THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. HotDrinks S We ar serig better Cold 0 Soda now than we did last Sspring. That is because we y are nt satisfied with "good £enloughl., t We are now trying just as z bard on hot drinks. S Our drinks are nt as good 0 as the aerage--they are os better. Hot Comale, Hot Chocolate, Hot Clanm Juice, Etc. SCALI Si-:-PHARMACY, THE OPERA HOUSE JEWELER 'La furnish cswth a-fist-clas Fact Iles.Yen act isgrpai ig a specialty. --GIVE HIM A CAL PHOTOGRAPHS -Special rates to Seniors at 3errym1 a' s 6 E. Huron Stree A..-nonrJTeufeI, Trunks, Vaises Dress Suit Ca ANDTi EL~EiCOPE'. Trutkad YSisieepared Neatly a tidnpy o S vaista.l 'Tour Tailor! liatvey on seen those nob Sui Miwrd is tuning o -MVILW ARD 40 State St lsi: C5 dtil tiu PHOTOCRA1'HLR ANX ARBOR. MICH. FTOOTBALL SUPPLIE F vey6snsfor theplayer -I et Shoe, Stceeiss . t eeer. hic ti ard .t. spatliuis oeicial Itetrecieial[ I o stia eial ly adptei by thlenior rlle~iate Acaseal le. ICmplee Ci te- logu a I-aln+9cl ier prta ree. - Tb- Name Ca aiarnte.' A. G. SPALDING & BROS Nw Yrks. thiragcla.dhisrphaio lEIP V. A, SYIIAN, AllAB1 5]ltEFiP: Peiof. Craig is obliged lpostipoite wtrki heer tbees ita OcC.12X). Sludi-tts wihintg to elect a of tes mdar-Is ciili ltte reirt Ron 2 C. i ., a 1 ..In%.oil11lila d Aslnosscqentelis rereived tIct1111 fiett-Ihataad trilt ickets 111 of i-retiae s-ll is sl Nv. r2, tuot goad until iidnigli ttNii. . oe f istttllces eteceitg 211ill-, fri .sia Arbor, insi imidnigh of Nev. TO IRUNT --(lasparlr sie, e large furnace libeti, light ad a t !$3. 120 S. Ingle st. ICIIEN+OII Tte class iii Corei will uetIProfesr de'et onlridt 'Oet. 23., irt . I. Wanted-A reliable man to lekc te rfurnace 2 Fotr el-Two suits af reces wi vestadWlt. . 'L-M23 Tioipsn Fo heFn hreI i t PATRONIZE HOLMES' LI VERY iYen should devote sonme time to Music, and get the best service. Office and Stable, 32 Forest For the Profi t There Is 11n It Av.Tlpoe16 Y ou siould tdevote sense time to Mfusic. Branch Office at Palmners' Pharmacy It rives ytiu Plesure. It riceyou ltceeleclccandltecreation. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK oA Gtuitar, Mandlolini or Banijo is the eltortest rotite to the greatest gain. Capital Steeh, $10,000. Sersis,1110,000. ® - - -- Aska About Tem - -Pl esurces.,t$1,100,000. a Orgacized uder the General rlanhing Laws -'--- ~ of this State- Receives deposits, buys and A N t A IR BO R II M USIC 0 0.J tells exchtatige o the pritipal cities of the 0 ' United States. Draftscashed spec peeper s 21 A\D 23 EASl'-tcASHa__itCTtaN STI.Ers-. Identificati n. Satetydepesit bases to rent. 0 Orescicrs:tCtristian Mack Prets.; W. 0. Harrimsan, Vice-Pees.; Chai E. niscc, 0 ~ r ~~o4aa v tiQ el#oem ~occ~+os ashiert1id. T. FtzteAssistant Cashier. 0-- sWeci send nsreeitpt BN an5ddes.PiesleIo FIRST NAhTIONL RANKOrgsiz ed 6 catespoud, AO5tA .ar aicptal, $100,000. Sarpltus and Prceefidtsi5i icr v le r El ; Possd, Ci.. Frot, $Fre1 0 Y Sieca~iais ltn Tanact ageneral bning busisnes e Sret, New Yke. lForeignt exehange baught andesold.aNurnshl 10 iletters oftcredtit. Po ifjoi Id * SO krrE. 71. RtNNE, Fees. ltAtRRISON SOUIEa1, LIA . W. CLARICSON, CasieFre F. L GLEs the. Slate Street Teiller. Latest Style-, Br-t Goods tnaide Prices, We de every thin-gis iteurtine.Cleaning, pressing ani rprtic e t idPriec ceiteetwith A~~i/ 1116iP ® good weeok. Goeds sctled teer randl delivered. T A 1L 1v_< TTL~r .. We ceeb ta plrease. 