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June 05, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-06-05

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' , SA"-,

Received a full lice of Novel-
ties for Spring Suits
aindi Trouiserinzus

Indoor Contest Successfully Car-
ried Out.

Al'! -tlisi lisil, hie i)c l l lt eini
lie '1sthalintdoorathletic meet Cat
_lii -'mii-bghS:-haol .AnlArhbtr.
NO 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN, ii si tsl, lGit Ra 1pidS andi
L'-u i saereti ll retieseledl, the hin~t
I itlayhiviilg the best 'showiig.
SCIGARS TO BUR l. I' I :'t event wa3seillled at 8:31
antI hood ones too. We Iii i i-v is.. ttt itlltitlO tIe-
carry all (te leadi) 01ip i o ipsuo-1atu sase.Vt
tat bratnds attd eais suit
ynur taste. Cigatetteosttnd W'it.tor 31.tt0,ttt11 t fltl!;en ln ni --
Tobaaceos, Iot.!W Cl;ao ,1"ii). t fdelay3. 'Seseesi
0-X 11 '-- i t hils nt-to welt eipre-
PALMER'S PHARM~ACY. :->il il ilt- itt1cietot itti wteeato-
0 4- S. STATE ST. ('t3i:1?lt sei not thetelv',es tais~in.
4 q. v er- s' " ial r',~1 bttits tee well eitti-
j '11+.f ill ('Filt(-d ftie a
Vlh el ar .:l t);IV:.T iieorkst-toettliN
.ae ty ii- atti

Musical Concert Tonight.
'The eoncert to be given by the ino-
sieal elubitia lostit its UniivetsityHall
wtill certaisily lie ashoitinSt.-eess
-I hey tail ttierefiial ptsle labtl
nilght. Altwihots atve ti-n resetistat
te,-ettt relteatoils say that the '-ascii
tonighit«wilt be th-lit-sit oesee; giveti
int A i Aiboteby the niitil el silt.
Toe svoi ofittthe soloists ontie Glee
Ctith is eiaily gaau. -Mi-. Iea =e is
atia --oirly wi-t n toisthte Attn Arti
5mitti-- It is nee-i-limoIas-iy t1 at h<
sii re'nkteettit song; thu ti-i its in
his it- t Sly t-silliisttit toii-ce. _tie.
th oi s ittersalai, is the Cri-

1 Intercollegiate Tennis Meet.
The thied annual tennis tournameont
of thteWi-steen ltet:ollgialo league
oteitiei on the Quittdrille Clith's eourcts
it Cttietago ThutistdoyItd the ct-il of
the Jtay's laiy-found Michigan's rciace-
seiiialivso winrnerc otallsthe maites
tvo imiatctiets iEtil.
Lan-b toolDanfrtith - tied IWtid
tIndl toin onof >Nartthwest-.',tO
sltmtit sets in i Lani-tes, aito teccie-ki
ci-feats-I Johntson it s sigtei.
itt--toilsinoit te gtu e nsaicsatioas

Hligh Shinoslutd Logll isI
avheellstt and l NN-ti tloll-tlIimat
prices moter than they really1
OttgAt tio lic-qitalities sin-I
styles tliilltlIissoO?.
p 4I
a iubliut auadoitoxirefoit 4mv
0 scla ls t ns tuii 0
4 tie4n ewntd t
4 tuere is etas- 4
S pounideid of pare
drg byO~ h ea iti, a- es- 4
c rs e pi uucs--hot
O gsaid a-tHeistisskitus
4 Yo s ttte-usttithursec pl 1... ...
4 41
--scccotA---- -4
44 R' a
Jus reev nohrlto
Jusrteive lahrshadof
Blue aud White; also a Now
Stock of the Various High
Grado Correspondence Paper.
Vtsiting Cards Eugraved, and
Plate Printing.
U~p Town Down Town

i f - f- t;isiti-, inii elih
3i ittii, it as ft tit) o n luoulty cis eIt- ilis i l-
Ott-(itett c N-t ials trueout-.
h i 5lr -- oft astilutioft osts
it AiitA asitt1testitilt, ltiiig,
I-h gut ;-itt wtiestlintg - be 51,
No fail.
t lit 1lie ttlt ast ilna-Deiss itso-I
tiel Ii o i' to ts iticsolli'1Ad (ittatl,
It) yttls ititi -1ttitpil:iso.taislaig,
flt st; lhaei, uts At'."itt, set- isit. fillm-.
j 40 yardsi tttets -that-l, AnnisAtlos,
Chr1liiistotiter, Lasing, :('Conid.
litte, 5 41-Y se -oils.
I 1ts-i1tid.e 12t!.u2lilt'--li.:tltian, tltisI
1<lila tefist; 11Mi-Aettissi Os-tro-it, see.-
out. le(ihlit, 8 ft. -11/2 in.
-The i- i-i-tis sati-i-
11, 5 i'Se -t--- tstliiig ..,{V . (, lllftltilsis,
tiits-suWi it-v Dusane Slt-Luat
.t 'I Webtset
11'lti-- -. i. I,,Itusn, B. It. Itodolg-
it.±t- Ide titog.~etlill
(lust, of Cstitce-ll L, Weisistein,
Aiiistitsi,-et -1t, Joyce.
stein-is-. Simionis, A. Kteiths, H. S.
stitialley, W. IP. :Mortell.
MlssULo tN. Andersan, MI. Joyce.

