~T AL 4 ISandi offer for a few days a limited number of '19t6 Syracuse DE WT
1j. Wheels at just HALF PRICE, Neatness and Dispatch
Fie lac Suts spciaty. 50.0. AT S5000.Glve them a call.
sineBlac Suts aspecalt. $5 .00. AT 50,0 .CR, HURON ST AND FOURTH AVE.
1®OE.Wahington St. Up Stairs.I i O\ NS DF U ST OR EHEAN RBRAVGSAK
H TGA LSAnyflat in tihe ]House, Capital Stock, $0,000. Sarplas, $150,000.
except I OX ant i1MLLER- Oon dRs co 11000
--S pcialrate to Suior at 4 Or a at ndr thec General Banking Laws
1 If this Stat~e. lReceiees deposits, baysanad
--pcaSatstpoitoa lring shapes and colotis yella exchage oa Ike prileipal cities of the
IJer woris thl tip to four dollars- Catted States. Draftsd cashed uopr~oper
get 1s-, sf oIdentification.Safety dSot loses t enat.
i, ' come quicktloort' f:..OFES : oc Cbristian SlackPreso.; W. D.,
E. Huron Street t ' ' HarisanVice-Preto- Chas E.lHiscock,
. *.e"-... : =-..xi.--vaxz w:+ c"": a~x. cr~s _....,_.__..,, ..~c-xC:.shSlee 'lC0 Fie : ot. . AFstz. tssi Itn Cashierr
Bicyc~le Enameling! l15 ;. MAIN ST. FIRST NATIONAL BA Kof Ace Aetor
lair, or Morloelizcol. Any eolei or o3apital, $100,000. Surplus asd Ps-ots, $40,000
Tye l otgirantsd ~Tasacts a general tbaninsg busises
Styl. "AI V'C1' ud~atE'CI. E 9Foreign xchaneb ought-asd sold. Furnish
Y. t S toe sor - ---- --a-- , -cP n a e d r r o --------- ,cc t o tters of credit.
Vitli Tot-her & tCO., 05 N. Fetirth ave 1it Firs' No 0500 iiiiStogie o -- -_101 ,5-2certs i Paradise ei-r fr----Ice -----25cecots S. W. CL AIISONY, Cashier.
6 Yooat; i i esii o - ----------25ces 5 ,La iooCigassfor--------- 25ceots
1 1 - --. ,-.. --- rr.-.--, ss --i5-at0 Kt5 --------------------II1III ei2t dlzrr~aiii sictts __ _ jjjrlll_'flj&,11gf25lcentsffiI
J4 A , _I 1 l t ~ itRcrosB toc les foe----------N5 crot :3 RiltBansfor ----t---c------- trots'
3 Bruswick Cigars for--------------------- 5iiE. ots Cor iin aodsooroooStree
") 2 Capitol -ci,500. SourplosoF0,0000. Teansact
N . L EAN & 00 aN- ceret bankin- bsiess.
KI~ RA OAe 44 SouthaMain Street. S use-PsC
SStrawberries UNIVERSITY NOTES. Music at St. Androws.
alnd ice Cream r -sT-he itr,- c <sE2i;1t oticietiy 0-11iieti V 1I li itltsi 111051 I l 1"I". t It r- F. J. SChiec d ,
R Fruit Ices. t --t ~-le b 1 'I iI"IIk 2 TT TE
,, Acoict ioicto lstIt-tO ilo fr111 Col Eti 'tt1 -c O t -itoil S ols SicSlid Goct]iontain Pro at 0100
____i t0 ltlltfo ttri' l s P. i(cl,,to he ic cciIcby to vosic- I cScott a .Cof 101. Scenea nd iProfessccrs 3'albs. Lie-
0Utct lotcicg rMyt0it-t i ' cc;tt i :,;0}: Lowney's Chocolates.
-~ -NIiF Ahis liost yotr co t .$11,iNL)t. i'1-,c 'siolt~tl Ilyctitiloll, -.., . ., ot
S U E!IS RO , ii1''. I3 -A. ililitit,1 tttiictt ttecool- tiloIct M-- - toss Hot Lunches.
litAtts - to lt1tstcciltla if c t- - - - - ollcc
[ft is rcocer<.Icl s c 1cttil aist st-igio n c- FS icc, Ziosotr0)1 lc !11ont"£ X 4 S aceS
trllncicoits aoiait c),I Ics ci ce isst. o (Pc icil.tcc cccccc ict illit:idlo i,-Si y1c-t, Mcci - iliittits U~T LE S 8 S.S ae S.
