01,1 Cliopol.-'R) i -o iI.'ijoo i.S fa2 elei'lin. lD'.Ili 51 A. Meoher will addlolcoonLA W BO O KS Satily ((tl. -t. Deleoit.--lii li.-IIe I-olcrio \onlnsCu,;a a s etgl =legle t Ie r-' Iw t iwekoil tesbets :5al oucalafod o 1) Ill. "WI It liiiWe-u onof 'M4,1-ll call. presettand future tise at otir Ttis' sday, Noo.r.\ecolty 11Ido for lliveriii'sity." Low~.est Prices 1 ('10050500 (iitttelhomeopahicih('1 Coniso'.ic-io ili We shall he here for a few 15it11 hloocs'lici1 nonsoalirweil iIt- clays ol UNIVER-SITY NOTES. ii' ic'he i'. i' o'iic'lclch I"'. S'tard So usury. hi-i ycoc~'~c ii'iioihave ii'1 000 ic (-I c . lll NcecilccIoIploic Callagrhits & Co., c1rtion, us ill 1 oolhoy returnooi lii iii IsnO i l otiiiPIrof. tie.s ,urc haool ILAW PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO. leInEheor lreathlc if oooosi :a.iioioobr oil' Cf At Schleede'o. 50 South State ot. Ses-ctlr-ic'i ;1 lo iii eloc-.or 0 ti' -clss -il iod iio-o ic iic o oi ic fore theclasc. l CHAFING DISH(IES 55 tti'oiiloi loilsl11:'1 iooociol i'oi fsoolo-I i'oii otis' 'ieoi-c'TABLE KETTLES, Assoi-itloon yosi orolao. o1fNi-lrosho udefeatecd tllion' f is::-0Ahtdcteueah 1±;.U.0t.o~\oufohO. 1. 5.'14. A1. 5. Ahldsmelie.n coutoilti-ors at:0 O'olullooi, ii. slsouiri, (Chelp, is nou t e lo liii iowii u i ll h e lu'Ili--l Sehoso n 0'ullooo'r. holo. SMonid-''- lothe1:'scoe- out5lI1. sA'!WM RN L ADNGJEWELER. Scola odatr ih 'icioin-ouiwill mOet INi iiioslc, a N LEAIN Ii. It. I ioolowa~y r'lil I., if SMotet a. ha ls in o o' tl l:ith ' iith e ol coM odid sithl iiaivsly I ospiital cTeslcrthi : e o-uicioool lof h 'amc' -o oooloint FREDERICK J. SCHLEEDE lay attiootoif oyiulid foser. Ibe' ieil S0001isfclorooi ai ll 51o:i~cll 00 UNIVERSITY BOOK BINDERY. 1i'110 senio'iuiio loe sillio sseio .I eouslolo iooio insoo. rtoro cn BidsWoolBebe so 25 centsupapido I nt o aSeils Soiid sld Foutaiio fens foc 51.00, aii imortsooilmoetnI io h1ouuc:Iiy.lOct. _)21. pIoiiilOi"01000 ' w1hOu 10' WSoot i los ol Loena oper ftoerdOcints. sisi-inertls Ni 100oioo50 5. STATE ST. st 4:3( 1). Ili. i 110d0 nloolbuuiloding. -, The '05 1.Looiid itlo:IlieI Scoii oooltdnofii theiiIi:'i sis- 'ly arc, -or-' US C TU IO Iily lvtc opatc pt ilal ly 01a tuor fst oootbahool ai lhii; lousso'uo daiiciing Horsy iio tako' 10100 0 PAN AD DMOtlN fsair gi-otnols e 5st000 toy illiiinoiii. oPiIANOe A'ANoDoiyCOMPOSITiIOiN-i'00 liseithier sit' si-orluoc. 1010. OcI. 21 est. "'R" H.1{r l/ Au ordeor hoos 1ibieo esnie o iiinTI0 Floretiiilo'ocoioiitlofl itoo' stIeooo Stuttgart Coisccs'ooly, G~em-an. twotudinslfroooo ociuse' loesaeoiii'I frontt ioomis. Also -es' si-li rosoiso 22 S. DIVISION ST. looker at liii- oyooitu. Wh5ich I-ii sll I tori'$1..-0. Foio: os e nsea.()0 1".. Wash- gogt2 St. iedNr t.0' 25 Groceries, --Provisions Yeso'rloy'stosol0:01 oiocn osilnl U. of Al. Diiiing h~all, 622i.. Liherty anIllkdsoSntrim Tac 2,hlcohoihA~ol'ic t.l We ailii to lease; if nto, ilease Foods for sale hy Yale12" Elza.Ie~t Atleti elnb . itell us whly; itfsee do, please tell yu tiartusestith 201.ttusrooiuo101. Amhero-lstfrietids. $2~50 ncr s-eels. 25Stinz.sort & Co., '24 S. STATE ST. A ~f p S That have perfect combustion and do not Just Received a Large and Elegant Las~ ~ moke or smell: Lnge of New Pipes! The New itochiester, The Yale, 'The New Royal, The Perfec- Hat and Cold Lusncies at all hous. Agenots far Huyle's aod Wi1lams and Wernees Co.'s then Student, The Princess Student, The Empress Student, all Chocolate Boani Boas. nickel plated, withi latest improvemertts. We sell whiat we ad- R-.]B- JOLeLY & CO. vertise and guarantee quality of goods and are never undersold. 205. State St., Sager Block. DEA & CO MliPAjN7Y. Furnace heated suite and single 44So nth Main Street. rooni for rent at 5 Walnut street. 25