Till, IJIISITY OF MICI-iGAN DAILY. JOS . ElKOILA F & CoPoints to emember-!;4-, Dr. Ang oell is M.inister to Turkey. - Prof. Hutchins is President Pro Tern. Fire Blaclk Suits a specialty. Wo will ihave an Elctric Lightio plant. 10 E W ,sbi~jqon S. U Stars.You can root your Piano for niext year now 10 B Wssiagan S. U Stars.You can buy a Guitar cheap now. PHOTOGRAPHS You can buy a Mandolin cheap tsow. For further information ask ---Speciat rates to rSiors at _ erryi-nan s Ann Arbor MusicCo5 . &, i AND52 FTONST. K~ Huron StreetNFgm. Bicycle Enameling ! titoe retots for - ---- 2)Crsts-56flog ttead ('tars for----------- ^.cents Plait or Mttrtelizedt. Any color or l* atto s too o - 5cn.0totg 5asfr - 2 et Iii irst Nationalttoies for- 2Scents 6 ParaiseeCigars for ---a--- 5crots style. All work guarateed. 6 Yua tta Stogies for ---r---" ests 5 La Dioso C'Icars tar----------25 costs pp_ ypT NT t"O osneGars for----- ---2' ests itHattry Clays for ---------25 costs A. ti star Ciars far-------------25 cests 4 Otloa ets for -----------r5)cns TihTsre C.65N.Futhae tecord ttrakecrs toe------------3costs it ioyat Banners for-------25 cents 'Wit T~zlie cC o.,1$ N Fouth ite tiroswsickt Cigars toe--- -r-25 costs DE AN &COM~PANY. x N G S T E RvEER S 144 South Mamn Street. (K QUAM SODA I2 S Straw*berries T anti Ice Cream TS B A R Fruzit Ices. Tr E E fR Gar8UF03VNas WASHINGTON STS,,S ates to ordler Womn and .'en's Easy Fittintg Shoes in all theo Latest Stylesa. Best Pla's 5 - t S 'Reps irino- ,43 S.\T St Upstairs -ci hale .tit-c--iibats aci Im los- 0 c S t si 0 r. otelot-. sl - tc t Y kt rttt Accst 1 cI WAGNER ONAGENTS! Secret PraotceButtter ts Captain.]- (1t),; l oct itt tI cE;Ic e s o lml icc ico 12 Ntll Iti111111(Srt or- ulay 501515.1)1110l ln i)y t.1 tc inlttics strosolli, sso arc volit cts t": c--ti-l cco tzictlit ietoxc ", ic' Iliwt t tiiftheyt were55 Ct 1200 fi rot- icc .} n cIt 'titc-c itey ssottl1 be aileto tt Mr~. 1t1ti_.Itrcis . titritlt ro f otte it' 1,11' Te t~i Xttc Isiiy tam. Thteir (I tssi nd playd l ib2t . t ce(ostttllse dutr- 1)i-ti t'c- ses-ry - ft'tc'ive, every ittat tin lit the -c ofcc 2. LisI t'nt.ierit L,)"r lof "o- its h s tkitn-ly s-iatctit thc. Icbtth Iits ttctr c-ittleot ail it I tt5i t 5 le a c 'tci- ittip st t t 11tt wil-cIt ' sc-s- cc 1',Hii c0'cti i):its t' Ill l t otS cicrtit' I orl io scclcc'is cfl cite lccsscr itho'e ccire tothtit'-"tlilte si 'wen icc wet i tc a ight1 ie1l(XI'I'tl ' cll tle ciit'r's oithlit'eni- ItI(I, i crctlit'e i Ims icl vt' a finet'mOctitt. c-c b ottl -crc'ti-iof titittotiitt}ito yHeaistt -l tnt n ci511: i t.a( ' cs c - T tio- cs11cc iticttr, s ixianc i'otil t in.--1 I-Ii 511 (,iii i it i o lrcione.ii (. c5 c'rc' t-il iitl -Cyin a i liiiat clc tit3 ctter 11I A IN SI ci' otccII:tiiitttg liii' 1 cicthsnciiat-c-vtttl'oclito -ltticiii- ccci ttlie: acilcci'tic l.otrtltitittuet\ ii - I tti iccTo nle isU ccc, iii n itstc stc lsc--lcdcc-cclc isi-ic -cilocThe 11i iy il t. A.sion1 5 ticcccc cil t - 0i, f he 111cr%1 It. LU cliccIs, butiii 1 cc citt I - - - - - ccii i tcha ' c t il,tt 'lct01 forlit hf' tctt'l ~pe s rllI ~i S c-c-' - 4 ttiti'i i l ie - ccocct c cci 11cc' icc 'thetccc is - c(t iin1 ic he :udiedt byttiittti.