25 S. State Strict. Give ' ____________________________________________u______sea call. ,L. efinetsetnt in clothst-maltiu riuns op the ctittof Pro- Lowney's Chocolates. - duction- --- -Clothes catsbIc otten tanywh-ere at less Hot Lunches. 1rice- -- -If yous ate sttisfiell to wtaiveCite elegance of tiake wchs preserves it's elegatico thro' hardl hantdlitig -- --- -Youniisight as wcell have thle lower pi-iceil--- - TUTTL 1ES. 48 S. State St. Itftnot- -get ouirs--- -they tire cheapest. it G00I:)S2SPSET. S, LAWBOKS! Pity all you cats afford fisc present tlloutu itire tise at our U. OF M. CALENDOAR., tltsclin." lictiloc.lit-tile- / L u -cmi ,riii-, 12 ii.. PlisietiSndaly Loweat r ices Saleretlay. 0H.- _'24. I tifyeteI. Ind.- sc-iol '11mit Ililt liceis; li. Il.iiis- We s-hall be here for a few .c iliS ii c-sy Do iiit.'1 :,li. , -he i t; SditidonI- -FIieldt All-I-ti-eliitau tt-:iui vs. i~c oti Ilc01iti liociiofii Sti. Anricew:30 l) i .. Callaghan & Co. -ghi Se cliocci. iii-i- tgc li by tiudti-. ticovimittr 1. list'. itTalci 1 Iic't Si.ItE.e-lin-cli. it. L. Mlroyic,- LAW PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO. it. :11;lyliir, of (thic"o it a I i-i-iBali.;for. illeei;;ctin -11i9:30; trtic-ic At Sch'eedle's, 50 South State st. SI:1r toto:.-).7:4-, nas, nec~in " jETE li-cf. (x1111mm ItiI I r tilt C' iciti 5t o cci-or s ot I Iiiiiitiiity." tilatsellit-ci- CHAFING DIH S U1clinNoIESTYTS . I ltcnno d l.ii t a t 11.:Y Iciii. ttt .fo s-uet;,TR PT 3, tC. til ilt i- :1. forI 4- ry th, f- St." ile.X tittitti .SissIitt- A handtsome lite aiid ac la".- t~t-i ilitti atitus-a . li-htel. I is! Ilt1it iti iiit t t i111c, Crner S Q ARNO L EADING JEWELER. fori ti tic-Ntieititi."'stay, usis-ti lili i ii ttit ity illiihetiteitit FREDERICK J. SCHiLEED7E Itt- ititstran I; iictt tc a Ill s :f15. siun11 scott antd Btihle t-iutsstt UNIVERSITY BOOK BINDERY. lie altion~ned nt ~le Atletic leld 113s t ''t) 1" IlSellsie Sollif* The P.ii.f'.titlsttold Gtritontai ifen 01orb$1.0,tan Dettrott c titt tthoo cullt-. I to ittiitiitc50 S. STATE ST. hi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~,11. Asicttti m ti tii-li tii I '. S. lit:.:itt::i-te t-i.,t~ ilots1 PIANO AND COMPOSITION, oaf ltiptltilitcli ii l -te ran titus tillthir itin tis c t iiliiiDc lItIielieo titite i-csromStusttgcart iitceervtstory e rm att. Churc Annnneemetc. ii sil Coler.- itc torot heilci 22 S5 DIVISION ST. Chuic Ann uncem nts. t inp st itei t tic i1e t i \1 lel citli-Ieterteolit-t class, Stilji-it f'I'lu;-Itt cur.lsn, s- N\il Iilw Mr Cly ee ailhetodST1AEBL ER, Ill-t it tcelit-il t.itl i n Itit i 7tiult f l>aY rs a 1 t . i lce lh1tilt-11i e il iiail-l intticiii to ter- IH Q IP E T O flattti t i t ti i-tr. tcerIhititiC ittilist -t ! oftice:itytSW. I. t. A. tititis. STU ENTS ROOM lii (ne iit t ttt : stil dt It ardsi- t Al. it ted9i.i- spring Avidie itt-thel l t-m-. li-i:____ 1___.____ n?,Tu itl s -i-I-itit re. litucy I. I Iticiiti 1- itttii ttu itt tub titi eige e-ae he c ta et tcicittt I ti te IL..1ofthe]k o 1\/ s e[ v I have perfecl.tit T i\combustY. I.n .Ad dootssele tattmei sCt phe That or n. o iIrisilt BAYll" ISTADETS$10.00 lionAdra-s ltud~l-ent,.THerncesSaet mressItude isal g- neraliticlsede art a etrin tdjin- stu et i9amotaue out tae. eeitsr v1ahk ertisel tsIlilgua.lrate tua .lt of goods tnd sar e c-r ndesirsold. etherieatetst snjometac otaet Scuxpe ilustraedt r elega ter, a 4S u t in S u etT ePics tu etT e e p s reet.e 4t 3-a6l We hiagin res Itssok ce trhos.