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June 17, 1897 - Image 2

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1897-06-17

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Published Daily (Suday excepted) during
the College ear, at
OresmelTima building, 79 S.MlilalaSt. be-
twerra Liberty and William Sta,
J. F. TeOAS, 7.
r. L. bassonR, 'Is L.
11. B. SIoeroAc, 'IS3IL.
. P. IIA, '90
. S. SnlONS, '10 . A. CAroee.,'I.
F. A. Fcm, 'ii E. A. orottuL, '99.
G. D. 11lt5~nT, 'b. T. R. Woouw, '8.
BT EnK LAM, '0. . . 51.951011 '11M
The subsripion price of the Dily as02,51
tr tbe college yer, will a relr Ieliey
beore noa each day. Notice. commnica-
ions, and oter moter lateded for publica-
toa mot be hoded ia at the Daily wfIe be-
lace 0 p. i., or mailed to te editor before 3
in . of the d y rso' to that on which i'
_oc are eleced to a poar.
Subscriptions may be loll 01 The Daily
Office, Meyrsor0Stoffiet's Nestad, or
with BusnessilManager ubcriesviico-
fer a lasor by repriog pronptly at this
office aov failure o1 carriers to dlie paper.
Wihlti tbsiueof te Daily pulbli-
Te Independeits of 1111classof 'S
10ee1 tils iftrlwl io10hoiose' the
boa111 of electors for 11lc i icillalel-
- elan h-oard. The dOllstllltliID wil 111s0
101110t1p11for cosieraion. 11 is10olbe'
hoied 1t21titeimehod of slecting, it
meeii henelctbheththou110 e110 itor'111s
wil e aioli e. Tillschbe of ar
cal deals. It is agret 111l1(esier Iw
seure 21 Ilajfily of 14 thuui11io o
a1 01a1s0 unbriig lilf~rs 110d 0
littlejllliiolsl o-rotiilg will, in lhe
friner case, acomuplis wosders. 'illo
amorilal S. L. A. eleeltiowel ilius-
rate this 110111. Bsit 1111asevermetodi~
is ulimeaely dapted every leliber
of '1.8 s110ul10be oantisiloafternoon to
ee thai thile rgtt 111011are sele-ted
for the IlOslil on.
Prize in Hitorical nvetigation
The 111110ef $10 offered by Mr. C.
M. Buron, of Dtrol, for original
v ork in ;No'rthwestern Hisfory was
wvon by Mir. W. C. Haight. Mr.
H3iglt is a menier of the class of
'91, and is now doing graduae work
in American history. Te subject of
'ile Dper is "The Biding Etet of
the Ordinance of 187." It is a very
,cryer piece of orginal investigation
and will e ptlblished as a separate
inonographi in tho apers of 'the ich-
igan Political Science Association
The silver medal offered 'by 'the ons
of the Revlutlion to tie-tdn of
this University writig the_ best es-
say on the 'Principles Fugt for in
thse tevolution," wan won by MAr. T.
M. !Sawyer, of the class of '98.
Keep in line and apply your know-
edge ani trainig acquired in your
practice by prcuring your Chemials,
Stains And Apparatus from Bbe~batOh
4L olo.,

Woman's League Plan,
The Womnan's League is ec.tantly
gogill ntl o 1110 1nire fisnlisi~lig Jand
ipoplsar organization. Tile AWolll
eoacrned In it hope to 'have as great
sucesrs nest year as they ihave haili
Thir nieihoof rentertainmelnt ,will ti'
clianged. Inistead of tie girls befog
elilertailied 2.5 at a lt.e, ltie fr 'shaai
girls wlliiibe Idividedl into siiii',i"retolll.
Different one-s ofthelic etily lliles
11090 9Volulnteeredlltll arranlge for lthe
eI IleilainlIleut of a1 group for lbe year.
1O1e0w1110is5going abroadilha1.50 01l'11Vo0-
ilnteered to ellrrespolillw91111three or
fouir fresillen. 'ith111f11 LIu1110e0v1l1
111110015 fromli i1 tilaige11 1110is
111111 swil liuceeli 1111111ally.
11110 year tl~e 1league1'st15t11, 011eIll-
119een 211 illS130 young 11011100 (' IrI'
- isil1 ealrliag lpartof thiex-.1
tPrcltiuugby 1t110 ye'ar's exilellell'.
11111s goodl work svill be eontinuedlhesl
A-c lr. 'very' One 95110 9151115plinl
0119wi ii, or dis-lilg (11111, Or soillelllle
10 111111 1a1l1e. 51 1111l el'Il 11111t1111
b l~iill. Tile 11110110of V'll0 cllllril-
111 19111 be Ipostedll lth1110reainlg 10,1111
L. 1i 5O ,sllr 11a11, Ot eotler lot, ohd oill
b1'' printled inihDiy1115. Mro. Carli<art
10 011111111111. -Next sear tielegilI
191illiae a, t'1r101111110iparty, lproblably
a1 pla~y, and six or sI-v'llfedieral re-
ception~s ' t1111heiinowleagule rooms ill i
111e tNr IlllsO (x1111s51111.
Pros. Angell In Leave About July1.
Presidlent Anlgell received a formli
tlegraln from hue Slate Depalrtment:li
at1 WVZlosiliglll 9101111105'fsrellol'l, i111
forclily 111111 thi'itall l-ljeeliolls to 1110
api'51h1iit Iso1110e'lurkish iistrylh,9
'll' so been lvithdlrawn. Di'. Anll
59111,1how9ev'er, tle his timle isnl-lie-
lug for Esirsile and w9ill certainly re-
111ami ini Ihecity until after Commneill-
1111,July 1.

