VOL. VII. No. 2J.
VO . I . o 2 .A N N A R B O R , M ICH IG A N , T H U R SD A Y . O C TO B E R 29, 15 6. 1 o ut PA CY O -9 ( ENT S.
"T appallO 11oh." tilt tarift bu rr-oak
Lecp~'Tailor Contest for Toastmlaster Remains tlout wneol of the library bulltilg. Enters Upon Its Seventh Year of
j11Unsettled. 1111 of tilt' ldo tllulmllars ou1 tihe Successful Work.
AN I PO TE . - nt.11is or oftite few Sur-
AND IMPORTER. Yoslofrl l Ih 1trelboall Ils" 11uet inimforl'st tiles wh1ch1 o rijo li fTh doIirectoos of tile Oratorloal As-
and iecc 0111 tIfhllrl for 1111 a t lingll covered tills Se onll. lts lpresrent .Osaill 011 eid a Illotlng 11101 evening
' ~ FULL OHiESS SUITS A SPECIALTY. year. I xl'l't I 111151111151. heillwet10- name 1 ,11 ivenil it ly till' 1111,' If til, at 011111 1110011 lllsiu l aeons 11110l-
ing_________ _ 1 11 "Is 11e11 itt fltold1 chtplt'' r 1111 011011 ,t tilt 5e11111. timl setot 1111 11' less wias tlnslll elll.
lA~iO~bI1TflhI A~hI 11 -1:3t0 1. 11., 11111 calletoli 1 ord-r by Lte. 1 111 iroitnlltg it. Mo- all ala" ill- Arologs e lli d l 0100 e 11 r at' 01-
Iy s d ® r telpl tIlrty lliblI. T11100' mere .1. II s.0111's fo~r sever:1t lltulllield If ItIlls tptltc souimi1l tefore till' hllidtays.
PL WS C~ v hICnA ro r CAND ES.y t0l'1l Is.1 the ilticl If 1the. A ile 11111 cI' aiO t 111 n01 tt1 l'illitl 1011.10. Mlss Ann~a IC. Kunle . 11 welt .110111
# a 110und 0 1h11e Lownties' if ,
11111 you evocosaw ft e 10 rtice, se5lted1 11y thi epenentl1llis to 111111- alt ,avs 11 favorite (if 1.-1 ill' t Idellnli5 t' r'. Fort oter's t1' 11010 of adi-
46S SA E TJ ltato Ii ('11x, If fetoit11, for ilrlsi- 111 el, fi 1110g1 011ar1 whict a'ols 1k111 MAI' BI~lkillll was e00 etetd ilOlolt'
11111-%- t ill.ls th her no other nol thre Seer o1f1 Ih ant n f 00 of 1110 league~t, t i 11e1 tile 111111 of
G~-RE AT SHOE SALE b1o ill' Al'l'I'ol 'l it 1.1 .till 11001110 flt stikn f 11- 'l 1111 1111e Thlt' e s1 0 so il ihope eft llttt'0l'. d
fTill Sturday, Nov ~ w 1 will Ialc 110e1m AI r". Th1'ttl ill thn n nia d nad bytegna ol oa, er -'Iicw hsnoeseuclee, ut s
prwe,1 11111t t e utionr m0011 o t heFoellcpeo Am Abrfr
9105 0hoes toe 140---- litre -011 11 51"1'111111 111 il'l l 11 l0'11'.Alpha N u Abroad.'
-s.4 h f~o r to -- ____ 2915 _______
olto s o foe addtsw t(delr l(erd
$ t 501 0o foe __ I l'11111' 11 00'11l111( 1111Varsity Practice. Tite alphat Ntt Soct( 1111 lal Ix-
Salet 10001 eceeThursdayto 0 . A511. Nolant010110 N I Ia 0l'110110l' 110 're by c'l'tl'lt "vaa''l1nl 1101111a11 .llllotlnl-
J!1C YS n a p 142 0-11110to 1:1 for lSt I t us. till' '\t V ity dal it 1111 m111 fast 011 for' tomlll e'.'II l'01'lilg. tllle es110f
SH{OLD REGISTER lilbrllantlrns
10- 111J1.D 'lai. h of111 rl llnw (11111 1111111 A. S. Kepll wls''-'. 111I.togI100 rl 11o ill 10111
Itl coolril Votil 1o11r Do 1101ts 110e line-t wat asll"llltI follows 11111e th iniet of, . .0. rip01.
