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June 14, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-06-14

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ION DAY, JUNE 14, 1897. Fovat PAGES- CENTS.



Received a full line of Novel-ConlWisFo Mchann
ties for Spring Suits a Well Played Game.
and Trouserings ilit'i att a le ethe teaso
itrt it w«- a itiit. thle('attiati
~ 7 t allinii i. by a to-r e -te f itto 1 1to
NO. 2 E, WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. h~ia at t e£ eIteix i-it tes tit011,11'
The Original li t 1. :, 'i t'hiiltafthi e tia1ttt itt
Allegretti ~ tt itt tttacte i- t
Chocolates t,,.£ hell i iC fattierethe con-. itil,
1 '1 t ittetlecl atdut u t'' i1-tilt
465S. STATE ST.it I tt t1-1taittlll ly ftatt iuti tttttt-
it t t I tttndtaare itt tie aitte£ frattl
Ir t toilist. Thirtewor it Ittlut fatit
T oo M any Shoes 7 ;LT uoit t 'h cwu itci-tlltta. 1Be-
This is 'what the Shoe buyer i tiieti iitis i tol iii' A'a
says-Judging fronm his stock lie I itcithe otile"t'.4. 1-titriii-to1ex-
is right, anid now that lie is lie- . tt 1itaii ii irrod ickitciii tttiv ie
wailing his lot lie insists up n t.ia ii tas iit ti o t iiero. A:1 it aut't.
sellintg sonmecthtings at less titan
cost. Some cday titan-'ll be an ttYi ii -xi aiiiiti i i
enod to sucih business, as titers is lii' htilt hiatt- ey tittd Mitttu. ar
no tun in losinigminiey. tritili- ihe tielt' it itt' of tie best
V J A P RI L.L9 1tl sp teite uii ieot i-.
3 WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. 't'te g"-titi'utitt1tilt it ieiiautAtilta
:lt th'o l i £-.iote'-s ieitig o it.e
lit. I il-ts i- i iit1atie to poiit l it
0 'ii tutullce b C oly -itt o lld

Cartelt woti- ouctn-fii on- 'av, tiree FOOTBALL PROSPECTS.
atlJee. Sticett titd iic--tsey titin-a tpi.''i-
ait. Plans for the Conming Season
to the titid eiinsitle s-red aote. 'a, d vr
tHetrts -ttatee ;tmtiCondontlatfitil a ot a1~ t'r
Rittertitit foira bate,. ai-ateitg thea i Aattii)atitiie o netfl'
to ta-i th1. fout ii id itpa a.le
foottball'te-atmt'reattonedto tht'etall of
«t iii Il.itiingachis aseita ott bal.>t. iaiti,"e' t1-1uies esteetlayv'afteettaoit
As-am lthree men'sott f-tat, ii''ou t. iitltt'Ot'i'le-tr' i ti
tai iteitite i ii tot.itil aait t -eter'itte pro spteets.ANearly till of the
i-tee i ot le i ittri. lt' i ~ oldi itayers ti-re tresetiat it-i 'lt
ii -e~r I mv liua t W uing t atl ev r tti hit er't le t-H io lte dof thye
'ieir-tI-dntii' titie t. clat i isin- oteothet i-ii-atelofatit o
ill a foulitt ii' latn-. it-eatii for ('a'-
titnty. Wii'il - t inii-ieto O'tieiiore
itll -i. wt iiiit-ya. pitcedt'.ll-ittsi !tisnO ieset'o
filiettht too e sth ceeo
it",1St to fis. Blttit sliti toiIleat it Nito0the early veeatlutr'i ista
thti te- Brott-i out it 'a.-ati I. Blair
sontt viatir iii' tt" itiaeieatitatit
tittifh'itit-first ott the iplay. lie tii iiiastiell'thaeeas t hey iiA oldt ait.imtot's
it i 'titat- 'to eaiii to celttittliii tt'sift'lte.. Cilas. Bait-dIand tilm-~t
I tt' tie'11daitti'lacd oatCaole "'t ii tttiiiei i tt tiit
Y -.,;lm--ftiedl out to Godiley. 'coet'1 start witthitext fail. «Wlitt i ts t' Aaut
Ini ite it~itir itMlc-iti '1'tie iOut st it ati h tati-l i
rie.hlii(tatt1t-11 ti(liii(i tree s- i teyittti-ottesaai
oili 1?t Itby t i tili. 1, Sit~ltnlirthii itdhle f Sttettirartctheex
tutu utu1 lay aiii lelitpraase iofittt' aso't.titiitii. An-ttbotly
iahftCwet-it atott ttflt-tolHe al . itole -10Vi-tatuts Toty this year iii
.11: iii ftir atdtteilt i tutu oiiliii to ' iii fit'i-teylow eat ratesn-i
i'>ie. 5,-ott' ICorne-i' elall..ith te Lake by the tt~a cget'The
Inii'efin iiMi itti to-as a,"-it itrei' Ia lleis otetrly all mtadle out, ~it,
fartd Iiititt tutuandCornteli e -oaionei " it in-a Hutl-eis itntdert' llia'taut to
iti'ai tit '1 t\1"Otta;e itt t 1d lii i'sohrI -itiagei, tie etitioc-gite it on-i
AE4-Iii tait"ldaof 11iii ixth t - it itt a ottclitted 'i tthte etaltp'ttttict'o
1 betiti i uuitttll totbe a dit Si t ii ' ",t 1-1.d b. Hit'ltoit i-Ott itiot of the
lio batseittnhl a. C(,tih ; i rtva t tie tiill htb et-eotted1to haipitls tndt
fi tgltltrty tte iittotiitt a tn-tivery little i-aulbe
ii ttci. i i to lrei o i .~ sii iii ii fo iti' i iutat C'oat ;hut . B de


