THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. . ." f OtO1a+I01 P o olyLectures. Alargenber of enginteeiing tu- dc~ns lstend t Prf. Booey a tile- Po')lished Daily (Sundays excepted) during ctors-.oild'the "Recen'it Developmeonts the College year, at in Mechaichal lEiginioceing" !t o 11011 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. 1.0, EBngineering Buildjing(, las5t evenliieg DemonE: Times building, it79S.Main s.St. be- 1s lwers Liberty soPriofimSt. . Cooey clise only a few o cf tile MtANAGING EDITOR llies along wilh gyzee't St lirogi-e: J. 1F. THOMAOS, 97. lhas been ladie in pii'diiiiiand titll AOS'T MANAGI°NG EDITOR iztos of Power by water-, ttilil, gbz F. L. GEiooiE,'le L. ATIO~sICEDO~SO aod 01101. Il~e firtetracid tle ee, % 11. n. SKILeiMao, '05 L. :11)1ei' ilitoplillt il l ' liii As', BUSINES IOANA~iLIO le'd iled 111111eroux oplii-tis.'1"h C. II. ilAs, '55recatesa plro,,ein il ~lic1tre bi- tie(1i 1F. S. OSlo:s,'98 1. A. CAsren.,'n. lbde ltetil1g 111ile ls25 yearus. Tile F'. A. Feoi , '05 0. A. CAssroELL, '00. ieaily 1fo1oi11 of ovi rshot lil breeot G0. D. HUNOre, '00. T. 1R. Wneiiiioir, '8. sU ieba ec bd n Bl BTLR L Asin, '00.D . GC . JeENIeoo '001 >lrl oefrtdsrbd n thileslitypeslof la 01 iiilli.AwOl' tokeil 0 1 10'lii liiire wihetels, il -ii h lii i i, The susol~ieio rceof tihe ~ais.50 eiee o -iieeii i for thecolege ycor, owii a riglorelivery ii'11 t it tor' 11101h fals. Aui exantle hielore nooniieaci day. iNotle'eselilim tt)'1O.C lioies, ond othiriiitteitendoiied foe ooblieo- tt)ttf i l?'122y lei'seeId ini tie tI ini - Liloo mst eOraindied in at the 1Da1ily ee Or b- I. lose 0 0. 0., olieioledlto the editlor efeiic ' ill ii boilat -Nb gait toll-, which i'-1 p. mi., of the dabriuso to that on whichl theve ex lpec'ted to ocvoe. ' iclopti5,000 h1 liewe 1lolee e eli. Subscriptios mar be left ait The Dotly offier, Ileyer's or tolliet's Newstaiid, or W'iind ihills and illiwee d,'ele."l froii withoBuies Manager. Subcribesaillicon- lee aflvoe by rporting prompitly lit this 111th plessurie werex fliixI disesl. ol~e 00 ailie f oreec toiloce nale.f'ilet' tory of Weid miills and 01ill St'ieligai will eCompete min' \Nl. 1. l )lictills ii'ie icf-oillinpeilii A. A. A. liiie t athicalilgo today foe lI ip-e t iii'i's h{) tie eescol. belst loiiitt ll iv"L 11years. It is coil- Tie lIiisr' iinI illi 1' 'of sieo'o. ft'ilug t0o iiiio' ttii Av1e00'110w'L~ao'e 110 laill selig 111 mneiligiles l so' s iexi differelites os-Oh 11113' of tls leli Itrea1101. Prof. Cooley I 'iii' 1 ilia' his- tetet ttiezi alol in felidly elo-olee. 1' ,slots ing 11110ltiiit'It ii le iii's ll ilitille 11110bto nt'ii ls,i-ts(,-.'in ill Greek Students at Athens. siidlii illoilie tilleeI'theit'tiie of ,,'alt.. (W'isonsn Cardinal.) 'luG Oliloillilof stsniarireildpe 33 ETTER THAN EE" Te18117 BENT-HURl BICYCLES embody more new and genuine improveent in cotruetion lhau any ether bicycles nowr before the pnblic. Never btfore hove suchs exellenitvroueo been offered for the money. Our newr line, consisting of ei' 1" superb miidels at $00, '$75 and $025 for stigle maclines, sod 1.50 otoimleiiiC, 0,11. the various eoptions offered, io such thut the most exucting puaccsoercon be 00111107 nuited. CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. CO., '?2 CARDEN STREET. IN!fANAPOL E -, ,'N OUR. FINE POSTER CATALOGUE MAlLCn eOR TWu O ET STAMPS ;J__K ' ----ca . ~v "" ,; _ --:^ " ' _ 11ti National fob esile of lie Greekso, las alttraed af15ttenti11 on llg tiolt'e its students in tiii'Ctetanl lionbi.:. 'Thel aeo'oa-ius a letul'lytit, is' Stied ,an addrees Iotshie uOli'or.iClesiof Anweebea asking fe lthid'".Moral 01111 porl anti O-sielanclin ithe sleil;gle e i- 'cocoon Grecte 11111tie 1'lrotl".1in110ow- eros." 