THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ~4 ~ f ~Fraternity Membership statistics. ". p t Thbe Paty publishes below sme in- M - r m ic T - tereetiug 'satts~iis as to tie nu Tbet Published Daily (Sundays excepted dring of students in thle University wits e- the Collegte ear, at TH UIERIT FtoHIAN oevn to fraternities and srrteand Onevrlih and medium Colored Suit in Ortecimsbilien55.Ml t.b-eupates 'temn with the nunaber Of stock. A genuine reduction, something you do tween Liberty ad William St. hifaterity men 23n some of the siller - not always get (not $0.0 suits for $9.99), it's MANAGING EDITOR colleges, It is also learned fron thent our style. When we ?Hake a reduction you J. .SHOMS,97.etly assessor the agregate value of can feel assured yoti are gettitg just what you R. L. Ocsac,'05 L. popeity in this city owned by teseadrte. ATHLETIC EDITRte fraternities. ii _ aeeea,1 t. Tere are 2878 studntslainthe bu~- 80 Sistalre ae BiUSINESS AIRNA(S;R I est xii o igrments in every o. u. ueclsivsosh 93 ~errespect. Exoschool. 'The tolail numtber of s!idettsStlts1 .5 F. S. SiMONS, 05 1. A. CAsMPBEL, TD. alts ate mombers of frt aernitos is 15.00 Sis- most stlish F.A. FIoci, '0 E. A. CMPrE Ie.'0. x38 ptterns, good assot- . D. HuDnto-e, '0. T. R. WOnOOW, '9. ent. HoTUEa LAss,;t0. I. . ea INses9000M iie'seroltir liare a 'tetal ttrerc- sitp of 14, 'taking a totaof both $12.00 Suits - joe al gade .0 n lower than t ii$1c.0 9 - 0 f~~Irtariiity aid sroity inetiters of. , kittd, mot of the diffeee ithtet trimming The subscription price of the Daily is Ste50 68, r 24 per touta of thte entir'ett-' for the college yor, with a regular delivery_ beoeo on each day. Notices, rem uiea- dett body. $(' ' Sits look as Wel a titons, and other mtter intetidedto pabica- _ ยข '" tte$1299Sois .5 isae aolsbbe adled to ait the Da-iy offie be- The fttctlty of te unlctety con- ______________ toe 0 p. i., or marled to the etitor before 3 p. i., o the day previous to that o which sists sit 1 3 rofessrs aud 'ines'ruttors. they tre epoted to appear. Subceititons may be eftI at The Dotty tOf these CS are itioutbrs of fraterni- Ofl~ee, Meer'a or Stofflets Newstand, or , with Iusnesoslonaefr. uhrihers wilt c te.ons-tke 4 e cn1o h fee a faor by reportiag promtlty at this lSThsmks4pecntfth off'ceiany faiare of crliers to deiver 50p0. faculty fraternity ton._ The prootion of fraternit y osu- The seniors are this year as dlatory dnsdfesa~yuuhi h eea as usual yin paying itee lcass tax. 'The " treasurer his as yet r ehved bit a d eprtttui therear ti tecl debu _________________________________________________ stall proportion of the tdttl motistit ttOf 477 in tat repsiluien, or S1o dtue, stnt it is titte that 'h1osec s.bsho -' tte cut Te s x-detotitet lisa 04 tend to pay shiold tattike their in- pft tent nieto litwof 350 ttioso lins uoso.Til -tr~ugittut cos-11 per cent. he lisuteops hae 10 nittee cau de notititi-utntiil rane itr~ 41aeAl its idpnet s can be formied asto tthte-aatmand37todpeueon sei - y\ s dent,,looking tuiresp eflibn of fr-v wohich thtey cau deiend. Coheireuc-t- iiy in2 prcit.Ot tttu-\O \-5\i~ \ totut s ut sassaeksaia~'ait tte sa:e'.17 frateruity meilOt of 72 reiinryatagtenostti bestudents, or 24 per cent. In the dental r '~i i ussssxstgde~tit Ossin 'Pi' rio- ipai tiect oUt-isft1985students335tre tter can be fottistiin te Steat'elds itinsibors of ftrteruties mnkl tihemi ~- office fron to n5 p. it. antyday. 