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June 09, 1897 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-06-09

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JOSWKOLLAUF& CO, Points to Remember The Inland Press
A I.OIRSDr. Angell is Miier to Turkey. DOES WORK WITH
1rJV1.10 S.Prof. Hutchins is Presidet Pro Tem. Neatness and Dispatch
FineBlak Sitsa seciaty.We illhav anElecricLigtin plnt.Give them a call.
~iueBlak Sitsa seciaty.We illhav anElecricLigtin plnt. COR, HURON ST AND FOURTH AVE.
You can rent your Piano for next year now._______________
10 . Washington St. Up Stairs. You can buy a Guitar cheap now. THE ANN ARDOR SAINGS BANK
You can huy a Mandoliu cheap now. Capital sok $50,000. Surplus, $1i0,000.
E Y E S.° Reorcs1,15,0.
E For frther inforiation ask OrgaaledudetheGnnral Bankng Laws
TH iPR. OUEJWLR 21 AND ?r3EAST sells echage ea the pricipal cities of the
i Unitivuic(1 Cled States. Drafta cashed upn prper
eCa farnishyauswith a first-class Faaat als . rUor Mu icCo, ASHINGTON ST. Idntiicati. Safety depsit haes to rea.
___________________and__king__repairing_____aspecialty.____ OFICER: Chistaa ackPes.; W. D.
_c.ta e ®acrpils pcilyHarim a,Vice-Ps.; Chas E. iscck,
--GIVE HIME A CALL. D V Cashie: . J. Fits Assistat Cashier.
The Man in the Moon 20 Pittsburgestogies fr__._ es___5cests6iDo gead COas" efor--------t- ets FIRST 1NAT1IONASL BAKUfi An Areaiodr5
, ay at e thirsty, ht f he weree, he wld 1lILa Psncess Saois for---- - -2 ets 6 Proddsy Cgars for .-------- 25 cets Capital, $100,0. Sarplasad PeIa, $4,000
...... call at.l..... 1 sFist Natsonal Stges fr. .-----5 cents 6 Paradise Clgars fr..-----.__.25 ets Traaacts a general aahig bsiness.
s 6 Ynn., Vcataa Sotaies fr . ..---- ___25 ets 5 La Dos Clars foe. ..--------25 ets Fregn exchaage hught ad sld.Frish
Parkers Corner Store, 11 Alfons Ciarfr. ..______25cetal rry Clays fr_..___. .Li t5ets letters f credit.
STATE ST. AND N. UNIVERSITY A E AVE iasfr S__-__2cns4 wlocesor......._.....;~lar.1.KN rrs A RIO O L, LigtacaeCemSoao oe fhs6teodBers fr. . .._______ 25 rrt dO I aanrsfar-----.---- 25 ents V.u tN ,Pn. G R iSON PrCLs
ad ca an ce CdialSadase sme a his5 Reord reakrs fr...5test3 Gca id ne cW25cent o. . CLRK CashCahier
other Saft Dlricks. 3 Br nwick Cias for------------------2 ets
-lAas a is fand atevery allCame with S N & C PA .
p 44 Soth Main Street. DE N & C1IA Y. rlja r tll~fBlinh
-IOYC1 LE LIVERY ANO SALESROOM Sx-omaihers of the senior law nclass Sneaatngisng rin ce- easerPa. C.E GbanknVibu -Pness
18NothFortnAe to sClnisis, O110i onildayito10 it the AinniAbor railroad mkes PaE. 1, nSan, Cashier,
WVe carry a fall line of sp-t-date te f lthe xamintioGs for adlnisio i 11111aet connections swith other lines ,y
Bicycle Sundries aiid parts to many itoihe ath1111 stile. Oil its uonng trains for Motre, F.. Sch eede
-Whel. n ddiio t te pinontht hePotiac Lansng, Gand Rlapislon5111, 20 S. STATE STREET
on helslit dditon o -fit oialin tht tlfalniiist and Traverse Cts-; on its Sells a Salid Gold PFasntain enat Si100
Also Repair Wheels at living prices.11555-faculty snit to Gov. tingrec oniafteroo ll is for Pontiac, Lansiig, Bookls Gound 25 ceis and pe-ad.
wGive us is call if iln need of ayhig teii ittoaltyof tf l 'rinati leliU . ccfis.Scenes fnd Prfessors 3iilbs. Li-
in ourog l line.l liliy (nnd apido, SntaSaginats, Bay en lPae fr 5S cents.
.,. ._____________________iit Prof. Thonitios aiso stlrl eaCii y andiin I- t. The mrning rinsoGteGoks 5cenc and upwards.
NTHE EQUIPMENT OF A itrre .ily- r owFllwil fu Cil, ldserttlusklt dron, IeLowney's Chocolates.
5TUDENr$T'ROOM, ( ie I. ltr on ilwitste,y Gvyiel- and yMicknsay ity. Hot Lunches.
isgne.alycoes i ht inged in r-inictePhilolog y at Criiell LPitittei Ss-nlioinalt instn ate ciincct iicii,___
trosient i .Ismiiio t 5 saute necssity. rio lly, his beeii. lilliaticilinslrit-or i siti -l lines aut f Toleo.The'1 lie7Stat
-careethescreatest niatynet froni le gjyygpqTyJ 48 S. SaeSt.
