Vot.. VII. No. 24. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1896t. FOUR PAGE-3 CENTS. U IL D , © CHORAL UNION SERIES. appea r in ~all of these. Negotiationo. A. L. C. ATIKINSON 7 are nrow p0eniding too' oerail celeboat gi mailo first Concert to Be Given by the 'ol ooloit.- Final airrailgeonrot will Elected Base Ball Manager for Leaiungt faorr. Chicago Orchestra. h mannaeent ater. cooo the Coming Year. AND IMPORTER'ilsie amngement oft tie, (0e0001 of Ti~ fTORT~. 'le' aioiio'neoot of the Choal dm0 'll ll'0 a i re ' A. 1. U. Atlinson woo eleoteol bose lojion serio anod May ies to awtl con- the ('tonal I nioljic 10s will to' lloo- ball nianager at last nights metiang of FULL 01ILSS SUITS A SPECIALTY. e erto to olt. ano edilOie au .!,ta thi toerao 'Attlefi llaio dr.Atinont ______________ 0000 conyerity. tlt wale its loot t, a. memuber o1 08 L. ,aand a Pihi IDelta, NO. 2 E, WASHINGTON ST.. NEAR MAIN. 1''y lr 0000 t0.010'O0s 'ival, g'o . has been oowte~i n oe riitoilooT.I pasi yers an the oilra ha-et toHolooetle '.as tiaot coioiderabtle tnoiiieoo es- " . do'-dtioo of the lhigher ets of unieasoo' th hiereofore1. elnr lo oeel~oiolY wl PLWS CHICAGO CNIS ot0-0 of the 0si053'it on baeont' Society Programs. (tualifiet for tlie tootili. hea kndi eele ao ante, Af etoore ' T'i(ckets orore gioven out for the 1,e- 0 orethvee eAthgoci.oAn Y't''uo 'iti oo'rorer nd A~ ofr to Ii Ito J e sooiali 80i()' to' bo ar- n o ~s oooo o tt ot h Ot- troll, t1oo11 aotoll bo l lu re'to"'d o'eiolt highol ¢arole andoot a b te obttaiuned to- osgoocre'. Theryrcome 100 poundooo o'ooid i (Itooe foltloowoog ptorln forl alooi haot pound u.c~ae at 0;' opl o0".nvteInv',r. h l froni ooy of heo odir'etoro or if: a oooi wi oo htave Lownies' if (o1ot0h i iot o ttoo'' sil'. iteain i'. I'. II1oi n;oi ole- ~' yoni prefr them. Also the fioe") i'xp'lio ooi too' oo'rio's lrun i nt l he th ean. il')o -fye n Cocoolate lieasos at 0o a oooanuIse0 a itiolI 1'. fP l'looiotloi r. ,'o'oo ti llrolol'..olo~ 1 trr' ioi V toat yola coo. oaw for tuep00ri e ' thiousanod.,oatio 01ordeor bott the o' stoandotit 8t15t, roundotr110 01d aoodooist- I_'_--'- oo' ll '0 o'o to e l o-iler C.' . L:'to iir ti lte.; lso 0- 010110ow0it o a r Ostilon o b ine orst001u'nP io ' 00 ooi too tho'e o loll'. PALMER'S PHARMACY. tili n00poe,1.S enrborpy ' th ooi lat toh' oatt'enotiei'o' If (woors n AV..1. 