25peroctc frte sbol. ktt iiei1r. ind euineeitig deartmenrts toehr Colored Men at Harvard. P oti 5 rtrryicuu n 1e.a ' lgot i Tit ts er own arovard 1119)1 indepennbiottsnakiug tee ifiise- t? digree woo a mnetmber Of this clss Of pity metmbers 30 ter cent of those d- ' 1870. Sorer.a1 neroossuOl: .ttt~ily lisltuicts.y 4 book special courses, bttuitone Tt- At sotter colleges thetoflolssiitg pu- atidl until 1890) There are naos six poto>ftesuensaenetbr it the rolls, ttoeuost lrotin'lttWalt of frtetrni ties: Cornell, 33 pet' cot: ws-giaduated last earlih oner's, lhg,42 t h;Ctrrit fVe i n vsy in te law school, AndlS tgia, 47 per cent; Joithnsoins, __ presidet ofthe Harvurd Forun. The ter cent; Uinion, 64 isei cent; Stevetns' present senior class ini the uniaesity I titttte of Toclittology,30 prcn-C hiso tree olored sitonibor. Our Of Wisconsin, 22 per cot; Uiversity OfWi .. *U'U Wn ,himin'naied, Wilbilmis, a 'iTrgiian, P'enairsi, 41 per cent; uenyon The 1897 BEN-HRT BICYCLES embdy more new and genuine imprvemest took two prices -a-ile at Phillips, An- 3001'rcnt; Chicago, 24 ter cent; Wes- sncntuto hnayehrbcce owbfr h ulc ee eooIta i strcin ct excellent values been offered tr the mney. eOur new lne, onisting of ight tdvr adhs auaie smlr ea, 0gr'ei; ~lf-r ir,1 etpeb models at $60, $7 and $25 oe single machines, ad $10 fr tautdests, wts!~ d'er, .and ha s tmaininedrasity itAnct oran, 70 p perct; ira 14 icrntedvrious ptins offered, is such that the most exacting purchaser can be etirey othter naed i Gregory, front New Jer- 23 per cent. CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. CO. 00',RDENs ell up inhio studies, is a Onf ieageaevlue ofpoe-b Gn~ ARDEN .STREET. INDIANAPOLS, I-O-- -,dettater, ad a Oine bll player. A Antu At'bor so-ned by the falrltlites OUR FINE POSTER CATALOGUE MALE FCR Two 2-nENTSTswAS, tird nanted Napoleon Bouspaurte -Mtar- :is $733500 As tis io the appraisedStd nsa dT ch r shaltttas famse us a debater aud great- vatue of te properly, its ieat value T ah r or faute 'as au athlete, paricularly asoould be aIt least 23 per co-lit 'above can secure pleasant and proitabe swork itroducing our a quarter-uile runner. A freshmnu i, olticli osuld sake it swort seer Public Libraries...... . otunod Lee is 'a tennis player of note $1000 in towis asd country aind formiig eading Clubs. Jus. anrd a substitute in the 'varoty blite ork for Students, Teachers and Miiisters. Loarn. The oly dfficubity theoe me WANTED-A positon aso tatram or housekeeper in a reliable fraternlty by Msanagers ................ . have at Harvard is lack of noienno. a competent lady. Will rent furniture We also want a few energetic feld managers. Sate ago They are sot ostracsd in atty :ty. to same if desired. 13 S. State St., and experience in book work. Normandy. Address Dept. "5S" RAND, IMcNALLY & CO., Chicago There wt11 be a ueeting of the fot -____________________________________ ball sqoard of last year and prostetiae Tribune Bicycles are te best in the RIENT,'. 'ILER, SUMMER LA w LECTURES esuohlidtes f or uext year's teaa at 3 world. Call and see a sample. UNIVElSITY of VIRGNloIA. in'., 'Suitday, June 13, at 7 'olland WAG NER & GLEN, PIXOT O02 APH util to 0 r1 100. corse icuesdrletueres by tatSTtJustes Hariun, osf5. aSreeme Ceast.Foe s'. IT.W.T.IHUtGHES. 20 S. State street. ANTI ARBOR2. MICH. j xutuo e addess It G Cattesn. Orerra r