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June 11, 1897 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-06-11

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JOS, W, OILAUF & CO, Points to Remember The In
Dr. Angell is Minister to Turkey. OE
TP,.AIILOIR.. Prof. Hutchins is President Pro Ter. Neatnesf
Fine Black Suits a specialty. We will have an Electric Lighting plant. OBHUoN,
You can rent your Piano for next year now COR,_HURON
10E ahntnS pSar.You can huy a (guitar cheap now. THE ANN Al
K as ,You can buy a Mandolin cheap now. Capital stock
K B *For further information ask Oganie une
Aron Arbor lilusie Co.,1 AND 03B EAST sseeWSiNT '. United States.
THEOPEA HUSEJEWLER z~n ...ror lV~sicCo. WAHINTONST.Identication
Can furnish you with a first-class Fountain _____________________________________ OFCRScaus
Pen. ien and ing repairing a specialty. Harriman, Vice
--GIVBEwHrn A CALL. DO YOU S Ovi KF E? Cashier: R. J. F
The Man in the Moon 20 Pitsburg ste es for.--------I cents 6 Dog ed Ciars for.---_______ , cents FIRST NATO~
moy not te thirsty, bt if ito weree, he would riff La Princess Stegies for--- IS---2 cents 6 Prodiy Clars for- ------2 cents Capital, $10,00
.....call at..... 10 First National Stois for.---2 cents 6 Paradise Ciars for- ------2 cents Transacts a
{. i Yucatn Stogies f or ---------25 cents 5 La Cose Cigars fee.. ---1-- 5 cents Freg echang
Parker'sCorner oSore; 11 Alfonso Cig afor_.--_- -2 cents S arry Clays for.__----- n -- 5cents letters of credit.
STATE ST. AND N. UNIVERSITY AVE 6StSlr Cigars fr.--------I-----2 cents d Owl oquets foe.-__-...._-_- 13 cents . D. KINNE, Pi
aod get an Ie ream Soda or some o1 his S Record Breakers for.--------5 cents 3 Royal Banners for---1--- 5 cents S. W. Cl
uher Sfl rs ija3.I Blrunswick ias -sfor.----- I....a-------- cents _______
PAuKEu is frond at every Ball ame with T A'T ^y~
Fruit, Drinhs and leausa ouhMi 5re. DEAN' & C® M PAN Yi.tf
1Tucker & Co, UNIVERSITY NOTES. CALNDR . Capital
BICYCLE LIVER5IY AND SALESROOM The Wciieer and Alpa Nu socit'ii c ileFilh i-ii'i ss.Urill'C fusr rs
18 North Fourth Ave. will geet officers'it Their imietings this Fidiy, Juie 3-Examllliis be- _______
We carry a full line of up-to-date week. "ill''liiiheILiter ary 'Delotiieti. F
Bicycle Sundries end parts toimaiiy ThelGrand Ra~pd piprs are fliiofSuni y,:Ti a v-B-s - al 20 5.Ad
wheels. Icaise for lI. 7.i Z g omn usc- il rsUiest al2Sl foniiii Tucsday uanitiWedessly,SelaSoiCo
Also Repair Wheels at living prices. tnitt(city last 'Tuesday. Jue ?Si29,l0 iaduziiniig laso e- Bokso Bound
Give us a call if in used of an3 thinig c-,. aI1. of M. Senes
ou1in.l GSt .i. AblboilJ, tL, >iibeien i - if t 9,i'e Paperfor 50
in Note Books.
pXteilclerik of lth lieeic oo1f>t lualy, li~July 1-Ciiuneueenat Nt ok
I N THE EQUIPMENT OF A th Ic lplnent~lei for netyar l it dcprii liets of Jie Unisersily. I.o-wney-
S T D N ' O M T h e i n lin e e i g S l e y w ill ie l .s A N A A l to R A I iO A D f ) C O N - H
lieu, st d Ictil t by .Ir. Join T. ia; NECTION.
Itsis goneruly co-ceded tat a strusged i- Since a doping its nesv tains sched
.5 umet is aimssant as is-ute racers.sity. To o sole, the T"D-Ignan Crnrtc-TTF qP
seeure the greatest ejoymenrt from ite cili'siie 'eii ii tie heAim Abor railod maen;10uo5 S TL
purchase ret she et your imiiey owil aford Itoli of Fly Wl bees."itiiduec neio si o cile
expert jutgmet proocnece sit"BaylilmdaeClncinSwt te iis/^
State" instrumcts the fiest is te worldIlsIe (slateof dilo ieylel pirzide' lihlOon its iiorning- trains fol Monies. NOT IC
As esellese, entrument is the brels s ifiigel. and i will be held next Ponii, Lamlin, Grand Rtapids, Ionia,
-BAY' ST.ATE $10.00TQ-i i s cin a 7occe iise i Osllee aiilTaeseocCiy lou its Weca
- ii sOIsi -.ti 0i-sc iio- us -s.~ sflenouii trains for 1'osiiac, Lasiig, afiei
B ALNJ Q -or --. t >l-- vving ,1pe 1 ran(,id Rapid, liiuia, Sagisaw, Bay See one
Weui iisoi csaic ll Sica tleyte met ity( a-nidFlint. Tle orning tais ! Al(f
'Weiiec iiotitgaiitocokuccliuoifoirdubul VYW AIlIO
tibi at instruenot t e ioiipro otno
. .t r istrumet mnuactured ceo ,silaifs od:jiy at s 3p. Iii,dMl lie - o I Illildale, )Ilanclester, Mllkegol i' l's. T
conpre r lli.it. - i. oft(s iii nliiiis idrlosty, ayT leas-and 31acskinw C 13 UNIVE]
Seed fr Ilustrateid catlogue, ; oltue ibidn 'ne . Yy
JOHN C. ITAYNES &tCO., Ilitisel lulA-te t~ilitioiniltrinoiake ouiusetior. 1
ta iettenAsi11a aullsoii~ll linhes ot of Toledo The OF
453-03 W hin on rert i~otim-Li-I fin .Soii Al',i (1- I boa iiSlis Crosing L ake 'iclian conet Opposite Lw I
TTOF Mi. SHAVING Pal01 ,'llandil its. n ill al ei in iiir liosy oiliithte northbtoonitrain throigi syt
i. U rooms- All ppoiits -it 0-s rMass. Si~s-ao fSi .i. o l co-2 h
imorted and domestic cigars Ladies aris-An rnatb3a.n, oIl ie-27 T 0
sic hair dressing and batinoi parlors, up 'THE CHICtAGO OTITIOS Sl'PlsOL- erii and nothwvestern poits. iae-c
osis .Toaewh 0.Sae0.AIsSI. 1liinilieiliile books oiisle for $10, Jst een
Aplicans for t is siiolarship, li 1,00-miliie famiily boks, good for liwo Line 'of
sitlsild by-tliii-Sudients' Chlristian ar311, for $0. oO and Cold
A T O N E eaioli for theiprlpose of eiablinig lI...5 CIIMORE, Aget for Hylr'5 n
a . tudetofthe__________toapseI Chocolate Bn1
a luluto le l }-rot 01,1sc IOI.SASLER HOPAPP -Caplee F R. ..
Nol waiing oc Colombia and iHartford soci-al and ecunimic stuiies a (lii- iiaei utf usit, icluieeneotgI 10
bicycles. No delay and conseqent annoy- eIg Comimionssduing le siiin:.iriilirefo 1S.oli ouei
ne. All mels and airs now ready hudlsi ierhil lSeli- ui'olir byforue proy ore houeluIfli
fer immediae delivery. 189?7o iyon at eor h 0h A LA
in-soter of the iiillu'i i iosuen ii i.ofJuno it Canl be goten at usn x-
iaward i. Thii'coinmittee- cosits ofVaieTa
tiurucry losv iure for cash. GodVaieTa
Prsof. Adlm uer itl iructrs W. D. i-Shace fr sororiety- or fraternitiy. A- Suit C
Johnsoniuand C. I. Coioe. ilia . T. ., Care of U. of A1. Daly.-
IC O ~Tiibn Bhc-cles are the lot in liie'Cl as laxsna-le paid to mcany10 nt
STANDARD OF THE WORLD > w-lild. (all anii see i s sauile. day friunt 4 t 2 p. mi. aIthIle sfewaard's 57
are masde eclusiely of 5 per cent Nickel WAGNER b.,(eLEN, sulffie. J.. KEATINGCI
Seel Tubing, the entire pro- TO ALL 0S S. State street. rlesreerr U.
duct oh which we conrol. 0 ALIKE. ____________A_______Slash_______________
Hartford Bicycles are at prices 'Tnuh omk
within reach of everyone. .Tseogtomka preacherD
$60. 50 , Bas siear-But here they go. $.0PRESS SI
Caaogue-trfrom ay Clmbai Soc lne elgeSit LA
dealer; frmais for oe a-mant C".Soc lne elgeSit LA
stamp. ft~112Sk ate St.
IHarstod, Co1n99 Cen t Se e
r7A-esofFoo Sac.Rsason !_.The weather has heen .too oaypr
Icold. TCoo much stock on hand for eeorn oi
t !this timge of the ear. anC ,t i I
! u p contaIns of th
ansgiven by
":" AGNR ol 1 SMai St410-411 United
2l 5. MAIN ST.