1, itsi ftih lt'Ie ito, tt s11 oag ita "asoil, Ai )ion, pti e-t Gretou.tes
ittstcts stl Ittitootes ti oe oitlInsit, a-see ptositeniu 'Dantoith, Ittih-
- itt- (tI-lost Irtitsaso ,'evert sitteti - limi, sectrettity: Htsey, tthleag1s,
ou~ til ewsell susitedlto his to 50 tii tli tiasurot
ie's voice. Thte stummiary:
SiW t-,1Ctie lisen t01 ortheliii l0it-ll Singles- blest eassrotu stasoa,:l
(fthe I Ia l mtit'n s tun s aIii111111' - li.n ttis 1,diiiestedil ( I, aoi, 104, (0-5,
ie Atllts tie sotoilai li -1t'1£' I al11'nal Ihi;!soc, d-featedit W<cIl.'Notiti-
ves-tooil -11,60. Clshluigy, Kosta. te-
itt tiiih~i it ttus ii>i~ttitti5 Oi tt-sid Sanibotri, (A-s issiiu. 4-i,(3-I1,
ltht,1 'ls ;11(1t iiStitelaut bauta-tre,-'-;. toalsey, Cicago, difeted But-
a ii oialitc( salt- oftisckeots has be ,l5 sett, Alioni, 0-4, 7-9, 6-1.
vety liattO suit a otige tittdiesse sasl Secant toiutd: ttertick,Mitign
ts ulachis--lv - geet 1,tthe uas tosug.-it. oot elvsi-Johinsons, Nort thiwsx-oetss4-6t,
Judge V. H-. Lane Accepts, Doubles-L~ambianda nf tiuorth, lMiet-
I as settttvul lvhu-d s ol tobsor ,
fiorucoeais ftoni Adritt ian h trudge N slbvstetis, 6-3, 6-2.
. 1H, taintesaill sicetthliiiappot-ai
iets to tie I-let chetrtatateosas hilt of 0 itstcsyLame)alsd Doaforth asott
ltas, teruseTirolutsby te eegents itnsetni-fiuttls feonsSanhorsn asnd Mc-
W-eduty. Ie n-ill1sreistie to itl Lossi, of Wiscosoin, iby scoees of I-4,
Aro thtwaith his fasmilty next Octobet, 8-6. Thals gave thesi a tiltace ints he
Ns-ien the tasa termst atests, Jisolgiintts svith lBonsdanit haosnlCthiezsga,
Litttlexxill cinsuenitttly testin his p-the ltte sngesiasisisisigofe1at- Il-
sitiottasciruit judige, thie teem a sty atf liticags. Tub sleauves onsly- iec-
aillt us des nsttexpire sntil tisa-a-ess erich andsi Bnd its the tournsamtett soil
tttssa next.ttt T ltey. t e asill lia-i-1 ihiey sill tplay fist tue s-hststnallsh It
seve ilon tttth ehneatrty ton yeas , tiay.
bty the tints ho vacastes lb. Detroit Defeats A. A. H. S.
To Help Oratory. Tite Ann Astioe ligt School base-
fltWo-i si jfebatlai- liiea' wentdown ilefeat hetore
s 1e 't1 ik~se;tiiadsxeittdssaaa lito

-litivo uhldt jiit i-etiutg ittlithelass
ticttt o illot Lst siiul it- inthein steets
iot orastory suit iebaite. bust, Tre-
blood ritevl ltnuvlasue ciuca were
ltate tby.Messes. .Atues,M1AYs Sluts"url-
let, Cariuiody, Lthers, Stsrller, l-
liulgit tutu othuers. Plans for lnext
yeita art-ee dllisuss-edantI a great ilet
of i-tutttsltsli aertiseod.
Graduation Recital.
A large audit-nce of ussie lovers at-
tendeid the gtraduattiosi recital of 'iss
1111,-.,..1___ es rts -ecI i iiee-teta _11ls

tHQo uto s s lu eto-sl0iugegotercby
tuo elsetstate at 10 to 1l)Errors s-wr
ntumeouonasot?.1sit-a and rte xork
of lie itchltess 15eqtuiily ettetive.
Detroits vicsey gives thesios Oes-
slots of thte Bracetct trophy tat the
cotiliug yetar.
The scoret
11 23 4 a5c 0 19 R l.E.
A A. H S.0 01 t22l12 01 01005
D.aHso -ia3 uotoot tos01 s1 9
Bastteries-Ann Arbor, Dionnelly, -artin
saud Roodman; (Introit, hodger sod Borlago,.
Danforth Wino the Tootrnament.
The uatlohcs ittthe '-\S ligas Ittier-
tatliolatic tlele sis totur,la ent yester-
day Tesulte d as folio-,tot Danforth,
Ann As'tuat, defetited tteysaalds, Jack-
son, 1-,1-2; Davis, Detrosit, dlefetoted
Lockwood, (Grandl Rapids, 16-2, 16-4;
Danforth defeated Davis, 1-2, 1j-4, isn
the finals, titus giving im the clia mp-


tat the tennis tournament yesterday lust eveing. The programtutcanoisted
ti tetiosui tussel n-sn from Raymond s utitely of lyriecatopositios. Itiss
in thltfintals of thittc laso consola- Posts,wxvlist the daughter out one of
tions. Scotte1-4, 4-13,1-3. In the see- 'Attn Atrbors-promiinent ci tizens, is
ad class singles Wood -beat Wvillitasm (tien under the instruction of trot.
8-63, 2-13, 7-Si. Today the semi-finals tLainson fog the loot three years.
and the finals in (lie second class sin- A faculty Athletic Club has been
g fles w=ill be played. -ofrganized at LelanadStsuaf'ord.

S. Sat s. Opposite Coont Bose
Ann Arbor Main st. l

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