THE UIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. JOS. W, KOLLAUF & O. Fine Black Suits a specialty. 10 E. Washington St. Up Stairs. V WE WANT TiO V& "PAINT THE TOWN RED" WITH CRIMSON RIM SYRACUSE BICYCLES anti offer for a few days a limited number of '96 Syracuse Wheels at just HALF PRICE, $50.00. - T-- $50.00. BR OWN'S ]DRUG STORBIE. PHOTOGRAPHS --Special ratea to Seniors at _]3erryrnan' s E. Huron Street Bicycle Enameling ! Plaiu or Marbelized. Any color or style. All work guaranteed. A. CANTLON. With Tucker & Co., 18 N. Fourth ave FlANGSTERFER'S 1H ICE CREAM SODA s © S. S Strawberries I S B and lce Cream T R Fruit Ices. AI E T h Cr. FOVRH ind WASIGTON SSs Makes to order Women and rfen's Easy Fitting Shoes in all the Latest Styles. 43 S. Main St. - Upst s TT. OF M. SHIAVING PARLOR ad Bath- ~-.reams. All ppaltmetaSet ca. impated and damesic cigars. Ladies artis- sic hair desingad bathieg parlr, up sairs a.K.iTre aecauli,30 .S.tate st 1 ' 1I Y WVAGNER& CO, AENTS 21 S. MAIN ST. $1'MIN8 Any Hat in the House, except KNOX and MILLER- Spring shapes and colors worth up to four dollars- come quick or get left. QOOS=S~wD'S DohO YOU SMOKE? 20 Pittsburg stogies for.- ----21 cents a Dog Read Cers for------------2 cents 11 La Princess Stogies far-------25 cents 6 tProdigy Clears Car--------21 casts 16 First NatioalsiStngles for-S--- 5cents 6I Paradise Cigars for-------------5casts VaYcates Stogies far ---1---5 casts 5 La Dolso Cigars far----B----2 cents 11 Alfonso Cigarsafor-----------25 casts d Harry Clays for----------25 cents 6Star Cigars for---------25 casts d Owl Boquets for---------25 casts 6 Racerd Breakers far---B----5casts a Reyel Banners fr.---1---- 5 cents 3Brunswick Cigars for------B-------I--------2 cents T DEBAIN QM PANY1v 44 south Main Strsst. UNIVERSITY NOTES. MtCtltb AN I\ SUMM_!AER, Ncttliern Mllichigan has iince'tiased in E+xaiuii ntions in thec literary dIepar't- popiularity as a ulace for ;snmmering, iniltt will beginl Friday, Junei-18. lnst only on aeonit of the elilixtie Arc la lps are to be pllaced about tileellltiilntbcleitpods camuus hen he ew pant sisli a vailety of plesusres for 'snob a cansilsn-len he OSXtilis on 015- vaiety of people. AWiththe ia 0p11r- l~etad" tlllii.so00 reat for ila enjoynment of AL% J. T. Pakig-uill address the Es- tcsngeniail :society, lthellisg, boatiing, gilleoning Saciety Fr-iday. tone "t, onn tithing, ltha excel'lence o01' he ' tols "The Design wand Constructio of Fly cud 6clbo, the coisforts -of cottage life, ~~~there tis uo aieeefor nmonotonly. F'TA hel. Wheels"el idsate, owing to f lie iroxiity of the The 1ili iaiosafile conuinenctetPreft lake, 5111 the leltitisat, is 110 has-veoll received aoil'are reaidy for whore equlede for the itigiforaiOn of dis-trilisui ion eli lireselll.tionllof 'thic'tiredslnd svoeii osithIllinanity. elass5 tree~lsirers recitit. Selid for ills'trited ilaseripifive 11151t- tic givingi', iform"lsuisn 'about the il:- 'ie Bela Tbha i P ffrtiiy sic- fereut Jpiiinti, lists sf hotels, nes o sf fisted the Delta Sigmva Deltas yestec"- tarie and talis sees-ice of =the lbraind dmy atteroonin alswall piae-au iueItilius & iidtaioa t'y, lthe linerecaci- of b AIL.Ses-naisin:iig-i re l Jaeii hg s11liii' resorts, tile rsite soc the sandI the f11i1 score sn-s V1 to 3iNiioternciii xpres s, !the fas~t -estitiiledl fui-seof is il~lil' oll ~ train, cavcyiig erlsill -slitlial's froil 14t.t's tS, ttiilllsikti, Louesvillr, Iii- cyaiiiiugasid 51-sor's pitch]ing svere- 5E'anlslisa nid iitago to t'eitoskeyr flh- features. mlid AMa-'hiie i. Ad'dress Superintantlnt af tPnblic Instrnetin C. L. LOCKWOOD, J. E. Hamtlondusilis a lloainted a G. P. sand T. A., -' e,ani.i. i'r An A fier Grand 1Itapsids, Mich. 1 y 1 The Inland Press DOES WORtK wITII Neatness and Dispatch Give tem ascll. COR, HURON ST AND FOURTH AVE. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS RANK Capital Shck, $50,000. Surplus, $15,00. Resurces, $1,100,000. Organized under the General Banking Laws of thIs Stale. ecomves depsts, buys and sells exchange n ee principal cities of the United States. Drfts cashed upn prper identfication. Safety depsat baes t rent. OFICERS: Christian Black Pres; W. . Harriman, Vice-Fra. Chas E. Bsocuk, Cashirr: . .J. Fritz Assistant Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BN rAnneArbar Capital, $100,000.- Surplus and Prfits, $40,000 Transacts a general banking business. Foregn ecange bught and sold Furnish letters of credit. E. . KINSE, Pren. HARRISON SOUL, Vice ran S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier. rmirrs & 1rhtt~trna1tnk Cr. Maize and Pnurn Stree Capital 50,000 Surplus 530,00. Traneat general basing busIness. . KEMPF, Pres. C. R. CaEanr, Vice-re. FRa. , BLSR, Cshier. F. J. Schleede, 20 S. STATE STREET Sells a Slld Cold Funtain Pn at 1 00 Beaks BaunnS5 cets and upward. Ut. ogf1M. Scenes nd Presors ai lbs. Lin- en Paper fr 50 cents. Nte Boks I cats and upwards. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S, 48 S. State St. NO TICE T We can now supply you with a finn FRATERNITY PIN. See our line of samples. WM. Al 0D, LEADING JEWELER. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING Opposite Lana Building. 03.00 unil May lt any twa classes. Ofice, 27 Thompson Street. Just Received a Lurge and Elegat Lin.e of New Pipes!I Bt and Cld Lunches at all hur. Agents far Huyler's and Williams and Wrers Can' Chocate Baa Bns. R.: E. JOL.LY & COU. 155S. State St.. Sgr Blck. A LARGE LINE OF Valises, Traveling Bags, Dress Suit Cases, Trunks, Etc., Et., --AT--- Anton Teufel, 57 S. FAIN ST. FULLER & HIXSON A Slash in Prices. Fr a shrt time we swil PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS CLEANING AND REPAIRING. 22 S. State St.. One Rsys Billiard Basom. Sent Free! Ta any prses Interested tu humane mat- tars, or who luves animals, we will send free, npan application, a cpy of the "ALL- ASCE,' the organ f this Scety. n addi- tion to its Intensely inteesting reading, i contains og the naluable and unusual premi- ums ginen by the paper, Address THE NATIONAL HUMANE ALLIANCE, 415-411 United Charities Building, ew Tuk tiegiling Aulgust 23 land coitulilg 0n0 neck. Pirof. C. H. Gnrney lies bleen apspointed easliluttor, withi Prof. R. C. Tiinilss, of Saginaws, 1111 Sflos .Jeiinie' 01 its, ut'f Clici-;o, its lleAttores.'The inaftillre swill as usual 1ocur at tile 'high schiool bildi- EXCURISION TO TOLEDO. Sunlday, lune B1lls, flu'AnnieArblor railioad swill run an excuresioi toTa lade. Stealal trati leaves AnleAetior at 10:2: a. i1.11. are fur round trip onlly SI)cenits. Children under 12 years hielf -this rate. Rettlrnisig trails lea-ves Toledo aft(:30 p. in. An exliiinatiou swill 'be hald for re- moval~i of eondtatiiis in History I Band HIn ReIooiut, Tihineday,June 20, at 4 p). m. F. HI. DtXON. THlE CHICAGO COII'-tONS SCTIOL- AISIII P. Ategfllasofoe fis saciolarshsip, isi- slitated by ltha Studenits' Cisttiean A- sotittion foe the piorpose of enabling is student of the t'niv ersity Sio pursuie sial and ecoansosic stuidies at Clii- c~iosomonsdnring tlis sinnier. shoiuld'hauldftseir hnaisat onco fo a iiensviee of the ecosmittee chsen So ' awvard it. Ttie commliittee aoiisists of Prof. Adams and hIstriictors WV. D. JIohnison and C. II. Cooley. FORK SALE 011BAP - Complete hionsekeeiiing ontfit, inclndes enouigh furniture for 12 rooms house. If bought by 0110 party before She 10th of ne it can be gotten at an ax- tremiely lsow figure for cash. Gaod acsance for sororiety or fraternity. Ad- dress X. V. N., care of P. of M. Daily. f W ieDDailSUI1TEID" Is what may he properly said of men who wear Milward's cuts. "Well Suited" in 'price and quality of work. Call and see the spring stock of latest designs. MIL WA.RD, TH4E TAILOR,9 STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR, MIGH.