THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. f tahaws. Pr generalor litrary matter M ff l~LUixiseretty orga litations 0IfT5 paiges, and 70i pages eacti for the lit- Published Daily (Sundays exeepted) daring eralry departmient, the law departnriii the College year, at anti the fraternities, is be trsed by THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. their repiestatiises onn se board as OrFICEt Times building, 79 5. Malt St. be- tween Liberty andi William Sts. t~tey itay sdesire. MtANAGING EDITOR Aiccordiog Iso the i'"pin lt.' law3-s J. F. THOMiAS, t9.7 . t esini entitled Isotsebuittess wan~t- ASST IANAGIt deEDITOiR tger iiexlyear, 'besideosure"elthe E. Lo. DeisIEca, 'Is L. -- ElTlCtc tr i.ors on the boasr, andti it.s lass Hi. B.5tso.tSILAI, 'II. L. e'li tedtd lls'n issire e ajotising. dir. BIII NESS tttANAGtltt E I. .Goiir setisclci te y til. CU Ss 0. 11. HaNS, 'It is teir chieie for bsinstl lm-~aaer EVTtlORSanldlt'e postitons On lie Itoard wins F. S. SssONsa, '98 I. A. CAMPELLe, 'tt.(iso AI es ;'s 1Tatm,HlltisttsisilJ. Q. F. A. ructa, '50 E. A. CAstNIPEs, '10. Ots. G. D. HuNone, 't0. T. tR. WSonowi, 'to. __________ 1TLint ti bn, '51. G. D. tesatNis riotResoiuttons, mToefoliowsiig resoltitsslisiae itee'. dioisi tup by Mlse jiiudiotlair class 0anal The sabsription price ef theIDtisly ia x'.50 leersloe college, year, witis a iregularsielivery r-1eretcto In Pr f. lrstiia, ooretire: beoeno asciiday. Nois"rsnt ti- t~onsand othser latter httsj . n ten r 'rpbla -'lthiie lois'ftenlty ihis easr: tioni tast be bandedsinat te Dsty nib - fore 8 p. nm-, or tmailedti o thes'd'torueb ' e'for tes3 jess, 'fe tito. Les'i 'f. Griffis , . in., of teesisy previoas to t't on wshs s frs cerit ass lss they aseexetedsito actssssr. se i osrrhs o11-il Sabsiptions asay be Irft at The Datilyitilthle lass- seli I t ttof st ' i- Ofltee,AIelytra serStosllets'sNewistand, or with nosintesManaeOSubes bees sswilcol: e- 5 tisiS otliiili lii. lee a faver by teptorting piompitly ai this i otltee sitsfailure ofcareiessto sielisepiper. !,I issessis.Tilt' lireStil,,e O1 tilesid -bol' _____________________________________________ itis 1l1t rely tisi to Iis 1s1as s it It is toa be Isoled tilat esver}a' inc s zeal,tititl l ith silsi it1 at elar~c, bs'r ofthiei' otaisorel-isaW1)t' lte 11.11 li} _t 'e oless 'sntlr uI:sstltl )ttr latiiissislaniii is 't0ib Ut iilen1. dlel of'stholit'riats oit tie la t'iilill It,- sN"is0 ptislMsei' ctiures still it 'sli s t") cit itt Oits ',,t. sitl)e sills' isoi''.o~ il '41 E a: is t r 'Kee p Cool Crash Suits--------$5.00 Blue Serge Coat and Vest, $5.00 Uses' Duck Pns------------ 1.50 S CrashPanats- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1.50 STEAW -'-_ 5 't<' Ct - Thois eutrer ersetots Cteexact styles offile ntiest shtapes. -----$1.00', $1.50 and $Z.00.---- Neglige Shirts! Feathier weight,sosnoetinti' trsw, Silk Frnst, Pfsaid PlaitedI it sic. (Oilier tiestsyles jutst in ----75c, $1.00 and $1.50. )bTCU M41 f 4 sc tt'e entsirt' elass in list cilll. Ist n sre tlsil this flst'sis dsll I its it- Irstoil s'iisl ill th ,os itt; "es sof tits- lAnvsi ol0 to slipesar so ihat i ,'siii tlst ictiriess silt see yt liei st ilersthy wsill nssr lie giseli a srross ir tprcsseitl of the sine of the gritli1