THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. I ot Drinks I We are serving better Cold S t~oda now than we did last A spring. That is because we asre not satisfied with 'good a enough.', S We are now trying just as libard on hot drinks. f)ur drinks are not as good asa the average,-they are Js better. %Hot Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Hot Clam Juice, Etc. ICALKINS'-,-PHARMACY, WOTZKE MAKES TO ORDER WOMEN and XENI'. .Easy F iting Shoes in all the Latest Styles. R HANT - TAILORnhTC ToPATRONIZE HOLMES' LIVERY $2 .0 Sutfr$ 50 and get the best service. $25.00 uit fOO$fice0 and Stable, 32 Forest Style, Quality and Fit Guaranteed. Ave. Telephone 106. Branch Office at Palmers' Pharmacy D, A, TINKER & SON, THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK " Capital Stock, $50,000. Surplus, $150,000. H atters, Fine Furnishers and Tailors. Sole Agents, Royal Tailors. Resources, $1,100,000. Organized under the General Banking Laws Younian's Hats, Rulop Hats and Waterhouse Neckwear. of this State. Rteceives deposits, buys and A ' p sells exchange on the principal cities af the. United States. Drafts gashed apes proper No. 9 South Main Street, - - - Ann Arbor, Mich. Identification. Safety deposit boes to rent. "Orroces; hrsia Fac res.; W. D. _____________________________________________________ Harrinman, Vice-Pres.; Chas E. Hiscock, " gaor~ o oeooooae Cashier: M. J. Frito Assistant Cushier. " W williisend o eceoipt of510 eta. a sam o su.EbTIA~lIIDIof AssnA, or inreson t. e Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, ,eJ5 8 lon Transactsu general hashing business. 0 SUB aStet,e or. ( Foreignexhnebutadso.Frih a ,ltters of Furnish a p Zn . l..LINN, Pes.HARISO SOCOF, "°'° Q . 10 , IVice Pros. __________________________________________________________ F. 0. GLEs, th~e Stole Street Tailor. Latest Styles. Re's Goods. Inside Prices, we do 'every tlis nour line. leaniog. presting en y jl and reparlung at lowest prisces cosisatent will; good work. Goods ro clled for and delivered. usacall. 3Close Roll -Silk Case-Fast Color. Lowney's Chocolates. I ]Best Place for Rep atring A .J 43 S.Main St. - Upstairs. THE "MOST EXCELLENT" Chocolates and Bon Eons -AT-- 4&ang terfer's ,Only place in city where yes eas get these. Also J. C. Kuhn's Detroit Fine Confectionery aiid Rochester Caiidy Works. '" DELICIOUS" Chocolates and Bon Boins. :BUR, FOURTH AND WASHINGTON STS., AND NO. 26 SOUTH STATE ST. .Anton rTeufel, utaostiRTEt3 OR o Truanks, Valises, Cress Suit Cases AND TELESCOPES. 'Trunksa and Valu~es Repaired Neatly and Cheaply. No 57S. Slain t. our 'Tailor ! IHave you seen those nobby Suits Mfiloard is turning out. ILWARD 40 State St. RE NTISCHLER, .HOTOCPLHELI ANN ARBOR. MICH. WAGNER o &t o C0., I MEN'S FURNISHINGS. 21 SOUTH MAIN STREET, UNIVERSITY NOTES. I dowxsnsairs, as alsa; AVess i lie'boys. I'. S. Mason. 