VOL. VII. No. 189:' ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1897. FOUR PAGES-3' CENTS. Received a full line of Novel- ties for Spring Suitsi and Trouserings 197 NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. I The Original 0 Allegretti 0Chocalates 0 PALMER' S PHARMACY. 46 S. STATE ST. VAST AMOUNTS OF MONEY have beenrsopent by the mann- facturers of these ,stylish Shoes to briog their work uap to the present high tato of perfection and elegance-and with all this expenditnre of dollars coins lower prices than ever. A ROUSER! The Mass Meeting Productive of Much Enthusiasm. ,An unexpectedly la~rge crewd at- tesaded the meeting in tee ynnasiusi list night a--nd even before the first spetch leadlbeen made there swas neon- ifested miore g enuine enthusiasm than lhes ehmraeterizedl any :similar teonier mleetling. The pilaying by the baud starited teeerinig aoilit was kept upt till "Buck" Ilielmids sialleid lii isis i to t order. Ini a short speecs lie sisteiteeobject of mieetigsuit -raid it was aseota develop enrtissiasm., iiii Cj>sucsiains'it, as -tee°le'. > iss a hiadIbeen atieiid stoIaat the ise ting prcing'cs ieuseteroit pausne. Altlii' ritasetofhis spseechs Is" introdiuced Chiaii' y tired, it tChictago, tse pepsi- Lac ex-ii ,sisaper eofistheeottiall team. Mir. Pairt received a veritable ova- l iii i«-ist lie teok lihe rostrusas. He ccriii ihat isever 'befosre *hadih'lieees scccii a mieeting;-it Mici-ian andit i sturey bestieke viciliry. tHe iii ctest for caes 'utessat sirit ad clinpiist )tb oil tiscpact of the layers suit the on-leakers.REarnsestntess if iur- had done wonders in the -way of de- veloping the batting strength of the tesams, 'slid that tisey would go intj to- dsay's gains wills adeteriniolin is ss in. Messrs. Luisnslid Condon folloed ins short ;speechies that prevokct the wvildlest ecseerig. Presidut Rthtards closed the smeeting with a spseeh in wsich lie ashed for sysiesiatic eer- log -tiicdsy, aini that ill swio could should meet at Siseehais's, on Mte ci., CHICAGO TODAY. Fourth Game of Series to Be Played This Afternoon. Today's game is the faurth in the C'isicage :series and it hard peactire on this part ef the toiss andiloly il sup- pcort on the part et the studnist Ibedy cousnt for anythinig AMicisigan s soild lie the wsinncer. Thia tesali has pickedl at 3:131a. Iss. snit;joiss the ibandsiuti 11AVn usUI lD.In nc ~s week i lstfishelractice has iii- liricessien to thie Athletic iFielil. Yelwe is asitersxiwee apoinateciand lhey swill Proved iall edepartnsienats. Herdcasc es aotrecoersed frosi his inuisi's anti losik after thsatiscaniclifsthle passe to-a- otwl ei h aetdypeFle iay. to do hit s iia i flne work. Co-loci's Taken all in ill lie ineeelerg seas the, injuries seill isot lpreveint him tro as bEt yet lieldsidnileveryonse'ri-s-sit wiill attend itiody's g55555 psepasreltos sical oiniii is iioser tos aid inii hi s +tiastAMilP3y Bond Is Champion. Inthseilliial ieitchs citthe -steeters intercsillegisstetenlnis tieuriieict sit tisica osSeturdaty. Bend, of (Chicago. iii tecied IHerrick in straieght sets, 623, it-1, l-2. By this victiory Clicaego iss lirst in bculls clsand sisgi-es, aiss sissies's peiecit gpossession of the associacion silver trophiy. Everyting plasyinig, asid swith Mlturray at shsert anti Sullivan at thint the inliel i s ecrtisssly a strong eliP. A lace taudiience i:s suireid, 555sev'- W J c. ii' hsaii, i sd sven more than cisc a cetory-fee -Aiii g'sinitiseegrisdirons 13 WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. c>liIt swsiuld on the dimnonisd ates,..tHc leissisted seerial plesesisl expecrieces 00 A in gi lxs wils Il eas seat pree sleiad 00 0 0515n1 555:t sieectrihat cas oitcn laser- 0 u d utie by iitt lilllst, pralsedt tehse hl s°ss0lais sick tis fora sthe geosd -eYork slty liar.' tbesingm. Everytinge to opesid your ssiumertva- riiusiderect, hlie ldthiatd1Michsigans catiois without s acesra, ithleticsirlieeiiicisls fethlisssear esecalywieswor t etheist; ie in its ihistery. 