THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. DAILY. Woman's League Reception. P + of ~ Um The gioxo11dsCoF Ms.. tioocil's hornl Publishedi Daily (Sunas excepted) durisg igt11 -o thoe College year, at fte'ioon, when ovrcc ti itdel d ile THEUNIERSTY F M NIA and gills tee, c hoeid 11hereforTinlfe OFFICE: Tuasx building, 79 S. Main St.hio5'mtioi's League r(eceptionl. twaosLibetyad Wiliamso t. t\ diet. liococeal, All's., l'l't'e t , 1es. o oI~w J. F.THO 0", 7.Iito licoi itandDr. 1dioclicetood 00il the 1 >O ,\\ I.L ia 9 L. was coot ily c-ieotltled. hitler the ATHL TIC ~lti~it I t 1et.-I ta.liizre bow (Ifiletittl It' c 11, fB. SKLttocxe, 'l:.Sii 0, F.S itx, 'Ito i. A, 17e ccpcxci of he, '10. Il~ttiellt[ -ci i° to toti, F.AS.FSi'io=,'94 . A. AC rI-L. tC dc "ciit '} G. A.)Fti tc , A APEL 9. .D DU '00. T. RtOOoxos- j, t. A 5oe'-itheeeo-i-oo lti ll. Ott \\\A-. 13Tic tutLAcit, '00, C. tD oteoNI 0 Il 1 'dtl:)Stii')ttti" I ililttl le\_ "Tree Doe,"it1 110110 IN Wie ltiet(iot;;- The subscipttin ptice itftte Datily is 2.13 for the colletge year, wth a l cotrilt-e dlivery~ beforxnnea1111tcitlie. Notices, commtita- ions., ail oilier mttrinciitted ft u lal t- tion muast behetattded tn atthe iaily ocfie be- fot S p. 01,, 0r'mailtedito the ciditor ibefore3 p. mi., of thi daty prevtio to that oanithich thev are expected to appcer Suscriptionastmay he lilt atTue Datily Office, Ileyex a or totlict'o Newtanaid,0r with Busessxllaxa.cee, Sxlciiet'cwtllcon- fer a tavrt'by ceporliac proitpty it this oficeetispfailuretof carriers todeierepaiper. Atdditional Courses. Th' cicitgle till to it i t 111)I~iet' of cources iin Asltoto'yto he gig C.ii ill ilttlilne Sool tii'-it-. A ie1lino 11ccveI tl eti ll Alloll'til0' iti'o110, tL 'i enierii A tl'toio, 'tied itiyo th genie'ral prcentiviioi' Aelloet I liltch ciii ts'b eoiie~i. T feit>l i res t«lli. lnil e "ioc leiito11'111 of teeopltico'11011Lic- la'1'tiltnS 111111 sc of thean Ofill diii -nt 11011 noIttiott \\-il oe gitnoll t~lec-' atitiglt\it ouchito oltie. 'tiee1tifl is ciredit. theni eie Bay. Ciy R':eins. Theofe ecif thll etic opgttforeOlo leo11 l an id uhecef thellyt itym sotile l trallityfor Ilie iitrn Tateo oftime, watinyde Lpez and rote- re. PraecteinaregaretoSte nitse ho hcii gfo ivi onlfor ahontudento mothu, Tetoiy therlocaltchiiiiilee rcied ntc o a Ct'rsga tion. dc~se nAsrn iywl Theeod of t ailef o, i ccliili, fi openingplae bteen tahe GBay Citya ands'heonivte tiesity CheosIas -IesseGiffihwa uyhojpandanBeor- WAspnTBD-Foirexadtoarthewovies haf rooes woihrbn othrsinbout 'toe Aressve Motcaref ofDa''g lId~ tie iliiliit dof he fc iyto' Stio tt' 'e0110 ti' Oll'e 1 ii) It 'iid elittI au, itpt-is Iitisiot, locirlestt Svlipi 1 1,11 e m 11) titoji-c cfitileecolt, tic (i' lctie fll, irec-c l 110' tiess cciiiit i1t - ft-i' oi't' oeist 'ilic 1 h itteoti"ccdic S ichigns Pos witioeinte 1it W'est ifondtohi 'tronet i i~o',iltn ill iii' I'll il. 1i1lle glitiit'g cI treidlt," hr e a v~y p et 111 '('li c ond oi'lit-ioId g uplci~on citay lnshu l lois;fii trs,: 1dsl lico ol nice; byeorteshiguti,1cecec Dote; B-otciiNoir'h Dto, hul ln"11 brigtton lio11is, sort chug ibylict Nehetooalsrihik fict: Golrllimnsn-di cti'e teantd;of'Wip li, '.forto tili-ft1' ti0'iitl1tn IileNDEVOI CN5 Mh-"rligan'sPosion itheAnesit, ifii'llt dncaii c 'tickeil-t'of el iC'edt0iceii rate, J tiile 1Stlii 111,ill'Ii thiragnafr ti nfriitin YSitudonst t ilosiliaoa ae.;saleiiln, l~erp l Wdnl eday .af ie 5 p. m. Geo.l B.f tpd1egrove h7 giWnington Hear TTE3TANEVER" B T E THN7le11397 EN-itEM BICYCLES embody more new anti genuine improvtmntsc in construction itiai iny ether bicycles coot before the public. Necvcc before hicc mceli escelleiit values tieen ofleredi for tue moner. Oar neiw lite, consisltig c i cii. siqici Iimoidels it s,8f5Od ol$1125 for 0single macine'sO, iid $1i5t)for talll~tci' iitlc the N-tritotiaoptions ofieredi, is such lust the mosot exlactin~g parchaser cian he enttirely CNRLCYCLE MFG. CO.3 GiARDEN STREET. NDIANAPO L.I 3 I OUR Riot oPOSTR CATALOGUE MAILED5 FOR TO2-CEVTrSAcMPS Students and Teachers ciii set Ii 0plea".attindprofit'able wcrk introdutiing otit Public Libraries........ fii townit and ceciltry aiid formtitig Reading ('lubs. Jus. tieheok toerStudeiits, Teachers aind liiiisters. Managers.......... ........ . We also want a fewr energetic field nmanagers. Slate age aiidiexperienice iii heelswork. Address Dept. "IS" RAND, MCN@ALLY c& CO., Chicago, ANDALL THE PHOTOGRAPHER Wasbiliglon Block, I Ann Arbor. O M. MIARTIN, Fuseral Ditector, Cliitht ad lllicii Caskets sod Fine Grade Cofifitit. Embalming a Specialty, No. 17 S. Fosrth sve. FuRb SAtLE CHEAtP - Complete heusekeepinig-outfit, ificluiles enougii furniture for .12 room house. if beng'ht by one party before the d10ti of June it can be gotten at ani ex- trenmely low figure for cash. Good chance for sororiety or fraternity. Ad. dress, X. T. Z., care of U. of M. ily. HA NGSTERFER'SP A IGE CREAM SODA G f S Strawberries S 'T S E and Ice Cream Ti R A R Fruit Ices. TP F E E R1 Ca fOUDFV iid WSING.TON SIS,, & Advertise in The Daily