THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. JOSW! OLLUF OI PAIT 1i W l WAEN'f ' TOU Ul' ' JOS1W1 KILAF & O. PAINT THE TOWN RED" WITH CRIMSON RIM SYRACUSE BICYCLES 'r AI LOP. and offer for a few days a limited number of '96 Syracuse Wheels at just HALF PRICE,I amine Black Suits a specialty. 10 E. Washington St. Up Stairs. The Man in the Moon masy not be thirsty, hot if he weree, he would . .. . .call at. .... P.barker's Corner Store, STATE ST. AND N. UNIVERSITY AVE ,rand get as ice Cream Soda ar some of his other Sf t Drinks. PARnKER is fr and at every BalliOGase with Fruit,triisoad Peanuts. $50.00. JAT X$50,00. BROWN'S DRUGSTrORE., CANVAS, I.EATHEROID, L.EATH-ER SILK ______ HAT BOXES, ALL KINDS, SHAPES, SIZES. !PRICES TO SUIT EVERYONE. Cases. GOO'D 'S i KE00 ayEaS9 THE OPERA HOUSE JEWELER, st0an furnish yes with a first-class Fountain Wen. Yon and Risg repaieing a specially. --GIVB, HIMI A CALL. Tucker & Co. BI CYCLE LIVERY AND SALESROOM 18 North Fourth Ave. 'We carry a fusll line of up-tuo-date 33icycle Sundries and parts to m-any vheels. Also Repair Wheels at living prices. Give us a call if ini nied of anything 4n our line. Mlakes to order Women and Men's Easy Fitting Shsoes in all the Latest Stvles. Boat PFace for Repsi-ping A0 43S8. Main St., Upstairs J, OF iM.aSlAVING PARLOR sod B sth- 59. rooms. All apposintments first e'as. Ofmporled ond domestic cigars. Ladles'atic- sic hair dressing sond bathing parlors: op }cairn. J. ft Troissowohi 10 S. State st. 'A N E No waiting for Colsumbia ad Hartford bicycles. No delay aod consequent annoy. ante. All models sod patterns now ready for immediate delivery. 1897 STANDARD OF THE WORLD are made exclusively of 5 per cent Nickel rSteel Tubing, the entire pro.-IO TO ALL duct of which we control. ALIKE. Hartford Bicycles are at prices within reach of everyoe. $60, $50, $45 IjCatalogue tree from aspColunbia dealer; from usofore ue et stamp. POPE MFGO. CO. -~Hartford, Conn. , Geatrest icycle Facory a . ,, in ihr~toeld. More than r7Acres of Floor Spae. Branch house or deafer is almo~st esery iry. and town. . s DO YOU SMOKE? 20 Pittsborg stogies for---------- 5crntso6 Do-ea d Cigars for----------25 cents 16 La Princess Stogies for------s---5censo60Prodigy OrCigrs for------------ 5cents 16 First National Stogies for------2 cents 6iParadise Cigars for ---i--_--5ceots 6 Yucatan Stogies for. ..--------25 cents 0 La Dioso Cigars for----------25 cents 11 Alfonso Cigarsofor-------------5coots 4 Idarry Clays for.--------25 costs 6 Siae Cigaro for--------------25 costs d Owl Bossuecs for--------25 costs 6 Record Breahers for------------5 cents 3 Royal Batnoecs for. ..---------2i cents 3 lBrus wick Cigars for------------------25 cens DEBAN&0COM PAN-Y. 44 South X~ain Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Among the Colleges. Freud}-lyDaltey u-ill sing' for the t Tih' litratry of Tohnsro Hopklins is Yooriig 3lens Siuday Ev-ering Club oi sail to eontiniii irenest etientrliti- ths Conigreg-rttouail iuirir Sunday irory of lirttltto'ol scienceii A-ierico irt. rorEntglandripe Diili ib tirary of 5,- The tvt tr en iItiilokyestrdasly otter- (1011 virUlee. t riritirlyl-eloitgirg toi notrnri run electedsJ. . 51 iotis. 1K te o-i iv~cnt ltttlretii sthorrl,Professor icapti. The t I a iii 'hadoirtspIktore I' inrti. of Blerlin. iie- eirt .gifts of IG. taken. . ('oai and of Leopolrd Stroriso, of N01iCOI.. bailrire. Irtve been node for tire -Tie iciture otfit'esetnireclaoss -l urchaslettor'rf nbbllieal literalture. 10 tO 'to ve beentarkell yestletiy,soil l The fr-lcrrt-itg frprort ot isIinrirk tot 1Wtakt iiiriternotttl on t 05, ifrot'thil tirirI 5 tudtenits btr ir comminit- ofT trlliatHuil. Slonbbers of the 1lit ry er' jir-ill iirgtSiibe rrcr'rr~tltttrtlllr',tolinviisestigate irthe n' titly of lilt IttinIttrriti.iisttutresir 2-OlttSALR 01C1EAP - Comprletelire night rrf -Sitoy,2t.), 11ave inrort itnekierping orilt, includcs enourghi thart.foilowi-trg r-clc fuirishedrtliein frituire for 12 roomislioirse. If btnigltt fy oute party before lire 100h b if otlet'irn tcers rrf tt'e Uriter- or J111.e it cans ie gottlen at liiiex- iy ly. 113-foundrrltilepai111tig iaon e ti Sreitey lois-figure for droli. (Good ity- foist enut. 