VOL. VII. NO. 197. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. \AI I ... D COMMENCEMENT PROGRAMS. Recieived a full line of Novel- What the Graduating Classes ties for Spring Suits VlDo and Trouserings The a roing is the complete pro- rgnrn foIcommencement week: 1897 Satutloay, June 26, 9a m-xm NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. the DcpiJtntent of Literature. Science an (Itfhe Acts. and Istothe Department f ~ ' ~ 1 of Biog'rineering. can hbe ohtained at the Stewartlo office' and f romt the secretaries of the Ainumni Association and the Dcatns and Facult ties. Theirsday, July L-Thse Fifls--Thtrd Anontal 'somencement.- 9 a. m., in Unriversity Mall. Comtmoencemoenit cx- ercises. Oration hy Andirss S. Drap- cr, LL. D., President of the University of Illinois. Conferring, of Degrees. Athletic Board Meeting. At thse Athletic Board noectioc- last yi h ein o h otal tasctioll acst track "J's" were adop01t- .1. A numboler of lills wresplre'sented lid suchi a fotan'ial condition was; shass t that radical muisores seenmed its.ary. A committee consistirng of Hessrs. tHeaold, Potter arsiCaimhel 00 -3s atpoiited to arouose interest O miomog sloe alnusni amnd tis farsmlate some plan wsherehy their financial sut)- tort moor he obtahined. ;Mr. Hill wso The Original t' Allegretti Chocolates ALXER'~SPHRAY 45S. STATE ST. Too Many shoes Sund', Jullnes27, S p. ii.-Inta 'it- vcrsity fisl, dis;esours to the gradumat- togrt;'ceo hk y tPreiiet Angell. Monday, loiie 2, 9 a. mo-Examina- tion of candhdates for admoission to the lDpartIment of Literature, Scienne and the :Alts, and isoite Doparont of ilmoghtieem tog. i10 a. in., mneeting of th(- liltil'( of lRegett. C i 's Day, Depart- n-cont of Lov. 2 t'-ni., in ITnli -er i;y i ltA, byotash the class pre-sideiit, This is what the Shoe bnyer 111t1Jl 111 ' i ,IO'M ' "A- atl;ointed delegate o the Inter-Bih,1 says- Judging from his stock heion srt ibcsoii'cio; chlossiistory y 151' Hsl'r ;dSool Athlticcassociation cooinittee' is right, and now that he is he- se ihil1tayos; oration by ames Sug-' to tramyttp a new ctonsltolutiol'. wailing his lot lhn insists tupon ner thooldy. A1. B. Pcotito'cy bsy'Max UndercHoly b hsiness ttle eluctiono f selling some things at less than it"litilgisi tionBabb, A. B.; valcedictsory cost. Sores day there'll be an tfack ltaltager for tine enlsuing year end to such husiness, as there is B'Itr"ailc lgs.It.i.camile u nit siMr. Ca'iplel wias rice'- no fuss in losing- money. 1' atnen of Scienoce, ltecotere ai c i. £This cauised in vacaninte l ____________(,ho__ Aris. S It..til., Promnoade 01n ill'office of treasurer, whets was fSled hy I PRI U I('t 9 lsti" electiono of H. I. Veis-lcf - L II c .Juine 29.-C lass Day, De- -A oetana, the ptresent timoccial scere- 13 WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. ptnllst of Literalture, 'Scielice and L ° M.P stte,. the recording secre- a' Ar.sillo0a111., trile~~r Itht' Tappanitl tceifioca ertct e O(ak. adidreos hyyills class prcsidenti anst 'Mr. iieliian was5 elected inl thei r Y o t % S o Zii eclec iSiiih; history Isy 0 : ~ ~ ttt a I cy; sra'ie it Boyri ilace of 'Mr. Potter. After tii'g, 0 0 corl shlifting, three nesw-dire tors oser%' r 0 liOto eis ~~sciesIceei stoill v aaicsi. 'Tiey os-ire r /r1~4I eito Mr. itilo, ;ate track imainager, -MrI. At- ofll alfl~,td- rdi, s-, by1Irvling Charles Ws1s5od 'd.151,I-thaealnalg',il 0r1C. -. P reenI'. Thes meeting ttll 1- to spend your summer va- re itO p1. In.,l'eceptsionll by the SlmidI!oses ilMldlystenssa 0 cation without a camera, 0 C'tass tit ilhe Gymnasiuil. oclck s especially when $6.00 to v: W'elessiay, loine 30.-Altillii Day. $ 10.00 will get a very satis- jc'.;is-sisol reunions of literary slasses ot' Prize Award in Pathology. fatoyon.( -men neilsee : '6tt'and '72, fcoyo.ransi of oilier1-cal-s. 21t" Act a'oetiig of the judgyai~., es ld~ nos ahout them. Catalogs- iill., binlesso imeing of Alumni Asso- 'foesscly Miss A. L. Heel, on artistic free. 0(hi tisil of fLits'rary Deisartmnent, illt1 ork, C. C. Tither, Vi. D., on 1liisol 0 '~~.