VOL. VII. No. 190. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. Received a full line of Novel- ties for Spring Suits and Trouserings 1897 NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST, NEAR MAIN, $The Original Allegretti $ Chocolates$ A~e2 $ 0 PALMER'S PHARMACY. 46 S. STATE ST. $ He could mislead almost any customer as to worth of a pair of Shoes. Careless Shoemen are often misled themselves. We begin with the leather - We know the makers-We know the shoes. You can hay here with your eyes shut and he sure of your moneys worth. W. J. APRILL, 13 WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. You: Can't0 w 0 Afford . I r to spend your summer va- 0A eA cation without a camera,o 0 especially when $5.00 to0 0 $1000 will get a very satis-0 0 factory one. Come and seef A us about them. CatalogsA free.0 CALKINS' -:-PHARMACY, BICYCLE PARADE. Every Wheelman in Ann Arbor Will Take Part. Cine week from ton,!it thostudents of lhe University and 'the people of Ann Arzbor will have a chance to see all t he bicycles anti bicycle riders of Wasltotaw county in otte long;tpar- od. The Ann Aritor ('ycle Co. is tiaitig? arrattgetnents to have an Dal- tttetse bicyceeplaraide. It will be forced of all Iteit ycli'rs tielotntgn to te tolbe itle, Y. M. I'. A., Y. AV. lOtr~ cle Ctlibs. Eatct club will bte to- ditto I ti ploce ittCitetiaradle. 'l te lii- 'tory do pirt tient of lie Uttit 'c.ity Nil lieudivideditot~ four divisihzsitati- -'irdintig thle classes aatd ttt'bsir No subscriptions will Pt asked for. It is absolutely free. Th ue teittero of itee otutuiltee who itfave charge of the parade are Dr. Fitzgerald, Dr. 'Iloslher, and Miessrs. XiTAlaster, lRichardls aitd Weiteiti. Tfhey ate woiking hard, to tmoke it a success, sod certaintly idesere the heatey stpptort of every -student of lt' Uttniversity. The arrtangetments will be puitblishied in the Daily in idettili as saosit a they are cattipletod. Law Examinations. Te exatniit iet, for tike law lcasse~s its pastel tire to followvs: First Year Class. P'eraottal traperty, Jutilt 12, 9 a. in. .Maritail Ilelatians, Junti 17, ? 11. 01. tritithititlUrticeedetre, Jutie 78, 2 p. ini. leri, Jlite ill, 8ua. it. C'atittnicti Law-lecaditng, June 19, 2 t 'i i t I t i MICHIGAN DEFEATED. Yesterday's Game Gives the Series to Chicago. 'The result of yesterday's gaine gives Ciclago te series and puts them in lie leadiug position in the wvestern 'tercollegiate race. Titers was more and harder hitting in the Rants thin n tiny of thsChres preceditng, bit those of Chicago were mars nuinerotuo and cams in bunches anid Chereiti lies tse canoe of Michigtin's defeat. Chicago routne to bitt first. Clnike it to ale-Mirray, who itode a tie Ctell, bitt threw wildly to first, Clarke re'etitig second sithrie throw. 11er- scehberger sitigled, Clarke scoring aind tlersctttcrger iteachinig recaotdon the thriow-in, attd seorit;ig lte on Slart- net's simile. Aikitison swent ont at lirst. Gaorinter seared on a Isi--seti bill aid totsv;rer taok a base sit'ba'lls. Ile wenit. to seoitid sit-beti's single antd stts soontaoter rntdowhn iibeltween third suitdihitme. Verntonireached (first an a fielder's choice atid Hagey got 'his base ott balls, balls scoring on Mlerri- field's twvo-bagger. Clarke lilt for two btases, scorinig Merrifield, but was run dotvn later trying to score. Te intn- ing cetSedwith ta total of svesruns for Chicago. In the secondl they went soit in torder on fly batlls. In the thirS Vi-rntt, tagey and M errifield singled in successioti after )Abells had idied at tirst, bringisig in two runs. Fotr usoe were addedl in the fouthiott Gatrdiner's Ibree-bagger, singles by 1 7'""1 of i-set'la1"ss itill be 'exlie clilto riie p-lit. il thteir msrodiiiona. 