THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 f $S Williams, Ann Artbor, second; time. 220) yards hurdle--Cole, Lansing, Published Daily (Sundays excepted) daring first; Bach, Aim Aibor, seccondl; e- the 0oileg-evear, at Arttmsi, Detroit, (bleird; time, 281-5 THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN,. es OFFICE- Times building, 79 S. AMain St. bg- 440 Yards run-Toinpkins, Lansing, tween Liberty and William Sts. first; Fox, Grand aimpids, second; MYANAGING EDITOR Walker, 'Detroit, third; time, 53 sccs. J. F. THOMAi,97. 880 yards run-M-era, Detroit, first; ASST SIANAGINGo EDITOR Waterman, Detroit, secod; Porcine, K. L. DEesso, 'ss L. Anni Arbor, third; time, 2:16 2-5. ATHLETIC EDITOR half mile walk-- Standish, Detroit, l. 1B. SsssssUsAN, '5 1L. ftrot; all others disqusalified for run- BIf NE S SIANAUER' sting.; l ime, 13:40 2-5. 0. 11. Doe, '05 Rlsnnistg high juisp-iSnoon, Detroit, nDIsTORlSfirst; Cthrioloplsr', Lansling, oecondl; F. S. SesioSs,'508 1. A. CsAVsoiEi..'tO. (Csle, Loosing, third; height, J tt. S in. 10,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~:lo A.Fps 5 . A asuss,'l. 5it lt-T'oiipkis, Lansing, first; G. I). 1iieuscs, 'so. 7. R. WOD, '9S. BUTLtEs kA y, '00. G. D. JrsINSo '990111l ill-y, AnsiArbior, seconsd; Beard, n- Grnd laplids, third; distasnce, 34 ft. -1 a 14 in. The ubsripion ric ofthe Daiy , X250 issnisig Abroad jutmpi-Caletooting,' foe lbs college yeair, sitls a reguaoelvetry f ; Chlristopher. tnsliig, seessid; beforeo on earlsday=. Notices, coiotun~ia cl n rbr hrd it, u bons, and otlier statter isnteded ior pablica- Iasl ro>,tid'doioe>) listsmust Soelihanded in at the Dilysoiebe- ft 7 in. Loee 5 p. m., or smatled to the cditterbStore3 p. so., ositeeday previous so sisal on ohich Hammisierithroow--Bury, AllisArtbor, they are expected tso pe. , subscriptions may Sc cift at rTte Daily fist; Tostis, Lansig, secondil Dificec, ,tyc's oe Stofiet's Newstand, or kirDtothd;isac,8 f. withbSasiiisssMianager.Saltersbees sill cor- rtertt lit;eiise,5 t fee a favocrsty repsortingoptlol at'thliss Stondinig broadi jump-i-Cole', Lansinlg, oilce any failursecof carreres so dottved paper. ~ 'lslillaiiisco hlittrash aihieti" 'siaston 's 'isr i , tult'kot, tihid;distance',I) ft. 1St closed sitis tile IWesterni Iiiei'olirg 'oh' v autlt-C'risotplier. Lanising, late Atleltic As-.: ociatitttlmooetoil Satll'irst; tLecher, tLanssig,seconsdi; 'ter- nrilay. Mhgtl a urlns the seasoNilSh1wan1, Detitit lird; leigh',) fit. it?. a god rec.'o'In ither c111y'dnti ruon ii- ilt lstl nla1111 t'lristtltles, .:isisis. firsl(ti Clt', tos les.t, sit" Itii 55aw'.ik'tsosoy 11:1dslit sell:;, secotndl; Balcit, AnnsAittor'tirdi; capitred setondelte'in ettiti i Lo d isle,1 ft. 1/,3 n ssith till this oesies o insttutionls. Qu sarter itle tbicyclei'-ait'isi, Di' cotisOsup~eriority chOis ft 0.1 1 ltrat, irsl't;Butler, AS it.'s'lt,tr.seotit irese'nce of a tess'extroordinairily gosti Sit t 1,11s sising iirdtllitte, 13 4-5 l--(Il n eertealinot fro '111-r'oll" tH lutile bsicscle--Dodcls,Dietrit, dostistutioitin Itis branithsof1 tlli firtt; stler, Aini Aibor, serondl; D.1; leliro. In t Inal isiet Michitgial ioti1: rl, '5' i Rids tl, thlird; ilt', iwake Mis 0115111 swovkto il.Bh tt 15 siresod husliness tlot tititthe linotlbit" Oneiitlili('bl" icyl'Dotitlo, Detyt,, ilst) 15 15 i IGrand RapSlidis, seeotil, tioalilteitt StfItiger Still las voul ok ~lci~, hr;tle trillltel macli to tse succtess of li" Iso it'lle liscscie-D)'ia'ri'l xr'rll oilcaon, dtpo s st;,Bisilel r, niA5rbtor',s(ir' Better the qualities-improve the patterns and yet have a popular priced shirt. We have dlone all this in our presen t stok of shirts. You will find new ideas in shirt styles, and new Colorings; all made specially for Summer wear-We can't begin to deoutiibe the many different st-Vles oJf shirts we are showling for businless and outing odo ver, better look them over............. You will wont ce iof our ne6sik, lpuffand plaited fronts, when you see therm. a -----THE PRIlCES AR.........