VOL. VII. No. 188. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, JUNE 7, 1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. W 1 L)NEW RECORDS MADE. ond; J. A. Thomas, Milchigan, third; time, 0:10. Final heat: Maybutry, ist, Burroughs, second; Potter, third; Michio-an Second to Wisconsin s time 0:09 4-5. Best previons W.'. A. Received a full line of Novel- isti . .A A. A. e record, held by J. V. Crum, 01 :10 . ties for Spring Suits Fisin .I.AA..Met One msie walk-F. S. Bunnell, -Miss- nsosaa fhsst; J. 1K. 'Hoaglosid, Iltinois, and Trouserings The saust inert of the W'estern cInn .Tyn Mciatid tun otiegia so Amateur Atiletic .Assn- time 7:26 Best previons IV. I. A. A. 18 V cmci.rn at Chiicago Saturday was by A. record, held by Busnnell, 7:31 1-5. all sldts thc best in its history alit -1.05 ysits hurdles-First heat: J. tR. NO, 2 E. WASHINGTON ST, NEAR MAIN. ils isitotloc live oft fonr new western RicharsiC. IWisconsin, first; F. H. Cal- _____________________________iouinChsic-ago, second; F. E. Spalding, itcli t niotsnis Gscrtinnelth lirdt; timse, 0:1ti. Secosnd icccsd U1croI ittes this live western rch ta: IR. Arissrong, Grinnell CIGARS TO BUR1N..... i is:,s woeequastlled.. ,As was expsected 1fist;- M.eteass, AMit-igan. secossd; Sanid good ones 1too. We I i ist st-itxollte mstdevents and Fietsl iseat. i:hsard:s. carry all thasleading popsi- il p9, i 5 iii lttosare, haing aitota~ilI~t st; tc-ass , second; Arsistrossg, l ar brands asad cansausiltltitd; tie,0:15 4-. hest pirevios your taste. Cigtarettes and W 7 v ~ i-igss csscuescnI. I. A. A. A. recont,isetlt by titiciards Tobaccos, too. a1ii31). 0:16i2-. ---X----1-itt.weitti wtts coldtandutiitsagree- 4-10 yars srsso-IV. F. Jacson ss takce j PALMER'S PHARMACY. a1; 1i " i tyrettlrdited helFotest, first'E. T. Fox. Wiseonsins 46 S. STATE ST. wok it the ;' tilt s-it it chiiesbless'settnlt; tR. 1'. -tilts,tIllnosis, thirit; f ^ ^ it down itei trot-i aittedtsie spsrisnters I timi, 3:51 1-5. WV. I. A. A. A. recorid,. leadbs lltodgsman,. Stie'lsigan, 0:50.3-5. s~tt a it dilosbliss tithldsitschtsto I011tc suite iiyele 1r1ce-First het: VAST AMOUNTS OF MONEY, o ; it osi-rissgof rise rerordts. tt. Ttsylsr, Iliseonsiss, first;C.' yasrdts tltsht waswon by" 5tlz Uitetti ecnd Care have been spent by te au ~~~ ~ y f sosn ae thein ti sinu. Bae r;ti e2t;2C.tSes- facturers of these ,stylish Shoes . and iiiXtstssishiletateus ttte ihr n iser, 22t) See, to bring lteir work op to Itse (twt itt- iin134-5 secottds. Pnhofosttit tegsTunr icsa, n fitst; I,. B. Jotnes, \Misunesota, seconid; present Ihigh state of perfections GSinel, tc oh.atlts madthc isssamte B. EI.BushMielsigan. thsirtd; timte, and elegance-ansd with all tliss tithein51 1.1tilev, wass silt, tastdtwas "5: 4 5,Finsalsteal: tBushtsfirst; Ttsy. expesaditure of dollars cosse ctl:littIit ittoiwithdlrtaw after itis tire- hr., sectissd; Turner, tirdl; time, lower prices thass ever. liii. ittt sthtt. 2:3 1-. ttslist asnt Jones fell iss first e- iid.of lliseoutsis, wathte 120 Iatteit ott fntalisetat, whicht was ot15 it wtushurtlsrinthelstitigetof M-is-witintissielimssit. Isslin also tell L (°ud, ad as ardpuhedby sotaginitsntssecossit tttessttt. IV. t. A. A., etit"1) wo ae secondst only ts yard rA.c rdut heldi by Busrton, Minnesolta, 13 WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. Itttdtlate rait as5c-2. ,r :1 isli- tilerae tandtgreat creitit is duie Otto inile run--E. Copielandl. Wiscou- Ik stie tiais still sltif'ansosre frostm is is;..B ~oI ttIiat e 0 Cihiifrttllsssltintedit : te'Varsity 'track 1 .Flos liuiittrt 00 a otant;J.LFelwGinltrd v V a.ttt . cc tiste, 4:318 2-5. WV. I. A. A. A. recordt, 00 liiit tt tenineteytti-rate she Sti-i hueldt'in-CCracin. Like Forest. 4.33. ;u ttiss ~te iersitr 220 ytarcds rtun-J. ft. Sisybtiry, I1"is- sosutsg it sfis ast h rri t-it, first; C. IL. Busrrousghs, Chsicagot, 0 UIL I si ittttss~tue froterand c-osd; C. T. Stevenson, Mlinnesota. 