TIha 1897 BEN-HURl BICYCLES embody more new and genuine imprtveoets
in construetion thou any othser bicycles now before thse public. Never beoeohors
11101 eaxcellt values been offered for the money. Oor nerolihe, consistincg ot ciglil,
supeorb imodels at $110, $75 ad $125 for stogie machioeo, oand $150 ft 1151100, s-wi
thc various options offered, is such that lbs mobt exacting purchaier coonhoe0entirely

Since adopting its new trains sclied- tdnsa dT ah r
tile, tue Ann Arbor railroad luakelStdnsa dT chr
iiminedate connections 'with other lines can,,eeute pleasant
on its morning trains for Mlouirse, Public Libraries .
P'ontiac, Lansing, Grand Rapids, Ionia, 1 on n on
Manistee and Traverse City; on its itewsandfornte
thuokso teternoon trains for Pontiac, Lansing..
Grand Rapids, Ionia, Saginaw-, DayMa ges. ........
City and Flink. The moring traius aiids experience tce in l
maego oncin o din lillsdale, M1anchester, 'Muskegon, Pr- Address Dept. "5S" RAIN
toskey, Bay View and Mli' kinaw City.
Southbound trains niale connections 51551t12 hiSC'HO1OL.
with all lines out of Toledo, The The examsination ill the 00111110'i'
boats crossing Lake Mlichigan connect coturse in tPlysiologiecal Clue Iltry wvili
with the nerthbolind train through be given Inunedhttely at tlle elcse of'
Ann Arbor at 5:,3 a. in,, for oil west- $110 course, and roat in October, as
ern and northwestern points. Five- previously announced. A bipeeial
hundred-mile books on sale for $10, course in teeth analysis will aso be
1,000-mile famnily books, good for two offered,
yeses, for X20 Are you, a graduating physician
E._S._GLMOREAgent. looking for roses? You will find a
CHI.RIST-fAN ENDEAVORI CONEVEN- eumpiele line Of umedicine cases mud
TIO' AT SAN FURANCISCO, CAL. ronmrlmtble lGw prices dt Eberhach &
Forthils occasion the Ann Arbor Son's, 12 5. Main st., Ann Arbor', Me
Rltcjrioad will sell tic-hats ,at grea'tly LOST-A jewveled dagger pln Salur-
redtuced rates, June 28th, 29th, 30th, day evening. Finder please return to
July 1sIt and 2d. Apply at once 'tee L. of IllI. Daily office and elaim ro_-
their agent for full hfochnation. yrard.

tand profitable work introducing our
ry and fsrmuiug Beading Clubs. Jus.
ats, 'Teachers and Ministers.
venergetic field mainagers. Slate agr
book wvork.
'D, McNlALLY & CO., Chicago.
Washington Block,
Ann Arbor.
O MI. MARTIN, Funeral Director, GCh
"an dMetalilic Caskets and Fine Grade°
Coffins. Embalming a Specility. Its. 17 S.
Fourth ave.
WVA+N~TID---our bright, Eni'rgetic
Studenlts Its fill position as, salemen..
Mluat be wlilng to traevel 011 rould.
lAjliply Wednesday after v p. ni1, Ceo.-
B. Lpdegrove, 15 E. W asinhgnton s.4t
WANTED-A well educated lady to
introduce an educational serial; only
six hours 4a day required. Terms lib-
eraL Full explanations by addressing:
Rt, Care of Dully.

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