- i S5 ct - cccio111cc c tclocgtetillglitt.0ti 1-. e :;11 ' t icisforI ci it itt111-Is, i-tics ttUtetet 't E E' l c1 t Ic ii cCsi c 'u "otte r~icc liii' ofctti II c cIsi-tit11ttt.I t. tic- lii. Idtoo ou l te d our ti'nvcci' ci cit o - I I-,redc.itt 0 c'lolt 11titol 1t 2 'ics i ISic--iE'cl'rlit t: wililte ictccI 1. tto gilt I I-o c. AI clc-itls it lltI lst r i1tS! lttlt'det Ia i l~tc1t 1 I- itt i t')icr-f. 1). (in. ti-(.. it .4A. ltei t l1. 1t's-r_ t2 lt. cootC t 1 c-cIdin i - Iliitslite.tthe tteS.of t ii The Inland ress nOES WORKac WIT1t Neatness and Dispatch Cive thens a call. COR. BURON ST. AND FOURTH AVE. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock, 50,ttt. Surptus, $15ttt0. Resoutces, $1,100,00 Orgastedtlunder teeneral BtingecLaws of this State. Receives dleposits,. bays and tells eschasge on the tprincipalcitttes of the Catted States. Drafts cashed uotsproper Identification. cSafety deposit loses to rest. OFFenIaC:Christian Mtact Pesa.;cW,. D H arriman, Vice-Prs.;Chits Nc 5H.scock. Cashter: Mt J.tFitz s'csisttCastier. MIST NATIONJAL BAhKof Atn Arbor6 Capital.$100t0t0. Sarplus and Profits, 14t0t0 Transacts a getteral bankoing business. Foreign exchange bought ansoltd. Furnish letters of credtt. Sc 1). KtNNE, lees. tHARtISOON SOULE, S. W.CLARKeON, Csshter. i shaHm 9 lor. Stat anti nuron Sten Capitol X50,000. Sarpaus $:30,000.Transact genteral baninlg bustness. R. KtmrFtrrtes. C. N.Cocon. ,Vice-lees. FRtEDn t. BrLSEs, Cashier. F. J. Schicede, 20 S. STATE STREET Sells a eolitd Gold ountain ten aof $102 Bookts Bound i5 cents ottd upwardt. 13.ofcMt Scenes and Professors 3112 tbs, Lts- en laser for as cents. Note Books a costs and upwar ds. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTT LE'S,; 48 !9. State St. NOTICE T We ran now supply you with afitie I JAJERA ITY PIN. See outrStn ofsamptles. WM, AROLD, LEADING JEWELER, 1 TI 1%ERS TY SCH0L OF '17%01N NE Sppiteit Lawt Buildling.c$3c.00tuticcy 1t any twttoilsse.O Olice, 27 Thompson Street. JosttRct-red a.Large tandElegant pie of 1T"ow Pipes 4 Httcanttd Cold Lunoces atsall hours. Agests fo lu r ndWl iamsad 5certtcrs Cot R. E.JOLL,-WY & COU. 0 S. State St., Sager Block.t i I Ot.. tAcvirc i-c3s 2i(1 , lity. " subscribe for Ste Daltly. - -°°- -'Tis ettough to mtake a preaz 05 I SEAswear-But itero they go. $l al. : Scotch Flannel Negligee Sb 99 Cents. Reaston! The weather has been ________cold. rfoo much stock ou hand this titre of theyear. p4' ) WAGNER &CON.1S a Lchor 11.50 Arts 1too I for ERS in St A 1LA~tt1,TINE OF Valises, Traveling Bags, Dress Suit Casos, Trunks, Etc., Etf., -_-AT- Axnton'Teuf'el, 57 s. MAIN ST. A StashIsns Prices. For a ashort ttme we ill1 PRESS SUITS FOR 25 GENTS CLEANING AND REPAIRING. 22S. Stats st..Osver Rosey's Billiard Room., To asyp'serson isterested isnttisase smat- tees, or who loves asnsn we wilsend free, anon apslitation, a copy of the "ALIt- ANCE' she organ of this Soctety. Is addi- tton to its intensely itteresting readtng, it csntains of the -ralsabte and unusai premi- ums given by she paper. Address THE NATIONAL HUMANE ALLIANCE, 410-411 United Charities Builiding, New York