THE UNIVERSITY OF M IHIGAN D)AILY. The Coast Line to MACKINAC PETOSKEY CHICAGO New Steel Passenger Steamers The Greeset Pefetin yet ttined in Bet.constutin-Luurius Eqimet, Artistc Furishin, Decrtin and fi- lent Service,insrig thneighst egeeE COMFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY FUR TeS ERWE~EETWE~E 'Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac PETOUKEY, THE S00,1 MARQUETTE AND DULUTH LOW RATES te Pituresqe Mcknceand Retr, ineulding heals anl Berts. Peeci cleluWnd, $18; feesm Tled, es; frtom DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE. Betwveen Detroit and Cleveland Cneciting at Cleeld twit arl-ieste ^ an o lel pouts I~ste th adSuth e- Sardayips June July August ad Sept. Only EVERY DAY BETWEEN Caeve'andPut inBay.pPToledo .ed for Ilit-,eet PamIhVett. AdilE A. A SCHANT, a .nDTOT I fiq i aCel a lg l lS~a mi a. fto Tie Table (IluteReV o., 11,97 t Ftte .ix IdiNMY. pe il..A U SVNLst nEe-- IV--10iw N. S.Limte d._ it 25 E A. M.i P.11 C tt.I 0 NW Raccotiu, . N. IAS, G.P & T. AgI., Cltheg. At. Aee Aror RAILROAD TinseoTTable, Sunday, lay .431r 807" NOeTH. 1e1e0Te. 43,. U"7tR0a, i m.R11:25. mi. 4:511 p. in 8:41) p let 1'9:11Ia. , Il. 1ti01S$.it. e*cee betweee Atn Arboer 1a1dTledoeonly tNileseteweeeETld td RNewel. Ti rae Sudaytetly. Alt iletai sieauliy exceepESuday. E. . ILARE, Agent w ii BENNETT G. P. A. Tledo . THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL ASSOCIATrION TICET BIZSOits Thee wieshU Tietetehtuld I" wrd as encteUlttwoitteate D tcets fortetee Cut haesntoeAll Pint Cor. Main and Liberty Sts. THE FINEST TAILORING OF THE CITY!1 S. W. Burchfield, HURON ST., OPPOSITE CURT HOUSE VULadies Tailoring Annex. INTERCOLLEGATE BUREAU FOR Cap. Gowns and Hoods. CTRLL & LEONARD, Albany, N. Y. V. Museanet,. 1, isn1\lagg. d.Wliam Bt I Cheureh Servies Teemorroe- J. -Al. Gelston w-~ill Rsteal Sunda etvnintg tUinte PeVsbytVeriancuc i q %i 'DoitbtiCg TttenUase woraitgnt-Uorseiti; 12 Il.,Sud; ,k slthtol; ():'>, 1. i., T. P. S L.E ;7,*))v. II LE ::t)t tf . . , t V 1rr 's Tale1ynor a good 1, ttttijeei t TheL1ll flt.- EBicycleofrom Castings. It tlt ilie; 3 Iii. ttittt-i .1),,LS good all throughi. 7 1. illi. tIn i;J es rit tl tin. t toli: of tl 111 t ll e ,-, li V111 -ol-'; rporit 0Li.L lvtli11i -r,eNs tfidn'tD. t. 'l!?e ' e I ' 1( di l'. V S. - Stlltlt-Iii is i iiill ONRC-!CY LEMP.1o o t 1Ct Sit - i ttitdlr y Lit-i~ t -e it PI luil A_ tl iiic t ti l. Ct, lo 0 NCvY r odn i t t ~ t l l t ilitti, -4 r o l t i!" t ei t si l - ' iiL i i S U l E 11 i S A i t t t U r R j eet, "Lo1:20,u10014:20,3:40,8U t). .;:1? ,iUl.; CU E .'.; 7 .31 tt1). ll C . At 52111 zy si.