11e~-2( thei- c t'atsco-sI -sccr c sccccc-p otiS tet N1'_1tt t1('-i cI0 h ~iItc d ltS licc thuC osP n I t O T E
So-Iccasvto1i-ct-c t -o i-tuoO t th11 cooffod. c1>>;ltt otiit t vl' i J.co0o-oi ll'tc-tcSi- ii o t - --1.t
An 0 5. S Sc Oi OSI lI n s tl Ito, ems.-=occ >ic i ltoI'l tnlt o t' sy Ill ol:' 11to Wtitertr ioloor W e raii now stipply yeus iath
I-TTE1 5 t I-fS55 150 oIlr to ott i ctcttti -S-cL, oa fine FRATERNITY PIN.
$1 . 0 i.coo1 ,c-cif -tcttci ott - I . .. ottt-tct (I Ste otir line of sano pits.
N ,~~aJ QO: IIIl1,0,ttiit t1t' ii t-i py 1oIot 1 I 1 -l'M.ARNLDLEAINDJEWLER
:1,Sito ie -co $2-0 i oici uc,,d ti Itoto I S
I1 10 cc 2 ..c .. .5.s 51 1.ittt.'SI..S I5tfl I/slllOsit.l 4
CO ci105Sac- tttii. - '1x-0
S+ eosfoer is t ruetS l-otol gcct, Sc Sll the tcIti 1;1 i ctl lthO i offrtt liI lt l 1c t
I oi It-lnil-t i- 1100 0i0 tt"Ell OF DAN ING'
41.1 02 0^, a1aiissgt:< o-'tt05 :t00 1 0 ol .tIt0Sltii SllC)tclO SS silo)littpootts I'< ootloona '.C0 titl s' l
A= theIIolttttloio ll.(s. i It-")tS t icc SS~I (~li
J rom. I poiitu(nl frstclss l rddie ~i:'' ll(I ',arj 27 Thompson Street.
1 510)rt10.dOi f iil tli C I tOtt i dlest 0 a1 t00., 0101
ol ill.; St1IPrO tueti tll:}1: ) t> . , i E l 1ot to 1 IO sS, IOtlli 1.It t coc.
-Li hair1dr0,5c4tttlblitoon' parlors, i tfSts tt o-ll': o1;111 % tort.yLin tollol.
______________!otlsodCol to c c- t1il 10000 Aeet
1 Aototic Notes , 1foor Hult's sod lliamo asnd IVer5001 Co.'s
/ ..NOTOO . ChootolateIBon lBons.
( / ot S 'tt l-t 1etlIc fPor Ct-,,fiEttttoi iic ott S cl tlci ltI Ito r 'o F " - ) "L..Y . o
, I~ t1tEJ l±'Al 1Ie SOS e1 llI til ;~ .f'1-t'cslittl Circle0of5tilt, 1k[g 2
f le1 ; 1t' 011 ( illtills i orIl lS I 155>4. 5> il1100 thehlltttoIf Sr-i. AN"IS. lO tt~, a c~o
Icr.:tiol"iliI.: i l- lttoits1fill ., oll (:l i). lots- 11 A L C tI L NE O
ll j~e 'lio 1'11 e C31~lI<l 1. 0 A..itS.Rlt3oto4trc1AtNitTI1100It
a ____ - 0-Ill.Valises, Traveling Pass,Dons
___Suit Cane ,Trunks, Etc1 so , 'sEtE:3 ilI~o " ,, Etc.,
T-)I 1311(! tt n IsU pSl \ice. i?<i-eo~ico I II (todalittl' ic..t ..e I O E'tt t)i t;- itou.y~-u f
n l r ~1 0t ,,,tcil-s , ..ct c-7It. iS -it.tFll ttl~nitii loby tod rosittig 3? S. It IN ST.
d i v t~ 1 ll t t 0010 1 s -50 it tO tt liii 'O)Ict. , t0, t si-
I { iO~U~l. 1 olot L O S- 0> lo te ita is n
tO a -j 1 1 0 i tt l t. o -Sit. I'vtisl ltS _______GL. ________3_S._ haye_ st
!0# !Os}11 i ciitt;' -ir.lk Mlifltlrs. firs, I O i I lay n
a ¢ 1I o ts S S b Ataciotty. O )titt o rsti~t4 e o n) i0 l rst'iof cllege ycarr fo
-1 m- sA -7 '
WAGER.&COilAPENTS Is whlat nosy be properly said of men who wearMiwr'
21 S. MAIN ST. cuts. "Well Suited' in price and quality of work. Call
and ses the spring stock of latest designs.
A Slashli n P rce. Fos a short
25 CS.taest.. Oyr Sosey's illiard hRoom.
To any person interestod In huane mat-
tees, or who loves animals, no will send free.
upon applictiocln, a copy of Ike "ALLI-
ANCE,'"else organ of this Society. In aSai-
lion to its intensely issicreselog reading, it
contains of theo valuable and nusuas promi-
ans ien by thn paper. Addres
410-411 tUnited Charities Bihlding, New York