THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The Coast Line to MACKINAC MACKINAC U DETROIT PETOSKEY CHICAGO New Steel Passenger Steamers The Greatest Perfection yet attined in Bt Constrction-Luxurious Equipment, Artistic Furnishing, Decortion and Rficl- ient Srie,tnsrig the highietdegee of COMFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY FrooR Toes roe WoEEK TWEsEs Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac PETOSKEY, TTHE 8tO,1MAQETTE LOW RATES to Picturesque Mckinc and Return, inclding rlein nd Berths. rom Cleveland, $6; rom Toledo, $5; from Detroit, $1350. DAY AND NIGHT SEVICE. Between Detroit and Cleveland Conecotineg t Cleelaned with Noerlirt Trainsfoeall poiets oEt, Southecd Sot- wetandoatDetroit forlpoits North cd Nothoest. Sunday Tips Joe, July, Atust and Sept. Only EVERY DAY BETWEEN Cleveland,Ptin-Bay$Toledo trod for Illustrated Pmphe. Addre A. A. OCHANTZ, a. . A., DEROT, MI0H. ToDetoit & ClevelaadilSteam H ay. C. t1cHIGAN GENTHAL Time Table (Revised) Feb. 7, 1897. EAST. WST. Maollnd ENo__t i 47 N. Y. Seil.-- 7 80 NY peial--- 4 58 Mail . $_______84 Roters Es--- 02 N. S. Limited.... 9 25 A. At. c. Alla n o x.7 5 Pcific No.....12 15 D.N Epres... 5 N0 Western Nxo.--1 5N G. . Expres ---11 itChi. Nt. ENo-__9 10 0. W. Restate, H. W HAESo, G. P. & T. At., Chkcago. Agt. Aoo Arbor) RAILROAD. Time Table, Sunday, Alay :., 1197. 843 ai.. :0 . 00 "12:15 a. m. 11:25 am 450p.mn8:40p. m OP9:tto. m. 1'8:05p~m. -Roo between Ann Arbor and Toledo only, t~os betweeo Toledo ad iHowell. Tisl raio Soday oly. Al oter trais daily except Sooday. . S. GILMORE, Agt W. H BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL ASSOCIATtON TICKET BROKERS Those wisiog Tiket sotold leave word as once so that we Dao ave tcktes for them. Cut Rates to Al Points Cor. Main and Liberty Sts. THE FINEST TAILORING OF THE CITY! S. W. Burchfield, HURON ST, OPPOSITE-COURT HOUSE T"Ladies Tailoring Annex. INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU FOR Cme ap. Gowns and I Hoods. COTRELL & LEONARD, Albany, N Y -- ' V. DURLLooe, Manager. 44 . William St Price Comptition. I ApIrie of 50 Poudsitloo be calledU flit Welbey Pr'ize, is offered for te best trout so upon "The ctses of the1 present obseiiyadCnusinI scoogicony toil fOpblftcl liotogy, tori)the oirtot itn thirh we Nay 1'h110 fr ettloieot lo;tifi , remiedy.'Go atpe ltion itopoien tJ thtse who, previouo to Gosirlber 1, 9Ii l~tte pissed i tie Oexaminat ions narl- fyineg for it degee t tfome00ELropoeto or Aioaen entrrsty. 'The donor of bhe pin ee ht gnrlrgr e id to toe cl isificaoon of the v lootsetodoi t o hlia wcrd or otltc +i sigo toty e sud dto possess "mletning t . a . ' " . an, od ftorrroleodilig diference", in (IT "' :t toe conreytore or ]llrpretotioof 'lietinO " lccuin teeof na d AA B lN IOAD CON1- GRUMMOND'S (twime oitiet will he pubishied early Snce tdopting it ooev trins ced- DETROIT AND CLEVELAND !ilt 1097) will conesidr the *Iorciclltol, teAms Arbor rilrotd mins Ict utility of the work submtittedi to Ithmiti iioditfe conetifons with oler liefo -Line of Steamers - - ts of pi'ltstly iil otaaelsoIoo00ifs oroing trtins for Monroe, TPoonyo ltltit eOlf tiiac, Ltnsing,tGrtodtRatids, Iolta,o The cssiys, wric~h my betwitteni1aitt tod Trtverse City; on ifs 5 k Ill English, rtnlorOfer01la, lint ttfernoon treins for fotiatI Lasing, yi~itnadetn tlii oGadRpdInaSgnwByC e e 25,8800 to ols. They eshtoulbetodd City tod IPilt. 