51s I.. hit a sa:iti;o wiii;thi' Mis-lilgan ICcntraol and; l o- i; ttlsY Winfredl F. Whitco;ml;has l;;riiliy 111 i;i;;il;';lioiwh11;' lth sro'i'ts ini ailis' tisekIlalls, carrying y'llowsx-and luie iwithidrawn lil ame;;;froithe' alltas for ie ti'es~lei;-y ii ~ ~ siimlrellas, F-rida~y and Satu~rda~y e'iit- btaik sf last yea;r.wsahelre tSalurilly jWrolPedoI95 L afre ss'iii li;' lrciar~l i~ak' ;sa. IN; 1-ix- 1;11 ;;';alhll; xwii; Slat;' Senate;- 'i~litheblOrcharidsLagke teaii.l;;;ls1 ;; leeid(ci niYll;; KI; ;sl rxi i lpii; at il'ck in sisl s l and iis- tni r niake ;irctil ess;'s.Comiissionerloil;'l. louis lu iilig I L e-i agueI. will t olds a I~eig li;wl it ic etaliis;;t C ; l ay toni; rieaceipt 1 i la 11niht a s-Harri as.n;ll g ii ~-';s'liia' I i ti Cok '0 L. who h (a;..lwtle d n ofice; P ienlat ;An'gell ntlD . i s gil wl .1l it, ll(;same; C ityn;; isruIinax-ll nithte maeinaxil;. i a~ss. s-iilve i; l;a; ; r tick;;. X.Ii~ra I ; ay Owt-in; tt he lug liii 1n1i2i t of;;is-el;- Fr 115 iie ;f re; i dentsttl o;liii' li a IelI r.Lc;;ecilg iall i-;' ilStre. I va ofi. li;'ll. 0. 1 llea -iieId ; hil ls 11 ' lci.eSlas ti:s nd e rcA Wtistrn 101 nt it is SI;'. lat ii baaw scioni;lfomed ti-i . o lg;l y ceritil 1;;, a-il;n -:5;Ca l c it . his~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~a 15'rthiselt; Cooiip'srs'0.Ald;IsA 0.if A. se tvly. 25 theAlpa. liiconenton t hck ha e u-peTllrfect c eb tion nd' doe not behedi lin Senit The PriNcesstu sdeteyTilemr suess uent, eall ntr as viclpatd, itha.l:test Wce selltavat we ad- veratedigtise and glarnatequolty f od etsudireeefrudeso ld. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S. 48 S. State St. LAW BOOKS! Buy all you can afford for present and future use at our Lowest Prices!T We shall be here for a few days only..... .. .. .. Callaghian & Co., LAW PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO. At Schiende's. 50 South State at. - - CHAFING DISHES, -TABLE KETTLES, A hanldsome line" and Cheep. WM. ARNOLD, LEADING JEWELER. FREDERICK J. SCHLEEDE UNIVERSITY BOOK BINDERY. Rinds Rookso from 25 cento upwardis. Bella Solid Gold Festal;; Pensxflee$1i00, tnd 3 lbs of Linen Paper for 50 cents. 50 S. STATE ST. MUSIC STUDIO. PIANO AND COMPOSITION. RZ. H. KEIPP Fromt Stuttgart Conservsatory, Germaitny. 22 S. DIVISION ST. A B eal Grades;of lHxrd tid 0 Soft Coal, Canel tie 1 and Coke. Order ofU. 'M. STAEBLERR, Officc: It v.xathinstont at.'Phtone No.4 Yards at M. C. R. R.'Phbe90. IN THE EQUIPMENT Of A STUDENT'S ROOM, Itis genterally conceded tat a stringed-d struenit is almost an abaltesnecea-ity. r secure tilegreatest enjoymentt fotheeI purchateryect ithebest yousr us toey xwllafforud. Pi~ty rjuldgtent ironosuncexq51;;' 'Ba Slate' instrstmeats tinet-inIathe werlIa An excelltnt isstrumetlis thec BAY STATE $10.00 Wavieve tn sleek ehesoer banjos th sitsi iis, bet foratsubst~antisl. servic- able instrument, at a low price, ito Iolter instrument maneftactered cait camp-are with it, I Send for illustrated catalogue, JOSIN C. SOAYNES & CO.. 433-463 Washington Street, Scson. .FOOTBALL SUPPLIES lEverything for the player - Jackets, shoes, Stochings, Jerseys, Sis Guards, AOt. Spading's official Intercollegiate Ohat Hail, officially adopted by the toter- ,eallegiate Assoeiation. Compete Cats- 'esue Fail sod TInter Sparta free. ' The Auanse the Guarantee." A. G. SPALDING & BROS., -N~e Tonk, Chicago, Fhiladephia,. 445o uth Main Street. DEAN S& COIVIPANY.i