THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the Collegteear, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFeecH: Timtes builtding, 79 S. Mate St. be- tweea Liberty and Willitam Ste. lttA9JAGIi5( EDITOR J. F. TOt~AS, 97. ASST OMANAGING. EDITOR E. L. GeSEua, '78 L. ATHLETIC EDITOR II. B. SKILLMAN, '98 L. BIUSINES.9ANAGER 0. I .I.ilans, ' 90 EDITOItS F. S. SiiosS, '98 t. A. CAsreete., 'C. F. A. FoUCia, '98 E. A. CAMooEei, '09. G. D. H.DNewoc, '00. T. R. Wooneow, '9.' BUcetKx'eAnr, '00. G. D. JENNINGSt '999M The subs'iption peice at the Daily is ,,2.50 fee the college year, with a , egular delivery before toot eacih day. Notices, commnia tiots, atd other' matter int eded Cor publica- tion tmusaolbe handed in at lie Daily oilice he- fa)3e p."em.,o tailed to thte editor beforec9 p.mof the day pretvioots to that oa which they are expected to acpeoo. Subscriptiottsemay b09lcft illThe Daily Office, leye's orStootlet's Newstanil,o with Busines Manager. Suberibers will con- fer a fao by reporting praoptly at this toficeav failre ofcarriesto deiiver pper0. The atteentioti of the junior ehiss solnlbe ralleil to 'the farct thatIitis tinetohot ailetling -bc' 110119for ithe election ofta t lieliigac'siaitboard oll nexat yt.itr. The tildtir siouill bt' bloul;lt tilltis week or itie carly- hart of inext wool suoroly, 00rteboardl ill 1191:liie able'to orgtattice bifore itext yeair. T'98 INL claoo is 1100olttled to tolic u 011rbersoithe b Ioartdi 00911 shxolhobe electdtisiii ear. The Course Wa Shoot. Corefiul i.oltutlnt'ltiO 0contedri'lby tie tll'l'ly -CttlwotaCo., tof 'liit,1lio, 1i, l Iha t the 2018yairdsecoret tl" Bankeirs' Allilile Club'o groundsI is 22 intcheis siori of tite rilloill '0dis- bllcO. PTileItitig itecoo', teimelii Wrtset'b15' Aaybiry. of 'f'is-ioitt.itt Sltrllllly's «'. I.LA...A.'1. nmelsowill not b10alloed to tstad ito a rtobl,'l. Illinois Will Lose Nothing. The University of Illinois will loe nothing by thle failore of ex-.Trebotl'.2t' ('has. Spaoldiog. The stale, by ain act of Cthe legislatore Jene 3, charged itself with the endowment food of .413,:00, and approjirialed $5,000) an- nually as interest en the fosel. Ail aorlprk tion of $456,722. 9.9 was cli'l to cover0 the expensoes ef Ite institu- lien dutni n'o'next tws year;, atja $92,949. _S9929 placed to its 'r,,fttlo cover the amono f cash lost irt.g _Mr. Spaulding's failure. A nsewt' bo'trill 01 owill be to iI'nodill Setemtolber, and ihe library school of Aritour Insititite will be adtdeilo ,i forete10fall 4(-tn 0o1111. T1he Clii- rags College of tPnysiciano and Snu'- geons lpaoses iloitecoenirol of the trustees in Jitly. Geneva Observatory. The cableo suppoirtintg i theadjusable floer of the Geneva Obsera tory, whic-I cotains thte Yerkes Telescopo, recent- ly 'becatmo detachiedlfroml tir ounolt- er-vis-lgjls and the floor fell. 'Anob d. OR.1A.1 HT.Charlottcevlle,Va