THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DA4ILY. 0 U0R WTHHAZEL LSOAP s is just as good soap as is 0 sold for 25 cents a cake V -except that it is not perfumed. 25 ceots a i box of 3 cakes, and the only place to get it is here. i CALKINS' - PHARMUACY. W CHANT -TAILO INC T $25.00 Suit for $15.00 I Style, Quality and Fit Guaranteed. D. A. TINKER & ISO, Hatters, Fine Furnishers and Tailors. Sole Agents, Royal Tailors. Youiman's Hats, Rlulop Hats and Waterhouse Neckwear. No. 9 South Main Street, - - - Ann .Arbor, Micli. CycI offl Bra C Orp af tI Seiis Unit ideni Os Hart Cash !1' Wewisndo~n cipt ai nyeaddrss. Pie: Zpound,$80; Oq,1. ter poudn 40ltA SURBRG, 59 lon l r ~O SttNeork. THE OPERA HOUSE JEWELER, e tem ns U b ela !Cp Pea. Pen and lingepaoiringia ipecialty. F. D) --GIVE HIM A CALL. Close Roll-Silk Case-Fast Color. PHOTOGRAPHS F ---speiialaes oleniors at evei ansd Berryman's I W ~ ,o 6 E. Huron Street. W AAG I 1N a0 .7L -Lc .nton Teufel, MEN'S FURNISHINGS. 21 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Tr~tunks Yalises, Dress Suit Cases UNIVERSITY NOTES. II'ic-roseope,. T~vo sileot 111%,-glow TI0 AND '1 EI.ESC.'t)PES1'I(o u111l '1Ilibrary ,,-ill 1be''"op'elnililnll1eol Ti-kask.ndilVali-pi e -s ied Neatly and The'In'ierity of INv stilt ifroi t'ieaply. Na. 5. Min ii t.. the icening frott7:30 Ito 9:'4) I\it i1 ii.' I 5ll l, iL ii'c II x 0500 keiS liiso obb 5001 iil'rici ip ear si' n-ia lr'l o l illiathnorl ofG t I cnpl Yetra-a.f(I( . ie IISits, Milw itd is turning ott. iou scirl, iie i.(1ir I n( iecrred ofl t-h tl .L i MILWARD 40 State St. ctjeii r'irii i tl 'li ti tiol ndeli-"ted i'lii'fillin- I ily casIfies: P e i lt . I. hiURtRAHl Aim At-lie at lant has a ine ill- 1thir '-i-t1t vii-itio''s-oricitas o rIic isi'i: I gieo. r Rtestauiant tantiLunch Cionter, 'rite Vuirei' Y . JIi. I'" 1 7 'Polil;Ni~epeilnM s 'oe Th~~e Portlan~d ,Caefe tii'i'I;.g Citse:r-ilar ci'liit il-ill 61i S lain StreSt.Anything. i scinin fed'il-li '1Mr . \ S. ~liin-so, i"tct ;lii it is isI At ti-it thefhn,t ICaile' Boaitid iiin i ty, 5.5ti xx'i nihit'is tntw- itvIllinto iii ts rew pci seek Iii tnt-n seals 25: hints lDAY "Deft'iioal IBileli' mSi l'. Asn Niou II .'.S. lion's hun et-A spec-s0i i i- i e cutctilan ittild intion laity of Sundtay linnoers. 12515 to 2:30 T. Si Theiih' itigis-i- i. S 'Itil' 1 "1it r <>sllliii' Sts., uit tte li atrbit shop.i - Iust tReceivedaid arneanidEleganit rinied fir -itil1: (tiltheiieri'M'Silai t f iliah nt-1ceoi I1-n t ti of Now rPipes! a liltili. tlant."'lby .1. It:ll-a.'12 t nt dfold Lintit tli"- aii 11cnl-s.Agents ;iit.thiiir ulos l t Iti i -ti gtlgii Ia\at uzet t red n tb tfo Huyler's andVil iiiaos aiid tWerners Co.'si i-riblit-r Chocolite non lions.'liie (Iialt-til fAti tit-it will ct-lI !itt 20 S. State 5t., StageBlock. ltitl"s i l ill fr li'lri tli' F oil geil lii lie11 ti-hiltoio city Iititit Giroceries,-:-Provisions iclirt rill rititti- tilt fitri-iitiiiili' r;tl- tt-li blitliiiiIiBtri- antI all kintds of Sanitarium O tft -. li . f - throug t i'titeiiilt' tiif teltiii 't iii lsn Foods for sale by -niti ci il lit-i- its- - stilt s lnsori & 1o fri-slllitit-otailllli-t is.s-ll vIIb l liii" lick.iinnt ttu ifi ,-14 .S A E S . ablle lto lily thy mtitter hilt c--isa - ANN S. AR TEOR . t~-."Iit i i'ii tinanyz1et oftilt t 'i i it ilt-- t __________________________________ and____ ti sirii~ e t'liY-iiw i t-toie ut-ifi RENTSGELER, 1iii ii I t s-i-otall Ve. ir-planide thposi ti. As t ii-tl itti alXT O n P M R T il v 0ht:titiiii t ils iii ilth1~leii'ofllx i 0ii-ly( ll'tiS iili'- I FO TB LL5'PIJIE lt-iierinu Iitiliis' i i1 115 Sbcribe foi' teDillyf81. Asd theryhiseaor ctefptyersulatht hero --cTht hs's per~t, fecthco bstion:} IO ~l aetcn Ip0i.sofiil Iteelei .. id~ 1 V .J. '.~c~d io eSei cl eilMlec ne t amilclk~i tc-I Font weeatillse ocuallyheadapted hy the Inter.h cnieiae ¢sselaionCinipetinaa-the bNcewroogcahetr. he"ae.Tlheding e Royall, a Te Perfee- is Nametheheaareectintudentae o PrnessStudsertieEmpriessDStdentallx A.OG.TBALDINGU&PLIOS,ncelpaed ihaet mrveet. esllwaw d Everyngork, heaophla epivrier andcguaranTeqatyveofeodsbansarenvranderold.ot Wans, td-Angst erdey. SiCallar2dsN OM A Y Libetyat. 44d8oiuth SpainsStreet. The -ANDEM CRESCENsT Conbnation Tandem for rent at reasonalle raes. XV. STAEBLER, l Empoiulm. One diuc ast of Ameri- can ose TRONIZE HOLMES' LIVER and get the best service. icee and Stable, 32 Forest Ave. Telephone 106. tnch Office at Palmers' Pharmacy EANN ARBOR SAINGS BANK ;apital Stock, $50,000. Snrptus, $150,000,5 Resurces, $1,00,00. - asled anderthe Oeneral Ianing Law, hin State. Receives deposits, hys and echane on the principal cities of the ted Statesa-D0afts cashed upon proper ti~cation 5afety depsit loses tSrnet -~enceest Christian Mack Pen.W riman, Vice-Pes: Cha . HlsccW Asistaiit Caher SST NATIONAL BANKrgatze rbo iti, $10,000. Surpliis and Prfit, $0000 -asacin a general anking busines Big. exchange toaght ad snld. Famnish ens af credit. 1. ISNNE, PresIHARISION SOtLE Vice Pes S. W CLARKSON Cahie. I.Cn.TCu te Ptte Steei Tailor. Latest s. le's Goods Insde Prices. We do 'y inig in one line. Cleaning, preing repavi-glat liist prie eoni-tenswitt Iwork. Goodts aled oe and deiered seek to peane. 25 S. Sate Street Gie call. )mwney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TTTLE'S, 48 . State St. AW BOOKS! Buy all you can afford for present and future use at otr owest Prices 1 We shall be here for a few days only... .. .. ... . allaghan & Co., LAW PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO. tSchinede's, 50 South Statst, ~~-~-CHAFING DISHES, - TABLE KETTLES. A haidsome ime and Cheap. I. ARNOLD, LEADING JEWELER. ,EDERICK J. SCHLEEDE UNIVERSITY BOOK BINDERY. ids Botts from 255ents upwards. Is Solid Gold Pioittaien tue 10, ait of CLnen P'apesr fo io cents. 50 S. STATE ST. .USIA' STUDIO. PIANO AND COMPOSITION. .H. KBSVTF1P eat Stuttgart Cnrvaiory,Geremany. 22 S. DIVISION ST. THE EQUIPMENT OF A STUDENT'S ROOM, genershyyrconcedledltat astringsd in is the gt'aet enoymet from thi' has vet tebet youriimonly wil afford 'ert judient tonounnes the "Bay oinstrumsts the hfinst in the olda An'eellntuintrumient isthe BAY STATE $10.00 IBANJO. We Shave in stock cieaer tni-an ththis ~, hut for a nusalitfati seed- able istrument, at a law prie no other instrument manfactred can compare with it, for itrated catlogue, JOHN C. 5HAYNES & CO., 3-463 Wahigton Street, Bstu.