- '- x a Vii P,' : e . iLa ...suma- High School Mont. Saturday was aierfert doy for alt'- letit'sand tile resnlt Nos the gritit s-oc- ies df the track aiss fielt ineeto of te ;l:!'hMg all iigll Slis Ois. issnsisig Ihroigsg upo~eioity itsfield osork,woot te calp, with Detroit secontd an~dinsi Asrior third. Tube bicycle rices seve;' heldl at liii'ffur grounin th le ioriiingl '0111 te rest of 'tse es'ents at tie Athi' letice llilin te afternsooni. Cole, of Laitnsig, hasdlt'eliest intdividuatl ;siio's- 15g.sw'hile 'lltiitkiiiS and Cilisloisliec of the samle itlacecws're slat far be- 'hirld itu. Stindish, of Detroit, set sscsa pace in thse hsalf imileosalktate thse theirs 'had trun to keep np aith buss, slid as a 'resnlt swcre disqnai)- fled, The points figesre op a'bout as fol losss, although sosne slight changes may hav'e to be niade after the pro- teots 'have 'beell attended 'to: lansing , 76; Detroit, 5f); Ann Arbor, 47; Grand Rapids, 41; Jackson, 10; Adrian, 0. Thle snmmary: 1(00 yards dash-Kittlensan, Detroit, first; Tomnpkins, Lansing, second; W~es- ton, Grand Rapids, third; linac, 10 4-5 see. 220 yards dass-Ki-ttieman, Detroit, first; Walker, Detroit, second; Fox, Grand Rapids, third; time 24 sec. 120 yards 'hurdle-Ga-le, Lansing, out).; lalln, Detrdit, thirid; tissit, D :t o GRUM MOND S DETROIT AND CLEVELAND! --Line of Staa mers - A le ADlightlful Nfoonlight Trip Acrons Lake Erie. LV. DETROIT Loal lime DAILY 9:00 P. M. AR. CLEVELAND.-- -- -- ----6:30 A. M. Bicycles Carried Free, U. G. GRUM!!MOND, GENEALue.MANOAGER, Phone No. 150. Offtce and Douch,Fost Fleet SL. DETR0aT, MICH. TA rN D1E MS T..o IR ent!!!t The Larmest Line olf iryclrn, Sun- dries and Su.pplies an M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, Teephone Ne. 8. One duer East If Ameri cenlHose. (®aM. MARTIN, Funeral Dlireeser, Cilt "J and Melic COnets~ and Fine GeaSe Cfiln.,. Embalming a Specially, Na. iy7e. Fearth ave. 5. ETTE THAN EVER"3 Te1007 BEN-HUR BICYCLES embody more new and genuine ineprovemeats in construction than any other bicycles nose before the public. Never beloreshlimo sace excellent values been offeretd Soc the money. Our nese liene, consistinigetf eighlt superb euodels at $00, $75 and $120 for single machines, and $550 hoe tandleo~s, seiih= thme various options offered, is suth that the moat exacting purchaser ean be entirely suited. CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. 00.3 72 GARDEN STREET. INDIANAPOLIMtIND. OneR. IN EEATALOGUE MAILED FOe TWO 2-COlT STAMPS. Students and Teachers can secure pleasant an~d profit-able work introducing onr Public Libraries........ ill towns and country anid forming Reading Clubs. Joe,, the work for Stuents, Teachers and Ministers. Managers................... We also want a foss energotic field managers. Slate agr and experienice in books work. Address Dept. "5S" RA.ND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago. IIENTSOML ; EEM SUMMER LAw LECTURES P V idUItVERSITY OF VIEGIiIA. VHO OC1. E'R lulyf ts Aug, 1,139. Ceurseiineludes 3 lectureeehy Ur. JustieHalan, of0 5,SeSprenee CourtFee ANN ARBOR. MICR{. Iatalsgel address aRaCEIUN Oteo,ae Via.