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June 08, 1897 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-06-08

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of a4
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during
the College ver, at
OrrnEee Tinse building, 71 S. Main St. be-
tween Liberty and Wiliam St.
J. P. THOAS, 97.
F.. L. DE1ose, '55L.
1. B. SKLatea, 'is IL.
LIi'Se'ES- AtA G E a
0. 11,. hANs,'95
F. S. Suos, 'to 1. A. CAPO' LL, T.
F. A,Fuciii, '1E. A. CAUeoes,'V),
G. D. Duurre,0. T. t. EOeOD w.'9s.
Bu~it ceno Lsso 'I) G I. JENsiss '9M
The subscription price olthe Daily is $2.5
fo the college year, wstb acoglr leliery
beforee ooe curbdo. Notices, roomnia
tions, attiother emater istlnded or poblilir-
tion tost le haneued in at the hlly sfire e(i-
fo i p1.s., or aled to the edillrier e3
p. m., o the day preious to that o which
they aroexepcted to apeacr.
subscriptiono may hr, (it at Tie Daly
Offc, iMeyer's or OStolt's Nestosid, or
switBuinessoMani -er. Sobriberi i co-
ter a tutor by reporting prowply attis
officeanec tailure at carrierso deiver paper.
The lrgest rowdin iithle hitory if
athleticssouiitld gtereat the fieli iii
a fteinoonit lpunt le (dliiiwill lii
foetili egabue of le C'11,g-M1isig Ii
ere. If islnedleso lral to imind
(lie fot ((lit the score naw stus
two gaues tlonstiniifar of Ciago.
By tonight it should e tr wo 'all, oil
it will be if (li e bamisiogierth le
pioper suplport. The game wvill hei on'
of the most hotly coitesei ht has
bren plulyedonlihe AtleiclrFieli.
The tenns are vrel evenly mtcslhei
andn each is tdeterm~inel to win. Sout
youtr colege spirit ntl see a llood
isari~nlg 'baile at tiese tlll imle 11y
teng plresent when the tumplire alls
"plaly ball."
Law Faculty's Decision,
Thec lasv flulty's deision on te
costitutionialiy of (le Merriman bill
sibititted to them by Governor Pn-
geis as follows: "Thai the dean
he reogletf oly reqsted to say, in
aniswer to the goveror's cnlmlliiel-
(leth(lt in 'till'oiniono of tie fasc-
uly (lebill ipreent lbselquesiol
whether the system of taxton it per-
pctnaled violato the so-called coi-
nierce clause of the federal contit-
ion, and that, in view of the utte-
ances of the United Staltes supreme
court, where the decision of (le que-
tion will ulimiaely rt, the facly
is unable to oiy what the judgment
of (lit court will h. The bll pro-
poes no neIw scheme of taxation for
railroad cnmpnies. It Iprooses OIin-
ply to raise the roe of taxation in
accordance with a schemetohalit has
obtained .in tbhisate tr many years.
Tuis last fact may, in coe of doubt,
influence the court in susinig the
proposed leglaltion."
J.1,B Campbell, '99 L, has been .p-
pointed Michigan correspondent for
The College Athlete, a ww nouthly
niagaine devoted to college athltics.

