TFIE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ,.W E THAT WE POSITIVELY SELL THE Finest tine Me'Sut . in this city. We are immensely proud of OUR OVERCOATS AT $30.00, $25,009 $22,00, $20,00. $1800 AND $1500 AND SUITS AT $20.00, $1E Every one of these ga rments is especialIly maile for our Fine Trade in the very best manner, trim instructions 2fl styles aifter the (1 siguc; of the mo-t fashionable tailors of New York, Just permit stock1. We can and will please you. ~GHJGAN GAL Sou~r Looks, Time Table (Revised) Seit. 27, 1896. EAST. WEST. Mail ail Es -----71 47 "N. Y. Speial---- 7 35 N. Y. Special.-- 4587 Mlil.--------843 Eastern Es----10 17 N. S. Limited.--- 9 25 Atlantic Es-_._7 35 PaciSic Ex---12 15. D*NExpress---- 5 40 Western Es--1 5 4. R. Express ...l125 Ciii. Ni. Es-i-ls1 G.e. Ex----555 0. W. Refoen, H. W. HAYES. e. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt. Ann Arbor fie I , RAILROAD. Time TablSpt. 6-i , 18941.NOT.SUH 7:230 a.m. *7:4 a. m. 1:5 a. m *11:30a. m.' *4:22 pM, t7:15 p. m. **15.i4 p.m. *8:22 p. m. 'PSnday only between Toledloland Ham- bur Fr abit sleepers between Toledo and G1etera.#l i- It *Daily except E.S.unday E Aen We are -110-170 Glad to give W. H. BENNETT e. P. A. Toledo 0. settiled.iWe ian furnibsicnt you leit hone. 1ilaikcyourv ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. iM umn ery's Time Table, May 17. 1896 I Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st., 6:230. 8:00 1Facuity Announcem, and 11:00 a. in.; 12:45, 2:00, ::30,15:00, 8:45, 8:20____ and 10:15ip. m. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:00, 8:10 and Literary Departmet 11:iS a. a.: i:l5, 2:230, 4:00, 1:20 7:15, 9.00 and AV1I-IMTATitJS: All 10:d5 p. m SUNDAY TIMIE. 0wishiig toelect tCorse 1ill Leave Ypsilanti from Congress St.. 1:30,3:3i0, meiet sProre S'or Ziweit ini io 5:00, 6:30 and 8:00 p. m Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 2:00,4d:00,5:30, 12 noon, oin Oct. 0i. 7:00 and 9:330 p. m. Cars run on city time Ware: single trip 15 Professor B~eiinan will not cents; round trip tickets 25 cents. elis ii oidyOc.. Win. F. PARKER, Supt cassol3~dy c.5 Students iliWtill ( OuilS: THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL nmcet. Dr. (clo-er iii Roomi RALODTICKEIT BR K S P at 11 a. mi., Tuiesda~y, Oct. ( biIENCII: Students wish MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL cte to Professor tietoal ii' PROPRETY, it tRooim iS (north door), Wholesale Cigars, Tobaccos and Oct. 5. Cigarettes. 'Mr. Levi owill he iii Roomi Iii., Wednesday, Oct. 7, t Cor. Main nand Liberty Sts. iioiii w ithi those W811o- tioig Juat Eeceived a Large and Elegant Frechl. Lin.e of Noew Pipes T1ANPI.':D.Aat I'loon Ii, at 9, 10 aiid 11 a. i Hot and Cold Lonches at all hoors. Agents for Hunyler's aiid Williama and Werners Cnn's3,:((, 7 end S ror rolisnitaiE Chocolate Bon Dons. E;NGLISII: Studenits df .-Bl. jOL "+1-y' & 00. consuit with Processor Deil 205S. State Si., Sager Blosh, find Olmin iiRboomin20, T. Ii., 1 ~n3i 4th Season. Now Open.,Oiily. Gli~f ranger's Schoel of Danc- An extra entraece exam' WI.WP ing. Ground floor. No.6 IW W Maynard St. Enlish~l Literature Will hi Rtooni L, at 4 p. in., Sfiiriia3 TTOF M. SHAVING PARLOR and Bath- MINERALOGIY: Profess L.rooms. All appointments first clans. has been tdelayed in referni Iported and domestic cigars. Ladies' areis- tic hair dressing and bating parlors, up Arbor, aind will notf imeet I stairs. J. R. Trojanewahi, 30GS. State t. till Monday, Oct. 5. M~14. MARTIN, Funeral Dlirector, Cloth Al. courses announced to: 00.' and Metallic Caskets and Fine Graenie_ except. eeuroe 15 so-bl-li Coffins. Embalming a Specialty. No. 22 . Fourth ave. at the hours announced. HEBREW, ASSYRIAN, TO R-PNT-One parlor suite,, very G~REK: -Prof. Craig is+ large furnace heaf, light and bath, postpone work in 'these sub. S at $.50. 