land Press
s and Dispatch
ye them a call.
:$0,000. Srplus, $510,000.-
erthe General Baning Laws
eceves deposits, bys and
o the orincipal cities of the
Drafts cashed upon proper
sfety deposit oes to rent,
'ristia Miach resh .;W .
-Prs.; Chas E. HBsogok,
15.a Assistant Cashier.
Srplussad Profits, $40,000
general banking booinos.
ge ought and sed. Furnish
Vice Prs
LARKSON Cashler.
3 ehanlils1!fnl
Ian no oo teer
Surpuss$30,00. Tranat
v basuiing bsiness.
C. E. CREsEN, Vie-Prs.
, BELER, Cashier.
0 Fountain Pen at 101
25 cots and pward.
sand Professors 31,z lbs. Lin-
ets and pwards.
is Chocolates.
?',48 S. State St.
anow supply you with
- line of samples.
Building 5.0 until Mauy 1t
two casses Olie,
meson Street.
nod a Large and Elegant
E 2T®7Fipes l
Lunche at all hours. Agents
A Wlliums and derners Co.'s
'tate S., Sager Boc.
vling Bags, Dross
ases, Trunks, Etc., Etc.,
,on Teufel,
SmI Prices, For a sho
time we wilu
Oer Rosy's Billiard Room.
it ]free!
en interested in huane mat-
yes aiasewl send free,
Lion, a copy of -he "AL-
egan of this Soiety. In addi-
itensely itrestisg reading, it
to vsluable and unusual premi-
the paper. Address
Charities Building, New York


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