1Cix 'ot;de tlog; one fronoo the oleeltor'o aoit yea equal 'tat ofo loo0o'i to ear, o'.'toootooo..to lo'll'o'i o of Viewo btoeoo of the ollirla Oatlpy FIN S Thoot sot o'o o'ooe lo'e'lO wilhWillsolte.p e too ttle of plot' w itoh ooil too for'oed. toy Itoo' '100itno or'oheostra'oi. oooo'o toh' 'i 1 dtilo'o has bo (too'l ed ot i n too isol soort 000 C. (otoo''o 'tbno'ato fn jaoland j ge .'' oil u ~ " 1e1,T'noot .0) Oof oo''lloo ooo'o' 'to'oon 0010 Ito" ot o'.10o' of g'ooone eo'o'o since'o' i(l'aono tooegoao -- T W A vo. 1'. itloooli obo f00'01to li ol0000'o Ot'roool. fe 1'Xo'o'tl'i ov 1' 1). Of The tool io t'o ros'; o'go I too', tP. A' iooutoo i e blt hoi dut ies as'tk' ltoi'li o ach.li to i eti FOR LADI ES AND GENTS. biig' neoo'o too said, theoir stoooio looa" to 0e0'. loot hoeo' r'einot'o next Satllioday log' Ihero' in too' 10a00too ha oe e for To'o fl'tl olotoooioog to't'lloi woill toe too'' woillt epn up'Ol o n 01 the steedo slie 11101 ie tohighlo c to llto thoo appol-l0O''~ so1teo lt' I to' W'o'ob te o ooiotyt', I tU to he00 to l tot'i, 'thio will maok'o a AUV S & A LMAND toil oof lov'e'i' oof muosic' Th1is 'oolot \tii. 'Miss Kinioo't'd'l''aatiooifi.t 0001110'dbt 1prlett' o' to waooth. ooil to 010'01 ool'to'o io 0lot oil I' loooo slo 0ttol'itliooiO h..' 'Varsity Practice. "Vastoington 11k., Washington st. ooo'veooonoioto oof (Inc io'o 000 Feoll impomh'plots 01T O II Im I EVERY STUDENT I ~~'floe ('Moraol 1'oltol owill i'' b li enxt Allorglo t I'. ]s. 'loo'oblooot o~tooo o ole'tlOoloot 00 oooi SH U DREGISTER concer''t 0010 Doco. Il.0 wbio'iii will toi' ''tosoolo'o'o, 'Thaot convoic't laoroo sltoolo '00 good0 as1ha bee "oo;'isor this ty-ar' - A T- "'"Ito to'oosiot.' Mr1s. (et1~ .1,i0 0 111- tottl 00 coooooo0to' 00itta 0 otheo'o I iloo t1'h tla 0001 q ie fitulo o Brown' Drug tore.siool Bishlopb. sop~raoo' Mo's. Moot' Moowss. I). J. 'T'uoneor blot I1. A. \toot 00 l 1 t e' xclolen'it woork on to' It costs you nothing'. o snoh neg.loect it.todgiu DleanThmser corne' of Mao in oo and oo N n sts. (; oorgo' .I. taloootoo teo rI an (=oo 10 li ''' too''' c o'. 011 00 ;l t . 1'. l'ool o t he 000 '10 ~ 'ooo oo~ tloooo oooo S. s tolosol, boobo., sol too to sooolo orgo 0 tot, fiely ot withthoo 'V tl~t lot an ti otis 111i1 Co-Ed andetit. IMos. b hopou ablob Ito'. .onoo 000.0')' Herrick and Harvey Woen. 00001 Fowler Combination. Lady flits tooliubo'ot fooorlto's. 'Tleo full Choruso hal____tof roool ngo ilrlus-t. I_ 'llhriillit loi tlt"- Boehiod. Foor Reont By oh' 01111 ovoio-o'o ooill toakso paorlt o ill too Iestedi the, I ii~~ i' 01,0s oie :00 ee too hoo'roo'wrdofo TUCKER &CO.( FIFTH AVE.Ibo i d ti Tbn a-ooos Tog boob ,to 000n0 II helol ' in 111) 'tl gas folow s UINIVERSITY SCHOOIL Oh UDAIING rra "oooto itio - 00 It llalrroo ( i orn o''s 'tio b'o''oloi'o'o of boo' orltore t aro' C......o ..1.,,i OPPOO1TE LAW BUILDINGO togiioooo oofam boooi toc.r I loroiohl..... ...e - SotEogi' sp0ciaoh attostous said to begisnors. t'or I' ito'o, aoono 0110' bo-aoo t-ai to Iy lob'- oosu'uiroocall