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June 15, 1897 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-06-15

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IrA Ioi .tidoler for a few days ai limiteil number of '96 Syracuse DE OD1T-
W T a 1heels at us HALF PRICE, Neatness and Dispatch
FEine Black Suits a specialty. $5000, AT- $5Q0Q.CR0HURNGivethmaDcOUTHlVE
The Man in the moon S 't LCN\AS LEATHEROID ,LEATHERP SILK cpt R tesource9°. ioo'co 110,00.
.y otP cai ly, at....er ,hpssi ~SZE. Oranied underthe Gener1 Banking Law
HAlts JL1 Ii BOXES ALLi KINDS SHAPESSZS of thistate. Recives deposits, buys and
Parers__e _Sor ______Ct__ sells echange on the p S ncpl cItis of the
Pakr'tore SoePICES r .T SPIT VERYONVE. lUnitedlGatoes. Dtits cashed aon ppr
STATE ST. AND N. UNIVERSITY AVE etfaon fydpsibesornt
.and ,gt anIceCremosoda or some of his i'Ca ! s r .r. ^ O' arsanoersCheationChack Ee Hs W. D
ther oft Drinks* ,P1E D SCashier ic ae-leesnCshieB. Hsok
AtiERi frssnd setevery 1all Gsoe wsth,.. rs aSlotCoir
FroiDinkos aod Peants ___________S M\AIN ST.
'UO YO KE9Capital, BOS(JO .Srpsso-and Pofits, 400
IE ii B ~, OU S K ?Tronsacts a geeral boonig bPoolss
Foreign exchange boght and sold. Furnish
r 20 s Prices- sso ie~fr --- a cc ns, IsGDo led s seafos - - - s25cents lettea of credie
nnce f e2o" sdscy Chat'rs ril_-.____ cv_ 5 e to . . KiINN, Prs. ItRRIDSON OULE,
usun is o ih SrI-ls o o iFirst Nstioal Stoes foe---2 cratss tParadise Ciars fos---------- - I25cens c 05 0 L ItOCsie r e
opn, J- n ad ing reparing-a specialty. tiVossisso Sogie,, fe _--- ll_2>cents 5 La Disos Ciars foe.--- 10---- cents S,.CLR ONCahe.
GI_ E H MA CAL , 1 Afouso Cigarfor . . .S_______ 5cents ODHrry Cays fr --. . ..------- 5cens M-
GItidEDACL.Str Cigrs foe....Il_____2cents 4OwlBoqonelfor. ...-cents t sj j Iin rk
T k & Co. aiteo d tirakers for_.__..S25cents S3Royal Banners o ____-cento
Brun wie: Ciarsfor--------------------------- 2 ce tso. W ain sd H uron ltree
';BIYCL LIVRY ND SLESOOMDEAN & CO MPANY. Capial s;O 00. Surplus 10,000. Transact
BIYL IEYADSLSOM44 South Main Street. en ~eeral baskingbuis.
18 North Fourth Ave. FREREDNOE,, m NIN~551 iIiP.I Bi.OosERCashier.
SWe carry a full line of up-t-dale NsitherniSllihigssnia l~ s iasesledin ' T
Bicycle Sundries and parts lto ay Mp;os sl-c csac Iil ioso ias tisbiee farsinr eiiiiFsill
whenls. tnis thI lescs withi a hlsance of $15 notiny lon accont fof te c atf 20 S. STATE STREET
Also Repair Wheels at living priees l il tetreasuiry. aoiolls-sbsst bt.-a-stse if Isovds Sells a Solid Gold IFonasn wen at5$10
callif n ned f alyllin Icif.Wtiicrosai lia ficll, ofislsisicc fc suh aBooks Bond 25coos and upward.
'UG veusa us i i nesofanthng Prfofate idll.frenSirceses ati(ay fd)laProfeorasoro.13 ol' ceesan Pofssrs3 Lin- in
in our' line. t nt etA n ro rdy"ee - rin}o p eple.lit- Ith the opor-en Paer for5OltCents.