'ti'le rest of Ilttetiictilmentiy lReal Prioperty, Jttne 21, Unitversity swill tic divideitolsdirts. 2 Ip. ill. 1(11 to tratllg'to ileparti~ets. The itljet if 4lit.liarsic is togitve pt-ogutle sitite idea of the lireentii1itet if ticytcles ian siAt-tire, atditit o- oaw t tt'atdittiatid lters it for ;-)ist rttads initlits ticinity tan lit toillies 1irthle pLiblic the lieu' s.oty ofitt ot- inlu ch sitroasn. ''l -l(,immeiate Ii' jet of the paraideiL: to advet-rise tilt tilcycle pth hichtiebislbetig btilt be- tisoi-ItAniitArtbor ait -Iiit.nituecLake. 'Te bicyclers ttill itert si the camptlitt at 7 si-lock i-n tnext Wedat- tay evein andIC rifle for one litonr ueerc ousetitit wsill lie ltid o'it it;ter tilt. This still tbe ittblishted in Che Doily its full biefore next Wednmesdaiy. lvtery bicycle ider itt the Univ-er- sily is receit'teii to taks iarte in thte tatrade. Thosewto ts otCbelotng Is -ilt patictiltie-clttb sethbe -gio'a- pill' in otie of lie dii'stio. lEvery ri ris riqitesteit to Idecorwte Itis towheel either withitie colors of his bicytle clib, if lie belongs to one, or wthl his class colbes, if he doss not. Itathi section of te tarade will have its .yell, and will lie led bty a coin- malnder chosen by the ectmmittee in iharge. Buglers tWill accomupany te elders. All the faculty bicycle riders and faculty lttdies as -well will turn ot. A sptecial itivitation is extended to the ldies of the University to 'take tpart in this parade. 'T'hey will haegiv.'t a lilacs in the division wvithl the 'faculty laidies. It isq'hoped that every lady in thea Uiuiverolity who rides a 'wheel will1 I sicletice, Juite 23, 2 1. in. _Agenvy, Jutne 24, 2 p. ti. Seconid Year Class. l Equtity tPleaditag, touns 17, 9 a. im. t 'Partnershipt, Jutie iS, l) a.i. m. Recal Protierty, Jttne 19, 10 a. 'm. Doiaes. dune 21. 9 a. i. Private Corptiratous, tiuse 22, 9 a. Evidtence, June 2"l, 9 a. it. B'ailineuls and Carriers, June 24, 9 'Tirdl Year Class. Private InterniationlalfLaow, Jutte 12. 9 t., to. liuity Jutrispreudenuce, Junte 18, '1as Conveyancing, Julie 19, 9 a. in. Exttaordinitry Leg. tRetuedies, June 21. 9a.mi. 'Public Cor'poraltions, June 22, 9 a. 10. Science of Jurispruldence, Jutle 23, 9 a. tu. Public Officers, June 24. 9 a. um. Will Postpone His Departure. I is probable hat Dr. Angell vill not leave to take -charge sf his 1.011 as Minister ts Turkey until of terewnii- mef'centent. It svas his intention to saill en next Saturday, but as Che slate department at Washingto has not set any particular date for him aol ais there is no necessity for 'his immedia te departure, he will probably remalu in Ann 'Arbor until after July 1. If Dr. SAngell does remain lucre he will dei- liver the baccalaureate sermon en June 27. Depauw defeated Indiana University Monday for the Indiana state chins- pioslsip by "a score of 11 to 7. e A A a " For $1.50 Your name engraved on Copper Plate, latest style an11 100 En- graved Cards, best quality. For 90c Atkinson and Saisyer, doubles by Men- eteueld and Abelts, a ,base on balls, unit a passed ball. Sawyer replaced Miller itt this box at the end of this inninig, Mliller takintg Ludlow's pluses in left field.. No rnts collie'in this next ttvo innuings, but this seventh osas produltc- tive of fis, tswo bass on balls, two errors, two stolen 'bases, a sitigle, a dotuble and IGariner's second triplet dintg the busittesa. In the eigithl two nioroe'were addeid on two singles