Higher Degrees.
Ilie rler of exainations for (le
higher degrees is out and has been
mnailsul to those 'interesetd. A list of
gradttate students, with fhe degrees
for -whiri they are candidates, folos's
C'(zooWllacre Adatms, A. B., '4, A.'
\I.;Ssilnel tir'latd Cok, B. S. , '(3
1'S.; Louis I-egosll, 13, S., '1, A1.
(.; lla Bounie,'Ph. B., etaitw t'ud-
I ve~T','3, Pl. AI.; MAna Willardul'
Lobs', A, 13., Welesley College, ' 92,
AI.; rhosct Ann Bernals, A, B., '6i,
A. Mt.; Louise Braidfod Swift, A, B.,
Weiiroey (Collige, 't 'o, A,1.; f Le a
Walilaso Toer, IPi. t., ',3, Ptl. 1.:
Auri'e SmzzudShut, B. L., 'Ci, A. 1I.
praiik Itl igill iiwtiii, A IB.,
1laitoi bil'ee,ill A. (.,'L;,BA. il.
.1i' Eramstett, .i. I>., '.iii, .01.;.;o
.uicrnttn', A.IB., '6, A. 11.; Gm-s l
AianaCis lut, 7.1.. 'o, £1. S.;
ElratslDv'o A me,91. , Z3'Cillei-
FAl'. n* At; .esi'B.,iuis79 ri, . ; 1 'ltl .
Adam 1,('re ilB.S., ot':, 'iA 'l. D a.;
31e lot,' 'Stgis, t. r.,,'o, li. SI.;
iir lWone',I-A. .lte ives',ollege,.','ll
A. IM.; Jsb 'ruuEiaslsOrtng-donB, '.
A.tlt.31.orn;ll 'rvrityl'9r,11hu-KDll'
1', Pry11. IAdins h ., 'P9,ti. I;lts Dlh.i.;
Tiero ie.13.,Baler ioi Cole . .'914,'i
1It.''. L. Dn;Elaethii ilil'Atgodun,
liai B°'1. . tbesliii uullegi', ';), liz. 3.
Emma Jo aneti ehroe, A.1B., Kbunz-
coo College, '92, A. 1.; Carl ierert
Cooperi, A, B., ililer Ioat Utileroil 1
B. 'ls,(111 . ; ClaylitonAmos (ber.-.
B S5., ills . S. .; Ellis Dtvii W,ille't
B. s., ALSt S.; Cusas. iticry tel,, A.
B., '32, A M.: '1,10. .(Iuril Evee,
B. L., '89, I1. S.; Saiitl AllelJetl'fen,
A. ., Cettral WeseytiiiColegi, '2
A. 1i.; Itry G(((miserT'("llisi, A. 1,.
1.S.;Itis, lBatrkleyu'tPolock, IB, 'R.
I 'iiverity of Wiscotnsin, ', 11. Si.
ii.., '9i, BSc. D.;l'Sdey 1Dem111'los i
l'y, IB. ., utiviersity f \is'usi,'J)
u. S., iid., l93, S. D.
The Electric Light Plant,
Au at present onemplaed tie
spleificatios for expending (le $21,.
90) alslropelitioD of the legislature,
will irviede for tsva 10 Kilo-Watts
dyniamioo for lighfinglprloses tond on"
SOD0-vistedyiamuo for lpowe' junpos.
Thus latter will displce three egils
holw in use iii the laboraories. T'
11lant will tao located in tim building
adjoining the oler hose A siiall
plant at the losital wliiisnib e peo-
vided for and one of the ei gsends-
placed by electricity in the physical
laboratory will be ued to rut it, Tie
cnapuns will ho lighted with arc
lights and the buildings wilL inan-
descent lans. The new plant will
be of inetimable value to the i-
structors in (le engieeriug courses,

Te1197 BEN-HUR BICYCLES embody mote new and genuine improvemenths
in coinstrtuction than any ether bicycles now before the public. Never before have
suschlecellenut values been offered for the money. Our new line, colnsieting of eighlt
suplerbt smodels at $60, $75 and $125 for single machines, otid"1530 hoc lallietss weth
lhe vasrioso optionsofnfered, to ouch that the most exacting purchaser can be enltiesy
Students and Teachers
can seciure leasanllt atnd prolit-ible work: introducing oeur
Public Libraries........
it) tomIs ndicountry Said formutig Bead ing Cleibo. Juhe
tihestork for fSttslit.', 'It Idlers uisd Minlisters.
Manager s .'..''.'.............ld
A'te alis 55 s I, few eliel( e iedmatnagers. State age
andiiexi ~e'rr Il in oolt{swork.
Address Dopt."." Lo' '3 -, CIALLY r CO., Chicago.

This space is reserved ! rj0 ent!!!
The Lnargrst lner of iliryrirs, Sun-
for the Grand Opera dries and Supplies nn
Ho se. Telephone No. 8. Due dose East of Ameri-
can IHottsn.
of Elkhart, Iod.,
wish to secure a few energetic stusdents to SUMMER LAW LECTURES
represent them during thisusmmsr monthes. tUNIVERSITY OFVIRGINIA.
B1ig money and splendid opportunity if Iakre ruly 1 oeung.a31,18W. ou trse includesi36lectureshby
at once, Full Infoeation can he ebtained Er Justie Harulan, of u S. ISueremse Couret.aFor
nismuogur, address 1R C. aMaOSererryr
by enclosing ho stamp to above address. Charlottesville, Vs.

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