______________________________________ ~t-est let AiiiA dsc ritslys-seliNote Book~ 5 cents and upwards.
- H Q IM N F Ain for Ilab-ic L i en svwire Prfi 111111115co "s ent:italrftsc enjl e n0l1 t of1
IN THE EQUIPENT OF A ; tiici-l -c's- l, tIl C~ balnlsiigLowney's Chocolates.
d1 Tater delIivs e e cflisy ifs) It 11 1 ) - I 11the cel -iilencesof f71lige has ifTg} Lunches.
S U E TS R Ogot ni- udclb, h onotof ot tclf, Ht[ is generall yes-seeded thttt a strsii s - n n i hog h ett elw Iee1ao(huofrnooo h
struset is amost anaoislue neces:sity. e -nltn Iiogi les-ot70V lu 'ss SI; 111c aclsi~lSi. fo
seure the greats s ts~oysseuttfrm eos onl e owo tcl.( lS ~ tigtth'ie llrtximisl lt'
Itouehase at msi est yourtns;;;wi ll sfford. ,tt~ ae i h ttnli
prlr 1judgmntstpoouncesIke B"lis 1 r TUTTLE'She48 5. Statebn St.
tNNihe so s-eilli" fIo, 11'- i ls 5 555 i o l r{ooiOf
An excellesstisstrusmset isis stthe s(1 t ao t-s isa;std i sisli si ols 5 sI 'tat~r ot -un i
'BAY STATE l0 0ss5 I.oi isiifcss it ftltl ind Ior illsi ueditelIt iit--c 11- We an now stpply yous with
I lis of tt ticalle Tle'n 'i t. Is is 'sl I -, S'tu~inl onli' ti'a'st'' i t a- i.- a fine IlATIIIRDNITY PIN.
B /\ N~J 0. tO uit 55 a1SIaltnl ctwsardifar biatt-si oit, t4hoes ~le f See otrsline of samples.
cisca-sits's- It-ta, bi os fory. ile lt s l, is st-ll ic i';v5oarss-c
a --Ir,1 adt ish WM.li;e fPte (IadUfLV LEADING JEWTELER
ho hi u f s tse i redt c-o It--', 's l us'-slo 111t:', lillis'itll -ss l s stlt is's-hl
.0 t iii stslei ne nlahit lost' ;sosstled, sphed ills 1s111 ria ~ ite s luse 4 itr l' J ~ J ~ 5 j f C O 1
oter es .u en aI n ufa&cO ur.1stI1e1dc51;ta11 it'li to h l1 1 51 15-'c il. lit ro( l h
Send -fr5illsratedmlstat xes-- Ps-ss. fr;; s ss Ititt5otp rsI lsstsa iss -I OF DANCINGui ee
lT o 4Si.i7 A t..+ediih i slts tos-sr -stt bts' i le B'cs at t i' 1 i i it-Opposite LasIBuiling VP0 l l ay lt
7.J. rsssss. 11 "ss)sssssa s-es ic , s 1s-. .il1 11il l \}i iaytocass fi e
fmportid+d 's lt- ioe c-os-I t ', -i '11 - - 'sts'ls e' rf I, 1 I ()( (151) . ), 271 Thom pson St e .
sclshai d s's l .arts k asil s ,-sup .:l 5 it sillty vlttt';ls f I ri'- t'tst l 'I- 0 t e t
stairs.J. 1J e ianoseslot 330. State t. ( 1In I A
__l______________________'71)(1, isisI talusrandi 511-, i . lst Resceved Lrgeand Elegsst
sriouti--ss-laeidet onthlit- ci tillat isI 101Line of ew Pipes!
