17 ).l . VOL. VII. No. 200. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 1,.1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. WILD Received a full line of Novel ties for Spring Suits and Trouserings 1897 NO, 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN, The Original Allegretti Chocolates ATE PALMER'S PHARMACY. 46 S. STATE ST. Too Many Shoes This is what the Shoe buyer says.-Judging from his stock he is right, and now that he is be- wailing his lot he insists upon selling some things at less than cost. Some day there'll he an end to such business, as there is no fun in losing money. W. J. APRILL, 13 WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. SYou.: Can't Afford..-mwa to spend your summer va- cation without acamera, especially when $5.00 to: $10.00 will get a very satis- factoryone. Come and see us about them. Catalogs : free. CALKINS'+ PHARMACY For $1.50 Your name engraved on Copper Plate, latest style and 100 En- graved Cards, best quality. For 90c 100 Engraved Cards from your own plate. W ITTZ'Q Rnnir Q'1'flD. COMMENCEMENT DAY. The Oration and the Conferring of Degrees. The fifty-third annual commence- ment lesed today with the exercises in University Hall, this morning. The procession formed in front of the law building and marched to the hall, which was packed from floor to dome. The commencement oration was de- livered by Andrew S. Draper, LL. I. President of the University of lilinois. tie took for his subject "he Recovery of the Law," and spoke in substance as follows: Mr. President, and Ladies and Gentle- men of the Class of '9: First of all our acknowledgements are doubtless due to the Sultan. His caution has delayed the departure of theAmenean Muniste to the Sublime Porte, and has kept the president of tie University of Michigan over an- other commnencement season in the chair whichli e has made honorable and influential. His caution stimu- lates my caution and bids me forbear some unnecessary observations which nature and training and the national feeling incline me to make. Putting that all away, the President of the University may well felicitate himself on the pleasure of once more occupy- ing his proud place at the Michigani commencement; the class may well have satisfaction that tieir diplomas ilre signed and delivered by his hand;: and I may surely feel litosred at the invitafion to present yioUr comniccue- went address under normal conditions. As the call of his country threatened all this, and as the amusing caution of the Sultan assured it to us, we may for once, at least, make our sincere acknowledgements to the great Po- temitate of the East. I have not come with an address to the country. For obvios reasons such an address has not been invited. This is commencement day. It has been eagerly anticipated and I will be fondly remembered by the matur- ing class. t belongs to you. t have come out of the busy life of another State University to bring the greeting of her people to the great multitude gathered under this roof, and so offer you a few ordinay suggestions prompted by the time, the place, and the occasion which brings us together. "While you have been gaining in slaarpness and strength, in versatility and in adaptation, your characters have been forming under the in- can Republic among the nations of thei earth than any other of which we kno-. "Wealth11 tl not helped you: any surplus of it has been a disadvantage. The worthy student who has been obliged to earn his living while ie continued in the Universiay has had the entire respect of instructors and associates, and their synmpatlly to an extent which would be dangerous but - for the sturdy qualities which brought tIs here. . 'We are apparently in the midst of one of those great epoch-making tran sitions which mark off the progress of the race into cycles; and we are in 1 it with the greatest experiment inl purely democratie government that the world has ever seen. "New conditions with which we are all familiar are changing the life and feelings of the masses in all parts of the world. This is so to a larger or- gree in our own country than in any other. The American people know lit- tle of the conserving force of estab- lished usage; and, moreover, that is more especially and naturally so i the mighty region west of the 'Alle-- ganies than in the older states on tine Atlantic seaboard. And, although the East doecs not yet realize it, that great region has in recent years acquired the center of control in the affairs of the nation. Individualism is stronger and seems to be let loose. Tile san who has once moved is ready to move again. Communication and transpor- tation are rapid. The people know 11orc and uant moe than in other days. They organize amore quickly and completely than their fathers did. We are surely in a great movement among the world's people induced by mighty progress in scientific knowl- edge and by new economic conditions. The whole world is tending towards a different manner of life. The more- lnent is well nigh universal, and we are in the storm-center of it. And great movements are always attended by marked uncertainty and confu- sion." The speaker then characterized our form of government as a vast exper- iment for which there is no true par alhel in history and that the danger to it is not from the foreign element, from corruption of the sulfrage, from social discontent, nor from socialism, but from lack of confidence that our government secures for the man wit- out money and influence an equal chance with the man who possesses these advantages. "Reverence for the law is the essence of good citizenship:' "And respect for the law is break- (Continued on Second Page.) YESTERDAY'S EVENTS. The Various Exercises Held About the Campus. ALUMNI DAY. Yesterday was Alumni Day and the "Old Grads" made good use of their time. In the morning the alumnae of Ann Arbor were at ho0e to visiting members in the Wolen's Gymnasium mnid an informal morning- as enjoyed. At 2 p. us. the annual business meet- ing of the alumni association of the literary department was held in Tap- pan Hall. The attendance was excel- lent, much larger than in former years, and great enthusiasm was de- veloped. It was decided to devote the .iliams Professorstip fund, held by the association, to the estalblisment of a chair of ethnology and Professor J. B. Steere, formerly at tile head of the department of zoology was recom- inended to the regents for the new professorship. Time regets sill un- doubtedly confirm the nomination and he genial Professor Steere wll be again a member of the faculty. The only other business transacted was the appointment of a committee to confer with the various aluini associattios upon a plan of union. The dental class held its exercises at 4 p.' n., in the dental eamlihitheater. Addresses were made by Professors Taft, W'attling, Hoff and Dorrance. Tlhe valedictory was by Samuel tane Selhearlott; the class history by Dessie rown obertsonand tie prophecy by June Alice Burr. A meeting of the dental allumni was held in the den- tal asphitheaer at 4 p. l. The alumni of the School of Pharm- acy, the class of '97, with chemical and pharmaceutical guests met at tis residence of Dean Prescott at 2 p. m. and spent the afternoon together. SENATE RECEPTION. The annual reception by the presi- dent and thle senate to the invie guests, graduates, former students and friends of the University was held last night at 8, in the Waterman Gym- nasium. The great room was well filled and the reception was from every standpoint an entire success. Dr. Wm. A. Campbell. Dr. William A. Campbell, whose position on the medical faculty was legislated out of existence by the re- gents yesterday, expects to go into the regular practice of his trofession, a- though he has not yet decided wvere. He has been a member of the medi- cal faculty fourteen years, fie in he department of histology and nine in that of anatomy and was extremely popular. 4 WV a afluences of a community life more Up Town Down Town completely typical of that democratic S. Sate st. Opposite Court Housec Ann Arbor Main st. spirit which distinguishes the Amer