at sbuo'o'eooo oh' .too.lioo ouuo boo boo'en ' lb ooer .. ... ..o g' . ('Oooiiiioiha'u 27 T o po t~e.gio''o n tow'o montlhbs' to 00-1 f0 obutbo'ooo liolo bot tlo i' ni tino'e filo[( sot. - doonll'r ''.. .....t.boOo'fethe 27 ~ ~ o iE3Ilp(IIt touihr of th boo' I 'bit 'o botto. ''lfo' tot oi e0001 too iloy boot] nl'btoof ....o. . J'ouboouo'o' - A T- Altt'oo Jboonaooso- gi o b eno'd I" 54110io 17. Ire Ohie sond soot 0 Cht'o- ' Feller** .. ......l...... Capa The'oomas .... r. h..... Snow We invite every student to visittopa g5 grtfngI-hs erdadiirvy41aneim- our tors. W hae alarg suplyInter-Class Football Schedule. r of second band Uiniversity Text bboobob f'io'nios totr. bios o'o'tboUO is bu ''taut os.bu betot TBooks for all flue departments. 00 sooo't estaobliseo'ot hoot foo-ri on'' 0010took a sonag loo'uoo oando phsedb c'haono- 'T'ho initerh-c'lass fohofotball soo'loobuo 10a1 Law and Medical Books. Germaoapasi ens inn te e -,be rarge idapoe yAan sood Frechl Classics. nob-ot is unneoerossarty ioloib ob~, ~~l~l o -. ae bo b Ioltoo bollows:ro'oo i' b We sell the best sttodent Note Thoe'sit fioc'u'ii00suo -' ourobo to set they't 00100 0'hbbihhoii00-0 ' at-O 01it 17s.18 Books 20 cenits eacho. Ot 01 7 g The best Linen Paper 20 cents per w-ill give' Oboe loot oof th'sori's teo' t-s too Ohsfio' score l6-h So-ohe hoof Nov, ti-t2) 'Id9 vs. Highl Sehhool, pouned. We bosy and exchange second 1toe hoot' Festivaol ono Atoll 9I. db,r oo:trto 5-7, 114, 810, 6-1 Su (oo'lb(3) '110 T, vs. '118 L. hand books. (sco'neo is 'egourdeot as Ohio toost boobo Th'is 0-t-Crt' giv-is II orriob :odo [tho,- Nov- 10d-(4). hi) os. 21. Agents for the Waterman Fouin- suboto t00'teooetu'Aoooi'outct-o hie 'Vaisilt' cuoooToiluoloiu i -Nooo -,t-(tl) vsu (). tain Pen.lI o I-b(>vsAlFrs en Mathematical Instruments and hrc anob haoi achievsucocess loot only' dob~ioles induoo socredoo thoemu first prizeu No.sbt.l d 0,Alliioouuu' Th''bis au'bir c'uubl'ot tilta0es gamuie; bDrafting Supplies a specialty. tohnsm akt.Ii~e n 'Tbe best prices to everybody. is a song singero' teut also lnobaoiorloIoo iuutoui iots wh~ltbu beon tie Attulotit' tFo'ho will proo~bbly Give us a trial h aiio loarger wvorks. Keo'niesdt us woinnoerso uf s'conduo tlooe bt' a1i0'lblb' blue dolt toefore' ("urb of W AHR'8 BOOK STORE The Blay Fesival cono'er'ts swill tr rceisve eac-t a sweoter. ''hio maotclh bt' 'arift' tiblis with Lehigh, i- Up Tswn Down Tows five in nnouteo'. Thur Choaol U'ion finishes outodoor teonnis fal' thie seasbon listoob -"ad0 Oboorli, ando 11111 tie final tO 5. tate St. Opposite Ceo house, rtedyatrte\~ts~.gte Ass Arbor. Mains t. ,ind Boston IFestival Orchiesfra WsillI of 1896.tedyaboo h eoosoogiue /,