'The mri risb amtoadb onaidb iw odcnetosforlogdrin DlgtflMonihtTi spatid ectvlope cooftirueg tit nitre- Iilldalr, 2ttnthtetr, 21ukgon, Pe Aroos Lake Erie. of Sit relr. ttoeotiplflot A to ety, Lay View todNMciitoyw City. LV. DE ROIT Lhal ie DAILY 900 P. M. of teortes.Ilauscr1 , fro AlieroS tltlbotid traino, ttke foeot ; ita shotuld he sent to Prbfrooor 1f B. wtil all liotos0ouf of Toledo. The1~ AR. CLEVELAND-- 0:30-- GS A. M. Til rleor,COuriiol tobotroity, 00notoootrBiigLb Mcyct oleol ~le Carried Fre. latert 011110(Oioter 1, 207)7. idii t itwith flit nortlhotrafi11 trotg of ptbliaion lt ue olrt-tofoliOa- nn Alobor of :42,. ii., for all twest- U. G. GRUM. OND, 150s1 istetcv d- ol. jootil Silt, I n tool norfiwetripoitis. Fie-t GENERAL wAstor, hunldtdmtilt ooksOio lolefor $0,Ptone No 12. Ofce sd Dok, oot tirst 01. Seniors Mot. di-iefml oos odfrto DETR OIT, N4ICH. Tho class of 1'DClT) $i 1r0om1C,ato 4 years, for $20. oiottrli for the lass nitiiiill i it aslfto A e o u 0 i0 "r0 1dtiti 1)0.) syein 00 11h0 chiftilaifliht t oen in)t e.XIlookoinig lfso -a cv ou Awill1lild a r, ri e booin f 0100 sicdne cotanto lt A I ,"i omtilittt of tretwtsotpited ,I rl lt pcoatILibs& look afterrthha Eithtr ofbeGass pie- l Sok;ftfu., _i S.tftfIi0110 t) s., Aoti Arbor, NMit. SUPPLIES ot oletol ngoellie f t t oaale r o-oito o TEID.A wtrll oucoatdlaldy to Otoldiot Eaogoe al, lits, 9lscs, etc teo~~iotet Aogil o cndo 107 lo~tfrun) cellatl e110ctlional Otfia; ol cstl lllotshouoold sed foe smples and to. loo llass10oolsy ro01e51r d. yerlelo - special rtest. Every requoi s e or Tnni, the (ate o the a~ca!aureae erll or" C1111. [till xplantiinmbyF"'tpeooeeings teedquipents nd .uCompleteet -teteto h bclotiool~i.tro.felehlooooo~ o ditoo Catoalogoue of Spriog anoh900001crSors CALENDAR.0, Cr of Daily. free. "The Name te~aranee" Studay, JrietI22,3:21)p10., te.. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., ltciecldb-ttiloigan to nll t otrktooag, hirdepia FttlolayJuelo t-ExaiiooiIho 1 Sbe-seToe, ChLaoPblsrteh gi ini theitLierary- Dephoteti T Sunedey, Juno 27 Btaliiuut rtAn lQ £-ent! 'ress, liiieity 111011.Tise Largest Line of 1iec le, Sun- tfieiboyTecoft tlo W 400-bo, rts oe Oieues'tTis space is reserved Jeeoe 2, 21), 20Gradlltlooelasos ex- M. STABLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, ereises. Telephone No. . One door East of Ameri- Thrsha, uy --Conneceictca se for the Grand Opera ini all depatns of 1110i nisio olyo'tv F'OUND-A bioycle a fotv 1ays ago 11 .t '.~~ House. stnding in a public bicycle lidsktanl THEOPRHUSJE LR evidently frgofteelbytoyelio0wneliii-i OEAHOS fEWLR less called for sooi, sforage wtit ho- Can furnsh yo05 wiho a terst-class Fontain Pen. Cn setdiing repairing a specialty. chiargeod. Thoc ttvr by bisaod byO ACAL ciiiinad--GIVEHI A L. THE PHENIX ELECTRIC CO, cliii0adproving iproert-tilt paying for thioinotice. Further i REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS lnd SUPPLIES of Elklhart, Ind,, fotenation iay be had oil thisniitflrr -washo secure a few energetic stdet to by addressing Y, are U. of N. Dilly, Wagner & Morse rprset them during tosmmer mntths. City. ig money and splendid opportuny ftkeno Cit. TE OG RAPnIrSo at once. Psulinformation can hr obtaied Class .ax may hoe aid 10oiee aty Copying, Rportiog and Simeographing. oday front 4 to h p. 1in. at hio stes-atrds office. J. B. bEATIN G, Q 1.SanMtaNi isFuneral .Dirrtor, Coth $~ceR p iig sitlco.J. H. 0 and 8 etIrlic Casets and ine Grdep T reasurer. Co~s. Emboalesing a Spechiaty. No. it S. To all branocsno.atly an4 popty doe. Fourth ave. pres resonale. Sndionset roc-btntom .....ORDER YOUR ICE CREAMi AND FRIUIT IES AT.....W in. J. Weger, WNHITE'S Confectionery Store, 8 N. FOURTH AVE. - ANN AO. 10 ~Mouth Maen Street Telephoneo 166. RANDALL THE PHOTOGRAPHER Lowney'o and AllOerettts Famos Chocolate Cream. fi Washington Block, Seoda.Water. Phiznc.te.. eand 0 .e...- . kawAa VV G44C11 ruvz5pLltities allCL V ernorS L*ing0P Ale- ( Ann Arbor.