'dhe Univ'ersity is liouseAl in a beanti- ful tiniliding of ton esig-n ant l tay one lhundred anidtwventy Iproftser aind ,5(0 stutiins. Womni ve bcii adiiittetd to the institution, owing to the 1111011 standl lakes y htyeAweica1n0 00 .oIzien in the A'iiiciictiuiSelisol of Clasieal 9tndios in Atbens. Summer School Courses. The suniier school will bogin dJly 7 and cosoe August 18th. Courses w'ill 'be offered in the literary doipartmaent in Greek, Latin, French, Germnan, lg lish, history, pilosoophiy, poliiest, economy, iiitheihlatles, phyoles, ceein- buty, zoology, bohany, engineering, 'isltology, biacteriology -and phiysiolog- ical cheisltry. In the lass, departmsent the coureso are as follows: Elemuentasry lauw, elementary real property. coil- tracts, crimainal law, loris, domestic relafions, personal property, common law pleading, evidence, partnership, hailsments and carriero, hills and notes, rail, property, equity jurisprudence, equity pleading and corperations. ,A ±course of, free lectures, similar to that given last nsummer will be offered. G.) po(hhl.4 ll11 liu 5 tlie' to 12 atth ti itoloe t ibid(1 bs k"1111 ii'ess.hIv'i' bl,'i' i'h 1, fromisev1n h oboher t' 51)0lpoundsih. il uos' of su111111 111 hIstel l eunpl 101111 Itie mobi osMil00 d111 ihjl 1s''i1c1th sPs ar^' x y ill thie iliei1iiiioiii5s rho 11011- h il -b to_ uri hi;iit t he intlvelois iie febbions; of Ioullhy.1C~ 6/ - Thii'silbjet o gs'igiie oex (° ehblied -tiettntiihuof he hlistes y 11 hon heyir~bst camn oel0sethir ''0 rirCoied 1)0cuicealt oT b0s5 111 T Y, < ' feet ofgaosue horse 11000ei pehoi but since tihat tille thisilhioubiIlit hs' Students and Teachers betelh retuceto ii photuinds. tteriiiaiie 11111 Francehaieedtonet iostItolierfect casnisocusre I>ilrooauhtesith proitalelworsintrodumicing otir tils blabs-h ist uheehhusuiieal e1inue=,r Public Libraries........ hi" usin fmdrnbn n ini towuns andcountry qond formiing Beadinsg (Clubs. Juh. 'flu (hu~otlhiiof 111115'~h ~~i5aihi the wo-rk for Studens,'Teacrsroand oMiisters. ''lu'l use' of gtuns, sasitd tof. Boobey, lobes'buctcohethe eels when 1the 5111- hoinulletlus otook;;Couuohai inople. Thse ,icceesof sootleri gn-iubstiihe' anit tdurahbility bisldse to till supierior 0010k- ihilbusIhill, 111t1'al anl 0,1thue li s' tburing'"ipowdoer. fhse reusointthahi slow burining fleasdec is superios' to Irapid burning poeahr is that it has a grate expansoive force. Compressed air wanshhdwelt upon at Somie lenghs. He said thast thus fdels was very large and wousld be prodne- hoci of ourpriosing ressulho in the 'nearc future. Thur balk awas euliveused fey numerosus perSional ueninisoeneo 00 luhell were herartily applatuded tatdeni- joyed by all Presente. After thue lee- ttere a,;shoirt business meeting wvas 1held. It was announced that Mr. J. 'T Fa-hg oowould address the society nesxt f'uiilay evening -on thue "Desigun and Construction of fly wheels:" MaagrsWe alsowanta few energetic field managers. Slate age anud rxprienuce in hooknaworn. Address Dept. "S" RAND, iVcNALLY & CO., Chicage. All track anuthfielti henitare bequih'-t'ib1,AI I ho remsioveItir suths fiesi bile Alit 1 Ile grotnsas She dressing cooi-sIet lo IIen soill be' turnehdov'er t tile.lilahuhill IIThe Lam-5est fisueof 1Bicycles, Sun- the Interscbolastie m~eet Flebiy mtidi dries and SuppssE at Saturday. _______ M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE £ PORIM, FOR ZSALD OHAI3' P- BollubbtlTelephone No. S. One door Eahttof Amern- hiosekeeplig otutlit,h-icliudbs ,enotugh fturniture for 12 ritomesMoot-e. it' RENT.-HLSR, bosughut!by ouue party beford hthe 10111 =0 1 : of Jsune it0c1l1 be gottenbit at 11ox- reseylow figure ftir cutsh.SGooid ANN ARBOR. MICH. chance for sororiety or frathernhity. Ad- SUMMERi LAWI LECTURES dreos X. Y. Z., care o'f UJ. of X1. Daily. UNIVERSITY OF VIRINIA. ruly sto Ag. 3n, 197mom.useinldes 36 islectures hy V E IstirE Enlrlan,onI-Ul 5. Suprnnn Cosrt. 5For 8ubscribe for the Daily. 'alalogne, address I O . Seer~y