0 B. t 1 S 1M~m. iiet a ethir~d; time, 0:212-5. Best lprevious etass dontleant uito10use I a,0:21 4-5. c hn dw os't Coil l0tsciiisitt. X'iodcometnc-edtlis2- 0yttrds lows-tisrcles-Firot beat.: ItesctilFnsItit io: tt' yttittet~ardts smore A. Ertestlein, Iriscosisin, first; titte, touned ft puicotitl ithave witit te wats sichithe (Continued on IThirsdPage.) drugs Sty earefnl, arcu 0 ftrcslir t-c thse fisishi. Tue time otis s ate pharmiacists wtth3o .5 Everybody Comet 0~~~~~~~ tndaantstsis 311ttty tigaint. wottit inte 2:20- 00 Ye anlatysottiyot it s datsht maukinsg ttte distaitce in A mtass smeeting twill beheltediottthe 0 ltesrecitlies. a2 sc-s nwwrd'-eod 0At2tc ttl se oll eod cairtius near tite gymnatsitm tonight 0 l s l its c itttth tistte 0taantat Soslock to develop entthtsiasmn for 0 AKI5'- :- PsAR ACY. : aly t~measnred off, hut tisewinhl Cle~oMcigngaetmro ________®___________________________________ it it ilt tsssett by-tite judtgee. afternoosn. This 'rally n-ill be undes -AT Hi ii stilt(itt. of lVisessist, tdefeated tthe-as pices of file Atletic Aooocia- tlits t byIsss ti at yardt-in te 220 tIbm anB is stire to be a roneer. W BOK ST yrE. rits low hurdles in 26t 3-5 seconds. 'The tiniversity Band u-ill bethr 'I ir's. fWisconsin.wastird. I ONE OF THE BEST. Annual Concert by Msical Clubs a Big Success. A large audience uao pesen at thie flee, 'Banjo and .Aatdolin Clubs con- es-t in University Hal, last Satrtay evening. Tue coscert was one of the test ever given by itenmnsic-tl lubs. The proramtt uas an excellent one tnd wats wet-l resiceresd fromt beginning to cnt.. The audience was ethtsiastic asicd every num'ber on the progra as a hicasilyencored. The 'hit Of te eveningivwas mde by Mc. S Motter with his sng, "O'ttaf- fertys Ligiht tnssars." r. Sttter hts a ttpo-effultbass s-alec which the comic tuish sang cdiplayed to advant- tige. liar an encase ie stng "Down in A-on Atbr Taun,' the wans at which wvere aritten by- Mr. Artiur . snith, '9. SMr. 3Statler tand hisifunny sng shiould be a fixture in all ftussre glee club ecsterts. Air. Peaseang te beautiful sng 'tttcli,' in hia usual faultless manner. For tan encore h sasg 'Beauty's Eyes." He uas acceupai- led by Mir. Ethel. -SMr. Pesesevoie in very icht and clear in tase, and strong in resnant qualiy. TisetUnivrsity atfSichigan Qurtet rcndered "Aunie Laur-e" and was ctcitpellest -ha resltondh to an esthsias- tit- encore by singing "The Teacer and the Tack.' The u-rk Of the different clubs is wetthy of great praise. All of the inistrumnttal selections were played with stiltit anti in a mlanner tat show- ed that the clubs hatt workedtharin i preptarisig for the conscert. The voices of tihe nmetmbers of the glee club were will tbalanced aitch bledtedt perfetly. The costcert uas also at success fin- -auihitly. Stlanaeer -sirits ssy thte qiuie a goad ;um uill be cleredt for the XWmns (lytitasiusslalotdte Athlletic Assoeiation, the anuount of 'which te iwill be abe to repat ii a few- days. Keep on the Outside. The chairutan of the committee in charge of the cycle path would uge whtelnesa during the next week or tiw-stIsritle ousitde the sibtile of tie path as much as ponible in order to heolp in tile process of pitting. Tis is a patrt of te wiork f making a good path eu of dirt, iwhich nothing can do so well as the bicycle itself. A heavy roller tefds to press the dirt ints the ditches ut ;the wheel quick- ly uakes a hafdruot ver the softest places. Michigan vs. Chicago, Tues- day, at 4:00 o'clock. I t r v r P. Just receive-d anothor lot, of Ves1oar got second in tile high jump that fiuo U. of M. Monogram ivitht 5 ft. 90'in. Paper, tho popular shsades "V']W total niuimber of points far the iti.lts gun comapetitig fallow's: W~isons- Blue and White; also a Now sin, 47; SIrtiguin, il);'Minnesota, 14; Shock of the Various High Cihicago, 13; Stansford, 1t;Ilinaos,31;, Grado Correspontdence Paper. Laike littreat. 5; Glritisell, 3; DePauw, Visiting Cards Engrtaved, and 3; Nastliw-esterit, 3. Plate Printing. lTue summaries followv: 10 yards ruit-trirst heat: J. H. _ttt -bury, 1Uiscenoin, fir-st; J. I-. tRush, W AHR'S BOOKOSTOR E 'Giiniell, second; C. L. Burroughs, CIII- 1.95 ,tird; titme, 0:10 1-5. Second Op Town DonsTswne et .B otr otwsen S. Sale st. Oppnsite Court HIuet i .PteNrtvsen Ans Arbor Mlist. ol !Ifi-fl;C. T.Stevenson, *.tinnesota, see- Is play and short speeches u-ill be smads by members of the tela and by other nmen pronminent in atisletis. An effort is being made to hiave all u-it will attend the game met on the canupus tomorrow,.afternon ad mnarch to the Athletic Fieldt in a body, jnst ansIthone wvho vent to Detroit nuaildtled dowa from the D. A. C. grounst, after the gamae. This Idtea u-ill 'be further developed at the :meet- ing tonight. Every student should at- tend this meeting.