to spen-d your snumtier va-
cation without a camtera,
especially witen $.00 to
,$00.00 will get a very satis'-
factory otte. Comnidtt see
us about them.t Catalogs

iit l" it. ittit baitinobith Mliti
tat . i'thatie ~sitW-inI.iIiiier'
<_q : llif'' ino ti11tti tiis iiae AT"
taxiOtt ut-ioet

itt .Il ' 0lt i 1 uctirtist'. uu Titu e ct
ff do ii a.lhtlo i ut- 'otu xiiont t.
ith iseutott fonuta eacit 1tlt C('tlati.
-id clle ' -.. ( tiv l. Y u- -

it- t t" iot nut -at f iototltt111"s1to get
it 'fit'x Lc t the.stu l1ot-c. 'Tue
itt--o -afoic ul bib i. 1s xeltetutnd
tietatiuix' ittactry-his- 1i0 fotratick'-
tug Ile us-'oe of the titttttuitig~e of
11111itacoticily Toyttuietl ix tu10b"olu
itl . tiati-illdutivaie o uttt ' uttot
til ts ttu atay oilier onttinug.Thet

_________________________Heard___flied1 1outi tolBelacatinii. Couttixun
F " 1 5 (' .a t c ixait tlan-lale to ilft t1tuti
1>t' f ' ett aid fOct on lo lsoehs 'ccii'',j
Yoair num n-t zeiravedon Co lul {a- 'dctiti iii to Ithirdt. 1hf1l'r stale
Plate, latost style an-il100 Enu- - cotiti uitd hiuui 'cevtiatbtst' luh.
graved Cards, bast qu-ality. huI hrice e ien itas .Mcliutrit'
___________________ tlittn easygrain-tier totirdl tn-t
I 'lltuuotn itts fTuetil out at tie piale.l
F or 9Oc w ivian ualsa hit to 'tuird atntd itas re--
fiitid at fIt. thor Corntehh, Bia-huttiu
100 Enigraved Cards front you,-rtokuotOtthhdblsoitecani
otvn- late.an-tivas soerifheed totirbicliy -tur-
tn-ug-it whioscat hroivu otit at r)l.
WA A1HR'S BOOK BTORE 'von-np wesxt ouit on- a dy to Cooley ran-i
I u eclh fromi tiard to Con-dot. S ore
Op Town n-ewe Town Ot0
S. Sate St. Opposite n-surt n-on0soe
Ann Attn-r Main @t. (In luhlbs seond both -Michi gan-?'utnt

-'it e, n-ttuIt00t~ii5it oliZ'tuuuctugu;' of cuunitug atduttot i~litg
hLtuniditto fheat outbtahls H i'helawut-iiat utt'gx'ul upau tIhtost'tutesett
oil ghtit, hut ti-as left 'thtee as the netax Chuas. Btird eltx sle autil tsuidt-ut
tt-ei'sntut totit utout hf'ly ulls. Iii (oathewlu'e e ri t-uf'- 'tt.la
'uCornil'o a~'f. MJiller reaeduiltic-ationatutletuts is greaten-owtt-thoi tituhs
Catutlotuts eosto'le seondt, and -il-tnt eost' been tini the thistot' i'hete i-er-
Is tituird utnthtat',5error. KitugilaySoYt' lIeosaii, thatutnto ta all ex-ary
xvcu't tot -tot en iaols an-il t-is nut- tian-Musutt heat 'tilt li;> etllegs iv orho
ittte toisoeeondtlwv-lau ii'oivn- titus -nil keepix thtiltis otubjetti to ict.Ie
liii by- topitcedetilt.h With three ott urged -tile tueessity of hunrul tworkcan-i
1hates, Miller ,i4iail down- an-clstmuak stickitug to ht.
on-i Rkiur an-tiBeacluatutin- s our. WhteniAfe. Baird fintishedi "Pa" roan-
(Con-tin-n-d on second rage.) (Contihued on Third Page.)

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