Ih(a' 1;l I T L sily ly ittiniis. V'lics aS;sCitu I I'(, 1e-s oi ii llo Il t andst o(tld Sites les t as oils.s Agnsa
dow I'e cntet Wt Ik t~rt1e~cl8'oi IfoeIliyleer's tid iliasn sd worrssessCo'
t~.It~ i st'- si-il ssil lst Iisiss l' l I 11 5 (ll so 55 lit'ti'5'li'.'a ttt iion Clocoltte B istlsi
No wifisigfor Coluambia and lHartford -li'ribrrl -osl (heI s olit. ~ hisec orneas-ll i-c iit I 15 sitrptill'it i ri te 'nd1thlt''- R E. -JO12.L d & G o .
bicycle. No delay aol consequent annoy- t;( c I is' -iuilihsod s assistls1i a . c- 1. Stl 't sitoli t si0S ttoS. SgrIlok
anue. All models and polens now ruadyt tlit-a ts Al l'iiau it 0SSaeStagrBok
foo immesdiae delivery. 1897 o5 elItti hitt 555 t'thllias' li IIIcom15i'5555. .111g5,i'ithhI ii _________________________lit______
I l's'silldua l M t iii 51 t 'st iis's a ilst. A TA (E
" a Illl.I sid ss i asllssosss'. IllI'sisll 1,A- LAAtLII E LINE OF
.55 hiIll lit ten'th ein s-i cl_ - Valises, Travling Bags, crss
r lIliJhlst' fhn1 11 5ii a5SPItiat sto( t on gh'sltlli i l agiy iaisns Suit Cases, Trunks, Etc., Etc.,
1cyle niw 'h s te slls isiautsof jll. lisihil"slshassfor chits' biSYoti s1i111111d a --AT---
STANDARD OF THE WORLD Ills and 1h i's-ilt-l,] ishlale' 11o 11 1. s't t rthiitsii 1111 ifrice, tils- i's es1-t-h id ,i,.r & ~r ji.~~
______________a__________ortwo._ i ill s 1'S ltsss-l nntis 1 Biss chi. 5 .0AN.
are made excusivly o 5 per cent Nickel ftllfi titliItiIl's sia - 111c.Asi 0 1'5 S N IN T
"Seel Tubing, threntire pro- IoTO ALL p T dl
duct of which we conrok ALIKE. V lhl s e llsit~csasrs' Itle best the ii I SN f I.jtwsled dagg N A Sar- l)Sd a
Hartford Bicycles are at prices IIah-ItS1. 0:111 andisee55'a0 smpileit' 51 5 etLinil" idet' isi etu o A Slash in prces. Foa shot
within reach of everyone. WAI1NIL c & TIll-N, U. 5f\S. hTsslly 0111cc mid ll 1.1111.treee-s
ithan loeO6, $5O. $4g 10 . Stte ste. want ________ PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS
Caaou refrom any Coiamhina
'daler; floan us lo oea-ent har Sat-At a lots lpri's,.No. (6 Its-Il- TOI :Elt'N'-f, liI'islltdtl oihsia fail LEANING AND REPAIRING.
ltou nt j mohsiatypewriter ill exceletm it smt- 11lliIlii r ' (4ll' slises l ptl'for yotmig 2 . State B.. Over oseys BlS~liard tlom.
Pp - MliFG.CO. l aa. Asegsa Ihsx .t03.3,Ci. Inieh~s. 1115111IC 102 . Slhate.
Hartford, Con. '
GretmqBiycle actory.'
y " SteofMar than 1ITED" Sent Free!
r7Arsrso o S ae nsch houseo deaerU To any pesos Interested Iahmam.no mat-
on meey rmtyad UItowhat lna y be properly said of men woIowoeat Mlward's tesa01 wo loes animals, we will srnd free,
tene cuts alatiog aopys oc teyinadd-
tow________cuts.______"W~ell Suited" in prie and quality of wok Call ANon,"phtotganap of thshocety."naddi-
ion to isintnsely iserting radig, it
C AGNSand see the spring stork of latest designs. eontains of the valuable and unuu as prem-
amssgin by the paper. Addrss
21 S. MAIN ST. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICH. 410411 United Charities Building, New Yorh

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