-' nasi i n r t o . - r S l i;tl Sei tlttlnte. will pre-tth. NP-IIor T. W. Yotung till preaihi:atitheiirit l-a ti-st curli ti Der iIti3molrino- its ofIt nievfcaIltet N mtV Aa-t for~ CALENLDA. SatrdalIy, Joue NA I A . .A. trackleISetE, SE ChitCCRCV Satutrday, June.e 5W Vsiy lee .-CIII Cneert,intICtitei tity H1lt. Tuesday, Jutie 8--Michigayrs. RCiii- c~igo, aE Agtin Arba. SaurDdayC,.June 15-1N1igaievs.ERCor- deII, at .Anii Arbor Clase tax taIy he Ipaid toeRaRny dayR fromIto 5 3I3. 11. atthfle stewatrdse office. J. B. KERATINGI, Treasuretr. Nis alt by I 1I liltr M ~l IA LLLitNIA U Uti, 1 l131:50 Ip. it. setfEElhas t.,SInd., IVUNDAY TUID. sh to ecree aefelt-entereilti c sudeets Re Leves RYpilaiRR at 9 1:01)and 10:20 )esuet thee ineele suemmli~te months.i.'?.tIC., and 12:50, 1:50, 2:10, 430, 3:50, m eoeey tied spleendid oapRCRIICiiltitee 1:10, 8:30 iand 0:31) p.Cit. eece. Fell nfrma-tiont1catn be obtained ee~U-,eRSc ~atteRR ~et tdeel. Leaves Ann R3Arbotr at :3 and 11:80 a. tn., and 12:50, 2:03:30, 3: ) :10, CE CHICEAGO CO-SISIONS SCIIOL- 7:3i0, 0:10 Rnd 10:30 p., in, AttI 1'. ApplicantsIRfor tCius schlrship,5ilC RuIed by the lents'lilVAClriCti uCCA c ittiRE fore p oe CEofe RUaIblit student of hfle UnivCesityto tpCrste viRS atndleconIomCic stodis at (ti- etC(N C io-ns CCriCCV Cthe sIC1itlmet I QID'T geT TI-afl shouteld baud 'their nCamCes at onct to.a mC1emberCof theCc ommt~te ihositeto awardtIit. The c omCmCittecoInsiUssof Pro.f Adamos cnd IttstructeorsAT. D. Johnson and C. H. Cooley. A wthite silk fan wtas ltst atthie Pennoy Social in the W-atermCau Gyta- RiICCC it is titough~t. If the prsIodn who fitud itEwilS delver itEto Dr. -Mosher Etie owvner -utill be mt R tCtefel. [For Sale-At a low price, No. 811 Rem~- titgton typewrtter in excellet c(.tndi- tionS. Add(eOsBox 3033, City. Spatlding Leauee Btsll. Mlits, NAlielie, t - Mlanagers sho-uld setnd fort samples ted special citte4.EerCy ritRe feteTennis, Golf, Critet. Trttck und Field,. Gymeet- slum Equtpmientes antd octfit-. Cemplete (catalogue EfSprieg Eand Sumte-Sperms free. "The Naethie Guacrantee. A. G. SI'ALDING & BRO9:. - Newr Tack. Chic apt, rEt eltdplete. Bicycle Repairing! In all branches fleetly en d pne'epely doep, Pries reasoeale.Sulndries at reck-'NEEREIXI prices. Win. J. Wengr 8 N. FOURrTH AVE. - ANN AROOR. D ANDALL THE PHDTOBRAPBEII" I~Washington Block, Ann Arbor. 0 ..M5ARTRTN, Fueneral Direnter, Clot&i "Sadtetallec Caeekets ad FieGrade - Coffins. lEmbalinlg a Spteilty. Na. AS R... Fourth ave. ......ORDIETOUR SEE CEMR AND FERUIT ICES AT..... WHITE'S Confectionery Store, 10'South Main Street. Telephone 166. Lowney's and .Allegretti's Famous Chocolate Creams. Soda Water, Phosphates and Vernor's Ginger Ale.