THE UNIVERSITY OF MICH IGAN DAILY. The Coast Line to MACKINAC '-TAKE THE-' DETROIT PETOSKEY CHICAGO New Steel Passenger Steamers The Gireetest Perfection yet ettained in Geet iConstruction-Luxucrious Equipent, Artistic Furnsehing, Decration and Effic- iost Service, insuring the highestdegreet of COMFORT, SPEED AND SAFETLY FOUe TRIPS EReWEEK BETWEEN Toledo, Detroit 'and Mackinac PETOSKEY, "THE SOOD," MARQUETTE AND DULUTH. LOW RATES toPicturesque Mackiacend Return, includling Hiels and Berths. Frent Cleveland, $I8; feem Toledo, $15; teom Detroit, $13.50. DAY AND NIGHT DERVICE. Between Detroit and Cleveland Connecting at Cleeland with Earliest '.infr alpoinsElast outh aodSouithc- ves and atnDetroit forall poit North and Sunday TripseJue, July, Aegest end Sept. Rely' EVERY DAY BETWEEN Cleveland,Put~in=Bay AtToledo Seed foertttiisioote 5 OPemphlet. Addele- A. A. SCHANTZ, e. e. e., DOIT, CH.t MICHIGAN DEFEATED. (Contintued from First Page.) Nothitig was done ic e lnext. Inetto theid, although Lunn an~d .McMurrley htit safely no rusesoulted. So1llie ac sinogledl ic tho fousrthDeed went to sOc osed ott a ga-coed ball. Sisees :single oet im to third, Slseeaaz theis led off iled wviilo he Aooas eitcg orsraledlo- luau scored. .iebigau's nextosnd last: sc51e was- nealo in lice sixths. Stelli- octet issgil seandShseeanurtachedl fist se a a ielidz's elltolceSitlecs-an b 'ice theronoSet at se-od. Sheeanseol -,oeed 1and ticec sceored lon il ocigie tosrighletil'd. Sidlicvagot coiees third litintseeeig-shhendCondosnsloec ill eilse icecl. lice issigeet erov,-d ofthOe seeon es-wt- cc -ced lice gassse andiiee ericng eves the beset eldonse. ThI. score: MICHIGAN. ADS It 10 A It Hdeardi. '.b.i ......4 1 1 ?2?20ij toed cdi, 1.its ., . 4 0) 2 101(3 ; Iistler. cr t . .- 0i2 12 1' rwm emr w - ac ammo e ena Our 'Ninety-Seven Complete Line of are the of our n - --d ll~ ii lii liltti lid d Bill tctild. , s C. ~ s ..leas4lb1 538 C 11 I ChIG-LN AL I 1?E:21,11 . . ......1_ i E Tm a ble (Reevisilid)i Fccii rt-18911.i ; Mail andIlx---- 317 N Y.Special---- 7 0 i - - C /I i NY Special--- S4i8 laciti ------ 5843 - EastenEx- i-10u5 N.hS.Liomited._S-ee'?a - A.on . 18 i t2713 '?, Atlict E x--0 55 Paifie Ex----- 11 D.N. Expess-- 50 We-eerc Fx----1 5ii I('A 111). }\ G. U. Ex----------1 1 51s55i1his 1t1 O. W. tUIGLeciit , F1. i. tiAX.roon re .... . f '- 1 3 ; u t. P. &T. Acgs., thicagso. At.Ace Aehor; I). . -'2. 1. Ga ,lii ei c-c-- c. .. 7 32 -2. 23 i KAL OAcri ilic ld, ii -. ...-..i0 -i .j ii t) Time Tale-, Seender, M y ,3 87.-0 5 43 a.i. * 0a I *1cic5 a . Ill. 11 :,'?5a.ini.t 3 :I 5{i 4:50cihtcp.rmiR:4cc As-i ice cs211 1.t.)c0e1ioci )c0yt-- illeiccibetween cTole-dic ciiiio10 ccci' i zi l }} rails Sotidacy ocnly. All oilsr trcinscdaiiyI Ilcici iii litsce iilte () t , except Sunday. 12 e h t,- f--lr e El ') ' E. $.GIOR0DIFACgent W. ISBENNETT ti. BP. A. CToleois.0 i i-c Ies~iz ic-(l)el E)r~ llicdsiii 1 1 l )--c - - - - THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALLE - C ilr toi I iii ii(':11-o toVii loS c ASSI)212;ttoffT 11.-I.. lerel:ea; -of t Clre, 2l it b1 ThoiseiesingTiceeR icihoio reaeiword at, it~- e- e -o onceosso a ii ;,nsete tsctccs ie.liel 12I--si t1 t ccciio t SI end for Catalocue. MONARCH CYCLE MF. CO. - ~ Sendenie two-ceit tamsio e c of olMonarchn Playieg ,C ards, ilstri-tig Lillianee ussell,Toni Monarch. .ope Lee ichard soneacd Walter.Joes.- Segulfcicar . BENT-POINT COt, 8. -n he . eCRAG(IN _7PELAU 6,_ s, p t, tg O J e- c FO-7w !c siIl i / 18 U A 41 Cuet iRte to .-ii Poits Gor.Main and Liberty O F TFL CITY! HURON ST,, OPPOSITE COURT HIVI I 'Ladies Ta ilorinc Anna Cape. Gowns Albany, N, Y. nF l V. Mtecoi on, XDtcie ,, 44 E. " Illiar 11.- , cy, CcC1 I-. I