-ptpIi oil. 4 p. 11n., School of Phar- c-isal strietture, ando A. C. W"ailoin. CAK S PHARMACY,. i ctn fte lna n iePh, 0., 01.D., on paihigclol aIchangeo,. 0~~~~~~~~~ 0 oclsmates of '97,with Chenloial si 1 iand 11 rsslg li eto * llslcllo,''eiiol Gesis ti hs rsi- ks'te exlenisowas foundi in illso' Forsisit -one of the Dean. Dental Detpart- ssork of Missannes J. tIenry, was1 Tsront.,2 ip. ii., Claoss Day Exerisesorsa-iddirtrief'iMigil. Your nanme enzraved on (Copper h s Dna:ASoitiare sd essScond prieo..arded to Hi3ram H'. Plate, latest style and '100 Eu- l rf at oeesytySn Oelor.iHenr'y B. Poller received honor- me vet ars hs oait. ne Sceaerlott; address hy Peai otetento Good Government Club Meets. The Good Governen lub 'hheld a poorly attended imeeing esier~ly af terinson in Boom 4 of Pe lair hild- ing. -Mir Belkitle. introduced te folo- ing iesolution wshihlls>nn o sex- tress 'the sentimint of iiie' ''is oand futhelsr define its scope anslputoose. It osas unanimiously aoatied. Be it resolvedi that it is the putose of this ciih not only iostsiudy the noitt- cir0us gosermenallroliems noss- lre' senting 'heiseives o our ntioal, siate and cilty governments, ut alsa is ipromote hisli oideas and honorable mehods in t .ssersity politics, is dis- courage qu.stestionable meoans uased hy stuilto in eeking posito's of licuor ansitrsust. This shall oi he intertpretesd ioloals ilhai thie'GoodsiGas-ernmecnt Cu sal as an orgioizatioo detloliical col- tests, hit ithatis moebers anmd ofcro shall he taiusta-o indiidusials lot is use itese qusesiaoale meicthods and shaMl discalll age thoir use ty others toy all honorable muethods, An asocoduoct to oange the time of thic aolntdmiilmciig for thoe lectiso of olliers hoolie first Fridasy in May, Whs'lai was carricd os-r from sle last metimg, wsas actcd uplon 01n4 passed. Thoe secretary read an otlitac of wvhat next yar's work sall e as tpteparediy h e execmtive commoittee. They trotpose is hold a reglar melet- ing once in evry three weeks at thih thoe membercs nill seoak tpon qes- tiotha tlot ecltth is stdyting, Toy fainther propose to hove memooers of mie factmty give addresses uton qes- tios of, intercst to hhe Clut, and to try atnd get tpulic meontofromothiter cities to speak efore'themooupao spec- iefi qpuesions of good goverenet. Au asemt?'tt to haoe Acting Presisent titelioms seiver thoe first oaddes next rearsil11 te moase. Aloha Nu "Commerncement.' Thoe Allila Nu Society issuesmu neat invitation ma their tFifty-Thiri Comt- memncemet, to ho held Smtu , Junte 19, tlssni 1, PUniversity i'all. Th programn is as follows: Musttic, Mllss Louise Ahisendingr; Smltatory, Miss Minnie J. Gardiner; zClass Hitlorian, Henry Geisoser; Class Poet, Sirley W. ionl11; Class "Gift. an," liss Belle L Otis; musi, Moniser I. rostert Class troploet, Pfranels ICarmody; Last Will and Testament, Harry G. Pol Presenhation of Class Memoorhal, io- moannos C. Adams; \aledieirian, Bay- arid H. Anmes; Presentation of Dipo- moos, tpesident Williamtn 5ger; Mu- sic, Miss. Louise Aitmenidinger. f ! O V 'sollla; class history toy Dessie Bm'ownvm Boterisot; adldress toy Prof. F or 90C Bolt; prophecy hy line Alice Berrt; aidt'css toy Prof. -Doirance, 4 p. in., 100,; Engraved Cards frona yottz r teetiosg of Dental Alusooni -in Dental own plate.vknihitheatre. Senate tDeception, 5' p.0m.01in the Watermnan Gytmnainm. WF AHR' B O ST R ieception bytoyfle Presidenit and the 't'nsste to tse invited guests, grad- Up Tows Dews Tewss e o!mrsuet adfinso S; Sate sk. Opposite Court Reuse oae ome tdmt tdfinso Ass Arbor faan t. (the University. Cards of adaiission 4yDit. 1atihoin iooreJ tilt above ibee- tisoed students Oby ihmntpresetntation of the prizes, in tse Patoloreal Atsmi- theatre at lion last soots g of the elass.,- 'fhoe game tbetwveen cisc i' suiversity and ig-hs Schsool faculties I fpass' paned from yesterday io Saturdu toes'' ceause of the rain, Cane will he called at '4 o'clock.