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June 15, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-06-15

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VOL. VII. NO. 195.


WTHN E 1BICYCLE PARADE. Doctors at a Banquet.
Tie Hithneianniacti Sc fety ofthte
Full Particulars Together With tinc ti ois0e and Faculty,
Receiveda full line of Novel- LieoMac. :iaaaiqetairtynar-
ties for Spring suits _____inn -Parlors on teidaiy ercaca;, -, tiie
and Trouserings Tl iey atdC paradtoiht wtt till be 'at li1.A lirge numnter oethy, trial ats o
T lC=('ek 'tipj. Tit, itvli atn at \ill t- l o aititw it xwe e pecs-nlitthe .inn'l
n8 irwit as tfolows: 'pretessioturtnei l twitoat:; , t it i
Unierit Seae2oto n i-nme fpyiAn r1hnih E. WASHINGTON ST. NER MAIN. itien o aticirischols, to front oat M-it ttg itwnsa aineto sit-ta t lii:1-aliy
seuli bildlhgail apiitiiaain ctftierl atictM ,ter
S1i ati, eioeit iith aiiiilittg; ttet- andilto rejotce tiat tei cllg a
The rigial ititndtent~s at ttie denitl bitliditicI stitt en ftle tiilpuwe Ih ihti ik pls-
1 ;t a t cci, atheir dstatti eatin iit e t s tiertari'it andi cte t- iiliar-
$ 1Tie ci ecnieei'a wll tiiet 1.ciitile itci cctiit eat hlun.
Ch clts the lits. I Aot i ware tires 'iii a ndtheiCC
1,'he various ioctl titayceiclubts at tcity isesugrat-uiatiug t ,,tt tlu~r .is
tteuuteiitic idintig. it !iss uble the niuitaei t a .iv tiulti
PALMER'S PHARMACY. Uiiatti,°e itwtulnt gyittisi-thte recent nie-ting efttie sit :soiai
46 S. STATE ST. cins. L itistO7.
r~y®Itt.,e i i1,® itIi cool wteeliuieii at University Afoatture itftie e wttigtas at utist
ti ii gi~ttu--i ;. tig talk, cc tt,, tuboys iiy Dr.
Foo lvi anyS hoes A rn r willtie statiouicI at te l u eltatA. Jones, the tfirsit etu a th
This is whaat the Sthoe buyer huell._tTocokwilth biscolg. hedtrspeuwas
says-Judging from lie stock he o ca rn)pt tie nittiitis itoisilt it two hours antirelnatailinsalualulty
is right, atad aow that lie is he- itt'raeciarge oathtil'va~riou~s ilitcsititta iiunir santa itt tie 'enpa tit l-nwus"
wailinug his lotIne itnsists uon of c lthcraule, wiltlecitd nut tlair tot- ofli thetieartmnt ainiteaiuntalitodb
selling sonme things at less thaan ti itiltg tintttial l in ithtil, tiheoerdivr- ealturtiug theeatrcteiils to io ha tiir lit'
cook.Soeeday there'llline an iin eodn t ~ rce rmth nnbidi-i n hnte. ol
end to such bosiness, as thnere is isit iitiiitotutitteatt-et.liitiiiinintIle htaett
no ftanic losinig maotey. "t'he inarsiatls shouldtiaaethteir nttc ii o it obit fits stuecess. 'Flit ililue-
____'..________ , i i ii ii i's liovby two citwtiting the -citiioni(ittthe ditorlitraiclk tics twill
sI IL i ter fai at oretwtill tie: btitratsofatplustte.
13 WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. .I~iii i iii Semicte. iasiluic itDee caltienutnferred itt

Win Class Basehall Championship
for the Second lime.
'Tie linal gManle ini the inter-elaiss
t c i I'ail s,,"ties twasptiyiedtat Regents
reselult ii tegct:ile the 'i'9 Iiotias i-
it ,,itiiis cC ilihechamtiipioncstipatar the
sicu c-atttite. Tue tippotsinte ict i ,ts
5tint osthitt"juntior ciattal lcla. t'ti to
the seic-l th ittiii the ane as as
prettyci oti a is thas itittiseoitioilt i
litelitthis rein.t' oti tvtiniiis payed
latnti, hauldth c liii tte ,iat rt v ;as
it-attTics lu" i p Htintittica t-o irk
'ttii'euttl ict'1 iig ts,.r rsoiii- ciiisNcii
recioadt tctlbeeuitittin tie box vits
tLilir',s lii a , cud scotreiP cii.' tat5.
L(-ir a:ciii it iitnts iii-' bix in liii
,(-rVe t nnittibt the lie 5'ittiept it
the fta .ttliletetatis ectuldlrnot
titittnec tch iritl 'iticthni111ail sct-
'.t- bit ti-etrun. diehltot i inticila
tI ttiiy g frctarhteicsantd tLhr
torthle ideuts strutck out tentihitn, bat
t. -assoinetrhat earatc.inhis itilivery=.
*I Th 't eiies lnaet-ati theliatu-n
shipfcatiy- andi squiarely liy'sitpeicr
1 stck- nith in te ic- ti h ntl apt litiilt