'f'irt 0 $10.00 will get a very siss- sic iii'sa ictoryy Miciaess vesry mid, o factory osse. Comeicacd see d0in iits opinion, sssslestsat atDetritila ties about thcemn Caraosg s rieao lise Satusrdloy. Ieclods free. asking sliet in "rosutiig;"'fote eames isisthli tiiiieitt isetidssbe isi- C AI(INS' - PHARMACY$ iilo cii issil1thatlilieselie isaresortisip tos jeeiriig tndsiheeling Osetposinootg cos'ssideedess lsluesiiiiside by ddsl- eil ocithele businseehouses isiv.'mails l 'iIi5's 'i 'ss'itsstis's.scasxeusrellent, 'sits 11elects te let eploes atende F1s they desteated tplayers trisiss sth the giiicl, andelthe yciss ig'lies of tile Nes iluceyterll, Wisconiisinainsi 'isiricgeUndiversity, stioehas's luponiseeralsioc- --AT- Just received1 anthcer lot of that fine U. of M. Monogrami Paper, thu popialar shades Blue anid White; also a Now Stock of thes Various High GradoCiorrespondenco Paper. Visiting Cards Engraved, and Plate Printing,. Memsbers oethIts"ball teasmsvere risen ietti sI tor. iic.I'slrrsy «s ethe tless tee ripesse. te wseos erlicsslorly cuss5- Mod a st the ,sulsiest masse 'ic'csi^'ae- nient (sait swass lilig given .thcesenl l sit believedilithm siasictorywous il hr tist result oftodaoy's gamie5 wvth Cii- c~e. Coaps ii iu .Ites'followediasuethtinklesd the studeists for their suppcort. Iit was tiheir cliesrisi5 that seossthe gamhe at Detroit. 'The teass,. Ie sail., wouhld sndswersentenhis Chsscago enl. Soneg Recital. Miss Berthes et 'ss sos's' paes'hesr gesisiotisusrecital liters' solarp's'sui- i'sene iilFris'o, Messorsisith alllssti eiaisg. Ttse' progrsam esntoisss't s tpleasing vasriety ot seleceiosstromsithis classlsesaindllteusoes'isodern lyri 'sl wsriters. I'le recitatlis'e fromssth'e ''Cni'ssleu," "With"Verdiurs' Clash 'intl sliet frosis"Queess ot Sheba," "More tRegalh in tleS Lose Estate," sviths its dit- ficeiltluiss sud sustainseednotes, see given in a isanner sehsich testified to a muastery of thieehils uificulies. This ballassweesuniigseith a charis- isp grace and beautiful expressioa. Losvney, the crack shiet shotp of last year's 'U. of 11, base ball tease, is nose playing second on the Bray City slate teamu and niaking quite a reputation foriimslf. coeleons this year bsen ltescitisents ot fsares at the hisndsiofthlistAthletic Asociatlion, sire 1niakisig hp pitstcsniso aitrtendisns's'usss' ote e itcutsis. 'Ths' hsii'cp'gss ii arsiv' ed tlise clris- tsp, issvissa ;et.ihest ni-htlit aisiak- clii. 'hii'tine-isicoetthis'teihihiefo.- hios' lticiiesiIsisus11, c.;t :Miller, is.; Coii- lisa1 .; Ii tccc, 2 is.; MIctusirsic'. .; Sulliva. t3 li; Liihows, 1. t.; Slisesan. 121.; Bhuler,s'. f t'iic'ss(?gss irssier, c.; ('hIse, let AtiliS, 1ib.; tisiisi bi.; 01'11011i, s. 's;Merrifieldt, l3 b.;t IL ep, 1. f.; Iscecliseepic, im.;t Seucrys', r. f. Cineill ithi'esalledh proi'tly'at 4 o'ceock. 009 M Defeat Ahl-Freshmen. Satuirday's pause beteessthie '99 Mesdicos ihid Alltressseu slwsniiby te*forere, 10 to 4. The hplayinsg of this siedic's ssas isiesthss tesasier set criticsal timies ansi thirl! is s hg timiely. 'rhils s'ieeoiy etualics tiem foe the final ganse wsith. the 'TiLases, NV'lIech wsill be llayedt tomorrose. This Alphass\'u Society swill elect officero for next year on ins 11. Michigan vs. Chicago today at 4:00 o'clock. WW AHRe'S BOOKSTORE swork vstisey had nevrer worked he- fY R fore, to -wsin teday's pause. Up Town Down Town Coach Wa tkins siext respondd and S. Sate sk. Opposite Court House Ann Arbor. Main ut Isaud that thes practice of thse past week