1.cs01 o oti; o o e ett 1 1-Pit 01111o a 111 e ... .1. I . Jlt lt1 I -
TU K RlaC.sOF T A E t' ballotl.00l'~ 1111e votes were1 cas 111 1111 t".I.b'' Pope1 1 anti 1101 obitt r .l'O l giv1 :n1 ccun
Iitt:tttl UIU tll' 11 lbllt 11111vot' 11111 clet. 'lt wilt beh ..l..f e" Slv eofIi(1 Meeti ge of ru te Cub.Ote
Be ci .1 1F11 aet Bhe seodblsoi ty eo-ieo Programster..-. . IO hi 11111 bhtc in fif llt,'00 1 2 I 8. 111 1-n
7'h p (.i en wa i slr c-cd o p - " 11-en 1.hI'l't 1'. ill o i l i l' a tt of 11110nce. 11
pe ia ayte eveo y said totbegint otrs i 'or ltil i _p'llllo Medc. If.et Reorg nited eteo-. 011' 1'.lutl C-1. Swll'I' 0111' al l 11111
ottstoes. We ayo t calarge S1ciey Prt ~O'l1s. S ogttramsilltli horde of111 111110 Pate iont 1-tl'i C" 1.1111
ofe secondauntl Soandt ofiy t text vesiy or.. Friday 011101011 att 1 0''
217 v and r Medca Iooks Gtrema 1 'h AdeItlh', e~t whi1110t 'told i 0110 h smloni~hie lleg b''0nIl t' at11 t'. Itcol- 0100-11' h'11100015to
aco Frehe Classics.s en nlosiet
Books 20-e~ t o cents eack.i g v n I 0 m t o h olt n o m a t 81 ec l n t an t o a k o d
Tite{u best Linet, a-pe 20n ra centstio per a . ll ls u s 11 ic.. voc al e olo 1 v1 .1 At. DIto v 11111 electedl pI ' te.is tt' el t o a'l'll l~ tO fm 'o graduattel 0 Itt- i
pond teeey su e tt i i lt',J olad ipoitu.s 10th I. Iari- elc itioli. M t el e roice pr11' d nl'tl a11111-tntd 11'1.1 111 1t o 0010I
We btoyes Wan exlage secondteIm~riy.Poeso nthn
Ban ooks.al h dep rtm nts 'llt0 Bran~' staentpoit, h arles I'teol'ltg 111111 ry I Mr.'li0 J. S I T. 0010 B ll. lIblt'0 t hs tle' fio
Age ns foM eic taa n Fok . e mn- I'1'eea d bae "R slvd.T a lotreso ooi t e tay and -Mr. 11 . ft Ye thra whil'e1101 the ) oalot t hit'be
tanda PrenhCasis
Wesaltbenta stdetNoetiecaln hee Instrafiraivumentsot andre hescitywil n tke doorstaseriand reh
Draftin 20 ppeit s a sp caly TC . ofru Of.( t-'lt Cile a Socety he trho h.oflOf tt edi freeisilt ll mal elctona.t fer tophomioe 011-
Ghes iyen usaptra t 73 in ceoon It. gitiorat eenon al etttisi rm liln o'r otttt tr bb 01 iti l lte
pound. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~lixco tieOkatatesadA.B.H~ri h(' aeswl befoatadcs ee hehl n red thetetio itt
Wgnt fo O KSTRral.Ot Dtehef willma rean- arr t iurhse ew'illbt gi yveen. 111i e Aftro tt teare ua lout pa--
1pnTown.acl Dowrumnt Tond l- "Losigr antnd waaioet and theeel to~he betrorllt oi i it
Daf tole Supp e Opsposit . The1C Hose ofA.Il100i o iy Te1.o M.B anfe sivr
Ann Aor. Dain iT.w on "Laeseages Rmtlea aJlti aqes.te to e. prepare Ite numersitheuned tnoe epaorte a osa