20 S. Ingalls st. Oct. 29. Students wiohing t( Soiled Fingers, AND SPOTTED CLOTHES! Identify tbe man who does GE[I S. PARKEIR IrRIMIPEN Because the Pacrker has a pe- culiar shaped feedl known as the {ocved Tubularicbecdowichi mikrs it impiossille for ink to - gel io the ccapor over the edge oftthietnozzeiswhen the peo is r iii the pochet. A pen tiiat wili do this, and feed the inIk pcr- - fectiy swlinowcntedlis :wortii 7 getting cquasointed witii. a i - Don't You Think So? J The Way is Easy. J. G. FREUD, 99, 47 S. UNIV. Ollice hoois: 7 to 9Op. M . -frmation -Bureau you anyinformationor01hlipthatwsicacciiin geatiog any of tueeliondred and 000 tings you forgot wheni watsiitknows at + . 17 EH Washington. rI_ rug Store, Cor. 4th Ave. lents. I of these courses still please rielort in IlRoomii2, T.02II., -I .iD n 01h01:17day. nt. Mr. Johiiston desires thict stil- studeiciii : teilts electing Ilistory :71 w-1ii sill plas:'Ifurnish lt-iliselocs soitho Oiiiiiis ooml a t if History of Eiiglanid' fior reaody ceft-rence, and85 the "I11glisli tmeet 11h iia-oricoi Reprints,'* No. 1. for Yso nt- 1:2 exercisco. Coarse 5 isill icnde e11 will10-1,111(s:iiid discis ioe>ol iiill 'e1:110- 229, U. 0H., tuion loftheli ma~rki, inci.istely, 1o0011- iig to, re- aold oiithe executivse, iniliciss,, andsiehi- list report isbi tive braiiches orf theceatral y10 U. 10., iii ernment iin tiodiae-il Eleind. Corse 271owill be 11 iiithel' discus- tJ, It 371. ii. 1111of British ihcrucics, of:aterialls, o arrangc :1and1of hiistories of 1t110-la1 c :East to o elect Old Ciue studeiit of Eilpitlih istory. Pe- soils oishinlg to dconsu7tosithi 11e in- oWill he iii strlcelor soill lind lhin in tlooi-i T-, at in.. oil Oct. 0J:a._ Ii., 21 ndays, We'dnesdays and 011. Fridays. cosilng to BIOLOGY: Tie leahss in Genera, iiiioii sill Biology meoets for orgaizaition tn the at0 4 p. iii., Mutseuim Lectnre Rtooim at 8S . 1.ii., -Monday, Oct. 5. ination ini ANALYTtGAT COIEMISTRtY: Stu- 2e held in dents oishing to take Courses ., ,24 !, Oct. 8. aiid 235nmnst sake appclication to I'eo- sor Icitee feosor Canmphell before ?Mondaiy night, frg to Ann Oct. 5. Ills elasuro Conrse 4 will meet in ttooin B, Chemical Laboratomy, at 21 a. ii., 7r Dr. Vios Tuesday, Oct. u. han heen MNr. Dixoni will he in RoomIii+, at 10 -a. iii., on Mondays, Wedneodays AIIAB1C, and Fridays, for consultatioii. ohliged to bJelts unti To Rent-Snite of rooms, furnace telect aay heat, light. 2B3illi11am st. 6 KNOW 300, $1600, $15.00 AN] $13.5aQ ImimeS according to ou own us to show you troughb our ./ MAIN STREBTI 0,- and 0pera Mose. Tuesday, Oct. 6. Dtt:mn Thomp000'samous. lay, THE 1l0 HOMESTEAD Untdt th:e mae cant of rue]: Tomp- .011 and W0d. warion1. Prices, 35c, 50c, 75c and $1. Tickiets for sleate o iU,0. S. Fpess offce wihout extra chrge. Groceries, -=Provisions and all kiiids of Sanilrinm Foods for sale by Stimson & Co., ,#1 S. STATE, ST. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS ANK. Capital Stock, $50,0t0. Surpls, iSR. Resources, .0,000. Organized underthe Genera asing Laws. f this Stt. Iecives deposit, buys and sells exchange on the principal cities of the Called States. Drftssecasbd upon proper identification. Safety deposit boes to rent, OrFICERS: Chrstin Mach Pes. W. D Hiarriman, Vice-es.: Chas E. icock,- Cahir: IDJ. Fritz Asitatnt Csier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK od A aien rbori apitn, !S100,t0. Surplus and Prits, 10,008 Tronsacta a geerl bankig busess. Foreign exchamnge bought and sod. Furnih ltters f redit. E. I. KfINNE, Pres. hARRISON SOtLE, VicePFer. S. SY. CLARESON Cashier. F, . GCoo, the Sl:ate Steet Tilor. Latest Styles. Bet Goods Inside Prices. We do evcry thinig;,inou line. Cleanin,g presin and repayinig It iSo r prices cnsistxet witi good work. Goods eclled for :1:d delivered. SWcseek to Plrie. tour monys worh, or your moey back. Gise usa coll. 20.State street. K LBest tradeof Hard and 0ASoft Coal, Cannel Coal. K and Coke. Order of lM. STAEBLER, Office: 11 W. Wishigton t. 'Phone No. 5, Frds at M. . R. I. 'Phone 7. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTRTLE'S. 48 S. State St. PH®'OOOP..&pH,. I ANTI ARBOR. MICH. RANDALL THE PHOTOGRAPHER. RWashington Block, Ann Arbor. s NEW COLLAR