'Trie itrtillnd, a first_ c-tince forr ororiely or fraternilty. Ad- 3tyersleitatll s1tditnt, and twro of Iits diress X. Y. I., earo of U. of 20. Dotily. .oterts ~rr~eerfroeto r IBC S'1'-P'it< beytwreen-o'iC(alintis'an 011L>(0 lire ibeanrs lisey rse'eol, blitri it Sit~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~wl titiittrtir srlE ttite Itoit best nottto iptiliIteiiteti st-irittltrpincill.irloels lrettturnit 1' Ni. Dtivisitrofst ati ol-ligr'. rcrlrege, so-iii so ere dermndedrby trI «' TE - Aeerrnrsodsiiuo or-ertrrrittr'e, brave beer rec-eiveds:Idriti i- tirirt itstttnlttin thite-snH'iouse fottceptedt,ati nierise rrt irsieos'eerord nerxt yeare. Stidt1 rre sall-d oaddress iltoir eotrrr tut xriiir tle 1triter'ro7iit to "turrnnor'" Daily. Forr Stilt-Al a low price, 'No. 6fini- THlE CHICAGO COMMONS SGIiOL- i1.'tlr l teriter ini excellent ecoit-AlSIIiP. tionr. AdrersBox 3033, City. Airliesinto foerthis schlolarshipt, in- At Icboels h& Sor's tosflit rig-il otititoil by thi tud'enrts' Clrtisii Ar,- titlae'to prchareisrr yrcourrrrreicssand sioeititonrfor lire prplose of enablinrg rrlrtoocoioie stpli~sles. a sturdent of theO Lniveriy t10 brtole TOff5 REN I-Iltriilred ronsfir soctil andIeconromirestuiscart (i- sutinriio or s's-'lorrl yeasr for young erigo Comnrrrrs during tire sonrarrs. irtlis Iriqrire 22 5. tate. old ldiansd their riamoes at one('to : mremiber of tire corinrittee chsen to F-or Ssale or Lleiit-A'-turinted rot- awardrt it. Tire commriittec conroisto of isige at Old ission, Miciion(II. trof. Adamrrs artd Inruciters WV. D. rttrft). Arnilyyto Theo. Price, St. Johns, Johnson arid C. H. Cooley. J ieci.__________ LOSTP-At or near Grorogees'Morrisy Etilbrbtel & Son tarke tire lead ini e-erring, rarrrorograas fan. Prisder onitirlitofoe Colors, St-tins, and-osiuirii- lIes rIetulon iito 181/> S. Tariost'4 ii i striallfor the mlicrotscopre. aWEL1S U ITED" Is what nosy be properly 0s1id of men who wear Milward's cuts. "1Well Suited"' in rprife and quality of work. Call and see the spring stock of latest designs. MILWATP, T11E TA-ILOR, STATE STREET, ANNI ARBOR, MICH. The Inland Press DOES WORKt WITH Neatness and Dispatch Give them a col. COB, HURON ST. AND FOURTH AVE. THE ANN ARDOR SAVINGS ANK Capital Stock, $50,000. Surplus, 615,00. Resurces, $1,100,000. Organised under the General Bankng Law. of this State. Receives deposits. buys sd slls exchange on the principal cities of th tited States. Drafts cashed upon proper Idetficaton. Safety dposit oes to rent. Orerceost Christian Rck Prs.; W . Harriman, Vic-P'res.; Chas E. iscock, Cashiers M. J. Fet, Assistnt Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL 8ANK&rgAnn Arbor Capital, $100,000. Surplus ad Prelt, 84000 Transacts a general aninc business. Foregn exhange bought and sold. Furnish ltters of credit.- E. 1D. KINNE, Prs. HARRISON SOLE Vice Prs S. W. CLARKeON. Cashier. , Tamm AlSeh anirs Madnt Cor. Main aod ura Streo Capital $50000. Surplus 680,000. Tranact general banking business. R. lEsar, Pre. C. E. GooREN, Vice-Prs. PoE, .BLSE, Cashier. F. J. Scitleede, 20 S. STATE STREET Sello a Solid Gold Fourtain Pen at 510 Bookis Bound 25 cots sd pward. U. of M. Scees ard Profesors 8%a lbs. Lin- en Paer for 50 cents. Noto ooks 5 cents and upwards. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S, 48 S. State St. NOTICE I We can now supply you with a ire FRATERNITY PN. See our line of samples. WM. ARNOLD, LEADING JEWELER, UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING Opposie Law Buidno. Sd.00 until May lt ay too classes Office, 27 Thompson Street. Just Received a Lrge and Elegan Lin.e of N~ew Pipes I Hot sod Cold Lorrches at all hurs. Aets for Olyler's antd Willams and Ierners Co.'s ChocolateoBBe Bon. R. B. jOLL-,Y & CO. 20 S. Sate St, Sager Block. A LARGE LINE OF Valises, Traveling Bags, Drss Suit Caes, Trunks, Etc., Etc., --AT-- Anton Teufel, 57S0. NIAIN ST. FULLER & HIXSON A Slash irn Prices. Forn shrt time e ill PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS CLEANING AND REPAIRING. 21S. State st.. Over osey's Billiard Resin Sdent Free! To any pesnInterested In humnae mat- ters, or whs lves animals, we will sd free. upon appication, a copy of the ALLI- ANCE." the orga of ths Scety. In adl- iss-to it Intensely interesting reading, it contans of the valuable anId ausai promi- oars given byoe paper. Address THE NATIONAL HUMANE ALLANE, 415-511 United Charites Building,.",New York