-'. Woaitie.
aa~awaawwsweaaswaaevawwaawaa I R. IC'iildreniofatrt-nai 10ahoot.
Y omllm C a-i4"t 0 - lhiketlecloins.
o ZjG.UY taI-d
e0 7. tli-gh salhaol.
'chl t init-whenc-i tritiat atill a-a
0 o itt' a the tslloing rotei:
0 to spetad your stininer vs.0a- tileitin i ttStei
0 cation withotut a camera, 0ttdsi, Miis o Tittist
s eapecildly whets $i.00ito: t ttiittnlb'r'.ttiry o
0 0 Itt taet n
0 $10000 wilget ia verysantis- oSniSct sWttitin iattg
0 factory one. Coins and see:titlirtiiiDisittoPenr,
0 0 l'C'Kard to _MciiiMciii to1 tHtront
p tit about themi. ('atalog's0
0 free. 0tutritt to State, Sttel to campusitt.
0 t ."i it tars still tilt'ill twtos ii in t-'
0re and t onThet'tasidewsialkci< t-was
I CLIN, PHAAMAOYI ltairst itnded. tiefreshmttentstrl
bosre t the Prestiyti'in alititelt
F or $1.50i T'he Aitit lieAssosaation lets alttige
a t the piarade. Tltcy lava doated
Your name engrravecl on Copper theiir sariees atid te bicyclists should
Plate, latest style anti 100 li- iibexiVreitteir titatittul tcu tint, as the
gravoed Cards, best quality. ti-.tails Chave all hat-t arratigeil atitt'I
pahinistaking care,

itgpltitiict thiii"sitc cirt lpOt iii' lit't, ilire liserie lit-at I11tact'. Te sc-ate:
ttra at he gt'afteicittoelate n tt'99 2 3i175ttI 0
it~~~~~~ ttesathacctyacs 'ittitgto 'ItOd - -ti
tie i-itlim. Tituict ri-i'ti lte scame- ( ts i -D - '.20 0 0 1 0 0 t0i 0- 7
stat dl'. V. C Fi-ti ttie.dl.It. liileu as'9ttD. ot~l, iitol iii
Sc'~ it-c it, llsin0. I.. I. S'tcr. - . X''tl "1 i ch ttiii~ uu
:cC~ele tlur A. J. itlihimnondi. Ut11iitt'-doi eana lizl
yt .ilatiiau te ti- 5c 4 la cj-.utei t Toastmasters' Club Cleats.
fur ltutu'ea. - -
'The Uiversity at dtt--ligan 'toast-
Junior Law Class Meeting. utastius' tt held itt fatial tictuict
'ri jiuniorthicui lcissa](t!i-it ~l ; it liii'ClIiti tIlutse at Whit-tuota
l~ie'1ini y',t('"C~ly11U1'lll'!',It10I ike ltist Siuturtiut- cenitug. Thte
sc-di-k, tuut tuithiiug'--ias dilc-te iydsiuaaiitera of the 'halbwtct-alhonoracd tip
suitug lig te queustiont cut the p111tlt tutu ltie lprese'n--e otthe'irbidlt'triendilandtu
t~t it iutuital. A0ti otoiiri' itud liii tt-per itjat-tlleautlertusont iu>s sleuit
tIi-i iof tielt-clss at the ltst tict tilig uponsathe takt- ini totting tutu sailitug.
ti1: islost. A esutututiutee tits electaed tip- At85o'calockithe etlliatup-silt cletiutto
iiie elass, howiever, Isoectuter ithia wiel spread tabledii'. J. 5. Lcihers
t(,i itUitteea trautthe jutuior4liteauri-uetdii- us tossmtaster. Thte tolloiung

For 90c
100 Engraved Cards front
own plate.


Senior Class Picture.
Th ls5O 9 il ie enduty, June 1, at 4 h. in. in friot of
Tap~panitu11 tearte classo picture.

catss in retiUctisthueeacut-nta-lion at
the hutbIteatitiofathFle dieligoutensit
its antanntual oat Itiasetutor classes at
till deiautttenits. The cluass tiill meuet
augatin this tmurnitug andt the ratiort ct
te cotuttittee itill be aedi utin.
The N orthatesitern far June 10 con-
haios a sketch -itt the life of Professour
it. di. Wanley, tihit is to address the
Pi Beta Kapta Society of titat ti
murshy next Wednesday, tcaking "tFie-
hit-u" as hikesswbjeet.
The Toastmuasters' Club had an out-
tug at Whitnire Lake gatna-day after-

{tounsts aere re:stiotudeul to:
I"Ta.itaiers," tP. A. Cow-giti; "a
'c.ation," Ernest Clavrtdan; "The tLt-
dies" 0. it. diyers; "tiliilitlues in
Europe," 1'. A. C. diurrell; "Thea Las-
yet',' C. WX. Adonis; ,"Atijtaies at
1ticiiguin," to. 0. Dart. ;"Foreign.
ttelalioao," J. Q. Adanus: 'Our Alma
dialer," N. J. lihlea; "Our Coutry's
Future,' 1V. Sang(er.
After -the banquet the folloiitfig1-
cu-a ware aet ed for next year: V. A.
G. Miurrelll, praniMdent; J. Q. Adarns,
vice presideut'; L. 0. Darts, secre' ry;
El-nest Clererdon, treasurer.

BOKSThi pasent, whlellier or inst ito desiresaa
U~p Town Down Town Th'9 elshvadpdastei
S. Saie st. Oppostie Court Haose Ie SMdis'aedpedstea
Ann Arbor Main St. { classcolors tire shades of greea.


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