liachlase set the iiest ycu ri iiai y iii aifrdii rii anliiiii n.t Istlr ift'ssor 01f llerna Ic ils crossing Lakce _Michgan c Ined LUP.CiI ,
inotl-el o~casit I-ac anes the "ay __withthe__northbound__train____________
. ace" iistaments the tact ini the icid 1iti1gsags's, as reported in yesterday-'; s i h oliond Ian Iia-l
Ancotllaitnstesirsts the~ .Ann Atba t sI6:431a. i., fr all test- N T C
I itsnioritclass still lold a :1 iii-'liin iillatstaciWlslt.lv- Ie can now supply you with
BAY STATE $10.00 hiindr ed mii boosl s aeitfor $14, a dune FRATERNITY PN.
illioom, this fittiiati at 4 o'tlet . 2,0p)-mileufancisly boohks, rood fartwhioi See Golt line of samples. ' J0 ±m n ilb clrelt iectva ,fr$0
- n isa I is- nisstock i etpia-i ica1-,Os - I17 . S. (ilIM)Pid ge.d iii IAIM NA f LEADING JW LR
a i~ l isflu .ifortero,,iut iits-i he.iischlilrsroipireceall~y- Ptl i y _______________ ll L
Ic Pi-lr e nut t e. v 0 tlt i'no NU ,JW LR
ice ri-tousient nuoss.necd caniciss I-s lilt niversity. (tharIot isl- THl CIIIPAOIOCOMM\ONs s-I Iltit +
mpor iuus m t awiti hi. UIVERSITY biTT®
se-sictlatrtc5 tacei Comesssoll Se tansated. A AlISIIII. S
JOH-N C. 1ii 53 N. I& co~lr le ten"idaneis desired.Atultats for tdeis'so hi s1 r - Fs isI
4,3-463 OV,hisiuil sortt. ten te. A l~ imtplls, recitlh still bh iet b isealytb tuenho-r 1inA-
i ouatiiiuiufr the parpos of itisblilitg opposite Law Guilding. 3.0 until May lt
TJO .SIAtii5iCi18nsiiel iiiliii sol of snliio lePtsrtyIil'-i any tvo classes. Office,
. - ooIAING PAi 27oTh - floStreet
E~nporietod ddoves iioiar. E.d.-s nu- iac his afternoon at1.d.10 olock . soial adhuttotitisttdies, at hu-27T om sn Stet
it hate dresing and bat ii-.plrutit p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
..ir J .. RSt iaos,,o s ,50 S tatet A1,,'. Ft c teDaniilgbllg still give a aegis sln tanis liiiing the simimiii,
ashtieilo lllihi'at telo-isfeshauld hand -theirmoles at on tt. e-is otIaeidaLrganEea
Tthleseuteelal. oflls-lrd it. Thi ctoittet rdtlaisof ci t Gua-nd Cold Lnces atIall hours Agents
As isiliLlly-us-leu iielile' f heondinitruchtor-s to,.sD. O f 'e Pps fo________tr Huler's ad WilliamsandlWerers Cc.'
roTJ(O olinson andi C. IL Coley. R. El. 1.JOI..LY & CO.
No waittng fr Colambuia and Hartford S-tiltdune1M11l, the .uAn hArt
abicycles. Na delay and cnseqaent annoy. ATDAwl dctdld o 0S tt tSgrBok
ante. Al models and paterns nowready . t ilusul svll rthu In excusiona tTo-- IIA C- teiidist uiyI O l~ tSceBak
-for immcdiate delivery. 1897 h do. sircilltr-ail lteises Auto A'buou itoducce oIn eatioiinal srial;l y sis
itt1:5 . i.Faefistroundii trilp six houirs ua cay required. 'elit-I II- A LARIGE LINE OF
itsy.81) cunt,.s(hilrentin1111cr2 csu. Ifull e lnationiastby- addlesstig Vaiaes, Traveling Bags, Dresa
i ys hiauf this rasi. RuetuningtintlIt 1, Cte f Daily. Suit caes, Trunks, Etc., Etc.,
rccl t c "u- 1tuedot.0 10'in , i bie Bicycles re the best iin he Aa1
iC TC~es 1a . ol. Calland scrgii~e rt n e f
STANDARD OF THE WORLD > Idy mItshsil 5li 1pi. .itthe stwsad's 'IAGNiISI & GLEN, sreiie
are made exclusively of 5 per tet Nickel oahee J. . i IAi'INO, °0 S. Sae sreet. ofS AI 1T
Seel Taing, theenairepra- $ffTO ALL Trcasrer. Snbsribe fr Ce Daily. FULLER & IXSON
fdcofwihwe ontral. 0 ALIKE. ___________________________________
Hartford Bicycles are at pricesA(SahnPrcsFoasot
within reach of everyone. " - - 'Tis enonagh to make a prtieawevii
$60, $50, $65 peailPRSFO
Caacacten11my asahE sear-But hero they go. $1.60 PESSUITS FR25 CENTS
deae; fram as fr n n[cu1 .5 1 Scotch Flannel Negligee Shirts CLEANING AND REPAIRING.
sieve. MF. CO -Y . for 22 S State t.. Over oey's illiard Raim.
HartfordC. r FCa9 nt raetBcce.r
ini F99r! C ' .t'S..Sent Free!
th old oeta AcesociFloor Spoon- _Rao!Th ete hsbe o
Brancih houseordealein s~ )Ta any pesn interested I umnane ma-
inalotvrctyan__={ cod__omuhtckohnfrtern, or wioclaves animals, we will send free,
nalatnsnynlyad s. cld.Too uch tockon hnd o n appitatin, a cpy at the 'ALI-
- ANCEN the rganf this Scety. In adci-
this timeooh ya.hn In its intesey iteresig reading, it
ie contains of lbs valuabe adassua premi-
AGNE W O #j= A rsas'sgies byde paper. Addes
4-41213,NiSln St INLHMN
21 S5 MAIN ST. -- 4141Uie haiisBidnNwYr

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